Wall Of Moms Protects Protesters


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
I think that was an interesting idea. Yesterday I read an article that a nude woman stepped in front of a fed who was attacking a protester and the fed stopped attacking. I think that's where the idea of the wall of moms may have come from.

The feds need to leave Portland. No one in Oregon asked for them to be there. All the state and city officials have asked for the feds to leave. The governor has said that the feds are making the situation worse.

trump has formed his own military police and has sent them to Portland. They are violating protester's rights. They are driving around at night in unmarked cars, just picking people up off the street and taking them away.

They beat and gas people, one a retired Navy officer.

This has to stop. People have a right to protest. People have a right to the 4th amendment.

It's very unconstitutional to just grab people off the street without telling them what's going on, take them away in unmarked cars and put them in a federal facility without any reason or explanation.

The attorney general of Oregon has filed suit to stop trump from violating people's rights and the law.

I think that was an interesting idea. Yesterday I read an article that a nude woman stepped in front of a fed who was attacking a protester and the fed stopped attacking. I think that's where the idea of the wall of moms may have come from.

The feds need to leave Portland. No one in Oregon asked for them to be there. All the state and city officials have asked for the feds to leave. The governor has said that the feds are making the situation worse.

trump has formed his own military police and has sent them to Portland. They are violating protester's rights. They are driving around at night in unmarked cars, just picking people up off the street and taking them away.

They beat and gas people, one a retired Navy officer.

This has to stop. People have a right to protest. People have a right to the 4th amendment.

It's very unconstitutional to just grab people off the street without telling them what's going on, take them away in unmarked cars and put them in a federal facility without any reason or explanation.

The attorney general of Oregon has filed suit to stop trump from violating people's rights and the law.

And they (Trumps goons) don't even ask for their papers. This stunt has nothing to do with his supposed "Law and Order" campaign? Yes it does. It is nothing but a stunt for political ads.
I think that was an interesting idea. Yesterday I read an article that a nude woman stepped in front of a fed who was attacking a protester and the fed stopped attacking. I think that's where the idea of the wall of moms may have come from.

The feds need to leave Portland. No one in Oregon asked for them to be there. All the state and city officials have asked for the feds to leave. The governor has said that the feds are making the situation worse.

trump has formed his own military police and has sent them to Portland. They are violating protester's rights. They are driving around at night in unmarked cars, just picking people up off the street and taking them away.

They beat and gas people, one a retired Navy officer.

This has to stop. People have a right to protest. People have a right to the 4th amendment.

It's very unconstitutional to just grab people off the street without telling them what's going on, take them away in unmarked cars and put them in a federal facility without any reason or explanation.

The attorney general of Oregon has filed suit to stop trump from violating people's rights and the law.

Next up you radical leftist terrorists will be using a wall of children as human shields. You have no idea . . . the "bad men" who are out there cruising for Antifa and BLM and other assorted Chinese and communist infiltrators/insurgents. What a busy weekend it was. You sow, we reap. Grind 'em up and bake some red commie bread.
"Wall of moms"? Surely you jest. It depends on your point of view whether it was a "nude woman" or a babe stoned out of her mind or whether the feds were attacking a protester or keeping the peace. Funny how prominent democrats are silent about the whole thing.
I think that was an interesting idea. Yesterday I read an article that a nude woman stepped in front of a fed who was attacking a protester and the fed stopped attacking. I think that's where the idea of the wall of moms may have come from.

The feds need to leave Portland. No one in Oregon asked for them to be there. All the state and city officials have asked for the feds to leave. The governor has said that the feds are making the situation worse.

trump has formed his own military police and has sent them to Portland. They are violating protester's rights. They are driving around at night in unmarked cars, just picking people up off the street and taking them away.

They beat and gas people, one a retired Navy officer.

This has to stop. People have a right to protest. People have a right to the 4th amendment.

It's very unconstitutional to just grab people off the street without telling them what's going on, take them away in unmarked cars and put them in a federal facility without any reason or explanation.

The attorney general of Oregon has filed suit to stop trump from violating people's rights and the law.

If federal property is being damaged, the feds will remain, much to your chagrin. Maybe call on your local and state officials to stop the madness, then they can leave. It’s actually a very simple concept.
I think that was an interesting idea. Yesterday I read an article that a nude woman stepped in front of a fed who was attacking a protester and the fed stopped attacking. I think that's where the idea of the wall of moms may have come from.

The feds need to leave Portland. No one in Oregon asked for them to be there. All the state and city officials have asked for the feds to leave. The governor has said that the feds are making the situation worse.

trump has formed his own military police and has sent them to Portland. They are violating protester's rights. They are driving around at night in unmarked cars, just picking people up off the street and taking them away.

