Voting. If it worked, they wouldn't let us do it

If it weren't for The Bill of Rights, you might have a leg to stand on.
But you don't.
The existence of the Bill of Rights does not invalidate any of the facts I laid before you. The Bill of Rights also protected the aristocrats from each other. In fact a good portion of the debate around ratifying the Constitution was around protecting the interests of Southern plantation owners. Take the second amendment. Let's look at its wording and original intent.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed

Now right wingers like to argue this amendment was written to protect the little guy from tyrannical government but that shows a compete ignorance of history. The words... A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State... were not written to justify State militias taking up arms when it thought the federal government had gone to far, you only need to look to the Whiskey Rebellion to see how that played out. No, the security men like George Mason was concerned about was internal security. He didn't trust leaving the call of arms to a federal government that might act too late or not at all to suppress slave revolts or attacks from Native Americans. A plantation owner argued he needed to arm the population of the State to protect his business interests and to keep slaves pacified, not to support their grievances against the federal government.
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I love South Africa, my wife and I want to buy a vacation home in Kalk Bay. Won't stop me from taking this country from racist cuck whites. 😄

Uh, yeah it will. White folks make up 60% of this country. So no one, and I mean NO ONE, is going to make us white people out to be racist monsters.
Remember, it was white folks that abolished slavery, segregation and jim crow laws. We pass the civil rights bill and gave blacks affirmative actions.
White folks have bent over backwards to get rid of racism and make "ALL men" equal.
And the thanks we get for it is to be deemed racist by blacks who never EVER was a slave, forced to be segregated because of the color of their skin.
We did the right thing. And are criticized by the decedents of those who actually went through all that.
Blacks are allowed their own everything. From beauty pageants to congressional caucuses. They get a whole month to celebrate their blackness.
I'm not your student. If you want to make a point about the bill of rights don't be a giant pussy, open your snatch and make an argument. It was the States themselves who decided who was elidgble to vote and it was they who largely restricted voting to white male land owners.

And that large majority of those voters who allowed blacks to vote, were white. They righted a wrong, and racist blacks are still bashing them for it.
If the GOP doesn't run an actual Fiscal and Constitutional Conservative in 2024, I'll skip that vote too.

There's a lot of sympathy for Trump right now. Obviously he's been wronged, on so many levels. But that's just not enough to get me to vote for Trump. Simply because the 4 years Trump was in office, he did absolutely nothing to address things that are important to me. In fact, when it comes to spending, debt, deficit and borrowing from the fed, he did what all democrats the liberal Republicans have done. Spend way beyond our means.

I hope he wins his case against Bragg. In fact, I hope Bragg is the one that ends up in jail over all this.
Uh, yeah it will. White folks make up 60% of this country. So no one, and I mean NO ONE, is going to make us white people out to be racist monsters.
Your history and culture are already being relitigated by a more diverse culture and electorate while you are still a majority, what do you think will happen when you're a minority? White people might be 60% of the population now but white children 18 and younger are already a demographic minority among their peer group. According to the last census more white people died than were born over the last decade making them the only racial demographic to lose numbers. Every other racial group saw growth with multiracial people being the fastest growing demographic growing at a rate of three times the population.
Remember, it was white folks that abolished slavery, segregation and jim crow laws. We pass the civil rights bill and gave blacks affirmative actions.
After slavery. After terrorism and hangings. After spitting, beating and sicking dogs on people trying to eat at the same counter top. And even after that nearly every white representative from a former Confederate state voted against equal rights for Black Americans. That was only 59 years ago.
White folks have bent over backwards to get rid of racism and make "ALL men" equal.
If you were the type of man who routinely beat his wife should you be lauded for your magnanimity because you were finally shamed into stopping? I certainly don't think so.
And the thanks we get for it is to be deemed racist by blacks who never EVER was a slave, forced to be segregated because of the color of their skin.
It's probably your general racist vibe, like expecting us to be grateful that you finally decided to treat us equally under the law.
We did the right thing. And are criticized by the decedents of those who actually went through all that.
No, you're criticized because you think stopping abuse is the same as accounting for it.
Blacks are allowed their own everything. From beauty pageants to congressional caucuses. They get a whole month to celebrate their blackness.
We now longer give a shit what you allow. We have the numbers to take and you don't have the balls to stop.
And that large majority of those voters who allowed blacks to vote, were white. They righted a wrong, and racist blacks are still bashing them for it.
And we will continue to until the culture of white supremacy is pushed to extinction.
Uh, yeah it will. White folks make up 60% of this country. So no one, and I mean NO ONE, is going to make us white people out to be racist monsters.
Remember, it was white folks that abolished slavery, segregation and jim crow laws. We pass the civil rights bill and gave blacks affirmative actions.
White folks have bent over backwards to get rid of racism and make "ALL men" equal.
And the thanks we get for it is to be deemed racist by blacks who never EVER was a slave, forced to be segregated because of the color of their skin.
We did the right thing. And are criticized by the decedents of those who actually went through all that.
Blacks are allowed their own everything. From beauty pageants to congressional caucuses. They get a whole month to celebrate their blackness.
Giving Civil Rights to the Uncivilized Is Nothing to Brag About
Giving Civil Rights to the Uncivilized Is Nothing to Brag About
Whites enslaved, raped, lynched, and beat Blacks and yet you think because you had things called civil rights (which whites also used as a tool of enslavement) that whites were the civilized. If you were a strong bigot you'd be proud of the brutality your white ancestors used to enslave blacks but you're a cuck white, so you tell ridiculous cosplay narratives about how the people who were enslaved were the uncivilized and slavers the hallmarks of civilization. Such are the safe spaces today's cuck whites need. But it was brutality that won them dominance and it's this cuckservative cosplay that is losing them the country. You being so obviously racist but not proudly so, to me, is all the evidence I need you are already defeated. 😄
Your history and culture are already being relitigated by a more diverse culture and electorate while you are still a majority, what do you think will happen when you're a minority? White people might be 60% of the population now but white children 18 and younger are already a demographic minority among their peer group. According to the last census more white people died than were born over the last decade making them the only racial demographic to lose numbers. Every other racial group saw growth with multiracial people being the fastest growing demographic growing at a rate of three times the population.

