Voter Suppression and/or an admission that ideology and past performance cannot win a national election?

Rye Catcher

Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2019

The greatest success of the GOP is its ability to pack the courts with a supporting class of judges and justices, who have been placed on the Federal Court system with aid and comfort by Trump, McConnell and a tiny majority of Republican Senators.

Once upon a time, not so long ago the Federalist Society was a supporter of the Separation of Power, a principle which is (was) the foundation upon which COTUS built.

Herein is some more food for thought:

Ya, those mean old Constitutionalist. You know, those people who believe in upholding the Constitution and not legislating from the bench.

How many more judges do you think Trump will get to the bench over the next 4 1/2 years?

Ginsberg and Breyer will be retiring, and probably Justice Thomas as well will be calling it a career after Trump is reelected.
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Ya, those mean old Constitutionalist. You know, those people who believe in upholding the Constitution and not legislating from the bench.

How many more judges do you think Trump will get to the bench over the next 4 1/2 years?

Ginsberg and Breyer will be retiring, and probably Justice Thomas as well will be calling it a career after Trump is reelected.

If you are correct we will become a Plutocracy, democracy will be put to death by a judiciary protecting Corporations and the very wealthy at the expense of We the People. And these people are you.

The greatest success of the GOP is its ability to pack the courts with a supporting class of judges and justices, who have been placed on the Federal Court system with aid and comfort by Trump, McConnell and a tiny majority of Republican Senators.

Once upon a time, not so long ago the Federalist Society was a supporter of the Separation of Power, a principle which is (was) the foundation upon which COTUS built.

Herein is some more food for thought:

If the nonliving are no longer free to vote democrat, are any of us truly free?
Ya, those mean old Constitutionalist. You know, those people who believe in upholding the Constitution and not legislating from the bench.

How many more judges do you think Trump will get to the bench over the next 4 1/2 years?

Ginsberg and Breyer will be retiring, and probably Justice Thomas as well will be calling it a career after Trump is reelected.

If you are correct we will become a Plutocracy, democracy will be put to death by a judiciary protecting Corporations and the very wealthy at the expense of We the People. And these people are you.
We aren’t a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic.

The greatest success of the GOP is its ability to pack the courts with a supporting class of judges and justices, who have been placed on the Federal Court system with aid and comfort by Trump, McConnell and a tiny majority of Republican Senators.

Once upon a time, not so long ago the Federalist Society was a supporter of the Separation of Power, a principle which is (was) the foundation upon which COTUS built.

Herein is some more food for thought:

The Democrat Voter suppression is a voting rights violation
Ya, those mean old Constitutionalist. You know, those people who believe in upholding the Constitution and not legislating from the bench.

How many more judges do you think Trump will get to the bench over the next 4 1/2 years?

Ginsberg and Breyer will be retiring, and probably Justice Thomas as well will be calling it a career after Trump is reelected.

If you are correct we will become a Plutocracy, democracy will be put to death by a judiciary protecting Corporations and the very wealthy at the expense of We the People. And these people are you.
hating the rich is a sign of immaturity

The greatest success of the GOP is its ability to pack the courts with a supporting class of judges and justices, who have been placed on the Federal Court system with aid and comfort by Trump, McConnell and a tiny majority of Republican Senators.

Once upon a time, not so long ago the Federalist Society was a supporter of the Separation of Power, a principle which is (was) the foundation upon which COTUS built.

Herein is some more food for thought:

If the nonliving are no longer free to vote democrat, are any of us truly free?

The greatest success of the GOP is its ability to pack the courts with a supporting class of judges and justices, who have been placed on the Federal Court system with aid and comfort by Trump, McConnell and a tiny majority of Republican Senators.

Once upon a time, not so long ago the Federalist Society was a supporter of the Separation of Power, a principle which is (was) the foundation upon which COTUS built.

Herein is some more food for thought:

Hmm...., as opposed to packing the courts with judges that legislate from the bench.... Meanwhile the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left harvests votes, use dead people to vote, and refuse to allow ID's to prove one's identity, when you can't open a bank account, buy beer, cigarettes', board a plane, rent a car, or rent a hotel room without proof of identity and age... Go figure
Stupid bed wetter....

