Walmart on Welfare: We support their employees so they don't have to.

Shopping at Walmart only supports and encourages immoral business practices. Other Companies are now adopting the 'Walmart Way.' And that isn't good for American Workers, or Americans in general.

I'll gladly pay more for my goods and shop elsewhere. Not to mention, shopping at Walmart is a very unpleasant shopping experience. It's crowded and stanky. It appeals to the lowest of the low as far as a Customer-Base goes. Most of its Customers are loud smelly mutants. And most of the goods are cheap and shitty. Just an all around unpleasant place to spend time at. But hey, that's just my opinion anyway.

Yeah, because before Walmart, no business ever paid minimum wage. Are you just being stupid? Or do you really believe what you are saying?

There is nothing immoral about Walmart's business practice.

It's not crowded. It's not 'stanky'. Yes, it does appeal to the lowest of the lows as far as Customer-Base goes. That's right.

Do you realize how snobbish and elitist you are coming across as? I'm a Walmart shopper myself. And yes, the whole reason I go there is because they have cheap prices. I can't afford to go to your 'uptown elitist store'. So now you look down on me? I shouldn't be able to buy things like you, because I'm not as snobby as you are?

So that's your position? You opinion is that no one lower on the income ladder than you, should be able to shop for cheap goods. Got it. You are a jerk, and elitist. That's what you have said about yourself.

Walmart IS an Evil Corporation. And it's nasty too. Most of its Customers are loud smelly mutants. Sorry, but it's the truth. It's a very unpleasant shopping environment. But hey, you wanna fund evil and hang with the mutants, that's cool. It's your call.

Well you have the right to be wrong. That's your option.

And yes, it is my call, and I will continue to shop at Walmart, gladly. And I will save money on goods.... gladly. And I have no problem with their customers.

Enjoy that low price now, because you'll pay a much higher price later. You're supporting a whole lot of suffering. You're supporting evil. Evil Corporations like Walmart have hurt so many good people. They've destroyed the small business little guy, and have enriched themselves off abusing American Workers. You wanna go on supporting that, it's your call i guess. But i'm choosing not to.

Yes yes... you have made your opinion clear enough. It was wrong before, it's wrong now, and it will continue to be into the future.

Yeah, it's hurt so many people providing 2.2 million jobs, and billions of low cost goods to people who otherwise couldn't afford them. Yes the horrors are never ending.

Thanks... we get that you are not going to change your opinion, and I am not dumb enough to believe your opinion. So let's move on shall we....?

Like i said, enjoy those low prices. Just know that a whole lot of suffering is involved in providing you your cheap shitty Chinese-made products. You're contributing to that suffering.

Why should we care about Chinese kids having a shitty work environment?

The domestic workers are paid a fair wage. If the Chinese don't like their pay and shit, that's their problem.

A good decent person would care. Lots of poor Chinese kids forced into slave labor so you can buy your cheap shitty microwave or blender from Walmart.

We have to see the same standards on imports as we do in our homeland and on exports otherwise we will still have these pre-historic brains telling us we have to compete with the most 3rd world nation in the world.
Shopping at Walmart only supports and encourages immoral business practices. Other Companies are now adopting the 'Walmart Way.' And that isn't good for American Workers, or Americans in general.

I'll gladly pay more for my goods and shop elsewhere. Not to mention, shopping at Walmart is a very unpleasant shopping experience. It's crowded and stanky. It appeals to the lowest of the low as far as a Customer-Base goes. Most of its Customers are loud smelly mutants. And most of the goods are cheap and shitty. Just an all around unpleasant place to spend time at. But hey, that's just my opinion anyway.

Yeah, because before Walmart, no business ever paid minimum wage. Are you just being stupid? Or do you really believe what you are saying?

There is nothing immoral about Walmart's business practice.

It's not crowded. It's not 'stanky'. Yes, it does appeal to the lowest of the lows as far as Customer-Base goes. That's right.

Do you realize how snobbish and elitist you are coming across as? I'm a Walmart shopper myself. And yes, the whole reason I go there is because they have cheap prices. I can't afford to go to your 'uptown elitist store'. So now you look down on me? I shouldn't be able to buy things like you, because I'm not as snobby as you are?

So that's your position? You opinion is that no one lower on the income ladder than you, should be able to shop for cheap goods. Got it. You are a jerk, and elitist. That's what you have said about yourself.

Walmart IS an Evil Corporation. And it's nasty too. Most of its Customers are loud smelly mutants. Sorry, but it's the truth. It's a very unpleasant shopping environment. But hey, you wanna fund evil and hang with the mutants, that's cool. It's your call.

Well you have the right to be wrong. That's your option.

And yes, it is my call, and I will continue to shop at Walmart, gladly. And I will save money on goods.... gladly. And I have no problem with their customers.

Enjoy that low price now, because you'll pay a much higher price later. You're supporting a whole lot of suffering. You're supporting evil. Evil Corporations like Walmart have hurt so many good people. They've destroyed the small business little guy, and have enriched themselves off abusing American Workers. You wanna go on supporting that, it's your call i guess. But i'm choosing not to.

Yes yes... you have made your opinion clear enough. It was wrong before, it's wrong now, and it will continue to be into the future.

Yeah, it's hurt so many people providing 2.2 million jobs, and billions of low cost goods to people who otherwise couldn't afford them. Yes the horrors are never ending.

Thanks... we get that you are not going to change your opinion, and I am not dumb enough to believe your opinion. So let's move on shall we....?

Like i said, enjoy those low prices. Just know that a whole lot of suffering is involved in providing you your cheap shitty Chinese-made products. You're contributing to that suffering.

Why should we care about Chinese kids having a shitty work environment?

The domestic workers are paid a fair wage. If the Chinese don't like their pay and shit, that's their problem.

A good decent person would care. Lots of poor Chinese kids forced into slave labor so you can buy your cheap shitty microwave or blender from Walmart.

I don't think I've ever been accused of being such an insipid twit.

If that cheap, shitty blender makes my milkshake the same as a $50 one, I'm happy to save a few bucks.
Things you probably have already seen or will see about this topic is people saying WalMart will have to raise prices if they pay their workers better. Like the McDonalds debate, this is ignorance of the topic. One person, Christie Walton is worth $36.7 BILLION. I would like someone to do the math to see how much workers would have got if she was just worth 1 billion, I guarantee she didn't work for all of that money alone, it took a team.

But then Christie would have to learn how to live with $1Billion and the WalMart Managers won't be obligated to hand out Welfare information to the people that ask for a raise.

A little research goes a long way people. Stay smart. Stop letting Corporations own your thinking. The Commerce Claus in the Constitution and the laws against Monopolies were there for a reason. Stop justifying everything America is against because Fox News says we should. YOU SHOULD BE SMARTER THAN THAT.

