Voters guided by emotion and free shit...What happens if they become the majority?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?


Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?

Statement: "We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?"

Response: Your intolerance for millions of Democrats is a sign of ignorance, or in this case a damn lie.

I don't want nor do I need 'free stuff'; I want every citizen to have equal rights and equal opportunities which will benefit the culture and themselves.

I want the leadership in this country to understand and implement the vision and mission statement left us by the framers in the Preamble.

At this time in our nation's history, we are divided as a people because of people like you, those who reject other peoples values and demean them with threads such as this one.
Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?

Statement: "We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?"

Response: Your intolerance for millions of Democrats is a sign of ignorance, or in this case a damn lie.

I don't want nor do I need 'free stuff'; I want every citizen to have equal rights and equal opportunities which will benefit the culture and themselves.

I want the leadership in this country to understand and implement the vision and mission statement left us by the framers in the Preamble.

At this time in our nation's history, we are divided as a people because of people like you, those who reject other peoples values and demean them with threads such as this one.

You may want equal rights and opportunities but the loons democrats have as candidates want to hand out the "free stuff".
Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?

Statement: "We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?"

Response: Your intolerance for millions of Democrats is a sign of ignorance, or in this case a damn lie.

I don't want nor do I need 'free stuff'; I want every citizen to have equal rights and equal opportunities which will benefit the culture and themselves.

I want the leadership in this country to understand and implement the vision and mission statement left us by the framers in the Preamble.

At this time in our nation's history, we are divided as a people because of people like you, those who reject other peoples values and demean them with threads such as this one.



Republicans are still the majority. I don’t like that so much of my money goes to welfare cheats in Appalachia.
.At this time in our nation's history, we are divided as a people because of people like you, those who reject other peoples values and demean them with threads such as this one.

We are divided. There’s no doubt about that. Though I would suggest it’s your side thst has walked away from the ideals his nation was founded on and ran under until 1861.
Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?

Statement: "We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?"

Response: Your intolerance for millions of Democrats is a sign of ignorance, or in this case a damn lie.

I don't want nor do I need 'free stuff'; I want every citizen to have equal rights and equal opportunities which will benefit the culture and themselves.

I want the leadership in this country to understand and implement the vision and mission statement left us by the framers in the Preamble.

At this time in our nation's history, we are divided as a people because of people like you, those who reject other peoples values and demean them with threads such as this one.

We are a country that provided equal opportunity to all. We want a country guided by the founders. The "free stuff" was NEVER part of this country. If you knew your history you would know that the writers of the preamble didn't want an over reaching, over taxing, super powerful government.

It is you that are dividing this country, by demanding the government be what it was never intended to be. you want a European style.

A land of opportunities exists right now. It is the left that divides us into groups. Blacks vs white, rich vs poor etc. It is the left that says blacks can't make it on their own. It is the left that says the poor can't take advantage of their opportunity. It is the left that is constantly demanding that society change for them.

Just you don't go crazy on me, I know there are factions on the right that are extreme. White supremacists are a bane and need to be stomped out. They are horrible people and have no place among us. BUT they are a tiny minority and an outlier that in no way shape or form represents the majority of us conservatives.

The progressives are main stream. The progressive dividers are main stream media, Congress and local governments. They control the schools. They want the government to control everything. They want the government to provide everything. They want to turn this country from what it was designed to be into a European style of socialism.
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Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?

Statement: "We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?"

Response: Your intolerance for millions of Democrats is a sign of ignorance, or in this case a damn lie.

I don't want nor do I need 'free stuff'; I want every citizen to have equal rights and equal opportunities which will benefit the culture and themselves.

I want the leadership in this country to understand and implement the vision and mission statement left us by the framers in the Preamble.

At this time in our nation's history, we are divided as a people because of people like you, those who reject other peoples values and demean them with threads such as this one.

You may want equal rights and opportunities but the loons democrats have as candidates want to hand out the "free stuff".

"Free stuff"? What free stuff do you claim they want to hand out?
Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?

Statement: "We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?"

Response: Your intolerance for millions of Democrats is a sign of ignorance, or in this case a damn lie.

I don't want nor do I need 'free stuff'; I want every citizen to have equal rights and equal opportunities which will benefit the culture and themselves.

I want the leadership in this country to understand and implement the vision and mission statement left us by the framers in the Preamble.

At this time in our nation's history, we are divided as a people because of people like you, those who reject other peoples values and demean them with threads such as this one.

You may want equal rights and opportunities but the loons democrats have as candidates want to hand out the "free stuff".
Unfortunately we demand our candidates promise us what we want, doesn't matter if it is possible or not. Dems do it but the GOP does it too. Want a list of the things Trump promised but hasn't delivered on? Demand the truth and that is what you'll get, accept vague and fantastic promises and you'll get those.
Washington is all about spending and greasing the palms of party backers. It seems to me our over-spending is least ridiculous with a Democrat as President and the GOP holding congress. Republicans in congress with a Democratic president are not likely to operate under the style of I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine.

