Walmart Proves that the Trump Tax Cuts are Bogus

How is that possible with Republicans controlling most of the statehouses and governorships?

You are parroting the default answer given to you by conservatives that are actually dumber than liberals.

The truth is that politics is local.

So the NEA is conservative?

What does the NEA have to do with anything? Still parroting?

National Education Association - Wikipedia

So? The NEA is a teacher's union. What about it? Do you really want me to illustrate your ignorance for all the world to see?

I was a teacher for 20 years. It sucks in many ways. Mostly it sucks because nimrods feel the need to criticize teachers for society's problems over which we have no control.

The stats dont support your position.

Teachers Unions | OpenSecrets

By the numbers: Teachers union political contributions in 2016

Liberal professors outnumber conservatives 12 to 1: Study

Teachers Register Heavily as Democrats

This is just scratching the surface.
And really all you have to do is look at the nuttery that comes out of American schools these days.

Chew a pop tart into a gun? Expelled. And all the other nut job shit we hear these days.

You do realize that teachers do not make the fucking rules, don't you? School boards elected by dipshits like you make up the rules!

Those zero tolerance policies are a result of CONSERVATIVES, not liberals.

No one has ever asked my political affiliation or voter registration information. You are simply parroting, and it gets really tiresome, because it is testimony to your ignorance.

BTW, just FYI, Texas has no teacher's unions, so all of this bullshit you posted about the NEA is null and void in that state.

Are you starting to see now that you really are out of touch with the topic?
So the NEA is conservative?

What does the NEA have to do with anything? Still parroting?

National Education Association - Wikipedia

So? The NEA is a teacher's union. What about it? Do you really want me to illustrate your ignorance for all the world to see?

I was a teacher for 20 years. It sucks in many ways. Mostly it sucks because nimrods feel the need to criticize teachers for society's problems over which we have no control.

The stats dont support your position.

Teachers Unions | OpenSecrets

By the numbers: Teachers union political contributions in 2016

Liberal professors outnumber conservatives 12 to 1: Study

Teachers Register Heavily as Democrats

This is just scratching the surface.
And really all you have to do is look at the nuttery that comes out of American schools these days.

Chew a pop tart into a gun? Expelled. And all the other nut job shit we hear these days.

You do realize that teachers do not make the fucking rules, don't you? School boards elected by dipshits like you make up the rules!

Those zero tolerance policies are a result of CONSERVATIVES, not liberals.

No one has ever asked my political affiliation or voter registration information. You are simply parroting, and it gets really tiresome, because it is testimony to your ignorance.

BTW, just FYI, Texas has no teacher's unions, so all of this bullshit you posted about the NEA is null and void in that state.

Are you starting to see now that you really are out of touch with the topic?

I never said Texas had a teachers union. But apparently they dont need one since the majority are liberals anyway.

Oh wait...I do know one teacher who is conservative.
My Aunt,of course she's eighty years old and was a teacher before liberalism exploded in our education system.

So? The NEA is a teacher's union. What about it? Do you really want me to illustrate your ignorance for all the world to see?

I was a teacher for 20 years. It sucks in many ways. Mostly it sucks because nimrods feel the need to criticize teachers for society's problems over which we have no control.

The stats dont support your position.

Teachers Unions | OpenSecrets

By the numbers: Teachers union political contributions in 2016

Liberal professors outnumber conservatives 12 to 1: Study

Teachers Register Heavily as Democrats

This is just scratching the surface.
And really all you have to do is look at the nuttery that comes out of American schools these days.

Chew a pop tart into a gun? Expelled. And all the other nut job shit we hear these days.

You do realize that teachers do not make the fucking rules, don't you? School boards elected by dipshits like you make up the rules!

Those zero tolerance policies are a result of CONSERVATIVES, not liberals.

No one has ever asked my political affiliation or voter registration information. You are simply parroting, and it gets really tiresome, because it is testimony to your ignorance.

BTW, just FYI, Texas has no teacher's unions, so all of this bullshit you posted about the NEA is null and void in that state.

Are you starting to see now that you really are out of touch with the topic?

I never said Texas had a teachers union. But apparently they dont need one since the majority are liberals anyway.

Oh wait...I do know one teacher who is conservative.
My Aunt,of course she's eighty years old and was a teacher before liberalism exploded in our education system.

So, since Texas has no teacher's union and Republicans control the state government, why do your schools suck?

Wake up and smell the coffee there Buckwheat! You are are more clueless than Alicia Silverstone.
So the NEA is conservative?

What does the NEA have to do with anything? Still parroting?

National Education Association - Wikipedia

So? The NEA is a teacher's union. What about it? Do you really want me to illustrate your ignorance for all the world to see?

I was a teacher for 20 years. It sucks in many ways. Mostly it sucks because nimrods feel the need to criticize teachers for society's problems over which we have no control.

The stats dont support your position.

Teachers Unions | OpenSecrets

By the numbers: Teachers union political contributions in 2016

Liberal professors outnumber conservatives 12 to 1: Study

Teachers Register Heavily as Democrats

This is just scratching the surface.
And really all you have to do is look at the nuttery that comes out of American schools these days.