The number of blacks killed from abortion is not even mentioned. A small percentage of whites who got caught in that whole BLM, systemic racism crap (the one's who apologize for being white) aren't going to stay that way long. Eventually, those with at least two brain cells will realize they had nothing to do with anything that happened 100 years ago.
It's going to take a century or more before any other demographic to even get close to being equal in population. You'll never see that day. Nor will your children. "Hope for change" based on your own racism.
After slavery. After terrorism and hangings. After spitting, beating and sicking dogs on people trying to eat at the same counter top. And even after that nearly every white representative from a former Confederate state voted against equal rights for Black Americans. That was only 59 years ago.

It was still 59 years ago. 6 decades, and blacks are still harping on it, without one word of thanks for the white people who ended it. Mostly white conservatives, I might add.
If you were the type of man who routinely beat his wife should you be lauded for your magnanimity because you were finally shamed into stopping? I certainly don't think so.

If I constantly beat my wife? WTF kind of comparisons is that?
Let's discuss black women and how much more likely they are to be abuses by their black husbands, boy friends and "baby daddy." You might want to look up those stats. Because they're higher than whites.
It's probably your general racist vibe, like expecting us to be grateful that you finally decided to treat us equally under the law.

LMAO.. Facts are now racist? Who's the real racist now? You're true colors are showing. Does racism have a color?
No, you're criticized because you think stopping abuse is the same as accounting for it.

Stopping abuse is just that. It's a good thing. And yet, the racist blacks don't even want to acknowledge it. They feed off of what happened before so they can continue to hate. Like rap and hip hop, that glorifies guns, drugs, prison, thug life & booze, It's all tailored to keep black folks in the black communities. To keep them addicted to something bad. To keep them hating white people and Asians. Rap music does nothing but keep your children in the hood and in jail. The black youth can name more druggie rappers than they can name Black millionaires who didn't make their money in the entertainment business.
We now longer give a shit what you allow. We have the numbers to take and you don't have the balls to stop.

And we will continue to until the culture of white supremacy is pushed to extinction.

We simply would not allow that to happen. Keep on dreaming. We'll let people be equal. But not an inch further than that.
Slavery in Africa didn't completely end until 2007. Oh but us American white folks are racist monsters.
The number of blacks killed from abortion is not even mentioned. A small percentage of whites who got caught in that whole BLM, systemic racism crap (the one's who apologize for being white) aren't going to stay that way long. Eventually, those with at least two brain cells will realize they had nothing to do with anything that happened 100 years ago.
It's going to take a century or more before any other demographic to even get close to being equal in population. You'll never see that day. Nor will your children. "Hope for change" based on your own racism.