But the entire premise you gave is flawed.

Christie Walton, is not getting $36.7 Billion in DOLLARS from Walmart. You can't collect $36.7 Billion in dollars from Christie Walton, and give it to the workers, because she does not have $36.7 Billion in dollars.

Christie Walton has $36.7 Billion in ASSETS. And a kicker... not even all those are assets are Walmart stock.

Christie Walton also had majority ownership of Arvest Bank. Christie also owns a large chunk of First Solar.

Now how do you propose we deal with that? Do you just forcibly confiscate Christie's stock? And then what? Sell the stock? Who do you think is going to buy the stock, so that you can give the money to the workers, when a stock holder just had their stock confiscated? Would you want to buy the stock after that?

Even if you did... let's magically say you did force Christie Walton to sell the stock, confiscated her money, and give it to the employees, which would be let's even say the full $36.7 Billion, that would be a ONE TIME SUM of $16,600 for each employee. Knock off taxes, and the fact this would bump most of the employees up a tax bracket, and then chop out all the benefits Walmart has.

We're talking $10,000 for each employee, for one year. Or one lump sum at the end of the year.

Now catch this..... what happens the following year? Everyone goes back to their original pay. You can't sell the stock twice. If you sell your car to pay your mortgage, how many times does that work? Once. Then the car is gone.

Once you sell the stock, and give the money to the workers.... there's no more stock to sell the following year, unless you take money from the workers to buy the stock back, which defeats the purpose. So instead, there is no stock the next year, and everyone earns their original wage.

You have solved absolutely nothing. Everyone is right back where they were before your plan.

But here is what has changed. Now everyone knows that stocks are not safe investments, because you just stole Christie's assets.

So now, Walmart stock dropped in value like a rock. Because it drops in value, Walmart can't sell stocks to get the money they need to open new stores, or renovate existing stores. So no new jobs are created, and old stores start losing customers and closing, losing jobs.

So you have not only solved nothing, but you have created a bunch of problems, harming society.
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Shopping at Walmart only supports and encourages immoral business practices. Other Companies are now adopting the 'Walmart Way.' And that isn't good for American Workers, or Americans in general.

I'll gladly pay more for my goods and shop elsewhere. Not to mention, shopping at Walmart is a very unpleasant shopping experience. It's crowded and stanky. It appeals to the lowest of the low as far as a Customer-Base goes. Most of its Customers are loud smelly mutants. And most of the goods are cheap and shitty. Just an all around unpleasant place to spend time at. But hey, that's just my opinion anyway.

Yeah, because before Walmart, no business ever paid minimum wage. Are you just being stupid? Or do you really believe what you are saying?

There is nothing immoral about Walmart's business practice.

It's not crowded. It's not 'stanky'. Yes, it does appeal to the lowest of the lows as far as Customer-Base goes. That's right.

Do you realize how snobbish and elitist you are coming across as? I'm a Walmart shopper myself. And yes, the whole reason I go there is because they have cheap prices. I can't afford to go to your 'uptown elitist store'. So now you look down on me? I shouldn't be able to buy things like you, because I'm not as snobby as you are?

So that's your position? You opinion is that no one lower on the income ladder than you, should be able to shop for cheap goods. Got it. You are a jerk, and elitist. That's what you have said about yourself.

Walmart IS an Evil Corporation. And it's nasty too. Most of its Customers are loud smelly mutants. Sorry, but it's the truth. It's a very unpleasant shopping environment. But hey, you wanna fund evil and hang with the mutants, that's cool. It's your call.

Well you have the right to be wrong. That's your option.

And yes, it is my call, and I will continue to shop at Walmart, gladly. And I will save money on goods.... gladly. And I have no problem with their customers.

Enjoy that low price now, because you'll pay a much higher price later. You're supporting a whole lot of suffering. You're supporting evil. Evil Corporations like Walmart have hurt so many good people. They've destroyed the small business little guy, and have enriched themselves off abusing American Workers. You wanna go on supporting that, it's your call i guess. But i'm choosing not to.

Yes yes... you have made your opinion clear enough. It was wrong before, it's wrong now, and it will continue to be into the future.

Yeah, it's hurt so many people providing 2.2 million jobs, and billions of low cost goods to people who otherwise couldn't afford them. Yes the horrors are never ending.

Thanks... we get that you are not going to change your opinion, and I am not dumb enough to believe your opinion. So let's move on shall we....?

Like i said, enjoy those low prices. Just know that a whole lot of suffering is involved in providing you your cheap shitty Chinese-made products. You're contributing to that suffering.

Why should we care about Chinese kids having a shitty work environment?

The domestic workers are paid a fair wage. If the Chinese don't like their pay and shit, that's their problem.

A good decent person would care. Lots of poor Chinese kids forced into slave labor so you can buy your cheap shitty microwave or blender from Walmart.

We have to see the same standards on imports as we do in our homeland and on exports otherwise we will still have these pre-historic brains telling us we have to compete with the most 3rd world nation in the world.

Let's be real, most Americans have become fat, greedy, ignorant, and hateful. I truly believe most could care less how many Chinese children die.

Let's see?... Cheap Sneakers/Dead Children or More Expensive Sneakers/Healthy Living Children? It's a no-brainer. Most Americans would choose Cheap Sneakers/Dead Children. That's how bad things have gotten in our country. Such shocking greed and hate. Very depressing.
Things you probably have already seen or will see about this topic is people saying WalMart will have to raise prices if they pay their workers better. Like the McDonalds debate, this is ignorance of the topic. One person, Christie Walton is worth $36.7 BILLION. I would like someone to do the math to see how much workers would have got if she was just worth 1 billion, I guarantee she didn't work for all of that money alone, it took a team.

But then Christie would have to learn how to live with $1Billion and the WalMart Managers won't be obligated to hand out Welfare information to the people that ask for a raise.

A little research goes a long way people. Stay smart. Stop letting Corporations own your thinking. The Commerce Claus in the Constitution and the laws against Monopolies were there for a reason. Stop justifying everything America is against because Fox News says we should. YOU SHOULD BE SMARTER THAN THAT.

But the entire premise you gave is flawed.

Christie Walton, is not getting $36.7 Billion in DOLLARS from Walmart. You can't collect $36.7 Billion in dollars from Christie Walton, and give it to the workers, because she does not have $36.7 Billion in dollars.

Christie Walton has $36.7 Billion in ASSETS. And a kicker... not even all those are assets are Walmart stock.

Christie Walton also had majority ownership of Arvest Bank. Christie also owns a large chunk of First Solar.

