voting for the Lesser Evil... LOL!

"If you vote for a Democrat, you're voting to keep Harry Reid and Barack Obama in power."

I didn't thnkthe prez election was this coming November. I am not voting democrat, the party of pity, nor the grumpy old man party of the greedy rich who hate the middle class.... I'm sitting this one out in my state. Nobody to chose from that I like or believe in or that know one more thing than I do.
Sitting it out does not really do much though - the same people get the same split and they don't really care if there are only 5 people in the entire state voting for them as long as they win. The advantage of voting 3rd party over not voting at all is that your vote is there and counted. the parties see these and those votes are exactly what begin to force them to change. The more constituents they lose to a third rail the more the better listen because it will cot them elections.

Of course, if there isn't even a third party that represents you then you are kind of hosed. Usually there is SOMEONE that is worth pulling the lever for though.
one more thing-----------the evil military industrial complex provides millions of good paying jobs for AMERICAN workers, pays billions in federal taxes, and keeps us safe. If you think those are negatives then you are dumber than I thought.

Another justification for maintaining the status quo. Nothing can be cut, nothing can be eliminated, we have to steal from our grandchildren to keep from having our favorite ox gored.

Nope, I would cut the federal budget 30% across the board, every program, every agency, every line in the budget (if we had one, that is).

My only point above was that military spending does put americans to work, does put tax money in the federal treasury, and does ensure the safety of the american people. But, having said that, I would cut the DOD budget 30% just like the rest of it.
It is rather funny how liberals always want to cut the military while promoting asinine redistribution programs.

the military is essentially the largest "jobs program" the government ever dreamed up.

should we do away with the military? half of it? a third of it? Should we shut down the factories making ships, planes, tanks, guns, bullets, uniforms, boots, rations? If we do that where will those millions of workers get jobs? do we just put them on food stamps and welfare?

sure its a jobs program, a constitutionally required one and a necessary one.
Apparently you didn't understand what I posted at all. It was a simple state of fact against the hypocrisy that liberals push out there. The military is actually a damn good jobs program because it does not espouse dependency. It teaches young people to get out there and work.

But, while we are on the subject, yes. I would cut the crap out of the military. The government is not there to give us all jobs so it certainly is not a viable reason to keep the military around. Right now the military is bloated FAR FAR FAR beyond what it needs to be. The same mission can be accomplished with half what we have right now if we actually ran things with even the slightest semblance of efficiency.

I would start with reworking the entire contracting concept within the military. It is pathetic that a general presiding over muti-BILLION dollar deals suddenly lands a 6 figure job with Boeing right after retiring from the military - that's not suspicious at all. It is interesting that civilian jobs appear out of thin air that were not needed for the last decade but suddenly become authorized by the squadron colonel - the same man that happens to be filling that position a week later after retiring....

We need to change how funds are authorized. There is no reason that an office spends 40,000 dollars on new office furniture because there is 'money left over' even though the furniture that was in the office was in superb shape.

These are not the exception, they are the rule. The corruption is all over the damn place and I have seen all these things happen and more. The military is a funding boondoggle.
in 08 and 12 the voters voted for the greater of two evils. What does that say about the american voter?

McCain would have only been slightly better than obama, but Romney would have been a very good president. Good people make good presidents.

The following presidents in recent history were good people:
Bush junior was considered good people......what happened to him?......

nothing, he is and was a good person,
Voting for the lesser of two evils still means you are voting for evil. When you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right. I absolutely refuse to tell either evil they are doing something right.

So I don't vote. I will not encourage them.
If we have two candidates, like in the last election, who are the same in all respects, but one of the candidates will more than likely invade Iran.

I believe that I have a duty to prevent more American GI's from dying ,to prevent the military industrial complex from making a gazillion dollars MORE in profit, to prevent the complete and total destruction of our economy, and to prevent the creation of more "terrorists" who will seek our death and destruction.


totally foolish. Obama's policies are putting a lot more americans in danger than Romney's would have. No one was going to invade Iran, thats an idiotic statement.

one more thing-----------the evil military industrial complex provides millions of good paying jobs for AMERICAN workers, pays billions in federal taxes, and keeps us safe. If you think those are negatives then you are dumber than I thought.
you serve? When, where?

I don't know where to begin ripping apart your imperialist crony capitalist statement based on fiat currency.

viet nam, remember, Kennedy and Johnson's fiasco that cost 58,000 american lives for nothing.

it is true that military spending creates american jobs. if you deny that, you are an idiot.

I am not saying that all military spending is smart, necessary, or efficient. Only that it creates american jobs.
I'm sitting this election out... first one in 50 years. I don't have a candidate worth voting for.

