VIDEO: Hundreds Return to Protest Outside Armed White Couple’s Home in St. Louis

I just had dinner with my parents, and these were commenting that the plastic ketchup bottle was low on ketchup, and hard to get more out. I said straight up, over in Venezuela right now, they are cooking the family dog, to avoid starving to death, and our big concern is not enough ketchup coming out of the plastic bottle.
I very seriously doubt that.
I doubt it bad as things are in that country, Fido was gone LONG ago!
:laughing0301: Yeah.
That's real hilarious.
All of you Non Progs no matter what.....In the court room....INNOCENT! The judges and political class are not on your side. Your right to a trial is still around. People are innocent if they feel threatened and defend themselves. More and more of you will be purchasing weapons and carrying them if this keeps up. There is a lot of pent up anger. And that means fuses will be short.
I just had dinner with my parents, and these were commenting that the plastic ketchup bottle was low on ketchup, and hard to get more out. I said straight up, over in Venezuela right now, they are cooking the family dog, to avoid starving to death, and our big concern is not enough ketchup coming out of the plastic bottle.
I very seriously doubt that.

What? Which part? The fact I said that? I guarantee you that was nearly verbatim.

The fact they are cooking the family dog to avoid starvation?

Fairly well documented. By the way, this is happening in a country that was a net exporter of rice. They formerly produced more food, than the entire country could eat.

Now they can't even feed themselves.
It's true. Many have resorted to eating dogs.
As an American whose government has meddled in their affairs for decades
it's not something I would be so indifferent about.

Not true. Simply not true. The food shortages started all the way back in 2004.
The US Congress has a full report covering all of the sanctions against Venezuela. The first three sanctions had nothing to do with the economic collapse of Venezuela.

In 2005, the treasury department collected direct evidence connecting 22 Hugo Chavez officials that were involved in the Drug Cartels operating in Mexico, supply trade routes for narcotics.

Had nothing to do with the food shortages at all.

In 2006, the Secretary of State determined that because Venezuela was actively involved in the drug trade, that they would put place a restriction on all arms sales to Venezuela.

Unless you think rifles plant rice, this had nothing at all to do with the economy or food supply of Venezuela.

In 2008, it was discovered that two more officials of the Venezuelan government traveled Lebanon, and gave money from the Venezuela government, to terrorist group Hezbollah, and sanctions were placed on those people as well.

No other sanctions were put in place, until 2014, when Maduro ordered the military to patrol streets, and armed gangs to run prisons. People were beaten, women were raped, and people tossed in jail were left without food, sometimes for days.

Even with these sanctions imposed in 2015, they were targeted specifically at the security forces, which denied VISAs to them, and froze any assets held internationally.

Broad economic sanctions against this evil regime, did not start until 2017.

None of those sanctions had anything to do with the mass power blackouts nation wide, or the shortage of food across the country, all of which can be traced all the way back to 2003.

From 2003 to 2017, the US did nothing that can be considered as causing economic problems in Venezuela, and yet it was all during those years, that the economy of Venezuela imploded.

You simply can not blame that on us.

Moreover, Venezuela's oil production had already decreased from 3 Million in 2010, to 1.5 Million in 2017, before any of the financial sanctions (2017), or oil Sanctions (2018) came into effect.

You can't blame that on us.

Moreover, those sanctions on oil, basically had zero effect whatsoever. They were symbolic. Venezuela simply doubled exports to other nations, like India, which is the largest of buyer of Venezuela oil to this day.

Put simply, by absolutely every possible perspective, the US had absolutely nothing to do with the economic implosion of Venezuela.

Socialism is what destroyed Venezuela. There is no other possible explanation.
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Now they can't even feed themselves.
You're a dark soul for certain.

But hunting stray animals out of desperation is not synonymous
with eating the "family dog". That only happens in your favorite places like China.

Children are dying in Venezuela. If my 5 year old daughter is starving to death, and I either watch her die, or cook up Fido.... I'm cooking Fido. My daughter would be 100x more important to me than Fido.

If that makes me a dark soul.... then we need more dark souls in the world.

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