They beat and gas people, one a retired Navy officer.

This has to stop. People have a right to protest. People have a right to the 4th amendment.

It's very unconstitutional to just grab people off the street without telling them what's going on, take them away in unmarked cars and put them in a federal facility without any reason or explanation.

The attorney general of Oregon has filed suit to stop trump from violating people's rights and the law.

If the State and City won't protect federal property, then the feds will protect federal property.
There is no right to Burn Loot and Murder. It is not true that business owners want their businesses smashed, looted and burned to the ground. It is not true that elderly people want to be beaten to death. Mayors and governors have an obligation to protect law abiding citizens from predators. When they fail, the law abiding and tax payers have a right to petition the federal government.

It was the mayor and city prosecutor in St. Louis that not only prohibited federal help for the McCloskys but prohibited them from defending themselves as well. The same is true in Portland and Seattle. The business people should form their own armed militia and protect their property. Who would help them, the mayor ordering the police or Trump ordering federal law enforcement?
"Wall of moms"? Surely you jest. It depends on your point of view whether it was a "nude woman" or a babe stoned out of her mind or whether the feds were attacking a protester or keeping the peace. Funny how prominent democrats are silent about the whole thing.
It was a babe stoned out of her mind doing ballet poses.
I think that was an interesting idea. Yesterday I read an article that a nude woman stepped in front of a fed who was attacking a protester and the fed stopped attacking. I think that's where the idea of the wall of moms may have come from.

The feds need to leave Portland. No one in Oregon asked for them to be there. All the state and city officials have asked for the feds to leave. The governor has said that the feds are making the situation worse.

trump has formed his own military police and has sent them to Portland. They are violating protester's rights. They are driving around at night in unmarked cars, just picking people up off the street and taking them away.

They beat and gas people, one a retired Navy officer.

This has to stop. People have a right to protest. People have a right to the 4th amendment.

It's very unconstitutional to just grab people off the street without telling them what's going on, take them away in unmarked cars and put them in a federal facility without any reason or explanation.

The attorney general of Oregon has filed suit to stop trump from violating people's rights and the law.

They are not protesters , they are anti American criminals . Arrest and waterboard the criminals. Poor Portland has zero chance when their mothers are fools.
I think that was an interesting idea. Yesterday I read an article that a nude woman stepped in front of a fed who was attacking a protester and the fed stopped attacking. I think that's where the idea of the wall of moms may have come from.

The feds need to leave Portland. No one in Oregon asked for them to be there. All the state and city officials have asked for the feds to leave. The governor has said that the feds are making the situation worse.

trump has formed his own military police and has sent them to Portland. They are violating protester's rights. They are driving around at night in unmarked cars, just picking people up off the street and taking them away.

They beat and gas people, one a retired Navy officer.

This has to stop. People have a right to protest. People have a right to the 4th amendment.

It's very unconstitutional to just grab people off the street without telling them what's going on, take them away in unmarked cars and put them in a federal facility without any reason or explanation.

The attorney general of Oregon has filed suit to stop trump from violating people's rights and the law.


That lawful protesters are subject to Trump's authoritarian tactics is yet another compelling reason why Trump must be voted out of office this November.
I think that was an interesting idea. Yesterday I read an article that a nude woman stepped in front of a fed who was attacking a protester and the fed stopped attacking. I think that's where the idea of the wall of moms may have come from.

The feds need to leave Portland. No one in Oregon asked for them to be there. All the state and city officials have asked for the feds to leave. The governor has said that the feds are making the situation worse.

trump has formed his own military police and has sent them to Portland. They are violating protester's rights. They are driving around at night in unmarked cars, just picking people up off the street and taking them away.

They beat and gas people, one a retired Navy officer.

This has to stop. People have a right to protest. People have a right to the 4th amendment.

It's very unconstitutional to just grab people off the street without telling them what's going on, take them away in unmarked cars and put them in a federal facility without any reason or explanation.

The attorney general of Oregon has filed suit to stop trump from violating people's rights and the law.

I think that was an interesting idea. Yesterday I read an article that a nude woman stepped in front of a fed who was attacking a protester and the fed stopped attacking. I think that's where the idea of the wall of moms may have come from.

The feds need to leave Portland. No one in Oregon asked for them to be there. All the state and city officials have asked for the feds to leave. The governor has said that the feds are making the situation worse.

trump has formed his own military police and has sent them to Portland. They are violating protester's rights. They are driving around at night in unmarked cars, just picking people up off the street and taking them away.