Chew a pop tart into a gun? Expelled. And all the other nut job shit we hear these days.

You do realize that teachers do not make the fucking rules, don't you? School boards elected by dipshits like you make up the rules!

Those zero tolerance policies are a result of CONSERVATIVES, not liberals.

No one has ever asked my political affiliation or voter registration information. You are simply parroting, and it gets really tiresome, because it is testimony to your ignorance.

BTW, just FYI, Texas has no teacher's unions, so all of this bullshit you posted about the NEA is null and void in that state.

Are you starting to see now that you really are out of touch with the topic?

How can you ignore all the stats?
Democratic vs. Republican occupations
These stupid Moon Bats.

Most taxpayers in the US are getting an increase in take home me. For me it is about $300 a month that I get to spend as I please instead of giving it to some filthy ass government bureaucrat to give away to a welfare queen or Illegal God bless Trump! Good thing that asshole Crooked Hillary wasn't elected or more of my tax money would be going to the Illegals and Welfare Queens because that is just how these dipshit Libtards roll.
Here we go again you have lost this....walk have been owned. Huh bye now.

So? The NEA is a teacher's union. What about it? Do you really want me to illustrate your ignorance for all the world to see?

I was a teacher for 20 years. It sucks in many ways. Mostly it sucks because nimrods feel the need to criticize teachers for society's problems over which we have no control.

The stats dont support your position.

Teachers Unions | OpenSecrets

By the numbers: Teachers union political contributions in 2016

Liberal professors outnumber conservatives 12 to 1: Study

Teachers Register Heavily as Democrats

This is just scratching the surface.
And really all you have to do is look at the nuttery that comes out of American schools these days.

Chew a pop tart into a gun? Expelled. And all the other nut job shit we hear these days.

You do realize that teachers do not make the fucking rules, don't you? School boards elected by dipshits like you make up the rules!

Those zero tolerance policies are a result of CONSERVATIVES, not liberals.

No one has ever asked my political affiliation or voter registration information. You are simply parroting, and it gets really tiresome, because it is testimony to your ignorance.

BTW, just FYI, Texas has no teacher's unions, so all of this bullshit you posted about the NEA is null and void in that state.

Are you starting to see now that you really are out of touch with the topic?

How can you ignore all the stats?
Democratic vs. Republican occupations

Can you read?

That data is from the FEC and is based on campaign contributions. That means the only people counted are those that gave money. Newsflash for you: Most teachers are barely scraping by and don't have any spare money to make campaign contributions to anyone.

Personally, I have never made a single campaign contribution because I left the military almost 24 years ago and I have yet to make as much money as a teacher compared to what I did when I was a naval officer. It sucks taking a $20,000 a year pay cut and then never making it up in over 20 years in the classroom.
Here we go again you have lost this....walk have been owned. Huh bye now.

I've given link after link showing the truth.

You have posted bullshit after bullshit link that you don't understand to justify your parroting of bad information.

Why didn't you answer my comments about Texas? Does that little tidbit not totally destroy every single one of your ignorant statements about education?
Here we go again you have lost this....walk have been owned. Huh bye now.

I've given link after link showing the truth.

You have posted bullshit after bullshit link that you don't understand to justify your parroting of bad information.

Why didn't you answer my comments about Texas? Does that little tidbit not totally destroy every single one of your ignorant statements about education?

I did answer it.
You'll never convince me that teachers vote Republican in greater numbers than democrat or it being even close.

And I find it hard to believe that chewing a pop tart into the shape was a policy enacted by a 2nd amendment supporting Conservative.

The actions of school districts across the nation have shown their lunacy time and time again.

Any idea how many years out of twenty that I was a member of a union affiliated with the NEA?

The answer is "zero"!

And I thank you for that. But there is no denying that teachers vote democrat in far greater numbers than they vote Republican.

And when you take into consideration the number of college professors that are actual liberal extremist the problem becomes even more obvious.
Here we go again you have lost this....walk have been owned. Huh bye now.

I've given link after link showing the truth.

You have posted bullshit after bullshit link that you don't understand to justify your parroting of bad information.

Why didn't you answer my comments about Texas? Does that little tidbit not totally destroy every single one of your ignorant statements about education?

I did answer it.
You'll never convince me that teachers vote Republican in greater numbers than democrat or it being even close.

And I find it hard to believe that chewing a pop tart into the shape was a policy enacted by a 2nd amendment supporting Conservative.

The actions of school districts across the nation have shown their lunacy time and time again.

No, you did not answer it.

You have nothing but anecdotal and skewed sources for your information.

Why do you think teachers or teacher's unions have anything to do with the zero tolerance policies enacted by conservative school boards? It is just an inconvenient truth for you to realize that what you thought ll along has been one huge lie!

BTW, your Pop-tart gun case was from the liberal infested state of Maryland. Why are you using a broad brush to paint every school district with the idiocy of one school?
How incredibly stupid that by using one example the tax cuts were bogus.'re doing the same thing to use this one discussion of one topic to characterize the entire response of the entire left to the tax bill. Just thought someone should point that out to you.
Here we go again you have lost this....walk have been owned. Huh bye now.

