VP debate

The VP debate who do you think will win?

  • Paul Ryan

    Votes: 11 64.7%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 6 35.3%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2012
Deep in the heart of Texas.
Who do you think will when the VP debate and will it change anything? I think it will probably be as wash and if the Dan Quayle, Loyd Bentsen debate could not change a election course I sure don't see this one doing it.
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The only possible large effect it could have is if biden goes completely crazy and looses it on national TV.

Ryan could score a couple of points with fiscally conservative Independents if biden saws nothing intelligible as usual.
Many, many millions of people will be seeing Ryan for the first time.

He 'wins' be demonstrating his brilliance and his thoughtfulness - being Presidential - to these people who don't know him.

Beating down the moderately retarded Biden just because it is easy may not be the right strategy.
As with all debates this year, I will NOT be watching this debate.

I don't need to see a well-spoken, intelligent, dynamic Vice Presidential candidate take advantage of Obama's retarded monkey "vice president".

What Ryan will do to Biden should earn this debate an "R" rating for "intellectual violence". No children under the age of 18 should be allowed to watch tonight's debate without parental supervision.
This will be a different format than the first debate, this one is a town hall type, I will be tougher to score points. That being said, if the questions are mostly on the economy or gov spending, no one knows the numbers better that Ryan. But I agree, it should be fun to watch.
I dont want to see Biden destroyed personally. I just want his ideas beaten. And I figure he will say something entertainingly stupid.
As with all debates this year, I will NOT be watching this debate.

I don't need to see a well-spoken, intelligent, dynamic Vice Presidential candidate take advantage of Obama's retarded monkey "vice president".

What Ryan will do to Biden should earn this debate an "R" rating for "intellectual violence". No children under the age of 18 should be allowed to watch tonight's debate without parental supervision.

You mean tomorrows debate, 10/11/12?

I don't know who will "win", but my wild-ass guess is that Biden leaves Goofy Joe at home and comes out like a hungry attack dog. He's a smart guy, and I have no doubt a big part of his preparation is his handlers telling him to stay focused like a freakin' laser beam. What I wonder is (a) how effective that will be, and (b) if he can keep it up throughout the debate. I have little doubt his strategy will be to keep Ryan on his heels.

Probably the expectations will be low for Biden and Ryan isn't a great debator and probably doesn't like being challenged.

I expect that Biden will do what Obama SHOULD have done last week, call these guys on their policies.

Romney can pull off the "Trust me, I'm really a moderate".

Ryan. Not so much. He's part of the wing of the GOP that watches It's a Wonderful Life and cheers for Mr. Potter.
More of the two-party dictatorship passing itself off as democratic.

The DemReps and those who make them will win.

America will lose.

Vote other!
I'm think Ryan will win. Biden is the ultimate gaffe guy I have ever heard. He is the reason Obama had to change his views a couple times the past year. I hope Ryan just don't go in and smoke his ass out of the water though.. But, then again, that might make Biden lose his cool. Which would be good.
I'm think Ryan will win. Biden is the ultimate gaffe guy I have ever heard. He is the reason Obama had to change his views a couple times the past year. I hope Ryan just don't go in and smoke his ass out of the water though.. But, then again, that might make Biden lose his cool. Which would be good.

Um, yeah.

Remember when Biden Debated Palin, and Palin came off as kind of a retard?

Gonna be more like that.
This will be a different format than the first debate, this one is a town hall type, I will be tougher to score points. That being said, if the questions are mostly on the economy or gov spending, no one knows the numbers better that Ryan. But I agree, it should be fun to watch.

I'm pretty sure the town hall format is next week's presidential debate, not the VP debate tonight.

After last week's fiasco for Barry the onus is on Joey to do well. We'll see if he can pull it off.
Will LyanRyan repeat RobMe's lies? if so, will he go with the debate lies or the pre-debate lies?

Or, will he go with his own lies?

Then there's his own voting record, which is a real nightmare for women, children and the middle class.

He has a lot of material to chose from. Will he be able to keep all his and Mittens' lies straight?

Sent from my iPad.
Probably the expectations will be low for Biden and Ryan isn't a great debator and probably doesn't like being challenged.

I expect that Biden will do what Obama SHOULD have done last week, call these guys on their policies.

Romney can pull off the "Trust me, I'm really a moderate".

Ryan. Not so much. He's part of the wing of the GOP that watches It's a Wonderful Life and cheers for Mr. Potter.

I'm seeing this a lot like you. I think Biden will be in attack mode and force Ryan to explain the tax cuts or be left looking like a fool. After Obama's poor performance, I don't think there is a downside for Obama/Biden in this debate, but there could be a huge downside for Romney/Ryan.

What we don't know is how Ryan will react under the spotlight. He may do just fine, but there is the distinct possibility that he ends up being the deer in the middle of the road with a semi headed right at him.
Obama came in over-confident and it showed. Ryan is arrogamce personafied. Look for Biden to do surprisingly well. He has the advantage of having a low set bar.
This will be a different format than the first debate, this one is a town hall type, I will be tougher to score points. That being said, if the questions are mostly on the economy or gov spending, no one knows the numbers better that Ryan. But I agree, it should be fun to watch.

I don't think so. I think the town hall will be the next debate between the presidential candidates.
Obama came in over-confident and it showed. Ryan is arrogamce personafied. Look for Biden to do surprisingly well. He has the advantage of having a low set bar.

Bullshit. Biden is gonna be standing there holding his dick and trying to defend the failed policies of obama.
The VP Debate will be purely for show.

VP Biden is a dope. He really is a dumb man. He will likely manage not to fuck up too badly tonight, if at all. But it will not matter even if he does. Confirming that he's a dope is not crucial to how the people vote on Election Day.

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