Want to know what an American Conservative believes, watch this video.

wrong.....we have been so successful one of the major problems with our poor people is obesity...no where else in the world is that the case.....we started out behind every other nation on earth.....and we surpassed all of them in under 200 years.

Actually, our obestiy epidemic we can largely thank capitalism for. Because it's cheaper to buy unhealthy food than healthy food.

The only reason progressives came along is because we had the wealth and the time to actually care...we weren't enslaving the poor to simply serve the needs of the small ruling class.....like the rest of the world did......

And now the rest of theworld is ahead of us in social progress while you are Clinging to you gun and your bible, compensating for your Tiny Dick.
this is pretty much an excellent rundown of what modern Americaan conservatives believe.....if you want a good, clear discussion of what a conservative in America actually is and what we believe...this is it....

Bill Whittle @ Cal Poly - April 28, 2016

The gaggle of conservatives on this forum can't agree on what they believe. You think you've found someone who can speak for all conservatives? lol
wrong.....we have been so successful one of the major problems with our poor people is obesity...no where else in the world is that the case.....we started out behind every other nation on earth.....and we surpassed all of them in under 200 years.

Actually, our obestiy epidemic we can largely thank capitalism for. Because it's cheaper to buy unhealthy food than healthy food.

The only reason progressives came along is because we had the wealth and the time to actually care...we weren't enslaving the poor to simply serve the needs of the small ruling class.....like the rest of the world did......

And now the rest of theworld is ahead of us in social progress while you are Clinging to you gun and your bible, compensating for your Tiny Dick.

They don't pay for their own defense and have become welfare addicts..........they exist in peace because our capitalist system allowed us to have the most powerful and technologically sophisticated military in the world....which we use to keep them from fighting each other...like they did twice in the last century.....while they stopped working and now have to import hostile, immigrants to pay for their native welfare addicts....
this is pretty much an excellent rundown of what modern Americaan conservatives believe.....if you want a good, clear discussion of what a conservative in America actually is and what we believe...this is it....

Bill Whittle @ Cal Poly - April 28, 2016

The gaggle of conservatives on this forum can't agree on what they believe. You think you've found someone who can speak for all conservatives? lol

Pretty much...he sums up core principals really well...
wrong.....we have been so successful one of the major problems with our poor people is obesity...no where else in the world is that the case.....we started out behind every other nation on earth.....and we surpassed all of them in under 200 years.

Actually, our obestiy epidemic we can largely thank capitalism for. Because it's cheaper to buy unhealthy food than healthy food.

The only reason progressives came along is because we had the wealth and the time to actually care...we weren't enslaving the poor to simply serve the needs of the small ruling class.....like the rest of the world did......

And now the rest of theworld is ahead of us in social progress while you are Clinging to you gun and your bible, compensating for your Tiny Dick.

No moron...people eat junk food because it tastes better and is cheaper and less labor intensive than fixing healthy food...

And in our country...we have access to all kinds of food for all kinds of people.....we are not waiting in day long lines for a bad loaf of bread and no toilet paper....if you want to eat healthy...you can....if you want junk food...you can eat it...because our capitalist system has allowed wealth unimagined to be accessibl to all levels of our society, even the poor....

Limited government, the rule of law, freedom of the individual.......these things create success...left wing statism creates a European unemployment rate of 14 % that never goes away...little to no innovation and invention......and they have to rely on their capitalist allows to keep other socialists from gobbling them up...

And then the left wing comes along, cripples the economy for years at a time, blames the conservative, who fixes it...just in time for the left to fuck it up again.......
What does an American liberal believe in? Do any Americans admit to being liberal these days. Ever notice that a blogger or a talk show host or even an actor or a celebrity will always be identified (by liberals) as being conservative if their views are right wing? That's a technique to warn low information lefties away from information that the left want's hidden. A liberal blogger, however, or a liberal talk show host or a liberal actor or celeb will never be labeled by their politics. Check it out, you know it's true. Double standard gone wild?
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They don't pay for their own defense and have become welfare addicts..........they exist in peace because our capitalist system allowed us to have the most powerful and technologically sophisticated military in the world....which we use to keep them from fighting each other...like they did twice in the last century.....while they stopped working and now have to import hostile, immigrants to pay for their native welfare addicts....

GUy, most of the Europeans don't really care that we are running around the world acting tough.

They exist in peace because they chose to do so.
No moron...people eat junk food because it tastes better and is cheaper and less labor intensive than fixing healthy food...

Exactly. It's cheaper. Because big corporations you worship market it as cheaper, and they get big government subsidies for doing so. And when those poor people have health issues later in life, you'll be the first one bitching about their medical care.

Limited government, the rule of law, freedom of the individual.......these things create success...left wing statism creates a European unemployment rate of 14 % that never goes away...little to no innovation and invention......and they have to rely on their capitalist allows to keep other socialists from gobbling them up...

yawn, guy. The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists. They're too damned greedy.

Reality check- Right now the UK has an unemployment rate of 5%, while Germany is at 4.3%.

Unemployment rate in EU countries 2016 | Statistic

Meanwhile, Japan has an unemployment rate of 3.5%.

And all these countries are pretty fucking "socialist" by your definition...

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