War on Christmas

Because those days were originally pagan holidays. Christmas is set for the Winter Solstice, and Easter is set for the Spring Solstice. The Catholics (after they ripped off the belief system of the Jews), wanted to get all the pagans involved in their religion (easier to control the masses that way), so, they moved events around to synch up with the pagans and attract them.

Face it.......BOTH holidays are based in pagan roots.

Who cares? Excuse to party. Whiners go home. The 4th of July is a celebration of our ancestors having committed High Treason against our King. The BBQ and 12-pack of Corona with a few strategically places shots of Wild Turkey helps me live with it.
Question for my Jewish Friends:

My daughter asked me if Jewish people also put up Christmas trees. She has some friends who are jewish who do, but others that don't.

Do you?
Who cares? Excuse to party. Whiners go home. The 4th of July is a celebration of our ancestors having committed High Treason against our King. The BBQ and 12-pack of Corona with a few strategically places shots of Wild Turkey helps me live with it.

wtf? you calibrate Independence day with MEXICAN beer? for SHAME!

Is seeing jesus on television and in the stores essential to your religious beliefs? That's what I don't understand. How does someone else's acknowledging your religious beliefs or not affect your ability to practice it? It shouldn't.

Once again, missing the point. Go back an read my previous posts.
They don't exclude christians. Christians are treated like everyone else. That seems to be the problem here. Some christians want special treatment at everyone else's expense.

Calling the holiday what it is, is not special treatment. The only group that it is ok to bash without fear of retribution is white, male christians.
I didn't say Christmas is not fair, you dumbass.
What is not fair is you whiney christians wanting retailers to wish Merry Christmas to everyone just because it suits you.

No, because like it or not, that is the name of the federal holiday we all celebrate. it's not hard to say, try it..Christmas. Celebrating the birth of Christ. If non christians do not like the holiday...don't recognize it. Make sure you work on the 25th, and do no celebrating during the holiday you dislike. It is funny how retailers and such enjoy the increased business ($$$$) of the holidays and yet can't seem to call it by the name of the holiday. The Secular side can't change the name or tradition of something every time they are offended.
Merry Christmas to all
So someone in a department store saying Happy Holiday to another customer is going to ruin the meaning of Christmas for YOU? Rather selfish, don't you think?

No it is the reason behind why they can't or don't say it.
Hey, point another finger, crusader... It's just a matter of time before your kind lights a few torches and bombs a few stores to get your way any damn way.[/QUOTE]

Naw that would be the Muslims. Also, learn a few more buzz phrases as you have worn out that cute "Dogma Junkie" one.
Calling the holiday what it is, is not special treatment. The only group that it is ok to bash without fear of retribution is white, male christians.

But there are other holidays celebrated in December, so if a christian walks into a store and the greeter does not know if he is christian or jewish or muslim or whatever, do you still expect them to wish that person a Merry Christmas? Why not Happy Hannukah?
No it is the reason behind why they can't or don't say it.

Greeters in retail stores use a generic greeting unless they know that a specific customer celebrates a certaion holiday. They have been given the discretion to use the appropriate greeting, so if Happy Holidays pisses you off so much, identify yourself as a christian as you approach the store so the greeter can wish you a Merry Christmas. Will that make you happy? I have a feeling it won't.
No, because like it or not, that is the name of the federal holiday we all celebrate. it's not hard to say, try it..Christmas. Celebrating the birth of Christ. If non christians do not like the holiday...don't recognize it. Make sure you work on the 25th, and do no celebrating during the holiday you dislike.

I don't dislike Christmas and nothing would please me more to work that day and make double time and a half!

It is funny how retailers and such enjoy the increased business ($$$$) of the holidays and yet can't seem to call it by the name of the holiday. The Secular side can't change the name or tradition of something every time they are offended.
Merry Christmas to all

FYI, there are other religious holidays celebrated in December. Sometimes christians have to acknowledge that they share this country with people of other religious beliefs. BTW, does a greeter in Walmart saying Happy Holidays prevent you from calling it Christmas in your home or even in that store? Nope.
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When a greeter wishes me a Merry Christmas it destroys my FESTIVUS spirit.

It takes all the joy out of our traditional "Airing of the Grievances".