As for the "free stuff" voters, I'm not sure if it is that big of an issue. Statistic show that those in most need of this free stuff are the least likely to vote.

The 48 percent voting participation rate for families in the lowest income category in 2016 was a bit more than half of the 86 percent rate for families in the highest income category. The ratio of differences across income groups is qualitatively similar in other election years as well.
Link: Voting and Income | Econofact

Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?

Statement: "We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?"

Response: Your intolerance for millions of Democrats is a sign of ignorance, or in this case a damn lie.

I don't want nor do I need 'free stuff'; I want every citizen to have equal rights and equal opportunities which will benefit the culture and themselves.

I want the leadership in this country to understand and implement the vision and mission statement left us by the framers in the Preamble.

At this time in our nation's history, we are divided as a people because of people like you, those who reject other peoples values and demean them with threads such as this one.

You may want equal rights and opportunities but the loons democrats have as candidates want to hand out the "free stuff".

"Free stuff"? What free stuff do you claim they want to hand out?

WTF, haven't you been paying attention? Free college, free healthcare (for all), free income, free housing, cancellation of student debt, reparations for African Americans, reparations for same sex couples.
Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?

Statement: "We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?"

Response: Your intolerance for millions of Democrats is a sign of ignorance, or in this case a damn lie.

I don't want nor do I need 'free stuff'; I want every citizen to have equal rights and equal opportunities which will benefit the culture and themselves.

I want the leadership in this country to understand and implement the vision and mission statement left us by the framers in the Preamble.

At this time in our nation's history, we are divided as a people because of people like you, those who reject other peoples values and demean them with threads such as this one.
I told you. You will continue our deliverance into 2nd and 3rd world status. And you will blame others for it like you do now. Values! Bwhahaaaa! Your values are found at inner city sex shops and playing the social welfare system.
Full confiscation of all personal property. No private property rights and government will take over all means of production.

100%, this is what will happen.

Lefties never stop. They play the long game and keep moving the needle.

Look at abortion. Who would ever believe we would have legal murder of a baby on the table AFTER BIRTH?
Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?

Statement: "We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?"

Response: Your intolerance for millions of Democrats is a sign of ignorance, or in this case a damn lie.

I don't want nor do I need 'free stuff'; I want every citizen to have equal rights and equal opportunities which will benefit the culture and themselves.

I want the leadership in this country to understand and implement the vision and mission statement left us by the framers in the Preamble.

At this time in our nation's history, we are divided as a people because of people like you, those who reject other peoples values and demean them with threads such as this one.

You may want equal rights and opportunities but the loons democrats have as candidates want to hand out the "free stuff".
Unfortunately we demand our candidates promise us what we want, doesn't matter if it is possible or not. Dems do it but the GOP does it too. Want a list of the things Trump promised but hasn't delivered on? Demand the truth and that is what you'll get, accept vague and fantastic promises and you'll get those.

Sounds good, I'm holding out for a free car.
Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?

Statement: "We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?"

Response: Your intolerance for millions of Democrats is a sign of ignorance, or in this case a damn lie.

I don't want nor do I need 'free stuff'; I want every citizen to have equal rights and equal opportunities which will benefit the culture and themselves.

I want the leadership in this country to understand and implement the vision and mission statement left us by the framers in the Preamble.

At this time in our nation's history, we are divided as a people because of people like you, those who reject other peoples values and demean them with threads such as this one.

We are a country that provided equal opportunity to all. We want a country guided by the founders. The "free stuff" was NEVER part of this country. If you knew your history you would know that the writers of the preamble didn't want an over reaching, over taxing, super powerful government.

It is you that are dividing this country, by demanding the government be what it was never intended to be. you want a European style.

A land of opportunities exists right now. It is the left that divides us into groups. Blacks vs white, rich vs poor etc. It is the left that says blacks can't make it on their own. It is the left that says the poor can't take advantage of their opportunity. It is the left that is constantly demanding that society change for them.

Just you don't go crazy on me, I know there are factions on the right that are extreme. White supremacists are a bane and need to be stomped out. They are horrible people and have no place among us. BUT they are a tiny minority and an outlier that in no way shape or form represents the majority of us conservatives.

The progressives are main stream. The progressive dividers are main stream media, Congress and local governments. They control the schools. They want the government to control everything. They want the government to provide everything. They want to turn this country from what it was designed to be into a European style of socialism.

We have to disagree.

  • Nothing in the Preamble even suggests what you claim
  • Apparently you are not watching and listening to Trump
    • Trump used EO's to by-pass the Congress
    • Trump's rhetoric is divisive, character assassination is his forte.
  • School districts are elected locally, they are not controlled by a liberal or conservative agenda by bureaucrats in The District
  • The ACA is not Socialism, private sector hospitals employ private sector physicians, private insurance companies continue to sell health insurance and medicare and medicaid pay private hospitals and private doctors.
Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?
Free shit ? You talking about wall street? Farmers ? Or the military?

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