Now how do you propose we deal with that? Do you just forcibly confiscate Christie's stock? And then what? Sell the stock? Who do you think is going to buy the stock, so that you can give the money to the workers, when a stock holder just had their stock confiscated? Would you want to buy the stock after that?

Even if you did... let's magically say you did force Christie Walton to sell the stock, confiscated her money, and give it to the employees, which would be let's even say the full $36.7 Billion, that would be a ONE TIME SUM of $16,600 for each employee. Knock off taxes, and the fact this would bump most of the employees up a tax bracket, and then chop out all the benefits Walmart has.

We're talking $10,000 for each employee, for one year. Or one lump sum at the end of the year.

Now catch this..... what happens the following year? Everyone goes back to their original pay.

You have solved absolutely nothing. Everyone is right back where they were before your plan.

But here is what has changed. Now everyone knows that stocks are not safe investments, because you just stole Christie's assets.

So now, Walmart stock dropped in value like a rock. Because it drops in value, Walmart can't sell stocks to get the money they need to open new stores, or renovate existing stores. So no new jobs are created, and old stores start losing customers and closing, losing jobs.

So you have not only solved nothing, but you have created a bunch of problems, harming society.

Are you saying you can gain assets for takes money to make these investments you call "assets"..........
Let's see?... Cheap Sneakers/Dead Children or More Expensive Sneakers/Healthy Living Children? It's a no-brainer. Most Americans would choose Cheap Sneakers/Dead Children. That's how bad things have gotten in our country. Such shocking greed and hate. Very depressing.

Well considering those dead children are Chinese, absolutely. China is already overpopulated as it is, after all.

Now if they were American children, you might have a point.

Nice try, though.
Shopping at Walmart only supports and encourages immoral business practices. Other Companies are now adopting the 'Walmart Way.' And that isn't good for American Workers, or Americans in general.

I'll gladly pay more for my goods and shop elsewhere. Not to mention, shopping at Walmart is a very unpleasant shopping experience. It's crowded and stanky. It appeals to the lowest of the low as far as a Customer-Base goes. Most of its Customers are loud smelly mutants. And most of the goods are cheap and shitty. Just an all around unpleasant place to spend time at. But hey, that's just my opinion anyway.

Yeah, because before Walmart, no business ever paid minimum wage. Are you just being stupid? Or do you really believe what you are saying?

There is nothing immoral about Walmart's business practice.

It's not crowded. It's not 'stanky'. Yes, it does appeal to the lowest of the lows as far as Customer-Base goes. That's right.

Do you realize how snobbish and elitist you are coming across as? I'm a Walmart shopper myself. And yes, the whole reason I go there is because they have cheap prices. I can't afford to go to your 'uptown elitist store'. So now you look down on me? I shouldn't be able to buy things like you, because I'm not as snobby as you are?

So that's your position? You opinion is that no one lower on the income ladder than you, should be able to shop for cheap goods. Got it. You are a jerk, and elitist. That's what you have said about yourself.

Walmart IS an Evil Corporation. And it's nasty too. Most of its Customers are loud smelly mutants. Sorry, but it's the truth. It's a very unpleasant shopping environment. But hey, you wanna fund evil and hang with the mutants, that's cool. It's your call.

Well you have the right to be wrong. That's your option.

And yes, it is my call, and I will continue to shop at Walmart, gladly. And I will save money on goods.... gladly. And I have no problem with their customers.

Enjoy that low price now, because you'll pay a much higher price later. You're supporting a whole lot of suffering. You're supporting evil. Evil Corporations like Walmart have hurt so many good people. They've destroyed the small business little guy, and have enriched themselves off abusing American Workers. You wanna go on supporting that, it's your call i guess. But i'm choosing not to.

Yes yes... you have made your opinion clear enough. It was wrong before, it's wrong now, and it will continue to be into the future.

Yeah, it's hurt so many people providing 2.2 million jobs, and billions of low cost goods to people who otherwise couldn't afford them. Yes the horrors are never ending.

Thanks... we get that you are not going to change your opinion, and I am not dumb enough to believe your opinion. So let's move on shall we....?

Like i said, enjoy those low prices. Just know that a whole lot of suffering is involved in providing you your cheap shitty Chinese-made products. You're contributing to that suffering.

Why should we care about Chinese kids having a shitty work environment?

The domestic workers are paid a fair wage. If the Chinese don't like their pay and shit, that's their problem.

A good decent person would care. Lots of poor Chinese kids forced into slave labor so you can buy your cheap shitty microwave or blender from Walmart.

I don't think I've ever been accused of being such an insipid twit.

If that cheap, shitty blender makes my milkshake the same as a $50 one, I'm happy to save a few bucks.

How bout an American make that blender? Maybe even pay em a decent wage too? I'll pay a few more bucks for my blender.
Shopping at Walmart only supports and encourages immoral business practices. Other Companies are now adopting the 'Walmart Way.' And that isn't good for American Workers, or Americans in general.

I'll gladly pay more for my goods and shop elsewhere. Not to mention, shopping at Walmart is a very unpleasant shopping experience. It's crowded and stanky. It appeals to the lowest of the low as far as a Customer-Base goes. Most of its Customers are loud smelly mutants. And most of the goods are cheap and shitty. Just an all around unpleasant place to spend time at. But hey, that's just my opinion anyway.

Yeah, because before Walmart, no business ever paid minimum wage. Are you just being stupid? Or do you really believe what you are saying?

There is nothing immoral about Walmart's business practice.

It's not crowded. It's not 'stanky'. Yes, it does appeal to the lowest of the lows as far as Customer-Base goes. That's right.

Do you realize how snobbish and elitist you are coming across as? I'm a Walmart shopper myself. And yes, the whole reason I go there is because they have cheap prices. I can't afford to go to your 'uptown elitist store'. So now you look down on me? I shouldn't be able to buy things like you, because I'm not as snobby as you are?

So that's your position? You opinion is that no one lower on the income ladder than you, should be able to shop for cheap goods. Got it. You are a jerk, and elitist. That's what you have said about yourself.

Walmart IS an Evil Corporation. And it's nasty too. Most of its Customers are loud smelly mutants. Sorry, but it's the truth. It's a very unpleasant shopping environment. But hey, you wanna fund evil and hang with the mutants, that's cool. It's your call.

Well you have the right to be wrong. That's your option.

And yes, it is my call, and I will continue to shop at Walmart, gladly. And I will save money on goods.... gladly. And I have no problem with their customers.

Enjoy that low price now, because you'll pay a much higher price later. You're supporting a whole lot of suffering. You're supporting evil. Evil Corporations like Walmart have hurt so many good people. They've destroyed the small business little guy, and have enriched themselves off abusing American Workers. You wanna go on supporting that, it's your call i guess. But i'm choosing not to.

