Voter Fraud Is Already Happening: Democrat Ballot Harvesting Found In THIRD District


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Voter Fraud Is Already Happening: Democrat Ballot Harvesting Found In THIRD District
We've been warning about voter fraud for months. So has the President. Now that ballots are out, the fraud is already rampant.

29 Sep 2020 ~~ By JD Rucker

There were three stories just in the last few days that point to Democrats trying to steal the election through ballot harvesting. The first did not get much national press because it wasn’t about a crime. Technically, it was as Democrats are using their majority in North Carolina’s election board to preemptively allow criminal activity, but the end result was allowances for ballot harvesting. That seems like a crime, but nobody’s going to jail over it.
The second is the most ballyhooed of them all so far. Project Veritas and their excellent undercover operatives uncovered a scam to use illegal ballot harvesting to steal elections in Minneapolis on behalf of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. This is, without a doubt, a clear-cut crime. Will Omar be connected to it directly? We’ll see.
The third was a story from Patrick Howley at the National File. In it, he reported about ballot harvesting accusations made by former law enforcement officers in Texas who are now private investigators. They have sworn that illegal ballot harvesting is taking place there as well.
In the latest episode of NOQ Report, JD discusses these three cases and calls for action to be taken immediately.
Voting has been open in some states for a week and we already have multiple instances of voter fraud being perpetrated by Democrat operatives. Mainstream media won’t talk about. Independent media must be amplified to get the word out.

Well, much better to learn about it now and do something as opposed to sitting back and saying “aw shucks” in November.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are criminally dishonest. They are the Party of the Enemy.
The PMS/DSA Leftists have already determined it doesn't matter if some of these people harvesting get caught. It's figured into the risk of their ‘flooding’ the states with these forms to apply and ballots. When you want to win an election ‘after the election’ to regain wealth and power lost there will be acceptable collateral damage.
But wait there's more...
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Voter Fraud Is Already Happening: Democrat Ballot Harvesting Found In THIRD District
We've been warning about voter fraud for months. So has the President. Now that ballots are out, the fraud is already rampant.

29 Sep 2020 ~~ By JD Rucker

There were three stories just in the last few days that point to Democrats trying to steal the election through ballot harvesting. The first did not get much national press because it wasn’t about a crime. Technically, it was as Democrats are using their majority in North Carolina’s election board to preemptively allow criminal activity, but the end result was allowances for ballot harvesting. That seems like a crime, but nobody’s going to jail over it.
The second is the most ballyhooed of them all so far. Project Veritas and their excellent undercover operatives uncovered a scam to use illegal ballot harvesting to steal elections in Minneapolis on behalf of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. This is, without a doubt, a clear-cut crime. Will Omar be connected to it directly? We’ll see.
The third was a story from Patrick Howley at the National File. In it, he reported about ballot harvesting accusations made by former law enforcement officers in Texas who are now private investigators. They have sworn that illegal ballot harvesting is taking place there as well.
In the latest episode of NOQ Report, JD discusses these three cases and calls for action to be taken immediately.
Voting has been open in some states for a week and we already have multiple instances of voter fraud being perpetrated by Democrat operatives. Mainstream media won’t talk about. Independent media must be amplified to get the word out.

Well, much better to learn about it now and do something as opposed to sitting back and saying “aw shucks” in November.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are criminally dishonest. They are the Party of the Enemy.
The PMS/DSA Leftists have already determined it doesn't matter if some of these people harvesting get caught. It's figured into the risk of their ‘flooding’ the states with these forms to apply and ballots. When you want to win an election ‘after the election’ to regain wealth and power lost there will be acceptable collateral damage.

If Fox News cared about the future of U.S democratic processes, they would make this the biggest story and force other news outlets and police agencies to address it head on and publicly.

Leaving it only to Carlson, Hannity and/or Ingraham to report it on their shows isn't proper, even as they are the most watched outlets. I'm sure there are bad operators on both sides, call it out and confront it head on. To not do so out of fear of looking biased, done what exactly?