All the verve I get from the traditonal wrestling for dominance is lost.

I lack the spirit for the Feats of Strength celebration

It tarnishes the glittering of the family Festivus Aluminum pole.

God damn you Christians!​


Goddamn you all to hell!​
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are you fucking dense? Insisting that wal mart greeters recite your partilucalr flavor of dogma greetings is, in fact, trying to brand this entire season as belonging solely to christians. Indeed, by evidence of this same trite fucking issue popping up every year that greeters don't fall in line with your opinion we can see how you want jurisdiction of the entire fucking nation. Go be glad my kind are not chasing you around with lions, dogma junkie.

hey, a store should be able to decide exactly what it wants it's employees to say. If Wal mart wants it's greetrs to wear a fucking tarzan suit and greet you with the cerimonial raindance of swahili tribes then so fucking be it. Mentioning xmas just because your pussy hurts hearing happy holidays is really neither here nor there. And yes, it IS ok to remove xmas from mainstreet since, again, you dogma junkie motherfuckers are not the sole entity that pays collective taxes to PAY for mainstreet. You heard it right.. get your fucking mangers and camel-leading nativity scenes off of the courthouse lawn. Get your fucking crying baby jesus out of the public square. If you don't like it then take your dogma junkie ass to some other nation that doesn't have a pesky fucking separation of church and state. NO ONE gives a flying, flaming fuck if your faith has a bruise on it just because you don't get to force everyone else to comply to your bullshit denominational opinion.

Hey, point another finger, crusader... It's just a matter of time before your kind lights a few torches and bombs a few stores to get your way any damn way.

Once again, what's with the greeters?

Did you even bother to read what I wrote or did you just get into your angry basement cat mentality and immediately start spewing your nonsense? Obviously the latter. Try reading and comprehending what I'm saying rather than just ranting on so.

If someone wishes me 'happy holiday' I return the greeting with "Merry Christmas'. I am extending a Merry Christmas because that's what I believe; I am not offended by someone saying happy holidays, happy Hanukah. I am offended when this is the only greeting that is stated for fear of hurting someone's feelings. Are you so insecure in your non-Christianity that you would be offended if someone said Merry Christmas to you? (btw, nice dodge on answering this). Yet you don't think it should be included in any type of greeting, only 'happy holidays' because that's what you believe? Why not have signs in stores saying 'Merry Christmas' and 'Happy Holidays' and 'Happy Hanukah'? You're ok with greetings being all inclusive as long as it's on your terms and your terms excludes Christmas. Got it.

Here's your logic for not having religious Christmas anything in the mainstream: the majority of people are fucking Christians and think they can shove whinny baby fucking Jesus down my throat but I've got news for them they can shove Christmas and their dogma assed religion cause I don't like it. So the majority must cow tow to the minority because you (the minority) are too thinned skinned and too insecure to . . . just say 'hey Happy Holidays right back at ya'? LOL Shogun, I have met many people in my life with varying degrees of insecurity and low self esteem but you, toots, take the cake. What happened, did someone drop you in the baptismal font when you were a baby? Oh wait, scratch that. Do you think if the baby Jesus is on display in a float you'll be baraged by Christians to convert? Pssst, it doesn't work that way. You're so afraid of religion or God that . . . you think if Merry Christmas and the religious aspect of this day are incorporated into the mainstream the sky will certainly fall down. lol Gunny is right, there are chicken littles in this war.
Remember every time you say Merry Christmas to a non-Christian, an heathen in hell gets stabbed with a pitchfork.

Fucking pushy Christians...wishing people a Merry Christmas. Who do they think they are, anyway. If I want to be unmerry on December 25th that's my right as an American

They're attacking the one true non-religion.

Are there no lions dens? No pillaries, no locks, no dunking ponds?!

Have we forgotten how to crucify people for their faith?

When did we make it illegal to garotte Christians with a garland of mistletoe, anyway?

This nation has been going to hell ever since these Christians developed their obsession with celebrating December 25th.

These Christians and their message of love and forgiveness have already wrecked the Roman Empire with their damned holiday spirit, and I think America is going to go the same way.

Atheists unite.
You have nothing to lose but your holiday spirit!

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