Waco Documentary on Netflix

well, what's your review? I see it is like #1 right now, and I'm wondering if I want to relive seeing all that again. Not really, but it looks interesting. I still remember standing at a pool table in a bar, looking up at the TV and CNN showing a fire that whipped into an inferno.
I still have the original tape from 1994, it was damning then too.

Whacko from Waco he was.

The government screw this up big time, they had chances to arrest him when he was in town......., but Nooooo their stupid incompetence got in the way.
well, what's your review? I see it is like #1 right now, and I'm wondering if I want to relive seeing all that again. Not really, but it looks interesting. I still remember standing at a pool table in a bar, looking up at the TV and CNN showing a fire that whipped into an inferno.
What part of You can watch it and draw your own conclusions did you not understand?
The siege should have never happened. Koresh could have been arrested at any point.

However, the catastrophe that ends the siege is 100% the fault of the Branch Davidians. The feds say put your weapons down and come out with your hands up...you do it.

I watched it all last evening......What a cluster-fuck by the alphabet bois.

You can watch it and draw your own conclusions.

Waco was a child fucking polygamist who'd rather kill everyone than face reality.

Texas has caught multiple child fucking polygamists in the last fifty years.
I haven't seen it, and am considering downloading it.
Was there anything new in it or is it just a rehash of what we already saw in other shows of this type?
I hate to waste data and time downloading something repetitive. Thanks.
I thought MAGAs were agsinst groomers. They were groomers.
Politically inclined activation of the Internal Security Force has questions when it occurs. And we are still waiting for all the people involved with Epstein. No matter who.

I watched it all last evening......What a cluster-fuck by the alphabet bois.

You can watch it and draw your own conclusions.

I knew the guy who was shot on the roof.
The thing that always struck me as strange...there was a long investigation on Koresh and they knew his every move.
That being said they also knew Koresh was a frequent customer at the local hardware store so why didnt they arrest him there?
Why endanger all those women and children with a raid? Yeah Koresh and his followers were nuts but his followers were indoctrinated and didnt deserve to die.
Same shit with Ruby Ridge.

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