Yes yes... you have made your opinion clear enough. It was wrong before, it's wrong now, and it will continue to be into the future.

Yeah, it's hurt so many people providing 2.2 million jobs, and billions of low cost goods to people who otherwise couldn't afford them. Yes the horrors are never ending.

Thanks... we get that you are not going to change your opinion, and I am not dumb enough to believe your opinion. So let's move on shall we....?

Like i said, enjoy those low prices. Just know that a whole lot of suffering is involved in providing you your cheap shitty Chinese-made products. You're contributing to that suffering.

Why should we care about Chinese kids having a shitty work environment?

The domestic workers are paid a fair wage. If the Chinese don't like their pay and shit, that's their problem.

A good decent person would care. Lots of poor Chinese kids forced into slave labor so you can buy your cheap shitty microwave or blender from Walmart.

We have to see the same standards on imports as we do in our homeland and on exports otherwise we will still have these pre-historic brains telling us we have to compete with the most 3rd world nation in the world.

Let's be real, most Americans have become fat, greedy, ignorant, and hateful. I truly believe most could care less how many Chinese children die.

Let's see?... Cheap Sneakers/Dead Children or More Expensive Sneakers/Healthy Living Children? It's a no-brainer. Most Americans would choose Cheap Sneakers/Dead Children. That's how bad things have gotten in our country. Such shocking greed and hate. Very depressing.

But Chinese kids got a smog day last year. We don't get smog days, we only get snow days. :p
Shopping at Walmart only supports and encourages immoral business practices. Other Companies are now adopting the 'Walmart Way.' And that isn't good for American Workers, or Americans in general.

I'll gladly pay more for my goods and shop elsewhere. Not to mention, shopping at Walmart is a very unpleasant shopping experience. It's crowded and stanky. It appeals to the lowest of the low as far as a Customer-Base goes. Most of its Customers are loud smelly mutants. And most of the goods are cheap and shitty. Just an all around unpleasant place to spend time at. But hey, that's just my opinion anyway.

Yeah, because before Walmart, no business ever paid minimum wage. Are you just being stupid? Or do you really believe what you are saying?

There is nothing immoral about Walmart's business practice.

It's not crowded. It's not 'stanky'. Yes, it does appeal to the lowest of the lows as far as Customer-Base goes. That's right.

Do you realize how snobbish and elitist you are coming across as? I'm a Walmart shopper myself. And yes, the whole reason I go there is because they have cheap prices. I can't afford to go to your 'uptown elitist store'. So now you look down on me? I shouldn't be able to buy things like you, because I'm not as snobby as you are?

So that's your position? You opinion is that no one lower on the income ladder than you, should be able to shop for cheap goods. Got it. You are a jerk, and elitist. That's what you have said about yourself.

Walmart IS an Evil Corporation. And it's nasty too. Most of its Customers are loud smelly mutants. Sorry, but it's the truth. It's a very unpleasant shopping environment. But hey, you wanna fund evil and hang with the mutants, that's cool. It's your call.

Well you have the right to be wrong. That's your option.

And yes, it is my call, and I will continue to shop at Walmart, gladly. And I will save money on goods.... gladly. And I have no problem with their customers.

Enjoy that low price now, because you'll pay a much higher price later. You're supporting a whole lot of suffering. You're supporting evil. Evil Corporations like Walmart have hurt so many good people. They've destroyed the small business little guy, and have enriched themselves off abusing American Workers. You wanna go on supporting that, it's your call i guess. But i'm choosing not to.

Yes yes... you have made your opinion clear enough. It was wrong before, it's wrong now, and it will continue to be into the future.

Yeah, it's hurt so many people providing 2.2 million jobs, and billions of low cost goods to people who otherwise couldn't afford them. Yes the horrors are never ending.

Thanks... we get that you are not going to change your opinion, and I am not dumb enough to believe your opinion. So let's move on shall we....?

Like i said, enjoy those low prices. Just know that a whole lot of suffering is involved in providing you your cheap shitty Chinese-made products. You're contributing to that suffering.

Why should we care about Chinese kids having a shitty work environment?

The domestic workers are paid a fair wage. If the Chinese don't like their pay and shit, that's their problem.

A good decent person would care. Lots of poor Chinese kids forced into slave labor so you can buy your cheap shitty microwave or blender from Walmart.

I don't think I've ever been accused of being such an insipid twit.

If that cheap, shitty blender makes my milkshake the same as a $50 one, I'm happy to save a few bucks.

How bout an American make that blender? Maybe even pay em a decent wage too? I'll pay a few more bucks for my blender.

Go for it. I'll pay $10 for the one made in Taiwan and use it to make pureed Chinese children.
Let's see?... Cheap Sneakers/Dead Children or More Expensive Sneakers/Healthy Living Children? It's a no-brainer. Most Americans would choose Cheap Sneakers/Dead Children. That's how bad things have gotten in our country. Such shocking greed and hate. Very depressing.

Well considering those dead children are Chinese, absolutely. China is already overpopulated as it is, after all.

Now if they were American children, you might have a point.

Nice try, though.

Now there's an idea. How bout we bring back Child Slave Labor here? Why outsource all that Child Slave Labor? Whata ya say?
Let's see?... Cheap Sneakers/Dead Children or More Expensive Sneakers/Healthy Living Children? It's a no-brainer. Most Americans would choose Cheap Sneakers/Dead Children. That's how bad things have gotten in our country. Such shocking greed and hate. Very depressing.

Well considering those dead children are Chinese, absolutely. China is already overpopulated as it is, after all.

Now if they were American children, you might have a point.

Nice try, though.

Now there's an idea. How bout we bring back Child Slave Labor here? Why outsource all that Child Slave Labor? Whata ya say?

Import the Chinese kids? Nah, then we'd have to feed them, and I don't want to have to increase our dependency on China for rice.

I like the current situation just fine.
Shopping at Walmart only supports and encourages immoral business practices. Other Companies are now adopting the 'Walmart Way.' And that isn't good for American Workers, or Americans in general.

I'll gladly pay more for my goods and shop elsewhere. Not to mention, shopping at Walmart is a very unpleasant shopping experience. It's crowded and stanky. It appeals to the lowest of the low as far as a Customer-Base goes. Most of its Customers are loud smelly mutants. And most of the goods are cheap and shitty. Just an all around unpleasant place to spend time at. But hey, that's just my opinion anyway.

Yeah, because before Walmart, no business ever paid minimum wage. Are you just being stupid? Or do you really believe what you are saying?

There is nothing immoral about Walmart's business practice.

It's not crowded. It's not 'stanky'. Yes, it does appeal to the lowest of the lows as far as Customer-Base goes. That's right.

