Voting. If it worked, they wouldn't let us do it

I'm not "ultra anything." I'm standing in the same exact spot, right of center, that conservatives were before the Reagan RINO's, Bush's and now Trump republicans hijacked the GOP. Back when most republicans were actually conservatives. Not the leftist republicans who just call themselves conservatives.

I'm just waiting on a conservative to vote for. And not settling for anything less. There's nothing fantastic or extraordinary about it.

What's really extraordinary about it, is how far the left the right has gone, with out them even realizing it.

I guess I'm like the old man screaming at teenagers "THAT'S NOT MUSIC."

Current democrats in power are right of center, and have been for some time. You are on the outer fringes of the extreme right, which is why you claim even other far right republicans are liberals. When will you be moving to Russia or Iran?
Current democrats in power are right of center, and have been for some time. You are on the outer fringes of the extreme right, which is why you claim even other far right republicans are liberals. When will you be moving to Russia or Iran?

No sir, I'm no where near the outer anything. Or fringe anything. I'm standing where fiscal and constitutional conservatives stood before the Big spending Reagan rino's came to DC. And I haven't moved hardly an inch.
The right has moved left.
Before 1970, no republican would even consider our government paying millions for things like gender studies in Pakistan or much of the other frivolous crap they pay for. Nor would they even consider borrowing more than we could honestly pay back within 1 presidential term.
This will explain it a LOT better than I can.

The Liberty Dial
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It is. Calling some of you white people bigots has been exactly what this country needs. 😄

Only a racist would say something like that.

"I have it all I'm the one that you love to hate.
Police pull me over I LOL in your face
Yes i'm to blame for the life that you can't escape"

No sir, I'm no where near the outer anything. Or fringe anything. I'm standing where fiscal and constitutional conservatives stood before the Big spending Reagan rino's came to DC. And I haven't moved hardly an inch.
The right has moved left.
Before 1970, no republican would even consider our government paying millions for things like gender studies in Pakistan or much of the other frivolous crap they pay for. Nor would they even consider borrowing more than we could honestly pay back within 1 presidential term.
This will explain it a LOT better than I can.

The Liberty Dial

Feel free to cry about it.

I'm sad that you're crying like a little bitch boy. That white people are supposedly still holding you back. That you think you'll never be successful because of all this white power that's got it's knee on your neck. That you can't see the lies your own race hustling kind are feeding you.

The only one who's actually hold you back is you.

BTW, the Tennessee legislature just proved something that I told you about earlier. That whole thing about "allowing" you to be equal. But not one inch more. Remember that?
I'm sad that you're crying like a little bitch boy. That white people are supposedly still holding you back. That you think you'll never be successful because of all this white power that's got it's knee on your neck. That you can't see the lies your own race hustling kind are feeding you.

The only one who's actually hold you back is you.

BTW, the Tennessee legislature just proved something that I told you about earlier. That whole thing about "allowing" you to be equal. But not one inch more. Remember that?

Who did I say was holding me back you illiterate cuck? I'm a Black/Asian immigrant, I'm not Black American. My family weren't victims of racism and segregation in this country. We're immigrants. We're mostly Doctors and engineers. Our kids go to private schools and Ivy league colleges. You Dipshits let a whole bunch of educated minorities into this country, we mostly all moved to urban cities. We all grew up around Black Americans and other minorities and surprise surprise we feel more kinship with them then you racist white bigots. 😄
Who did I say was holding me back you illiterate cuck? I'm a Black/Asian immigrant, I'm not Black American. My family weren't victims of racism and segregation in this country. We're immigrants. We're mostly Doctors and engineers. Our kids go to private schools and Ivy league colleges. You Dipshits let a whole bunch of educated minorities into this country, we mostly all moved to urban cities. We all grew up around Black Americans and other minorities and surprise surprise we feel more kinship with them then you racist white bigots. 😄

Oh yeah, and I'm Elon Musk. BA HA HA HA HA HA..

If you were really all that, you wouldn't be on a political forum. But hey, it's the internet. You can identify as anyone you want. Right?
Oh yeah, and I'm Elon Musk. BA HA HA HA HA HA..

If you were really all that, you wouldn't be on a political forum. But hey, it's the internet. You can identify as anyone you want. Right?
Why wouldn't I come here to point and laugh at you? More people should. By the way I'm not a doctor nor did I go to an Ivy league school. I went to public school. I was one of the first children of my family born in this country. I helped raise cousins that grew up to be doctors and engineers, but that's why I never said I was a doctor or engineer myself. 😄
Why wouldn't I come here to point and laugh at you? More people should. By the way I'm not a doctor nor did I go to an Ivy league school. I went to public school. I was one of the first children of my family born in this country. I helped raise cousins that grew up to be doctors and engineers, but that's why I never said I was a doctor or engineer myself. 😄

I knew you wasn't anything special. Just someone with a racist opinion on how you think most white people are. You've been brainwashed by the race hustlers and race baiters.
They've put a face and a voice on who you should listen to and believe. Had you listen to people like Thomas Sowell first, you wouldn't believe people like Al Sharpton or Patrisse Cullors.

