wait , sonic bans guns and gets robbed lol

That is not what I asked. You did not use the qualifier about people here and other places online when you stated that the majority are anti-gun.
I used the terminology that people here use, any call for more gun control is anti-gun, gun grabbers, anti-gun nuts, etc.

They see any restriction, any regulation, as unconstitutional. Take it up with them.

So you are unable to answer a simply question for yourself? You require a consensus of a select group on an internet political site?

I thought you were capable of forming your own opinions.
My opinion is clear, I want all the guns. I am anti-gun and according to them, so are you.
It would be fun to see a mass shooting at a gun show or NRA convention just to read the comments from right-wing assholes.

So you think a mass shooting would be fun, as long as your political opposition were the ones being murdered?
Yes. I would love to see Wayne LaPierre take a bullet to the face, along with every other simpleton that won't use the 2nd Amendment to defend the Constitution or anyone's rights.

You know the NSA is still spying on you, right? Why don't you care about the 4th Amendment? You only care about the 2nd. Why is that? And not even ALL of the 2nd, just the last part about owning guns. You don't have any intention of joining any militia, and if you do, you freaks hide behind unarmed human shields to protect a racist criminal's cows.

You don't know what the 2nd Amendment is for. Not a single one of you. That's why you gun freaks deserve to take bullets to your faces. Preferably from your own guns.

How the hell do you know what I think about the 4th amendment, NSA spying, the Patriot Act ect ect.

I know full well what the 2nd amendment was written for and understand why it is important.

I just find it laughable that you wish to see people murdered because you disagree with them, and then you probably consider yourself compassionate and enlightened.

Anyone who wishes for a mass shooting is either a whiny, tantrum-throwing misfit, or a sadistic lunatic. I'll let you pick which one fits you best.
The Founders didn't allow the majority to even vote, and didn't want the House of Representatives. They were Elites. They knew what was best for the people, and set up a government that protected their own interests, including their ownership of slaves. Where's this self-determination for people who weren't even allowed to vote, or were only counted as 3/5ths?

You're not very bright I see and with that, we're done for now, but think on this, if Americans were responsible we wouldn't have so many laws on the books. The reason that we do is because they aren't responsible, and never have been. The Founders were well aware of that and your rights aren't even in the Constitution, they're Amendments.

Well you walked right into that...you do not support the philosophy of the Founders. I don't know why you want to skirt around it. So now you're giving up on trying to get the last word in??:D
The philosophy of the Founders was Liberal Elitism. They founded a nation where the pitchforks had no vote but the right to bitch, and moan, and pray, and shoot things, but they had no rights to change the government. They had no right to even vote for the government. Your Pollyanna view of American History won't change that.

I get it, you consider them failures...yet here we are, continuing to exist with the same basic principles intact. Keep on keeping on, and you too may help to fundamentally transform America.:lol:

I used the terminology that people here use, any call for more gun control is anti-gun, gun grabbers, anti-gun nuts, etc.

They see any restriction, any regulation, as unconstitutional. Take it up with them.

You need to loosen your corset...it's causing hallucinations.:lol:
I've been on boards like this for a dozen years, I know what I speak of.

You're experienced in attempting to baffle people with your bullshit. Congrats, but it ain't working on me, chief.;)
I used the terminology that people here use, any call for more gun control is anti-gun, gun grabbers, anti-gun nuts, etc.

They see any restriction, any regulation, as unconstitutional. Take it up with them.

So you are unable to answer a simply question for yourself? You require a consensus of a select group on an internet political site?

I thought you were capable of forming your own opinions.
My opinion is clear, I want all the guns. I am anti-gun and according to them, so are you.

But you have guns, locked up and all?

How am I anti-gun? And spare me the "according to them" since none of "them" is in this exchange between us.

And you still have not answered that one simple question I asked you.
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So you think a mass shooting would be fun, as long as your political opposition were the ones being murdered?
Yes. I would love to see Wayne LaPierre take a bullet to the face, along with every other simpleton that won't use the 2nd Amendment to defend the Constitution or anyone's rights.

You know the NSA is still spying on you, right? Why don't you care about the 4th Amendment? You only care about the 2nd. Why is that? And not even ALL of the 2nd, just the last part about owning guns. You don't have any intention of joining any militia, and if you do, you freaks hide behind unarmed human shields to protect a racist criminal's cows.

You don't know what the 2nd Amendment is for. Not a single one of you. That's why you gun freaks deserve to take bullets to your faces. Preferably from your own guns.

How the hell do you know what I think about the 4th amendment, NSA spying, the Patriot Act ect ect.

I know full well what the 2nd amendment was written for and understand why it is important.

I just find it laughable that you wish to see people murdered because you disagree with them, and then you probably consider yourself compassionate and enlightened.

Anyone who wishes for a mass shooting is either a whiny, tantrum-throwing misfit, or a sadistic lunatic. I'll let you pick which one fits you best.
I know what you think about the Constitution because you sit here on this pointless forum complaining about the big fascist government while you also claim to own guns which you say are for the intended purpose of defending freedom and democracy from big government tyranny. So why are you sitting here instead of fighting big government tyranny? Are you just a pussy with a gun like all the others?
I get it, you consider them failures...yet here we are, continuing to exist with the same basic principles intact. Keep on keeping on, and you too may help to fundamentally transform America.