Do you realize how snobbish and elitist you are coming across as? I'm a Walmart shopper myself. And yes, the whole reason I go there is because they have cheap prices. I can't afford to go to your 'uptown elitist store'. So now you look down on me? I shouldn't be able to buy things like you, because I'm not as snobby as you are?

So that's your position? You opinion is that no one lower on the income ladder than you, should be able to shop for cheap goods. Got it. You are a jerk, and elitist. That's what you have said about yourself.

Walmart IS an Evil Corporation. And it's nasty too. Most of its Customers are loud smelly mutants. Sorry, but it's the truth. It's a very unpleasant shopping environment. But hey, you wanna fund evil and hang with the mutants, that's cool. It's your call.

Well you have the right to be wrong. That's your option.

And yes, it is my call, and I will continue to shop at Walmart, gladly. And I will save money on goods.... gladly. And I have no problem with their customers.

Enjoy that low price now, because you'll pay a much higher price later. You're supporting a whole lot of suffering. You're supporting evil. Evil Corporations like Walmart have hurt so many good people. They've destroyed the small business little guy, and have enriched themselves off abusing American Workers. You wanna go on supporting that, it's your call i guess. But i'm choosing not to.

Yes yes... you have made your opinion clear enough. It was wrong before, it's wrong now, and it will continue to be into the future.

Yeah, it's hurt so many people providing 2.2 million jobs, and billions of low cost goods to people who otherwise couldn't afford them. Yes the horrors are never ending.

Thanks... we get that you are not going to change your opinion, and I am not dumb enough to believe your opinion. So let's move on shall we....?

Like i said, enjoy those low prices. Just know that a whole lot of suffering is involved in providing you your cheap shitty Chinese-made products. You're contributing to that suffering.

Why should we care about Chinese kids having a shitty work environment?

The domestic workers are paid a fair wage. If the Chinese don't like their pay and shit, that's their problem.

A good decent person would care. Lots of poor Chinese kids forced into slave labor so you can buy your cheap shitty microwave or blender from Walmart.

I don't think I've ever been accused of being such an insipid twit.

If that cheap, shitty blender makes my milkshake the same as a $50 one, I'm happy to save a few bucks.

How bout an American make that blender? Maybe even pay em a decent wage too? I'll pay a few more bucks for my blender.

Our products were the cheape
Shopping at Walmart only supports and encourages immoral business practices. Other Companies are now adopting the 'Walmart Way.' And that isn't good for American Workers, or Americans in general.

I'll gladly pay more for my goods and shop elsewhere. Not to mention, shopping at Walmart is a very unpleasant shopping experience. It's crowded and stanky. It appeals to the lowest of the low as far as a Customer-Base goes. Most of its Customers are loud smelly mutants. And most of the goods are cheap and shitty. Just an all around unpleasant place to spend time at. But hey, that's just my opinion anyway.

Yeah, because before Walmart, no business ever paid minimum wage. Are you just being stupid? Or do you really believe what you are saying?

There is nothing immoral about Walmart's business practice.

It's not crowded. It's not 'stanky'. Yes, it does appeal to the lowest of the lows as far as Customer-Base goes. That's right.

Do you realize how snobbish and elitist you are coming across as? I'm a Walmart shopper myself. And yes, the whole reason I go there is because they have cheap prices. I can't afford to go to your 'uptown elitist store'. So now you look down on me? I shouldn't be able to buy things like you, because I'm not as snobby as you are?

So that's your position? You opinion is that no one lower on the income ladder than you, should be able to shop for cheap goods. Got it. You are a jerk, and elitist. That's what you have said about yourself.

Walmart IS an Evil Corporation. And it's nasty too. Most of its Customers are loud smelly mutants. Sorry, but it's the truth. It's a very unpleasant shopping environment. But hey, you wanna fund evil and hang with the mutants, that's cool. It's your call.

Well you have the right to be wrong. That's your option.

And yes, it is my call, and I will continue to shop at Walmart, gladly. And I will save money on goods.... gladly. And I have no problem with their customers.

Enjoy that low price now, because you'll pay a much higher price later. You're supporting a whole lot of suffering. You're supporting evil. Evil Corporations like Walmart have hurt so many good people. They've destroyed the small business little guy, and have enriched themselves off abusing American Workers. You wanna go on supporting that, it's your call i guess. But i'm choosing not to.

Yes yes... you have made your opinion clear enough. It was wrong before, it's wrong now, and it will continue to be into the future.

Yeah, it's hurt so many people providing 2.2 million jobs, and billions of low cost goods to people who otherwise couldn't afford them. Yes the horrors are never ending.

Thanks... we get that you are not going to change your opinion, and I am not dumb enough to believe your opinion. So let's move on shall we....?

Like i said, enjoy those low prices. Just know that a whole lot of suffering is involved in providing you your cheap shitty Chinese-made products. You're contributing to that suffering.

Why should we care about Chinese kids having a shitty work environment?

The domestic workers are paid a fair wage. If the Chinese don't like their pay and shit, that's their problem.

A good decent person would care. Lots of poor Chinese kids forced into slave labor so you can buy your cheap shitty microwave or blender from Walmart.

I don't think I've ever been accused of being such an insipid twit.

If that cheap, shitty blender makes my milkshake the same as a $50 one, I'm happy to save a few bucks.

How bout an American make that blender? Maybe even pay em a decent wage too? I'll pay a few more bucks for my blender.

Go for it. I'll pay $10 for the one made in Taiwan and use it to make pureed Chinese children.

Let's see?... Cheap Sneakers/Dead Children or More Expensive Sneakers/Healthy Living Children? It's a no-brainer. Most Americans would choose Cheap Sneakers/Dead Children. That's how bad things have gotten in our country. Such shocking greed and hate. Very depressing.

Well considering those dead children are Chinese, absolutely. China is already overpopulated as it is, after all.

Now if they were American children, you might have a point.

Nice try, though.

Now there's an idea. How bout we bring back Child Slave Labor here? Why outsource all that Child Slave Labor? Whata ya say?

Kids hate parks, child labor is so fun! Ignore that pesky education that keeps them from turning into corporate drones LOL
Let's see?... Cheap Sneakers/Dead Children or More Expensive Sneakers/Healthy Living Children? It's a no-brainer. Most Americans would choose Cheap Sneakers/Dead Children. That's how bad things have gotten in our country. Such shocking greed and hate. Very depressing.

Well considering those dead children are Chinese, absolutely. China is already overpopulated as it is, after all.

Now if they were American children, you might have a point.

Nice try, though.

Now there's an idea. How bout we bring back Child Slave Labor here? Why outsource all that Child Slave Labor? Whata ya say?

