Video: Workers See for the First Time how Obamacare Affects their Premiums/Deductible


Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011
Video: Workers See for the First Time how Obamacare Affects their Premiums/Deductibles

[ame=]WTAE-PA: Pennsylvania Small Business Hit With Skyrocketing Health Costs From ObamaCare - YouTube[/ame]
They are supposed to be happy because what they are paying enables poor people to have insurance. It's called redistribution.
Nothing to worry about. Right Democrats? When every company in the country has these types of meetings over the next year, that won't hurt Democrat prospects, right?

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Huh, and I got called a liar by [MENTION=32973]LoneLaugher[/MENTION] went I said ours went up 44%. He was saying everyone was lying who was claiming these outrageous increase.
our premiums went from $415/month to $1085 - with higher deductibles and co-pays.

So we cancelled it. Fuck Obamacare.
Boy you dems sure know how to stick it to the rich.
You could just tell these people make way to much money and need to give some back.
Fuck those one percenters,right dems? Hello? Dems?
Huh, and I got called a liar by [MENTION=32973]LoneLaugher[/MENTION] went I said ours went up 44%. He was saying everyone was lying who was claiming these outrageous increase.

You are lying. Own it.

Nope, YOU are lying.

National average 44%.....I've seen as high as 300%.

More expensive, less coverage from the new plans.

Many needy folks getting coverage, many average folks can't afford it.
Huh, and I got called a liar by [MENTION=32973]LoneLaugher[/MENTION] went I said ours went up 44%. He was saying everyone was lying who was claiming these outrageous increase.

You are lying. Own it.

Nope, YOU are lying.

National average 44%.....I've seen as high as 300%.

More expensive, less coverage from the new plans.

Many needy folks getting coverage, many average folks can't afford it.

Whatever you say. The ACA is doing exactly the opposite of what it is supposed to do....and it is all on purpose because Obama is incompetent.

We get it. You guys are absolutely genuine. Everyone is paying more for less. It a train wreck, scam, the beginning of the end!

You have convinced me.
obviously staged

Mr. Starkey, I'm just curious. If you are a Republican and actually want the GOP to win back the Senate, then why have I not heard you once criticize the left? You seem to support Obamacare, the stimulus, and most of Obama's other policies. Honestly, I'm happy you're not voting Dem just because that helps our side, but does the GOP really match your ideology at all?
You are lying. Own it.

Nope, YOU are lying.

National average 44%.....I've seen as high as 300%.

More expensive, less coverage from the new plans.

Many needy folks getting coverage, many average folks can't afford it.

Whatever you say. The ACA is doing exactly the opposite of what it is supposed to do....and it is all on purpose because Obama is incompetent.

We get it. You guys are absolutely genuine. Everyone is paying more for less. It a train wreck, scam, the beginning of the end!

You have convinced me.

I'm living it, you are just a bystander with no experience in it at all.

The ACA is doing EXACTLY what it was designed to do, collapse the system so as to usher in the Single Payor he wants.

You just keep cheerleading and swallowing.
obviously staged

Mr. Starkey, I'm just curious. If you are a Republican and actually want the GOP to win back the Senate, then why have I not heard you once criticize the left? You seem to support Obamacare, the stimulus, and most of Obama's other policies. Honestly, I'm happy you're not voting Dem just because that helps our side, but does the GOP really match your ideology at all?

Jake voted for Obama twice, don't let him yank your penis.
Nothing to worry about. Right Democrats? When every company in the country has these types of meetings over the next year, that won't hurt Democrat prospects, right?


heres the problem you have a video who was created by whom ??? the right wing ... there was nothing in that video that's was based on actual factual information at all ... no where in that video did they mention subsidy ... the said par is you people buy it hook lie and stinker ...

now why would I say this because I'm partisan and want to distort the facts??? for the past 4 years I had to pay for health care 550 dollars a month for a catastrophic health care plan with a 5000 dollar deductible ...

this year starting January 1, 2014 my first payment went to health care the Obama care that you seem to all dread so much because of the alleged cost??? well mine now is 250 dollars a month, with a 250 emergency room deductible ... with a max pay out of 1200 ...

so this video is telling me what here??? it is telling me that a right wing company produced it ... then played it as if it was a news cast, which it clearly isn't, because if it was it would have told you totally the opposite ...the problem you all have here is call Republican liars ... they lie for the rich 1% for their benefit and not yours .... I know better ... I know what the real reality is ... because I experiencing it now...
Huh, and I got called a liar by [MENTION=32973]LoneLaugher[/MENTION] went I said ours went up 44%. He was saying everyone was lying who was claiming these outrageous increase.

heres the problem that you don't seem to get or understand ... you're being lie to ... you are quoting your cost that came from your health care company under the currant plan you have lonelaugher was trying to tell you this... but you did get it, or you too stupid to understand ...

which ever it is none of you mention if you got your subsidy or not ... neither did the video ... you just blurted out a percentage just like the video did ... if you are a family of 4 and make less then 94,000 dollars a year you will get a subsidy on the average of 400 dollars or more ... the single mother working at a auto repair shop paying 1300 dollars a month ??? give me a break ... if you want to be lied to fine ... but don't sit here and try to blow smoke up every bodies ass until you go to the web site you look up ,what it will cost you... then come back here and tell us the real truth... we might then believe your lies

here's are the facts... most people working at a auto shop, unless they are mechanic, are making between 10 and 15 dollars an hour... this woman isn't making more the 94,000 dollars a year you can bet on that ... more then likely she is maybe making the most ,30,000 dollars a year at best... she would almost qualify for medicaid or the cheapest cost for health care ...
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obviously staged

Mr. Starkey, I'm just curious. If you are a Republican and actually want the GOP to win back the Senate, then why have I not heard you once criticize the left? You seem to support Obamacare, the stimulus, and most of Obama's other policies. Honestly, I'm happy you're not voting Dem just because that helps our side, but does the GOP really match your ideology at all?

Jake voted for Obama twice, don't let him yank your penis.

I'd vote for him a third time if it were legal ... and your just playing with Jake's penis ...

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