Want ONE simple law to help curb mass-shootings?

Unfortunately, the technology is still pretty lame on fingerprint security for gun users. If technology could work out the bugs and make it at least 97% fail safe, it could be one alternative.
Intelligun - Fingerprint security - The Firearm Blog
You need your gun,.
Your gun goes down,.
Your wife has a gun but you do not have her fingerprints.
What then?

Have your own back-up weapon........duh!!!

Intelligun will never be anything but a conversation piece.

Reliable biometrics with guns is still in the early stages. When it is worked out, and it will be, should be the way to go.

Not sure I want to see biometrics on guns.

My rifle safe is biometric, and because I was sitting down when I programmed it, I have to sit down to open it.
To prohibit causes of action against manufacturers, distributors, dealers, and importers of firearms or ammunition products, and their trade associations, for the harm solely caused by the criminal or unlawful misuse of firearm products or ammunition products by others when the product functioned as designed and intended"
Exactly as it should be.

The OP is a screaming anti-gun loon.
There's no need to take anything he posts with any degree of seriousness.
Why do you want to protect murderers?

Protect murderers? Wow, you're more fucked up than most other right wingers....

That's what you are doing. You don't want to go after the criminals who misuse firearms...you want to protect the rights of those criminals and pad you pockets from the honest work of those who manufacture and sell LEGAL firearms. Just calling a spade a spade. When you want to actually punish the criminals, rather than rob law-abiding businesses and citizens, let me know.
Gun manufacturers can still be sued for selling defective product, fraud, etc.,,, just like every other manufacturer in the country, your assertion relative to this law is clearly false.

There comes a time when you need to just admit you're wrong and that time has come for you in thread... :)

Have you even remotely "wondered" WHY a special law had to be passed JUST for gun manufacturers????
Gun manufactures can be sued if the gun they produce has a defect that say causes it explode in your hand when fired just as auto manufactures can be sued for defects in their cars that cause death or injury. To be able to sue the manufactures of products because those who buy them use them in a stupid or illegal way is beyond silly.
Unfortunately, the technology is still pretty lame on fingerprint security for gun users. If technology could work out the bugs and make it at least 97% fail safe, it could be one alternative.
Intelligun - Fingerprint security - The Firearm Blog
You need your gun,.
Your gun goes down,.
Your wife has a gun but you do not have her fingerprints.
What then?

Have your own back-up weapon........duh!!!

Intelligun will never be anything but a conversation piece.

Reliable biometrics with guns is still in the early stages. When it is worked out, and it will be, should be the way to go.

Not sure I want to see biometrics on guns.

My rifle safe is biometric, and because I was sitting down when I programmed it, I have to sit down to open it.

Like I said, biometrics has a ways to go..........what is, doesn't necessarily mean what will always be in a technological sense. For eg., look at the leaps and bounds in the PC.
Gun manufacturers can still be sued for selling defective product, fraud, etc.,,, just like every other manufacturer in the country, your assertion relative to this law is clearly false.

There comes a time when you need to just admit you're wrong and that time has come for you in thread... :)

Have you even remotely "wondered" WHY a special law had to be passed JUST for gun manufacturers????

No wondering to it, anyone with a modicum of common sense can see why, because of all the douche bags in this Country that file idiotic lawsuits.
Why can't you sue Ford when a drunk kills someone with an F-150? If the radical left was really concerned about the proliferation of weapons they would demand that every member of the ATF who participated in "op-fast/furious" would go to jail for shipping at least 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels.
Unfortunately, the technology is still pretty lame on fingerprint security for gun users. If technology could work out the bugs and make it at least 97% fail safe, it could be one alternative.
Intelligun - Fingerprint security - The Firearm Blog
You need your gun,.
Your gun goes down,.
Your wife has a gun but you do not have her fingerprints.
What then?

Have your own back-up weapon........duh!!!

Intelligun will never be anything but a conversation piece.

Reliable biometrics with guns is still in the early stages. When it is worked out, and it will be, should be the way to go.

Intelligun isn't biometric.

I have a biometric safe and it takes about three tries before I can successfully swipe my finger to open it. If it was a gun and needed in a split second, I'd been dead.

It's good idea, just not practical and no one would rely on it to save their life.

As for intelligun, did you know if the battery goes dead, your gun locks up. it essentially becomes a club.
Sooooooo, you brilliant right wingers, the question remains.....

Unfortunately, the technology is still pretty lame on fingerprint security for gun users. If technology could work out the bugs and make it at least 97% fail safe, it could be one alternative.
Intelligun - Fingerprint security - The Firearm Blog
You need your gun,.
Your gun goes down,.
Your wife has a gun but you do not have her fingerprints.
What then?

Have your own back-up weapon........duh!!!

Intelligun will never be anything but a conversation piece.

Reliable biometrics with guns is still in the early stages. When it is worked out, and it will be, should be the way to go.

So much for partners, good Samaritans, team members, etc. being able to use your firearm to end a threat should you become incapacitated. Indeed, imagine you finding your wife being raped, you unarmed, her handgun sitting there on the floor....useless to you because it only works in her hand.
Actually, we should always follow what lobbyists push (aka, BRIBE) congress to do (and in some instance, NOT to do) when searching for legislation to curb an abuse of the common welfare and good.

Regarding mass murders, we know that gun manufacturers (and their bought puppet, the NRA) fought and won the right to NOT be sued for the misuse of their deadly products.

If we wanted to make a substantial dent with mass shootings (almost impossible to eliminate without reversing the Constitution's 2nd amendment) pass a law that gun manufacturers AND gun vendors can be sued when their product is sold WITHOUT a thorough background and psychological clean bill of health.

What a FASCIST proposal. Hardly a surprise, considering the source.
Gun manufacturers can still be sued for selling defective product, fraud, etc.,,, just like every other manufacturer in the country, your assertion relative to this law is clearly false.
There comes a time when you need to just admit you're wrong and that time has come for you in thread... :)
Have you even remotely "wondered" WHY a special law had to be passed JUST for gun manufacturers????
Because mindless partisan bigots like you decided it would be cool to sue them for damage caused by intentional misuse, something completely outside their control, and something no other manufacturer is liable for.
No wondering to it, anyone with a modicum of common sense can see why, because of all the douche bags in this Country that file idiotic lawsuits.

So, borrowing from one of your fellow dimwits' comparison, HAMMER manufacturers should ask for a special law from congress to help protect them from lawsuits...Right?
Sooooooo, you brilliant right wingers, the question remains.....


probably because of morons like you who want to punish them for their legal activities while giving a pass to criminals who use their products for evil.
Just more progressives wanting frivolous lawsuits... That movie idiocracy is what we have to look forward to for the future of this country.
A big government progressive dream world.
Actually, we should always follow what lobbyists push (aka, BRIBE) congress to do (and in some instance, NOT to do) when searching for legislation to curb an abuse of the common welfare and good.

Regarding mass murders, we know that gun manufacturers (and their bought puppet, the NRA) fought and won the right to NOT be sued for the misuse of their deadly products.

If we wanted to make a substantial dent with mass shootings (almost impossible to eliminate without reversing the Constitution's 2nd amendment) pass a law that gun manufacturers AND gun vendors can be sued when their product is sold WITHOUT a thorough background and psychological clean bill of health.
The Oregon shooter obtained all of his guns legally.

So you haven't solved shit.

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