You can laugh all you want. This is America. Blacks have the right to laugh at and disagree with whites all they want. Because 99% of us believe that "All men were created equal and are endowed by their creator to certain unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

We also believing in taking black thugs (white thugs, Mexican thugs and any other thug) who are not fit for society, out of society in quick fashion. People like George Floyd, who created victims and had no remorse for his victims.
Racist believe people like him are martyrs.
His victims say differently.
I knew you wasn't anything special. Just someone with a racist opinion on how you think most white people are. You've been brainwashed by the race hustlers and race baiters.
Where did I say most white people were racist? 😄

I said this country has a culture of white supremacy and that's true but I don't think most white people today are racist. I think most of the republican and democratic party leadership are. I think most of the Republican party base is and I think white people of all age groups but especially older white people have been indoctrinated in white supremacist narratives and propaganda. That is changing with younger white Americans who are some of the most progressive in the Nation. Also, I have quite a few white family members now by marriage who are white or mixed white because my family, like most of America is growing more diverse and embracing that diversity.

It's only a certain segment of the white population that is continually described as racist and you know who you are. 😁
They've put a face and a voice on who you should listen to and believe. Had you listen to people like Thomas Sowell first, you wouldn't believe people like Al Sharpton or Patrisse Cullors.

Thomas Sowell is a Simp.
You can laugh all you want. This is America. Blacks have the right to laugh at and disagree with whites all they want. Because 99% of us believe that "All men were created equal and are endowed by their creator to certain unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
No. Fewer and fewer people believe that fairy tale nonsense. We are not all created equal, that is biologically and genetically stupid. Some of us are taller, stronger, have better eye sight, are better looking.... None of are endowed unalienable rights by some mysterious creator, that is objectively and historically stupid. Rights come from government and they were extended gradually from land owning white men then eventually to women and black citizens.
We also believing in taking black thugs (white thugs, Mexican thugs and any other thug) who are not fit for society, out of society in quick fashion. People like George Floyd, who created victims and had no remorse for his victims.
Racist believe people like him are martyrs.
His victims say differently.
Who's we? Your circle is trailer park neighbors and friends? 😄 Maybe out in the swamps and sticks you missed how mainstream society responded to the murder of George Floyd.
I said this country has a culture of white supremacy and that's true

We have a 60% majority. Blacks have only 13% of the population. So you're "supremacy" point is nul and void for the simple fact that there are black millionaires, billionaires, CEO's and just about every other job in this country.

but I don't think most white people today are racist. I think most of the republican and democratic party leadership are. I think most of the Republican party base is and I think white people of all age groups but especially older white people have been indoctrinated in white supremacist narratives and propaganda.

Again, 60% majority. With that comes privileges. Privilege's that are not necessarily based on race. But more of a comfort zone.
For a example: A company that has a 99% white work staff. The one hiring is white. He's not necessarily racist. But interviews some black guy in a purple suit, got chains, fancy shoes and speaks Ebonics fluently, probably isn't going to get a job there because he's different.
In the same way a white guy, who dresses & talks like a white guy, isn't going to get a job at a company owned and operated by 99% blacks who fit the description of the one in the interview above.
That's not racism. Neither one of them are.

That is changing with younger white Americans who are some of the most progressive in the Nation. Also, I have quite a few white family members now by marriage who are white or mixed white because my family, like most of America is growing more diverse and embracing that diversity.

These white liberals you speak of are the ones who think blacks are dumb. They actually think that blacks have a hard time getting a drivers license, voting registrations, a job or finances just because they're black.
These are the white people you're claiming to be support blacks.

It's only a certain segment of the white population that is continually described as racist and you know who you are. 😁


I know who you think we are. But we're not. You've been brainwashed to think and repeat racist things like that.
Thomas Sowell is a Simp.

He also doesn't follow the racist doctrine that you've been brainwashed with. He's very successful. Very smart. And isn't racist. He doesn't need to use his race card because he used his brains and talents to overcome tough obstacles.
While the race hustlers will tell you that race is the blacks toughest obstacle. And if you believe that crap, you're only suppressing yourself.
No. Fewer and fewer people believe that fairy tale nonsense. We are not all created equal, that is biologically and genetically stupid. Some of us are taller, stronger, have better eye sight, are better looking.... None of are endowed unalienable rights by some mysterious creator, that is objectively and historically stupid. Rights come from government and they were extended gradually from land owning white men then eventually to women and black citizens.

The fact that there are black middle class, millionaires and billionaires prove that your way of thinking is wrong. Regardless of our shape, size and race, almost anyone can become successful. Obvious a dumb person isn't going to become a doctor or an attorney. But that doesn't mean they can't become successful at something. Mechanic, lawn care or just about any other profession in this country can make anyone successful.

I know a Mexican who came here illegally, who now owns a huge lawn care business. Has a nice house, nice cars, top of the line lawn care equipment. He's one of those who paid a coyote $1000 (a couple of decades ago) to sneak him into the USA. He's not all that bright (education wise). But he knows his business.
If an illegal can become successful, why can't blacks, who were born here?

I'll tell you. Because they just don't want to bad enough. They're rather uses some artificial excuse (racism) to stay in their comfort zone. Excuses like you find in todays hip hop or on social media about how impossible it is for a young black guy to succeed.

Who's we? Your circle is trailer park neighbors and friends? 😄 Maybe out in the swamps and sticks you missed how mainstream society responded to the murder of George Floyd.

Well, I'm not in the hood selling drugs, robbing liquor stores and doing drive by's. I've lived in trailer parks before. Surrounded by white working class folks who never got to experience what black racist and stupid white liberals call "white privilege."

Here is one of todays black youths problem.

Mumble rappers glorifying drugs, guns & crime.
Well, I'm not in the hood selling drugs, robbing liquor stores and doing drive by's. I've lived in trailer parks before. Surrounded by white working class folks who never got to experience what black racist and stupid white liberals call "white privilege."

Can I peg them or can I peg them?

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