Walmart manager in Chesapeake VA shoots employees

The statist left has a serious problem with violence. The street violence with the statist left was just as vicious back in the 60's/70's. Some folks say the lefty street violence actually started in America during the 50's but if it did I have no info about it. That marxist religion the statist left feeds on is a pretty toxic brew for sure.
From that post of rye catcher it seemsmto me they/, it/its or whatever pronoun silliness they use…..was drunk posting, or simply posting like a typical dumb leftist…..since drunk posters are just like letists posting've hurt my feelings. Sob, boo hoo.

Those guns you keep under your pillow at night is a clear reality that paranoia strikes deep in your gut. Fearful to go to a supermarket is cowardly, and you have the Zimmerman Syndrome, and a yet a desire to be a hero.
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I did. The great thing is they don't try to teach it in our schools.

China learns math and science and red states teach pregnant virgins and talking snakes.

No wonder china is passing us by.
Red states? Red states like blue state schools are controlled by teacher's unions. They teach that having sex with an adult is the most fun. Math is racist. It's a scientific fact that men can become women just by thinking about it.
Red states? Red states like blue state schools are controlled by teacher's unions. They teach that having sex with an adult is the most fun. Math is racist. It's a scientific fact that men can become women just by thinking about it.
Your first sentence is ludicrous. Then the rest of these silly remarks is total bullshit.
How many are murdered each year in schools, movie theaters, on the streets, at a concert or fair, or in churches, restaurants or at work? How many were shot and killed driving on the roads (road rage)?

Here.......a detailed breakdown by year on how many people are murdered by mass public shooters.....


Number of mass public shootings?


Total murdered....



Number of mass public shootings?


Total murdered?

5 dumb ass, as a comparison of threat levels....

Deer kill 200 people every single year.....

Ladders kill 300 people every single year.

Bathtubs kill 350 people every single year.

Lawn mowers kill between 90-100 people every year....

And cars?

42, 2020...

Do you understand why you are an idiot now?

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year, according to the Centers for Disease Control to save doofus...

In 6 years, Europe murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children.

In the U.S. in our entire 246 year history, 2,460,000 people murdered with guns.....the majority of whom are criminals, not innocent men, women and children...

You don't know what the you are talking about.
There are lies, damn lies and statistics.

Do you cuddle with your guns in a hot fetish every evening?'ve hurt my feelings. Sob, boo hoo.

Those guns you keep under your pillow at night is a clear reality that paranoia strikes deep in your gut. Fearful to go to a supermarket is cowardly, and you have the Zimmerman Syndrome, and a yet a desire to be a hero.

You really shouldn't start drinking so early in the day, and mixing your meds with booze really is a bad idea too.........

And we are still waiting for you to show us the NRA literature, and information that advocates murdering co-workers with guns and using guns for any crime of any kind.

I am sure you are working diligently to provide that information.
You really shouldn't start drinking so early in the day, and mixing your meds with booze really is a bad idea too.........

And we are still waiting for you to show us the NRA literature, and information that advocates murdering co-workers with guns and using guns for any crime of any kind.

I am sure you are working diligently to provide that information.
Your fetish for guns is clear, attacks on me and others who support gun controls is an example of paranoia.* Being paranoid, you make false claims on my lifestyle. That is an example of a damn liar, and typical of an asshole.

*No effort to take away the guns of sober, sane and law-abiding people has ever been put forth in The Congress.
The facts are the cost to do so would be too expensive and people like you would react with violence such as David Koresh.
Your fetish for guns is clear, attacks on me and others who support gun controls is an example of paranoia.* Being paranoid, you make false claims on my lifestyle. That is an example of a damn liar, and typical of an asshole.

*No effort to take away the guns of sober, sane and law-abiding people has ever been put forth in The Congress.
The facts are the cost to do so would be too expensive and people like you would react with violence such as David Koresh.

The lost their control of congress in the 1990s, so decided to put their gun control efforts at the local and state level, as well as in the courts......sadly, Trump was elected instead of hilary and he appointed 3 actual Justices who overturned your gun control extremism....
The lost their control of congress in the 1990s, so decided to put their gun control efforts at the local and state level, as well as in the courts......sadly, Trump was elected instead of hilary and he appointed 3 actual Justices who overturned your gun control extremism....
"sadly, Trump was elected instead of hilary" ???

Wow. Are you aware of how many people the serial killers Bill & Hillary Clinton have killed ?

Get ready for a "conspiracy theory" post, folks. It's what leftists use to hide behind, to avoid confronting reality.
Of course, no one is ever excused for committing murder, however it is important to note a point concerning co-workers in workplaces. Having spent over half a century in the workforce, and having worked in a variety of different jobs, in 4 states of the US, I do recall that I never had a problem with the work that I was required to do.

The only problems I ever had, and they were significant, was with co-workers (and usually only a few of them). Some co-workers can be absolutely intolerable, and on a constantly ongoing basis. There were some occasions where I had to actually quit a job, just because of nasty co-workers.

When this situation is encountered by a very unstable person, really bad things are likely to happen. One answer to this is for supervisors to more closely monitor the activities of who they supervise, including verbal abuse/harrassment. The way employees conduct themselves personally, is just as important as the work they do.
Wal Mart has security on site, you just never see them unless you try to steal something. If you walk into any Super wal mart, right near one of the entrances you will see an unmarked door. They are in there. I saw someone come out of one of those rooms one time. The room is pitch black with nothing but huge monitors everywhere and loss prevention watching the cameras.

The door is usually just outside the entrance where you walk through those theft detection body scan things. That way they can catch you stealing with the merchandise past the exit. If you're still in the store you can always claim you were going to pay for it.

Speaking of Wal Mart, I went for a quick trip to get a few things for the truck and the parking lot was more empty than normal, and the store was almost completely empty. Employees outnumbered customers for sure. For black friday, it sure looked bleak. Maybe "bleak friday" will be its new name.

Maybe everyone is just shopping online now instead of fighting the brick and mortar chaos. I don't know. But they were not at the super wal mart I was at, that's for sure.
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When I saw Andre Bing's mugshot I thought, "he is demonic". Then his manifesto stated he felt he was being "controlled by Satan".

Folks--this stuff is real, it's dangerous, it's not to be messed with.
When I saw Andre Bing's mugshot I thought, "he is demonic". Then his manifesto stated he felt he was being "controlled by Satan".
I don't think you saw a mugshot - he's never been in trouble.

Bing legally purchased the 9mm handgun from a local store on the morning of the shooting, police revealed Friday. He had no criminal history. Police found a box of ammunition and "various items in reference to the 9mm handgun (box, receipt, other paperwork)" at Bing's home.

Folks--this stuff is real, it's dangerous, it's not to be messed with.
What? Religions that worship images of good and evil possessing people's thoughts?
When this situation is encountered by a very unstable person, really bad things are likely to happen.
How do we identify the "unstable person"?

One answer to this is for supervisors to more closely monitor the activities of who they supervise, including verbal abuse/harrassment.
How does that not happen? I would say that American society has been warned to notice such behavior over the past fifty years and increasingly more campaigned.

The way employees conduct themselves personally, is just as important as the work they do.
I think we need a better method.

This may be a good topic for its own discussion.

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