War on Christmas 2014


Platinum Member
Feb 10, 2013
A Red Welfare State



It's here...my favorite time of year! :p

Why would this billboard bother anyone? Even back when I considered myself a Christian, this sign wouldn't have bothered me in the least.

Does the billboard constitute a War on Christmas?
Good example of how Bill O and FOX distort reality. The "no spin zone" is spinning freedom speech and religion into a negative and the practitioners as "bullies" because they represent an opinion that disagrees with the FOX agenda.
yeah. I saw that billboard ystrdy lol. Fox is just like the others, report on fluff that has no importance. Meanwhile the country is being sold to the highest bidder.


Fox spends several hours about the scandal of Gruber (one of the main architects of Obamacare) telling various groups how they lied about Obamacare but knew they could get away with it because of the stupid people out there. The other networks did not dare cover it for the first 4 or 5 days and then gave it the scantest coverage. Why?

Why? Because they spend tons of hours covering some congressional staff from Tennessee who tweeted about the clothes and attitude of the Obama children at the podium with their dad when he pardoned a turkey. So she got fired and the debate was endless.

You keep pretending Fox is what is wrong this nation and turn a blind eye to agenda of the liberal nation. Lie and coverup the truth on so many scandals no one even bothers any more. Not because we are stupid but because we see we have lost the war to the godless fools.
Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas is to skip Church

The feelings of millions of kids around the nation. Why does Christmas have to be ruined by dressing up and going to church? I want to play with my toys damn it!
yeah. I saw that billboard ystrdy lol. Fox is just like the others, report on fluff that has no importance. Meanwhile the country is being sold to the highest bidder.


Fox spends several hours about the scandal of Gruber (one of the main architects of Obamacare) telling various groups how they lied about Obamacare but knew they could get away with it because of the stupid people out there. The other networks did not dare cover it for the first 4 or 5 days and then gave it the scantest coverage. Why?

Why? Because they spend tons of hours covering some congressional staff from Tennessee who tweeted about the clothes and attitude of the Obama children at the podium with their dad when he pardoned a turkey. So she got fired and the debate was endless.

You keep pretending Fox is what is wrong this nation and turn a blind eye to agenda of the liberal nation. Lie and coverup the truth on so many scandals no one even bothers any more. Not because we are stupid but because we see we have lost the war to the godless fools.

So you feel atheists have won the War on Christmas?
I'm not really at war with Christmas. it is more like passive resistance. I opted out after my daughter grew up, about 20 years ago. I have not bought a Christmas present or a card since. One member of my family is really into it, and gives everyone a present every year. Does anyone here know how long it takes a single guy to eat a honey baked ham? The others rack their brains every year trying to think of presents to mail to people they only see about once per year. I suspect that they are very relieved that they don't have to shop for me.
yeah. I saw that billboard ystrdy lol. Fox is just like the others, report on fluff that has no importance. Meanwhile the country is being sold to the highest bidder.


Fox spends several hours about the scandal of Gruber (one of the main architects of Obamacare) telling various groups how they lied about Obamacare but knew they could get away with it because of the stupid people out there. The other networks did not dare cover it for the first 4 or 5 days and then gave it the scantest coverage. Why?

Why? Because they spend tons of hours covering some congressional staff from Tennessee who tweeted about the clothes and attitude of the Obama children at the podium with their dad when he pardoned a turkey. So she got fired and the debate was endless.

You keep pretending Fox is what is wrong this nation and turn a blind eye to agenda of the liberal nation. Lie and coverup the truth on so many scandals no one even bothers any more. Not because we are stupid but because we see we have lost the war to the godless fools.

I read that Elizabeth Lauten resigned.


The Republican congressional aide who castigated the Obama daughters for their lack of “class” and dressing as if they were angling for a “spot at a bar” was once arrested for larceny during her own “awful teen years,” court records show.



yeah. I saw that billboard ystrdy lol. Fox is just like the others, report on fluff that has no importance. Meanwhile the country is being sold to the highest bidder.


Fox spends several hours about the scandal of Gruber (one of the main architects of Obamacare) telling various groups how they lied about Obamacare but knew they could get away with it because of the stupid people out there. The other networks did not dare cover it for the first 4 or 5 days and then gave it the scantest coverage. Why?

Why? Because they spend tons of hours covering some congressional staff from Tennessee who tweeted about the clothes and attitude of the Obama children at the podium with their dad when he pardoned a turkey. So she got fired and the debate was endless.

You keep pretending Fox is what is wrong this nation and turn a blind eye to agenda of the liberal nation. Lie and coverup the truth on so many scandals no one even bothers any more. Not because we are stupid but because we see we have lost the war to the godless fools.

I read that Elizabeth Lauten resigned.


The Republican congressional aide who castigated the Obama daughters for their lack of “class” and dressing as if they were angling for a “spot at a bar” was once arrested for larceny during her own “awful teen years,” court records show.




Sure she resigned. After all, this issue / "scandal" affects our whole nation. Unlike the 7 hard drives destroyed to coverup the IRS SCANDAL. And how many others so easily forgotten by the press and timidly left unchallenged by a timid republican congress.

If I told you I have lost faith in government and the media would it matter? Maybe not to you because that is where you likely get all your nutrition to think you are doing God's work and making you a model citizen.

Have atheists won the war on Christmas you ask? No. Secular humanism has won the war against Christmas. God is a dirty word in schools in govt and in the public sector. Just go to any store in a mall where "Christmas" music is playing. They do not DARE play anything but Frosty the Snowman. And even the instrumental songs do not DARE play a religious melody. Beyond belief.
I'm not really at war with Christmas. it is more like passive resistance. I opted out after my daughter grew up, about 20 years ago. I have not bought a Christmas present or a card since. One member of my family is really into it, and gives everyone a present every year. Does anyone here know how long it takes a single guy to eat a honey baked ham? The others rack their brains every year trying to think of presents to mail to people they only see about once per year. I suspect that they are very relieved that they don't have to shop for me.

I have a pre-decorated 24 inch tree that I pull out of the closet. I still buy my two grown children presents, but that's about it. :p
She didn't resign. She was politely asked to get the hell out.

Oh of course!

Should have happened to Eric Holder and at least 5 other criminals of Obama's personal czars or cabinet. But you and yours and the media have ready made excuses for all that.

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