"Packing the Court" was what FDR did, by which he created more positions so that he could fill them, and was eventually undermined by congress. Trump is merely filling vacancies that he is legally obligated to do.

It's too bad your beloved meat puppet faggot messiah was to lazy and incompetent, not to mention only picked raving lunatics even other democrooks didn't want to be on record for supporting. Trump's legacy will last for years with a judicial wall that will keep regressive policies suppressed, and your mattress soaked with piss.

Ya, those mean old Constitutionalist. You know, those people who believe in upholding the Constitution and not legislating from the bench.

How many more judges do you think Trump will get to the bench over the next 4 1/2 years?

Ginsberg and Breyer will be retiring, and probably Justice Thomas as well will be calling it a career after Trump is reelected.

If you are correct we will become a Plutocracy, democracy will be put to death by a judiciary protecting Corporations and the very wealthy at the expense of We the People. And these people are you.

Better than the assholes people like FDR and Obama appointed.
I don’t believe mass voter suppression is any more real than mass voter fraud. Both are probably attempted to some degree but I don’t believe either has ever affected an election outcome. I see both as a convenient excuse for not having to admit the other side ran a better campaign than you did.

The greatest success of the GOP is its ability to pack the courts with a supporting class of judges and justices, who have been placed on the Federal Court system with aid and comfort by Trump, McConnell and a tiny majority of Republican Senators.

Once upon a time, not so long ago the Federalist Society was a supporter of the Separation of Power, a principle which is (was) the foundation upon which COTUS built.

Herein is some more food for thought:

If the nonliving are no longer free to vote democrat, are any of us truly free?

There is no proof dead people vote, or others use the dead's name to vote. It is another BIG LIE; something you've proved to be an expert in along with the Idiot-gram, something which was first posted in another one of your foolish BIG LIES.

The greatest success of the GOP is its ability to pack the courts with a supporting class of judges and justices, who have been placed on the Federal Court system with aid and comfort by Trump, McConnell and a tiny majority of Republican Senators.

Once upon a time, not so long ago the Federalist Society was a supporter of the Separation of Power, a principle which is (was) the foundation upon which COTUS built.

Herein is some more food for thought:

We're gonna hafta impeach hundreds of judges.
Ya, those mean old Constitutionalist. You know, those people who believe in upholding the Constitution and not legislating from the bench.

How many more judges do you think Trump will get to the bench over the next 4 1/2 years?

Ginsberg and Breyer will be retiring, and probably Justice Thomas as well will be calling it a career after Trump is reelected.

If you are correct we will become a Plutocracy, democracy will be put to death by a judiciary protecting Corporations and the very wealthy at the expense of We the People. And these people are you.

Better than the assholes people like FDR and Obama appointed.
Better for the criminal oligarchy that runs the country, not better for the rest of us.

The greatest success of the GOP is its ability to pack the courts with a supporting class of judges and justices, who have been placed on the Federal Court system with aid and comfort by Trump, McConnell and a tiny majority of Republican Senators.

Once upon a time, not so long ago the Federalist Society was a supporter of the Separation of Power, a principle which is (was) the foundation upon which COTUS built.

Herein is some more food for thought:

We're gonna hafta impeach hundreds of judges.

Maybe Blazing Fraud has a few sisters.

The greatest success of the GOP is its ability to pack the courts with a supporting class of judges and justices, who have been placed on the Federal Court system with aid and comfort by Trump, McConnell and a tiny majority of Republican Senators.

Once upon a time, not so long ago the Federalist Society was a supporter of the Separation of Power, a principle which is (was) the foundation upon which COTUS built.

Herein is some more food for thought:

If the nonliving are no longer free to vote democrat, are any of us truly free?

There is no proof dead people vote, or others use the dead's name to vote. It is another BIG LIE; something you've proved to be an expert in along with the Idiot-gram, something which was first posted in another one of your foolish BIG LIES.

LinkedIn co-founder backs $35 million voter data project in 'existential threat' to Democratic Party

"The DNC’s top leaders have been telling people that Hoffman’s project represents an “existential threat" to the party, according to two sources with knowledge of the discussions."

When "Mouse, Mickey & Minnie" are listed 76,000 times as democrat registered voter in Los Angeles, you see where this can get hairy

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