They beat and gas people, one a retired Navy officer.

This has to stop. People have a right to protest. People have a right to the 4th amendment.

It's very unconstitutional to just grab people off the street without telling them what's going on, take them away in unmarked cars and put them in a federal facility without any reason or explanation.

The attorney general of Oregon has filed suit to stop trump from violating people's rights and the law.

The troops should be there to protect federal buildings only. When you are a peace protester, you have a right to do so peacefully. When you start vandalizing, assaulting, setting fires, making barricades, then you are no longer peacefully protesting and you are now rioting. That is what is going on in Portland, riots.

It has nothing to do with BLM and the message is ruined by the rioters.

My city has had weekly protests since Floyd was killed. The first weekend was a little wild, however now they are peacefully protesting and giving BLM a good showing.

Seattle and Portland are nothing but troublemakers ruining the BLM movement, no one will want to go to either city as they are no longer safe and most people realize that no one in those cities will protect you, visitors lives don't matter.
I think that was an interesting idea. Yesterday I read an article that a nude woman stepped in front of a fed who was attacking a protester and the fed stopped attacking. I think that's where the idea of the wall of moms may have come from.

The feds need to leave Portland. No one in Oregon asked for them to be there. All the state and city officials have asked for the feds to leave. The governor has said that the feds are making the situation worse.

trump has formed his own military police and has sent them to Portland. They are violating protester's rights. They are driving around at night in unmarked cars, just picking people up off the street and taking them away.

They beat and gas people, one a retired Navy officer.

This has to stop. People have a right to protest. People have a right to the 4th amendment.

It's very unconstitutional to just grab people off the street without telling them what's going on, take them away in unmarked cars and put them in a federal facility without any reason or explanation.

The attorney general of Oregon has filed suit to stop trump from violating people's rights and the law.

Are you telling me that the good people of Portland are fine with their city being a war zone? What normal person would be fine with this? If this were going on where you live, would you be fine with it?
I think that was an interesting idea. Yesterday I read an article that a nude woman stepped in front of a fed who was attacking a protester and the fed stopped attacking. I think that's where the idea of the wall of moms may have come from.

The feds need to leave Portland. No one in Oregon asked for them to be there. All the state and city officials have asked for the feds to leave. The governor has said that the feds are making the situation worse.

trump has formed his own military police and has sent them to Portland. They are violating protester's rights. They are driving around at night in unmarked cars, just picking people up off the street and taking them away.

They beat and gas people, one a retired Navy officer.

This has to stop. People have a right to protest. People have a right to the 4th amendment.

It's very unconstitutional to just grab people off the street without telling them what's going on, take them away in unmarked cars and put them in a federal facility without any reason or explanation.

The attorney general of Oregon has filed suit to stop trump from violating people's rights and the law.


That lawful protesters are subject to Trump's authoritarian tactics is yet another compelling reason why Trump must be voted out of office this November.
Setting things on fire, vandalizing, assaulting people is not peaceful protesting. The federal government has a obligation to protect the building however beyond that, they should let the city of Portland screw it up. The mayor seems to be clueless but, Portland elected him to be a leftwing nutter.
I think that was an interesting idea. Yesterday I read an article that a nude woman stepped in front of a fed who was attacking a protester and the fed stopped attacking. I think that's where the idea of the wall of moms may have come from.

The feds need to leave Portland. No one in Oregon asked for them to be there. All the state and city officials have asked for the feds to leave. The governor has said that the feds are making the situation worse.

trump has formed his own military police and has sent them to Portland. They are violating protester's rights. They are driving around at night in unmarked cars, just picking people up off the street and taking them away.

They beat and gas people, one a retired Navy officer.

This has to stop. People have a right to protest. People have a right to the 4th amendment.

It's very unconstitutional to just grab people off the street without telling them what's going on, take them away in unmarked cars and put them in a federal facility without any reason or explanation.

The attorney general of Oregon has filed suit to stop trump from violating people's rights and the law.

"videos shared on social media showed federal agents using unmarked vehicles to detain people without explanation and drive off. "

I've heard several known leftist fake news outlets repeat that unsupported assertion. They never provide any evidence to back it up.
trump has formed his own military police and has sent them to Portland. They are violating protester's rights. They are driving around at night in unmarked cars, just picking people up off the street and taking them away.

You do know you'll garner the full-throated support by the Small-Government (it's always the problem) zealots on the (ultra-) right, don't you? They will fall all over themselves to be the first to condemn the unchecked use of tyrannical power, such as folks being deprived of their liberty WITHOUT due process of law. Just wait...

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