Import the Chinese kids? Nah, then we'd have to feed them, and I don't want to have to increase our dependency on China for rice.

I like the current situation just fine.

You like that China is buying all of our farms?
Let's see?... Cheap Sneakers/Dead Children or More Expensive Sneakers/Healthy Living Children? It's a no-brainer. Most Americans would choose Cheap Sneakers/Dead Children. That's how bad things have gotten in our country. Such shocking greed and hate. Very depressing.

Well considering those dead children are Chinese, absolutely. China is already overpopulated as it is, after all.

Now if they were American children, you might have a point.

Nice try, though.

Now there's an idea. How bout we bring back Child Slave Labor here? Why outsource all that Child Slave Labor? Whata ya say?

Import the Chinese kids? Nah, then we'd have to feed them, and I don't want to have to increase our dependency on China for rice.

I like the current situation just fine.

Nah, bring back the good ole days. The days when American children died horrific deaths trying to make ends meet for a starving family. Oh those were the days.
Things you probably have already seen or will see about this topic is people saying WalMart will have to raise prices if they pay their workers better. Like the McDonalds debate, this is ignorance of the topic. One person, Christie Walton is worth $36.7 BILLION. I would like someone to do the math to see how much workers would have got if she was just worth 1 billion, I guarantee she didn't work for all of that money alone, it took a team.

But then Christie would have to learn how to live with $1Billion and the WalMart Managers won't be obligated to hand out Welfare information to the people that ask for a raise.

A little research goes a long way people. Stay smart. Stop letting Corporations own your thinking. The Commerce Claus in the Constitution and the laws against Monopolies were there for a reason. Stop justifying everything America is against because Fox News says we should. YOU SHOULD BE SMARTER THAN THAT.

But the entire premise you gave is flawed.

Christie Walton, is not getting $36.7 Billion in DOLLARS from Walmart. You can't collect $36.7 Billion in dollars from Christie Walton, and give it to the workers, because she does not have $36.7 Billion in dollars.

Christie Walton has $36.7 Billion in ASSETS. And a kicker... not even all those are assets are Walmart stock.

Christie Walton also had majority ownership of Arvest Bank. Christie also owns a large chunk of First Solar.

Now how do you propose we deal with that? Do you just forcibly confiscate Christie's stock? And then what? Sell the stock? Who do you think is going to buy the stock, so that you can give the money to the workers, when a stock holder just had their stock confiscated? Would you want to buy the stock after that?

Even if you did... let's magically say you did force Christie Walton to sell the stock, confiscated her money, and give it to the employees, which would be let's even say the full $36.7 Billion, that would be a ONE TIME SUM of $16,600 for each employee. Knock off taxes, and the fact this would bump most of the employees up a tax bracket, and then chop out all the benefits Walmart has.

We're talking $10,000 for each employee, for one year. Or one lump sum at the end of the year.

Now catch this..... what happens the following year? Everyone goes back to their original pay.

You have solved absolutely nothing. Everyone is right back where they were before your plan.

But here is what has changed. Now everyone knows that stocks are not safe investments, because you just stole Christie's assets.

So now, Walmart stock dropped in value like a rock. Because it drops in value, Walmart can't sell stocks to get the money they need to open new stores, or renovate existing stores. So no new jobs are created, and old stores start losing customers and closing, losing jobs.

So you have not only solved nothing, but you have created a bunch of problems, harming society.

Are you saying you can gain assets for takes money to make these investments you call "assets"..........

No, it doesn't. It doesn't take any money at all. That exactly why companies pay CEOs with stock.

Have you not ever wondered why CEOs are paid with company stock, instead of cash? Wouldn't the CEO rather have actual money, instead of a bit of paper that says he owns shares in a company?

Of course. Wouldn't you rather be paid in cash than stock?

The whole reason there are 'stock options', is because it doesn't cost the company anything to give the CEO stock. The company itself, owns it's own stock. A company can sell millions of shares in itself on the public market, and get capital.

But, for a CEO, he doesn't pay the company for the stock. The company just gives him the stock, as part of his compensation, and that costs the company nothing.

Now outside of that, is the owners. If you start a company, and sell stock, then I would have to buy into the company, by purchasing stock. That's true. That would require me to have dollars, to buy the shares.

But *YOU* don't have to buy stock. You created the company. You own it. By definition, you own 100% of the shares in the company.

Christie Walton owns stock, because her father owned the stock, because her father created the company. She didn't have to spend a penny. Nor did Sam Walton spend a penny. They OWNED the company. Originally 100% of the shares were theirs.

So yes, you can gain assets for free.... if you own the company. As the company grew, the stocks went up in value, then split.... when went up in value again, and split again. During that same time, the company has paid the Walton executives, with stock options. Those added to the rest, also grew in value, and split, and grew, and split.

As that happens for decades, a few thousands shares in a small store, ends up hundreds of millions of shares, worth Billions.... and you haven't collected a penny in real dollars.

And by the way... I don't know why that's surprising to you. If you buy land, it can grow in value very fast, increasing your asset values many times in a few decades.... and you haven't added a penny in real dollars to your assets.
Let's see?... Cheap Sneakers/Dead Children or More Expensive Sneakers/Healthy Living Children? It's a no-brainer. Most Americans would choose Cheap Sneakers/Dead Children. That's how bad things have gotten in our country. Such shocking greed and hate. Very depressing.

Well considering those dead children are Chinese, absolutely. China is already overpopulated as it is, after all.

Now if they were American children, you might have a point.

Nice try, though.

Now there's an idea. How bout we bring back Child Slave Labor here? Why outsource all that Child Slave Labor? Whata ya say?

Import the Chinese kids? Nah, then we'd have to feed them, and I don't want to have to increase our dependency on China for rice.

I like the current situation just fine.

Nah, bring back the good ole days. The days when American children died horrific deaths trying to make ends meet for a starving family. Oh those were the days.

Now THAT is Freedom! (R)ight?
Things you probably have already seen or will see about this topic is people saying WalMart will have to raise prices if they pay their workers better. Like the McDonalds debate, this is ignorance of the topic. One person, Christie Walton is worth $36.7 BILLION. I would like someone to do the math to see how much workers would have got if she was just worth 1 billion, I guarantee she didn't work for all of that money alone, it took a team.

But then Christie would have to learn how to live with $1Billion and the WalMart Managers won't be obligated to hand out Welfare information to the people that ask for a raise.

A little research goes a long way people. Stay smart. Stop letting Corporations own your thinking. The Commerce Claus in the Constitution and the laws against Monopolies were there for a reason. Stop justifying everything America is against because Fox News says we should. YOU SHOULD BE SMARTER THAN THAT.

But the entire premise you gave is flawed.

