Want ONE simple law to help curb mass-shootings?

Your question, "Name another manufacturer...beside gun ones......who CANNOT be sued by consumers?" , didn't mention anything about "mass-murders".

If you had any sense, you'd feel stupid right about now.

Actually, NO, I don't feel stupid....I am, however, looking for my Moron-to-English dictionary to decipher your moronic post.
So you want to give these manufacturers and vendors access to your life history, including all medical records? What if they decide that women who have had an abortion is not responsible enough to own a gun?

Yeah, really "brilliant"...now we are concerned about gun manufacturers NOT selling enough guns?

Answer my questions.
Post 16 only proves that the state of Conneticrap is as fucking stupid as you are.

Idiot, Post #16 addresses the SPECIAL law that gun manufacturers bribed congress to pass so that they could not be sued.....Is there a grown-up around your basement who could help you?
You can't sue a manufacturer over their product unless some defect in the product causes harm. In the case of illegal shootings, the product is working fine...tis the user who is using it illegally. Try again, this time use your brain, not your dipstick, Jimmy.
Actually, you're too much of a moron to partake in any debate. Want to continue the carnage???
Wonder why gun manufacturers BRIBED congress to protect them from ANY liability????
Gun manufactures can be sued for damage derives from defects on their products..
Gun manufacturers, like all others, cannot be sued for the intentional misuse of their product.

Is GM held liable when someone steals a Tahoe and runs over a bunch of schoolkids?
Your question, "Name another manufacturer...beside gun ones......who CANNOT be sued by consumers?" , didn't mention anything about "mass-murders".

If you had any sense, you'd feel stupid right about now.

Actually, NO, I don't feel stupid....I am, however, looking for my Moron-to-English dictionary to decipher your moronic post.

Obviously you understood it enough to answer it.

The fact is your question didn't mention mass-murders and my answer was correct and accurate. You simply continue to show how dishonest you are. It's getting to be another post, another lie from you.
Your question, "Name another manufacturer...beside gun ones......who CANNOT be sued by consumers?" , didn't mention anything about "mass-murders".

If you had any sense, you'd feel stupid right about now.

Actually, NO, I don't feel stupid....I am, however, looking for my Moron-to-English dictionary to decipher your moronic post.

....I am, however, looking for my Moron-to-English dictionary

I'd guess you have the moron part memorized.
You can't sue a manufacturer over their product unless some defect in the product causes harm. In the case of illegal shootings, the product is working fine...tis the user who is using it illegally. Try again, this time use your brain, not your dipstick, Jimmy.

Actually, you're too much of a moron to partake in any debate. Want to continue the carnage???

Wonder why gun manufacturers BRIBED congress to protect them from ANY liability????

Like everybody bribes congress? :lol: Don't blame the greed and criminality of Congress for your goofy ideas, boy. The fact still remains that the firearm is working as intended and it is the person committing the crime. But of course you will do anything to protect the actions of criminals by holding others responsible for their action. Why do you want to protect murderers?
So you want to give these manufacturers and vendors access to your life history, including all medical records? What if they decide that women who have had an abortion is not responsible enough to own a gun?

Yeah, really "brilliant"...now we are concerned about gun manufacturers NOT selling enough guns?

Answer my questions.

You're showing your stupidity instead of trying to hide it......ABORTION IS LEGAL....Gun manufacturers (who now, according to you are concerned about fetuses but don't mind when babies are killed by an assault weapon) could NOT refuse a woman who had an abortion because abortion is NOT a crime.

Why do I even bother answering idiots?
Unfortunately, the technology is still pretty lame on fingerprint security for gun users. If technology could work out the bugs and make it at least 97% fail safe, it could be one alternative.
Intelligun - Fingerprint security - The Firearm Blog
You need your gun,.
Your gun goes down,.
Your wife has a gun but you do not have her fingerprints.
What then?

Have your own back-up weapon........duh!!!

Intelligun will never be anything but a conversation piece.
The OP's proposal is just another backdoor attack on the 2nd amendment. Gun control advocates can't attack the 2nd amendment head on so they run around concocting all manner of schemes to effectively strip away our 2nd amendment rights. In the case of this OP's proposal its to sue gun manufactures out of business and mark my word the next step will be to open up gun dealers and gun owners to the same lawsuits and liability.

These gun control assholes are not nearly as clever as they think they are.
So you want to give these manufacturers and vendors access to your life history, including all medical records? What if they decide that women who have had an abortion is not responsible enough to own a gun?

Yeah, really "brilliant"...now we are concerned about gun manufacturers NOT selling enough guns?

Answer my questions.

You're showing your stupidity instead of trying to hide it......ABORTION IS LEGAL....Gun manufacturers (who now, according to you are concerned about fetuses but don't mind when babies are killed by an assault weapon) could NOT refuse a woman who had an abortion because abortion is NOT a crime.

Why do I even bother answering idiots?

I asked two questions, where's the answer to the other?
Unfortunately, the technology is still pretty lame on fingerprint security for gun users. If technology could work out the bugs and make it at least 97% fail safe, it could be one alternative.
Intelligun - Fingerprint security - The Firearm Blog
You need your gun,.
Your gun goes down,.
Your wife has a gun but you do not have her fingerprints.
What then?

Have your own back-up weapon........duh!!!

Intelligun will never be anything but a conversation piece.

Reliable biometrics with guns is still in the early stages. When it is worked out, and it will be, should be the way to go.
Actually, we should always follow what lobbyists push (aka, BRIBE) congress to do (and in some instance, NOT to do) when searching for legislation to curb an abuse of the common welfare and good.

Regarding mass murders, we know that gun manufacturers (and their bought puppet, the NRA) fought and won the right to NOT be sued for the misuse of their deadly products.

If we wanted to make a substantial dent with mass shootings (almost impossible to eliminate without reversing the Constitution's 2nd amendment) pass a law that gun manufacturers AND gun vendors can be sued when their product is sold WITHOUT a thorough background and psychological clean bill of health.
You have to be too stupid to breath... How are you still alive???

Good lord! the best part of you I am guessing ran down your mommys leg.
Normally, I'm not this crude but, this is beyond the pail.
Forrest Gump had to be talking about you when he said "stupid is as stupid does"
No wonder half-wits like Obama get elected leader of the so called "free" world... TWICE!!!

Embrace the suck
Post 16 only proves that the state of Conneticrap is as fucking stupid as you are.

Idiot, Post #16 addresses the SPECIAL law that gun manufacturers bribed congress to pass so that they could not be sued.....Is there a grown-up around your basement who could help you?

You probably should actually read the law before you run off on a tangent like this ..

To prohibit causes of action against manufacturers, distributors, dealers, and importers of firearms or ammunition products, and their trade associations, for the harm solely caused by the criminal or unlawful misuse of firearm products or ammunition products by others when the product functioned as designed and intended"

Gun manufacturers can still be sued for selling defective product, fraud, etc.,,, just like every other manufacturer in the country, your assertion relative to this law is clearly false.

There comes a time when you need to just admit you're wrong and that time has come for you in thread... :)

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