I've given link after link showing the truth.

You have posted bullshit after bullshit link that you don't understand to justify your parroting of bad information.

Why didn't you answer my comments about Texas? Does that little tidbit not totally destroy every single one of your ignorant statements about education?

I did answer it.
You'll never convince me that teachers vote Republican in greater numbers than democrat or it being even close.

And I find it hard to believe that chewing a pop tart into the shape was a policy enacted by a 2nd amendment supporting Conservative.

The actions of school districts across the nation have shown their lunacy time and time again.

No, you did not answer it.

You have nothing but anecdotal and skewed sources for your information.

Why do you think teachers or teacher's unions have anything to do with the zero tolerance policies enacted by conservative school boards? It is just an inconvenient truth for you to realize that what you thought ll along has been one huge lie!

BTW, your Pop-tart gun case was from the liberal infested state of Maryland. Why are you using a broad brush to paint every school district with the idiocy of one school?

Common man.
We are bombarded with wacky liberal teacher stories.
And you failed to address the absolute infestation of progressive activist college professors.
Here we go again you have lost this....walk have been owned. Huh bye now.

I've given link after link showing the truth.

You have posted bullshit after bullshit link that you don't understand to justify your parroting of bad information.

Why didn't you answer my comments about Texas? Does that little tidbit not totally destroy every single one of your ignorant statements about education?

I did answer it.
You'll never convince me that teachers vote Republican in greater numbers than democrat or it being even close.

And I find it hard to believe that chewing a pop tart into the shape was a policy enacted by a 2nd amendment supporting Conservative.

The actions of school districts across the nation have shown their lunacy time and time again.

No, you did not answer it.

You have nothing but anecdotal and skewed sources for your information.

Why do you think teachers or teacher's unions have anything to do with the zero tolerance policies enacted by conservative school boards? It is just an inconvenient truth for you to realize that what you thought ll along has been one huge lie!

BTW, your Pop-tart gun case was from the liberal infested state of Maryland. Why are you using a broad brush to paint every school district with the idiocy of one school?

out here

quite a few teachers public education are republican

except in a few areas and the colleges of course

but that is South Dakota
Here we go again you have lost this....walk have been owned. Huh bye now.

I've given link after link showing the truth.

You have posted bullshit after bullshit link that you don't understand to justify your parroting of bad information.

Why didn't you answer my comments about Texas? Does that little tidbit not totally destroy every single one of your ignorant statements about education?

I did answer it.
You'll never convince me that teachers vote Republican in greater numbers than democrat or it being even close.

And I find it hard to believe that chewing a pop tart into the shape was a policy enacted by a 2nd amendment supporting Conservative.

The actions of school districts across the nation have shown their lunacy time and time again.

No, you did not answer it.

You have nothing but anecdotal and skewed sources for your information.

Why do you think teachers or teacher's unions have anything to do with the zero tolerance policies enacted by conservative school boards? It is just an inconvenient truth for you to realize that what you thought ll along has been one huge lie!

BTW, your Pop-tart gun case was from the liberal infested state of Maryland. Why are you using a broad brush to paint every school district with the idiocy of one school?

Common man.
We are bombarded with wacky liberal teacher stories.
And you failed to address the absolute infestation of progressive activist college professors.

Did you know that most business and engineering professors are conservatives?

College is optional and has nothing to do with the NEA. Do you see how you are desperately searching for anything to backup your ridiculous claims and failing miserably?

You still haven't formulated an answer why Texas schools suck? Why not address that? I am dying to hear your pathetic excuses, or parroted talking points.
I've given link after link showing the truth.

You have posted bullshit after bullshit link that you don't understand to justify your parroting of bad information.

Why didn't you answer my comments about Texas? Does that little tidbit not totally destroy every single one of your ignorant statements about education?

I did answer it.
You'll never convince me that teachers vote Republican in greater numbers than democrat or it being even close.

And I find it hard to believe that chewing a pop tart into the shape was a policy enacted by a 2nd amendment supporting Conservative.

The actions of school districts across the nation have shown their lunacy time and time again.

No, you did not answer it.

You have nothing but anecdotal and skewed sources for your information.

Why do you think teachers or teacher's unions have anything to do with the zero tolerance policies enacted by conservative school boards? It is just an inconvenient truth for you to realize that what you thought ll along has been one huge lie!

BTW, your Pop-tart gun case was from the liberal infested state of Maryland. Why are you using a broad brush to paint every school district with the idiocy of one school?

Common man.
We are bombarded with wacky liberal teacher stories.
And you failed to address the absolute infestation of progressive activist college professors.

Did you know that most business and engineering professors are conservatives?

College is optional and has nothing to do with the NEA. Do you see how you are desperately searching for anything to backup your ridiculous claims and failing miserably?

You still haven't formulated an answer why Texas schools suck? Why not address that? I am dying to hear your pathetic excuses, or parroted talking points.

We actually have some fantastic schools in Texas,you just have to know the demographics.
We have a huge immigrant population that brings down the total.
The school district I live in is one of the good ones but it's upper middle class.

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