Christie Walton, is not getting $36.7 Billion in DOLLARS from Walmart. You can't collect $36.7 Billion in dollars from Christie Walton, and give it to the workers, because she does not have $36.7 Billion in dollars.

Christie Walton has $36.7 Billion in ASSETS. And a kicker... not even all those are assets are Walmart stock.

Christie Walton also had majority ownership of Arvest Bank. Christie also owns a large chunk of First Solar.

Now how do you propose we deal with that? Do you just forcibly confiscate Christie's stock? And then what? Sell the stock? Who do you think is going to buy the stock, so that you can give the money to the workers, when a stock holder just had their stock confiscated? Would you want to buy the stock after that?

Even if you did... let's magically say you did force Christie Walton to sell the stock, confiscated her money, and give it to the employees, which would be let's even say the full $36.7 Billion, that would be a ONE TIME SUM of $16,600 for each employee. Knock off taxes, and the fact this would bump most of the employees up a tax bracket, and then chop out all the benefits Walmart has.

We're talking $10,000 for each employee, for one year. Or one lump sum at the end of the year.

Now catch this..... what happens the following year? Everyone goes back to their original pay.

You have solved absolutely nothing. Everyone is right back where they were before your plan.

But here is what has changed. Now everyone knows that stocks are not safe investments, because you just stole Christie's assets.

So now, Walmart stock dropped in value like a rock. Because it drops in value, Walmart can't sell stocks to get the money they need to open new stores, or renovate existing stores. So no new jobs are created, and old stores start losing customers and closing, losing jobs.

So you have not only solved nothing, but you have created a bunch of problems, harming society.

Are you saying you can gain assets for takes money to make these investments you call "assets"..........

No, it doesn't. It doesn't take any money at all. That exactly why companies pay CEOs with stock.

Have you not ever wondered why CEOs are paid with company stock, instead of cash? Wouldn't the CEO rather have actual money, instead of a bit of paper that says he owns shares in a company?

Of course. Wouldn't you rather be paid in cash than stock?

The whole reason there are 'stock options', is because it doesn't cost the company anything to give the CEO stock. The company itself, owns it's own stock. A company can sell millions of shares in itself on the public market, and get capital.

But, for a CEO, he doesn't pay the company for the stock. The company just gives him the stock, as part of his compensation, and that costs the company nothing.

Now outside of that, is the owners. If you start a company, and sell stock, then I would have to buy into the company, by purchasing stock. That's true. That would require me to have dollars, to buy the shares.

But *YOU* don't have to buy stock. You created the company. You own it. By definition, you own 100% of the shares in the company.

Christie Walton owns stock, because her father owned the stock, because her father created the company. She didn't have to spend a penny. Nor did Sam Walton spend a penny. They OWNED the company. Originally 100% of the shares were theirs.

So yes, you can gain assets for free.... if you own the company. As the company grew, the stocks went up in value, then split.... when went up in value again, and split again. During that same time, the company has paid the Walton executives, with stock options. Those added to the rest, also grew in value, and split, and grew, and split.

As that happens for decades, a few thousands shares in a small store, ends up hundreds of millions of shares, worth Billions.... and you haven't collected a penny in real dollars.

And by the way... I don't know why that's surprising to you. If you buy land, it can grow in value very fast, increasing your asset values many times in a few decades.... and you haven't added a penny in real dollars to your assets.

-->No, it doesn't. It doesn't take any money at all. That exactly why companies pay CEOs with stock.<-- Oxymoron alert

Stock is free, yay!

^This guy thinks the stock money came from thin air. Doesn't know there was a team that made that money appear to begin with.
Things you probably have already seen or will see about this topic is people saying WalMart will have to raise prices if they pay their workers better. Like the McDonalds debate, this is ignorance of the topic. One person, Christie Walton is worth $36.7 BILLION. I would like someone to do the math to see how much workers would have got if she was just worth 1 billion, I guarantee she didn't work for all of that money alone, it took a team.

But then Christie would have to learn how to live with $1Billion and the WalMart Managers won't be obligated to hand out Welfare information to the people that ask for a raise.

A little research goes a long way people. Stay smart. Stop letting Corporations own your thinking. The Commerce Claus in the Constitution and the laws against Monopolies were there for a reason. Stop justifying everything America is against because Fox News says we should. YOU SHOULD BE SMARTER THAN THAT.

But the entire premise you gave is flawed.

Christie Walton, is not getting $36.7 Billion in DOLLARS from Walmart. You can't collect $36.7 Billion in dollars from Christie Walton, and give it to the workers, because she does not have $36.7 Billion in dollars.

Christie Walton has $36.7 Billion in ASSETS. And a kicker... not even all those are assets are Walmart stock.

Christie Walton also had majority ownership of Arvest Bank. Christie also owns a large chunk of First Solar.

Now how do you propose we deal with that? Do you just forcibly confiscate Christie's stock? And then what? Sell the stock? Who do you think is going to buy the stock, so that you can give the money to the workers, when a stock holder just had their stock confiscated? Would you want to buy the stock after that?

Even if you did... let's magically say you did force Christie Walton to sell the stock, confiscated her money, and give it to the employees, which would be let's even say the full $36.7 Billion, that would be a ONE TIME SUM of $16,600 for each employee. Knock off taxes, and the fact this would bump most of the employees up a tax bracket, and then chop out all the benefits Walmart has.

We're talking $10,000 for each employee, for one year. Or one lump sum at the end of the year.

Now catch this..... what happens the following year? Everyone goes back to their original pay.

You have solved absolutely nothing. Everyone is right back where they were before your plan.

But here is what has changed. Now everyone knows that stocks are not safe investments, because you just stole Christie's assets.

So now, Walmart stock dropped in value like a rock. Because it drops in value, Walmart can't sell stocks to get the money they need to open new stores, or renovate existing stores. So no new jobs are created, and old stores start losing customers and closing, losing jobs.

So you have not only solved nothing, but you have created a bunch of problems, harming society.

Are you saying you can gain assets for takes money to make these investments you call "assets"..........

No, it doesn't. It doesn't take any money at all. That exactly why companies pay CEOs with stock.

Have you not ever wondered why CEOs are paid with company stock, instead of cash? Wouldn't the CEO rather have actual money, instead of a bit of paper that says he owns shares in a company?

Of course. Wouldn't you rather be paid in cash than stock?

The whole reason there are 'stock options', is because it doesn't cost the company anything to give the CEO stock. The company itself, owns it's own stock. A company can sell millions of shares in itself on the public market, and get capital.

But, for a CEO, he doesn't pay the company for the stock. The company just gives him the stock, as part of his compensation, and that costs the company nothing.

Now outside of that, is the owners. If you start a company, and sell stock, then I would have to buy into the company, by purchasing stock. That's true. That would require me to have dollars, to buy the shares.