You can't just say "hey,there's an election coming up, we don't want to skew the results (even as someone is cheating, breaking the law,being bribed, whatever). The role of media is to call it out, or else Communists are going to run the West into the ground, our liberty with it.
There are people going door to door in CA asking to deliver your ballot for you...its completely out of control and the GOP will never ever win in CA because of it.....
There are people going door to door in CA asking to deliver your ballot for you...its completely out of control and the GOP will never ever win in CA because of it.....

They wouldn't win anyway so why are you bitching? Pick a fight you have some chance of winning. Otherwise, it's just whining.
I disagree...ballots from red cities in CA are just tossed out...if they had fair elections in CA the legislature would not be 99% democrat....
There are people going door to door in CA asking to deliver your ballot for you...its completely out of control and the GOP will never ever win in CA because of it.....

They wouldn't win anyway so why are you bitching? Pick a fight you have some chance of winning. Otherwise, it's just whining.
I disagree...ballots from red cities in CA are just tossed out...if they had fair elections in CA the legislature would not be 99% democrat....

Dream on, cupcake. I am in Colorado. When we have a CA republican move here, the become either a moderate Democrat or an Indy. If they were to move to Deep South, they become Insanity Patients or Liberal Democrats. In Red Areas in California, I doubt if the powers there would put up with the ballots being "Just tossed out". You really need to stop listening to anyone that tells you that nonsense.
Don't let this happen harvesting is legal in CA....if it becomes legal in the rest of the nation we will be living in a one party nation.....and it will look just like SF and LA.....

So how did Mike Garcia win in CA-25 by 11 points back in April?
Don't let this happen harvesting is legal in CA....if it becomes legal in the rest of the nation we will be living in a one party nation.....and it will look just like SF and LA.....

So how did Mike Garcia win in CA-25 by 11 points back in April?
Ballot harvesting is indefensible so please don't try and defend it...handing your ballot to a stranger to deliver is unconstitutional in my man one vote one vote one voter.....
Don't let this happen harvesting is legal in CA....if it becomes legal in the rest of the nation we will be living in a one party nation.....and it will look just like SF and LA.....

So how did Mike Garcia win in CA-25 by 11 points back in April?

Just stop that. You are confusing him with reality. I mean, stop that right now.
There are people going door to door in CA asking to deliver your ballot for you...its completely out of control and the GOP will never ever win in CA because of it.....

They wouldn't win anyway so why are you bitching? Pick a fight you have some chance of winning. Otherwise, it's just whining.

Please explain the following:

"The two testimonials specifically name state Senator Boris Miles (D-Houston) and Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis (D-Pct. 1) as leaders of an election fraud scheme that involves stealing absentee ballots from nursing homes and forging voter signatures.
Another individual named is Dallas Jones, a political operative overseeing Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s Harris County operation.
First reported by National File, the witness testimony included in the affidavits were submitted in conjunction with a lawsuit filed by conservative activist Steven Hotze and others.
There are people going door to door in CA asking to deliver your ballot for you...its completely out of control and the GOP will never ever win in CA because of it.....

They wouldn't win anyway so why are you bitching? Pick a fight you have some chance of winning. Otherwise, it's just whining.

Please explain the following:

"The two testimonials specifically name state Senator Boris Miles (D-Houston) and Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis (D-Pct. 1) as leaders of an election fraud scheme that involves stealing absentee ballots from nursing homes and forging voter signatures.
Another individual named is Dallas Jones, a political operative overseeing Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s Harris County operation.
First reported by National File, the witness testimony included in the affidavits were submitted in conjunction with a lawsuit filed by conservative activist Steven Hotze and others.

The story leads too another site and ends there. Here are the originating source creds. It ain't good. Nation File is so crackpot they don't even rate it Right or Left. I've never seen this rating before.

National File





Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources.

This is the worst rating I have ever seen. Since based their whole article on National File that just makes shit up, let's take a look at

Law Enforcement Today



These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy

I imagine you will find other sites that will reinforce what you claim but every one will lead back to the same source. And when Media/factcheck has to use the rating system like they did for the originating source wow, it means that even a Tin Foil Hat Rating may be being kind.
Dirty Pol Pot Dems are cheating in several states
If T loses any close races then he should appeal to the USSC and have the state redo
Trump won’t win in Minnesota but last I checked it was very close in 3rd World Michigan and Wisconsin

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