I definitely feel your pain, I can't vote for either fucked up party either, but I'll vote third party.


The way I look at it, if I don't vote, I can't bitch!


Perot votes elected Clinton-----------remember that when you vote third party.
I'm sitting this election out... first one in 50 years. I don't have a candidate worth voting for.

I definitely feel your pain, I can't vote for either fucked up party either, but I'll vote third party.


The way I look at it, if I don't vote, I can't bitch!


Perot votes elected Clinton-----------remember that when you vote third party.
Bush losing that election was on him,no one else.....if he could not convince people that he was the guy....then blame him...
I'm sitting this election out... first one in 50 years. I don't have a candidate worth voting for.

I definitely feel your pain, I can't vote for either fucked up party either, but I'll vote third party.


The way I look at it, if I don't vote, I can't bitch!


Perot votes elected Clinton-----------remember that when you vote third party.
Bush losing that election was on him,no one else.....if he could not convince people that he was the guy....then blame him...

You are wrong. If Perot was not in the race the people who voted for him would not have voted for Clinton. They would have either voted for Bush or stayed home, either way Clinton would have lost.

Just think, if Clinton had lost he could have divorced hillary and married monica. :biggrin:
I'm sitting this election out... first one in 50 years. I don't have a candidate worth voting for.

I definitely feel your pain, I can't vote for either fucked up party either, but I'll vote third party.


The way I look at it, if I don't vote, I can't bitch!


Perot votes elected Clinton-----------remember that when you vote third party.
your point? :eusa_eh:

if you want the worst of two evils, stay home or vote third party.
I'm sitting this election out... first one in 50 years. I don't have a candidate worth voting for.

I definitely feel your pain, I can't vote for either fucked up party either, but I'll vote third party.


The way I look at it, if I don't vote, I can't bitch!


Perot votes elected Clinton-----------remember that when you vote third party.
your point? :eusa_eh:

if you want the worst of two evils, stay home or vote third party.

Here's the best way I can put it.

Imagine yourself walking into the voting booth, and you punch "Democrat" all the way down the line.

Notice that queasy feeling in your stomach?

Honestly, sincerely, I get that same feeling when I think of voting for either major party right now.

I'm sitting this election out... first one in 50 years. I don't have a candidate worth voting for.

I definitely feel your pain, I can't vote for either fucked up party either, but I'll vote third party.


The way I look at it, if I don't vote, I can't bitch!


Perot votes elected Clinton-----------remember that when you vote third party.
Bush losing that election was on him,no one else.....if he could not convince people that he was the guy....then blame him...

You are wrong. If Perot was not in the race the people who voted for him would not have voted for Clinton. They would have either voted for Bush or stayed home, either way Clinton would have lost.

Just think, if Clinton had lost he could have divorced hillary and married monica. :biggrin:
thats your opinion......if i have a choice between 3 people and the 2 major guys cant convince me that i should vote for them but the 3rd guy can.....i should still vote for one of the 2 major party guys anyway? that what you are saying?...
I'm sitting this election out... first one in 50 years. I don't have a candidate worth voting for.

I definitely feel your pain, I can't vote for either fucked up party either, but I'll vote third party.


The way I look at it, if I don't vote, I can't bitch!


Perot votes elected Clinton-----------remember that when you vote third party.
your point? :eusa_eh:

if you want the worst of two evils, stay home or vote third party.
or do what you for one of those 2 evils to ensure that not much will change....and that evil of some kind will still be in thanks.....
i guess the best we can do is try to vote for the LESSER EVIL. according to MOST who have posted here.
i guess the best we can do is try to vote for the LESSER EVIL. according to MOST who have posted here.

Both parties have selected FASCISM as their socioeconomic system - so in essence they have chosen FASCISM as the lesser of two evils - for how long it is not known - but typically FASCIST economies succumb to socialism.

The problem is that the federal system has usurped state rights. The dawn of the progressive age created a centralized bank in the Fed, a federal income tax, and Senators who no longer were appointed by state representatives, giving states less power over all. Now the fedearal government just prints money and throws it at the rich, the poor, and those that hate us around the world, all in the hope of gaining power and influence.

Now states are told what to do, or not see federal dollars. So instead of voters focusing on decisions made in their own state, they are ruled by a federal Congress for whom they can only vote for 1.

The result? The result is a democracy that has an approval rating of only 10% for Congress. This is the democracy the US is trying to export with pride around the world.

Essentially, the system has come down to voting for the most benevolent dictator, especially since Congress has given most of its power to the Executive branch to a myriad of unelected bureaucrats who pass laws via regulations.

The solution? States need to amend the Constitution the way progressives did at the turn of the 20th century. Create a balanced budget amendment and impose term limits.

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