But *YOU* don't have to buy stock. You created the company. You own it. By definition, you own 100% of the shares in the company.

Christie Walton owns stock, because her father owned the stock, because her father created the company. She didn't have to spend a penny. Nor did Sam Walton spend a penny. They OWNED the company. Originally 100% of the shares were theirs.

So yes, you can gain assets for free.... if you own the company. As the company grew, the stocks went up in value, then split.... when went up in value again, and split again. During that same time, the company has paid the Walton executives, with stock options. Those added to the rest, also grew in value, and split, and grew, and split.

As that happens for decades, a few thousands shares in a small store, ends up hundreds of millions of shares, worth Billions.... and you haven't collected a penny in real dollars.

And by the way... I don't know why that's surprising to you. If you buy land, it can grow in value very fast, increasing your asset values many times in a few decades.... and you haven't added a penny in real dollars to your assets.

-->No, it doesn't. It doesn't take any money at all. That exactly why companies pay CEOs with stock.<-- Oxymoron alert

Stock is free, yay!

Yes, it is. If you own the company to begin with, yes, it is free. Am I wrong?
Let's see?... Cheap Sneakers/Dead Children or More Expensive Sneakers/Healthy Living Children? It's a no-brainer. Most Americans would choose Cheap Sneakers/Dead Children. That's how bad things have gotten in our country. Such shocking greed and hate. Very depressing.

Well considering those dead children are Chinese, absolutely. China is already overpopulated as it is, after all.

Now if they were American children, you might have a point.

Nice try, though.

Now there's an idea. How bout we bring back Child Slave Labor here? Why outsource all that Child Slave Labor? Whata ya say?

Import the Chinese kids? Nah, then we'd have to feed them, and I don't want to have to increase our dependency on China for rice.

I like the current situation just fine.

Nah, bring back the good ole days. The days when American children died horrific deaths trying to make ends meet for a starving family. Oh those were the days.

Now THAT is Freedom! (R)ight?

Seriously, why should Walmart Outsource all that wonderful Child Slave Labor? Why not give our American kids a shot? Why should China have all the fun? Please run it by Walmart. We can make America even greater. Bring the Child Slave Labor back home. Do it for America.
Things you probably have already seen or will see about this topic is people saying WalMart will have to raise prices if they pay their workers better. Like the McDonalds debate, this is ignorance of the topic. One person, Christie Walton is worth $36.7 BILLION. I would like someone to do the math to see how much workers would have got if she was just worth 1 billion, I guarantee she didn't work for all of that money alone, it took a team.

But then Christie would have to learn how to live with $1Billion and the WalMart Managers won't be obligated to hand out Welfare information to the people that ask for a raise.

A little research goes a long way people. Stay smart. Stop letting Corporations own your thinking. The Commerce Claus in the Constitution and the laws against Monopolies were there for a reason. Stop justifying everything America is against because Fox News says we should. YOU SHOULD BE SMARTER THAN THAT.

But the entire premise you gave is flawed.

Christie Walton, is not getting $36.7 Billion in DOLLARS from Walmart. You can't collect $36.7 Billion in dollars from Christie Walton, and give it to the workers, because she does not have $36.7 Billion in dollars.

Christie Walton has $36.7 Billion in ASSETS. And a kicker... not even all those are assets are Walmart stock.

Christie Walton also had majority ownership of Arvest Bank. Christie also owns a large chunk of First Solar.

Now how do you propose we deal with that? Do you just forcibly confiscate Christie's stock? And then what? Sell the stock? Who do you think is going to buy the stock, so that you can give the money to the workers, when a stock holder just had their stock confiscated? Would you want to buy the stock after that?

Even if you did... let's magically say you did force Christie Walton to sell the stock, confiscated her money, and give it to the employees, which would be let's even say the full $36.7 Billion, that would be a ONE TIME SUM of $16,600 for each employee. Knock off taxes, and the fact this would bump most of the employees up a tax bracket, and then chop out all the benefits Walmart has.

We're talking $10,000 for each employee, for one year. Or one lump sum at the end of the year.

Now catch this..... what happens the following year? Everyone goes back to their original pay.

You have solved absolutely nothing. Everyone is right back where they were before your plan.

But here is what has changed. Now everyone knows that stocks are not safe investments, because you just stole Christie's assets.

So now, Walmart stock dropped in value like a rock. Because it drops in value, Walmart can't sell stocks to get the money they need to open new stores, or renovate existing stores. So no new jobs are created, and old stores start losing customers and closing, losing jobs.

So you have not only solved nothing, but you have created a bunch of problems, harming society.

Are you saying you can gain assets for takes money to make these investments you call "assets"..........

No, it doesn't. It doesn't take any money at all. That exactly why companies pay CEOs with stock.

Have you not ever wondered why CEOs are paid with company stock, instead of cash? Wouldn't the CEO rather have actual money, instead of a bit of paper that says he owns shares in a company?

Of course. Wouldn't you rather be paid in cash than stock?

The whole reason there are 'stock options', is because it doesn't cost the company anything to give the CEO stock. The company itself, owns it's own stock. A company can sell millions of shares in itself on the public market, and get capital.

But, for a CEO, he doesn't pay the company for the stock. The company just gives him the stock, as part of his compensation, and that costs the company nothing.

Now outside of that, is the owners. If you start a company, and sell stock, then I would have to buy into the company, by purchasing stock. That's true. That would require me to have dollars, to buy the shares.

But *YOU* don't have to buy stock. You created the company. You own it. By definition, you own 100% of the shares in the company.

Christie Walton owns stock, because her father owned the stock, because her father created the company. She didn't have to spend a penny. Nor did Sam Walton spend a penny. They OWNED the company. Originally 100% of the shares were theirs.

So yes, you can gain assets for free.... if you own the company. As the company grew, the stocks went up in value, then split.... when went up in value again, and split again. During that same time, the company has paid the Walton executives, with stock options. Those added to the rest, also grew in value, and split, and grew, and split.

As that happens for decades, a few thousands shares in a small store, ends up hundreds of millions of shares, worth Billions.... and you haven't collected a penny in real dollars.

And by the way... I don't know why that's surprising to you. If you buy land, it can grow in value very fast, increasing your asset values many times in a few decades.... and you haven't added a penny in real dollars to your assets.

-->No, it doesn't. It doesn't take any money at all. That exactly why companies pay CEOs with stock.<-- Oxymoron alert

Stock is free, yay!

Yes, it is. If you own the company to begin with, yes, it is free. Am I wrong?

Let's paint a smaller picture for you then..............

I am a small town grocery store. I'm going to pay you in paper towls. Did those paper towls cost money?

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