You can't do math or read a census can you? It's not going to take 100 years.
It was still 59 years ago. 6 decades, and blacks are still harping on it, without one word of thanks for the white people who ended it. Mostly white conservatives, I might add.
No you Dipshit, the conservatives from both parties are who voted against it.
If I constantly beat my wife? WTF kind of comparisons is that?
And apt one.
Let's discuss black women and how much more likely they are to be abuses by their black husbands, boy friends and "baby daddy." You might want to look up those stats. Because they're higher than whites.
And white wives by their white husbands.
LMAO.. Facts are now racist? Who's the real racist now? You're true colors are showing. Does racism have a color?
You're the racist. Just ask mainstream society.
Stopping abuse is just that. It's a good thing. And yet, the racist blacks don't even want to acknowledge it. They feed off of what happened before so they can continue to hate.

And you continue to be a crying little bitch.
Like rap and hip hop, that glorifies guns, drugs, prison, thug life & booze, It's all tailored to keep black folks in the black communities.
Sure. That was rap music and not segregated housing policies. Because why not. You've already shown yourself to be a complete fuck tard as far as history is concerned. 😄
To keep them addicted to something bad. To keep them hating white people and Asians. Rap music does nothing but keep your children in the hood and in jail. The black youth can name more druggie rappers than they can name Black millionaires who didn't make their money in the entertainment business.
I'm Black and Asian. Asian voters vote as majority for the Democratic party.
We simply would not allow that to happen. Keep on dreaming. We'll let people be equal. But not an inch further than that.
You pussies aren't going to stop anything. You're a bitch. 😄
Africa is a continent not a country you dumb mother fucker. 😄

Ok, you got me on a technicality. But that's it. Slavery in a country, on this continent ended a century ago. But less than only 2 decades ago in Africa.

There, that's the correction. And still proves my point. One that you had to ignore so you could change the subject.

The racism is strong with you. Race baiters have lead you down a racist path.


You can't do math or read a census can you? It's not going to take 100 years.

No you Dipshit, the conservatives from both parties are who voted against it.

And apt one.

And white wives by their white husbands.

You're the racist. Just ask mainstream society.


And you continue to be a crying little bitch.

Sure. That was rap music and not segregated housing policies. Because why not. You've already shown yourself to be a complete fuck tard as far as history is concerned. 😄

I'm Black and Asian. Asian voters vote as majority for the Democratic party.

You pussies aren't going to stop anything. You're a bitch. 😄

You're actually the one who's acting like a little bitch. Hating the country who allows blacks to legally discriminate against whites.

FACT: The white male is the ONLY demographic that can be legally discriminated against here in the USA.
Fact: There have been more white slaves through out history than black ones.
FACT: Asians were slaves in the USA and you don't hear them still crying about it.
Fact: Your racism is showing, bitch.
Ok, you got me on a technicality. But that's it. Slavery in a country, on this continent ended a century ago. But less than only 2 decades ago in Africa.

There, that's the correction. And still proves my point. One that you had to ignore so you could change the subject.

The racism is strong with you. Race baiters have lead you down a racist path.

You don't have a point. Slavery in Africa has nothing to do with deplorable whites in this country venerating a culture slavers. No is on my side is suggesting we venerate African slavers. You have no real intellectual argument that's going to prevent us from tearing down your culture.
You don't have a point. Slavery in Africa has nothing to do with deplorable whites in this country venerating a culture slavers. No is on my side is suggesting we venerate African slavers. You have no real intellectual argument that's going to prevent us from tearing down your culture.

Those deplorables are the ones who freed the slaves, ended Jim Crow, segregated and gave blacks "affirmative action." Which is racist.

We're also the ones that "allow" blacks to have their own everything, without having our own anything. As in everything from beauty pageants to government caucuses.
Ever heard of a Miss White America or a "congressional white caucus?" How about "White History month?" Or how about a "Historical white college?"

Yeah, me neither.
Those deplorables are the ones who freed the slaves, ended Jim Crow, segregated and gave blacks "affirmative action." Which is racist.

We're also the ones that "allow" blacks to have their own everything, without having our own anything. As in everything from beauty pageants to government caucuses.
Ever heard of a Miss White America or a "congressional white caucus?" How about "White History month?" Or how about a "Historical white college?"

Yeah, me neither.
You don't "allow" anything any more Simp. 😄
You don't "allow" anything any more Simp. 😄

I don't. But WE do. You know the 60% majority vs your 13% minority. Especially when you consider that more Asians or Mexicans aren't going to side with the blacks.

If the race hustlers and baiters keep it up, they're going to alienate 90% of the blacks into their own corner. In fact, it seems y'all are trying to do that to yourselves.

No race, especially one with only of the 13% population, can order any other more than they're willing to go.

Surely you don't want a race war, do you?

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