WAIT a Minute!! Wasn't the Stimulus Paying for This?


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2009
New Jersey
A House bill still being drafted aims to raise $150 BILLION each year to pay for new jobs.

Democrats push $150B stock tax on Wall Street - TheHill.com

Are these people in Washington D.C. NUTS or is it me? :cuckoo:
We don't even know where we'll get the money to pay back the INTEREST on the Stimulus, WTF? So with all of Obamas claims to CREATE new jobs with the STIMULUS MONEY, is he saying HE COULDN'T all this time,and now needs to take Wall Street down to do it?
Nothing this pack of Clowns does surprises me. Whats next?? A Tax on your underware??? Guess we'll all need to start going commando.

Oh yeah. I told friends of mine who were hot to vote for this guy that if they did they better hang onto their wallets because this guy and his bs will pick you clean. CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN.
We had to pass the bailout immediately and without discussion in late 2008 to prevent the entire financial complex from collapsing. Despite the immediacy and urgency, the Bush administration distributed about half of that money and 'saved' the remainder for the Obama administration to use. Which apparently it did. And now nobody knows what most of that money was used for.

We had to infuse billions and billions into General Motors and Chrysler to keep them from going into bankruptcy and taking down all the industries that depend on them. Well they went into bankruptcy anyway, all those other industries didn't collapse as predicted, and the government is running another huge portion of the economy at a loss at taxpayer expense with no daylight obvious at the end of that tunnel.

We had to pass the stimulus package immediately, without proper debate, without careful consideration to save millions and millions of American jobs and prevent the country from sliding into depression. It couldn't wait. The crisis required the utmost urgency. Well only a fraction of that money has been spent, we are now told it will be sometime next year and beyond before we will feel much effect from it, and the country has lost hundreds of thousands of jobs every single month since its passage last January. There has been no consideration to just cancel the balance due on all that deficit spending yet to be done.

And now they want billions and billions more to create new jobs.

And this is the same government some here think is justified in passing massive multi-trillion dollar healthcare legislaton representing one eighth of the US economy and believe that there is the utmost urgency in doing it now without proper debate, consideration, or care in the details. Those details, in fact, will be worked out by government bureaucrats long after the fact. And they believe that this is also urgent despite the fact that we have been told it won't go into effect until after Obama's next election--this to ensure that he and the Democrats won't suffer any negative publicity when we find out what they are actually doing to us.

And yet there are still liberals who lavishly worship the chosen one and his administration and/or who believe government is the proper means of solving problems.

I simply have a hard time wrapping my brain around that and believing that such Americans have full control of their senses.

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