Was Bombing of Germany a War Crime?


May 23, 2014
Liberal members of board have been saying that Hiroshima, and Nagasaki were war crimes. What about bombing campaign against Germany? Precision bombing I agree with. But, Nazi, Germany brought it on herself. My aunt is a Cockney from London and lived through the Blitz.

We will have to use this against North Korea, China...possibly Russia.
All wars are crimes. See gods. Well, some.
See man's laws before and after this.
Well, carpet bombing wasn't considered a war crime by the Geneva Conventions until 1977, so no, there were no war crimes committed during WWII.

However, the carpet bombing that was done to Germany, as well as carpet bombing that was carried out in later wars were the reason that it was later made a war crime. Too many civilians were being killed.

Do I think that the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were war crimes? Not really, because before those weapons were used, we had a rough idea of what would happen, but nobody really knew.

And, as far as I know, nuclear weapons aren't outlawed by the Geneva Conventions yet, so the nuking of Japan was considered acceptable warfare.
Liberal members of board have been saying that Hiroshima, and Nagasaki were war crimes. What about bombing campaign against Germany? Precision bombing I agree with. But, Nazi, Germany brought it on herself. My aunt is a Cockney from London and lived through the Blitz.

We will have to use this against North Korea, China...possibly Russia.

Bombing a country is one thing, dropping an a-bomb is an entirely different class. Nuclear bombings effects go beyond the initial impact. The effects last decades.
Liberal members of board have been saying that Hiroshima, and Nagasaki were war crimes. What about bombing campaign against Germany? Precision bombing I agree with. But, Nazi, Germany brought it on herself. My aunt is a Cockney from London and lived through the Blitz.

We will have to use this against North Korea, China...possibly Russia.

Bombing a country is one thing, dropping an a-bomb is an entirely different class. Nuclear bombings effects go beyond the initial impact. The effects last decades.

I feel Japanese brought it on themselves. They attacked Pearl Harbor and loss of life on both sides with conventional invasion of Japan would have been catastrophic. Atomic bombs actually saved lives.
All wars are crimes. See gods. Well, some.
See man's laws before and after this.
But was bombing of civilians legitimate?

Well, to win wars. You must butcher better than the other.

To your question. Yes. Only the losers get charged with war crimes.
By their counterpart in Wars Of Crimes. Some of these (victors) do get
charged with a crime. But may only be for rape, stealing, and killing their drill Sgt.
See how killing or bombing can be justified.
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All wars are crimes. See gods. Well, some.
See man's laws before and after this.
But was bombing of civilians legitimate?

Well, to win wars. You must butcher better than the other.

To you question. Yes. Only the losers get charged with war crimes.
By their counterpart in Wars Of Crimes. Some of these (victors) do get
charged with a crime. But may only be for rape, stealing, and killing their drill Sgt.
See how killing or bombing can be justified.
So...was it a war crime or not?
All wars are crimes. See gods. Well, some.
See man's laws before and after this.
But was bombing of civilians legitimate?

Ah that is the question.

Was the bombing of civilians in London legitimate?

Personally I am not a fan of Monday morning Quarterbacking decisions made in WW2.

But the United States Army Air Corp. made a point for about 2 years of not following the British example and bombing major population centers- instead focusing on strategic industries. That changed in 1944 I believe- and was a conscious decision- which was much protested within the ranks of the Army Air Corp.

There was a vigorous discussion regarding the use of incendiaries in Japan- and there were groups within the Army Air Corp who disagreed. I believe in the end Hap Arnold won out.

I think it is just too easy to condemn those who made these decisions now- in our safe homes. But in those days there was a real sense of a threat- and virtually every family was sending loved ones to war.

Better I think to try to avoid killing civilians moving forward- we will continue to bomb- but we can- and are- bombing smarter.
All wars are crimes. See gods. Well, some.
See man's laws before and after this.
But was bombing of civilians legitimate?

Ah that is the question.

Was the bombing of civilians in London legitimate?

Personally I am not a fan of Monday morning Quarterbacking decisions made in WW2.

But the United States Army Air Corp. made a point for about 2 years of not following the British example and bombing major population centers- instead focusing on strategic industries. That changed in 1944 I believe- and was a conscious decision- which was much protested within the ranks of the Army Air Corp.

There was a vigorous discussion regarding the use of incendiaries in Japan- and there were groups within the Army Air Corp who disagreed. I believe in the end Hap Arnold won out.

I think it is just too easy to condemn those who made these decisions now- in our safe homes. But in those days there was a real sense of a threat- and virtually every family was sending loved ones to war.

Better I think to try to avoid killing civilians moving forward- we will continue to bomb- but we can- and are- bombing smarter.
I concur.
We will have to use this against North Korea, China...possibly Russia.

We will have to use nuclear weapons against North Korea and China?

Are you nuts?
Well...it's destiny. What other options do we have? Wait until Los Angles is evaporated?

I think you meant vaporized. If you vaporize something, it disappears in a puff of smoke almost immediately.

Evaporation is the process of something drying up via natural processes and can take a long time.
We will have to use this against North Korea, China...possibly Russia.

We will have to use nuclear weapons against North Korea and China?

Are you nuts?
Well...it's destiny. What other options do we have? Wait until Los Angles is evaporated?

Destiny- to nuke China?

Which has hundreds of nukes that can reach the United States?

That is not 'destiny' that is insanity.

Even North Korea- as asshole of a regime it is- is unlikely to actually attack the United States- since the only thing fat boy cares about is staying in power. He certainly will use nukes if his personal safety is directly threatened- but he also knows that the first time he drop a nuke on the U.S. his existence has a duration of minutes, not even hours.

So what do we do? Continue negotiations, build more THAADS, test them more vigorously.

Not just nuke China.
We will have to use this against North Korea, China...possibly Russia.

We will have to use nuclear weapons against North Korea and China?

Are you nuts?
Well...it's destiny. What other options do we have? Wait until Los Angles is evaporated?

I think you meant vaporized. If you vaporize something, it disappears in a puff of smoke almost immediately.

Evaporation is the process of something drying up via natural processes and can take a long time.
You are correct.
We will have to use this against North Korea, China...possibly Russia.

We will have to use nuclear weapons against North Korea and China?

Are you nuts?
Well...it's destiny. What other options do we have? Wait until Los Angles is evaporated?

Destiny- to nuke China?

Which has hundreds of nukes that can reach the United States?

That is not 'destiny' that is insanity.

Even North Korea- as asshole of a regime it is- is unlikely to actually attack the United States- since the only thing fat boy cares about is staying in power. He certainly will use nukes if his personal safety is directly threatened- but he also knows that the first time he drop a nuke on the U.S. his existence has a duration of minutes, not even hours.

So what do we do? Continue negotiations, build more THAADS, test them more vigorously.

Not just nuke China.
Don't be a chickenshit during trying times.

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