Walker caught in another lie

This is the time to change that rather good approach to voting. Because it is no longer D or R, it is G vs A. Globalist vs Americans. A democrat with vote for the UN over our country every time you give them the chance....
that's why you gotta look at them close.
Herschel Walker has never denied having out of wedlock kids...aka bastards. But you know what...sometimes it takes someone going through all that sin to finally wake up and realize that it is not the way to go. 60% of georgians favor him. Where's the money coming from for his opponent, Warlock.... from New York Dems, who. want. to. run. Georgia. Politics. If dems can hold Georgia they can keep control of congress. You can't have that now can you. LOLOL
I'd be embarrassed if I were him

After a woman revealed that Republican senatorial candidate Herschel Walker had urged her to have an abortion, Walker adamantly denied the story and claimed he had no idea who this woman could be.

But there’s a good reason the woman finds that defense highly doubtful: She’s the mother of one of his children.
She shouldn't be such a slut..and ADMITS IT.
Come January, it will be refreshing to have a republican House again and possibly
a republican senate.
You can keep your commie loving Warnock, imp
where in the wild world of fuck did I ever show Warnock any support? Or did you just pull that tidbit out of your ass?
Herschel Walker has never denied having out of wedlock kids...aka bastards. But you know what...sometimes it takes someone going through all that sin to finally wake up and realize that it is not the way to go. 60% of georgians favor him. Where's the money coming from for his opponent, Warlock.... from New York Dems, who. want. to. run. Georgia. Politics. If dems can hold Georgia they can keep control of congress. You can't have that now can you. LOLOL
walker seems to have bad histories with a lot of women.
I don't see why he should be embarrassed. He is taking care of his little out of wedlock children isn't he? And besides....Was al Franken embarrassed about his sexual foibles...or Swallwell's his boinking of a chinese spy? How about queer members of congress.....are they embarrassed. Is pelosi embarrassed at his elite status and she's so out of touch she doesn't get it? Her drinking? Her husband's drinking/drugging/whoring? Her son's abuse of a child and the child's mother?? Can you pull up any embarrassment for that?
Will his 50% of the vote, plus or minus, be a measure of Americans going forward?
I don't see why he should be embarrassed. He is taking care of his little out of wedlock children isn't he? And besides....Was al Franken embarrassed about his sexual foibles...or Swallwell's his boinking of a chinese spy? How about queer members of congress.....are they embarrassed. Is pelosi embarrassed at his elite status and she's so out of touch she doesn't get it? Her drinking? Her husband's drinking/drugging/whoring? Her son's abuse of a child and the child's mother?? Can you pull up any embarrassment for that?
of course. scum is scum.
where in the wild world of fuck did I ever show Warnock any support? Or did you just pull that tidbit out of your ass?
Such a polite leftist. ^^^

The fact that you are trying to demean Walker means you prefer the nasty Warnock.

And your language tells me you’re in a meltdown over the impending doom of the Democrat-controlled Congress. Adios, Pelosi….for sure!
Did you ever care about the abuse of women by democrat males? how about democrat males by democrat elite females?
can you see past your partisan nonsense long enough to admit any man who abuses a woman is a piece of shit?
Such a polite leftist. ^^^

The fact that you are trying to demean Walker means you prefer the nasty Warnock.

And your language tells me you’re in a meltdown over the impending doom of the Democrat-controlled Congress. Adios, Pelosi….for sure!
if you believe any of that then I'd say you're probably too stupid to vote. me a liberal too goddamned funny.
can you see past your partisan nonsense e wanted an abortion, he provided money if indeed that is what the money WAS for and he was the father.

and since the left has made abortion and men providing money for abortions and the tactic of the October Surprise for democrats in trouble just prior to election....well then yes... I can see past the nonsense..

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