They didn't fail, they just never expected you, or most others, to have the vote. And if you read this board accurately you'd know that the vast majority here thinks this country is already transformed, and wants to go back to 1789. There were no guns laws of any significance then, and that's how they want it.
Yes. I would love to see Wayne LaPierre take a bullet to the face, along with every other simpleton that won't use the 2nd Amendment to defend the Constitution or anyone's rights.

You know the NSA is still spying on you, right? Why don't you care about the 4th Amendment? You only care about the 2nd. Why is that? And not even ALL of the 2nd, just the last part about owning guns. You don't have any intention of joining any militia, and if you do, you freaks hide behind unarmed human shields to protect a racist criminal's cows.

You don't know what the 2nd Amendment is for. Not a single one of you. That's why you gun freaks deserve to take bullets to your faces. Preferably from your own guns.

How the hell do you know what I think about the 4th amendment, NSA spying, the Patriot Act ect ect.

I know full well what the 2nd amendment was written for and understand why it is important.

I just find it laughable that you wish to see people murdered because you disagree with them, and then you probably consider yourself compassionate and enlightened.

Anyone who wishes for a mass shooting is either a whiny, tantrum-throwing misfit, or a sadistic lunatic. I'll let you pick which one fits you best.
I know what you think about the Constitution because you sit here on this pointless forum complaining about the big fascist government while you also claim to own guns which you say are for the intended purpose of defending freedom and democracy from big government tyranny. So why are you sitting here instead of fighting big government tyranny? Are you just a pussy with a gun like all the others?

Oh you know what I think of the Constitution, and apparently THINK you know what I do?

LMAO!! Obviously you fit the whiny, tantrum-throwing misfit category.

Oh, and just as an FYI, you don't know shit about what I think or what I do. So spare us all this "all seeing, all knowing" nonsense.
So you are unable to answer a simply question for yourself? You require a consensus of a select group on an internet political site?

I thought you were capable of forming your own opinions.
My opinion is clear, I want all the guns. I am anti-gun and according to them, so are you.

But you have guns, locked up and all?

How am I anti-gun? And spare me the "according to them" since none of "them" is in this exchange between us.

And you still have not answered that one simple question I asked you.
They are not in the exchange because if they were they'd have to be against you and they hate me much more. Any restriction to them is anti-gun. It should be obvious to you that I don't agree. Why you keep asking is beyond me but maybe you are as dumb as Sherry? Of course there are restrictions on the Second Amendment, there are restrictions on all Rights, but they no more understand that than they understand why the gun was invented, to kill things rapidly and easily.
I get it, you consider them failures...yet here we are, continuing to exist with the same basic principles intact. Keep on keeping on, and you too may help to fundamentally transform America.

They didn't fail, they just never expected you, or most others, to have the vote. And if you read this board accurately you'd know that the vast majority here thinks this country is already transformed, and wants to go back to 1789. There were no guns laws of any significance then, and that's how they want it.

You're warped if you believe that you possess some sort of special insight on this board...your agenda clouds your judgment. Oh, and I understand that it's difficult to quit me.:smiliehug:
I get it, you consider them failures...yet here we are, continuing to exist with the same basic principles intact. Keep on keeping on, and you too may help to fundamentally transform America.

They didn't fail, they just never expected you, or most others, to have the vote. And if you read this board accurately you'd know that the vast majority here thinks this country is already transformed, and wants to go back to 1789. There were no guns laws of any significance then, and that's how they want it.

You're warped if you believe that you possess some sort of special insight on this board...your agenda clouds your judgment. Oh, and I understand that it's difficult to quit me.:smiliehug:
Your ego is far larger than you brain, don't stretch.
Explain it then. Do you believe that the Constitution should be defended? Do you believe that the USAPATRIOT Act is unconstitutional? Do you believe that there were WMD in Iraq which posed an imminent threat to America? Do you believe that torture isn't torture? Do you believe that the NSA is working within the confines of the Fourth Amendment? Do you believe that the Republican party actually stands for small government after giving us the USAPATRIOT Act and the retarded drug war?

What is the 2nd Amendment for if it's not for defending your other rights according to the Amendments in the US Constitution?
My opinion is clear, I want all the guns. I am anti-gun and according to them, so are you.

But you have guns, locked up and all?

How am I anti-gun? And spare me the "according to them" since none of "them" is in this exchange between us.

And you still have not answered that one simple question I asked you.
They are not in the exchange because if they were they'd have to be against you and they hate me much more. Any restriction to them is anti-gun. It should be obvious to you that I don't agree. Why you keep asking is beyond me but maybe you are as dumb as Sherry? Of course there are restrictions on the Second Amendment, there are restrictions on all Rights, but they no more understand that than they understand why the gun was invented, to kill things rapidly and easily.

I have continued to ask you because you have purposely avoided answering.

So you don't agree that wanting stricter gun laws makes you anti-gun?
They didn't fail, they just never expected you, or most others, to have the vote. And if you read this board accurately you'd know that the vast majority here thinks this country is already transformed, and wants to go back to 1789. There were no guns laws of any significance then, and that's how they want it.

You're warped if you believe that you possess some sort of special insight on this board...your agenda clouds your judgment. Oh, and I understand that it's difficult to quit me.:smiliehug:
Your ego is far larger than you brain, don't stretch.

Awww you don't appreciate my sarcasm, sensitive little soul that you are...chin up, you'll get over it.:thup:

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