Victor Davis Hanson explains how "Nemesis" is now biting the left on their rear ends.......


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Victor Davis Hanson......a more sober, deep thinker you will not find.......and here he explains how the Greek concept of "Nemesis" is now biting the democrats, their minions in the media and in the government bureaucracy...on their collective asses.....of course he is much more dignified in his explanation....

He discusses Fake News, the allegations of Trump working with the Russians, the alleged wire tapping of Trump and his people....and how the morons on the left keep getting their asses kicked.....

The Ancient Laws of Unintended Consequences

The classical idea of a divine Nemesis (“reckoning” or “downfall”) that brings unforeseen retribution for hubris (insolence and arrogance) was a recognition that there are certain laws of the universe that operated independently of human concerns. Call Nemesis a goddess. But it was also simply an empirical observation about collective and predictable human behavior: Excess invites unexpected correction.



“Fake news” was a term the Left invented to describe the ancient practice of propaganda (updated in the Internet age to drive Web traffic). They applied it to the supposed Russian habit of planting international news stories to affect Western elections, and in particular Donald Trump’s campaign for the presidency and his tendencies to exaggerate and massage the truth.

But once the term caught on in our faddish age, who were the more appropriate media fakers? Fake news now serves as a sort of linguistic canary to remind the public that it is customarily saturated with a lethal gas of media disinformation.

Thus “fake news” seemed a proper if belated summation and clarification of years of liberal bias in the media that were supposed to be our custodian of the truth.

Were NBC anchor Brian Williams’s fantasies fake news? Were Dan Rather’s “fake but accurate” Rathergate memos? How about the party line circulated in JournoList or the Washington and New York reporters who colluded to massage the news to favor the Clinton campaign, as revealed in the Podesta WikiLeaks trove?

Was jailing a video maker part of an Obama-administration fake-news attempt to blame Benghazi deaths on a spontaneous riot? Was the Iran Deal’s “echo chamber,” about which Ben Rhodes later bragged, the epitome of fake news?

Thank the Left, because suddenly the term “fake news” is becoming a common description of the media’s effort to suggest that Trump once went to Moscow to frolic with prostitutes, that his lawyer met Russians in Prague, that he removed Martin Luther King’s bust from the Oval Office, that he was going to employ “100,000” guardsmen to enforce immigration law, or that he wished to invade Mexico.



In the latter months of the 2016 campaign, the Clinton team floated the narrative that Trump was colluding with Russian president Vladimir Putin, who in turn was engineering leaks to increase Trump’s unlikely chance of becoming president.

At first, alleging Russian collusion with Trump was a strange strategy, given that Hillary Clinton herself, as the primary agent for the Obama-administration outreach to Putin, had pushed the red Russian reset button in Geneva.

And it was quite an outreach: the shelving of long-established plans to build missile-defense shields in Eastern Europe, the open-mic promise by Obama to be more flexible with Putin after Obama’s reelection, the anemic response to the de facto annexation of the Crimea and eastern Ukraine, the constant trashing of the Bush administration as too harsh on Russia, and the ridicule showered on Mitt Romney for his supposed naïveté in naming Russia as America’s “Number One geopolitical foe.”

In addition, the Trump plans of encouraging domestic oil production, updating strategic weapons, and beefing up the defense budget were not agendas conducive to Russian interests.

Their Obama antitheses were.
After the weekend where Trump created 'fake news' with his outrageous claim that Obama tapped his phone,

you start a thread trying to make Democrats and/or the media the prime villains in the practice of fake news?

Goddam that's a level of boldly displayed insanity that even around here is only occasional.
After the weekend where Trump created 'fake news' with his outrageous claim that Obama tapped his phone,

you start a thread trying to make Democrats and/or the media the prime villains in the practice of fake news?

Goddam that's a level of boldly displayed insanity that even around here is only occasional.

Thanks...I was wondering how to fit more of his column into the thread.....your post allows me to post the next quote...that might be an example of "nemesis" and you........

But Nemesis was not done. It is now reported that the Obama administration during the campaign went to a FISA court to tap the communications of Trump-campaign officials and unofficial supporters. FISA applications are almost never rejected (and never leaked), but the court rebuffed this one in June 2016, ostensibly for insufficient cause.

Ostensibly it is also unprecedented for a sitting president’s administration to order surveillance of campaign personnel of an opposite party before an upcoming election — a fact suggesting that Obama-administration officials may have assumed that a grateful shoo-in successor Clinton Justice Department would not worry greatly about such interference.

News reports further suggested that a frustrated Obama administration may have tried again as the campaign heated up in October 2016, may have found a more sympathetic judge, and may on the second try have begun widely tapping Trump-campaign officials.

In addition, the Obama administration after eight years in power suddenly and deliberately expanded the number of people granted access to such surveillance, apparently in the hope (which soon proved correct) that greater dissemination would increase the likelihood of illegal leaks that in turn would embarrass Trump.

Perhaps from such intelligence leaks, the media reported that Jeff Sessions, Trump’s attorney general, had met in his office with the Russian ambassador, a supposed contradiction of his Senate testimony.

But then Nemesis again appeared. It turned out that almost everyone in Washington — especially Sessions’s Democratic accusers — had met with the Russians (most commonly Democratic senators and representatives in the spirit of the Obama-reset age).


The media and the anti-Trump Republicans decried Trump’s reckless and juvenile antics as unbefitting a president.

Perhaps, but they may have forgotten Trump’s animal cunning and instincts: Each time Trump impulsively raises controversial issues in sloppy fashion — some illegal aliens harm American citizens as they enjoy sanctuary-city status, NATO European partners welch on their promised defense contributions, Sweden is a powder-keg of unvetted and unassimilated immigrants from the war-torn Middle East — the news cycle follows and confirms the essence of Trump’s otherwise rash warnings. We are learning that Trump is inexact and clumsy but often prescient; his opponents, usually deliberate and precise but disingenuous.


Read more at: The Ancient Laws of Unintended Consequences
Read more at: The Ancient Laws of Unintended Consequences
After the weekend where Trump created 'fake news' with his outrageous claim that Obama tapped his phone,

you start a thread trying to make Democrats and/or the media the prime villains in the practice of fake news?

Goddam that's a level of boldly displayed insanity that even around here is only occasional.
You failed to notice the "set-up"...

a more sober, deep thinker you will not find.

V. D. (Clap) Hanson rose to prominence as the Porch historian of the Scrub Junta, where one of his primary missions was to promote The War on Islam....and to explain what a wonderful thing the Invasion of Iraqnam really was.

Clap is a whore........but now he's got some issues....he's gotta find himself a new Trope to ride....

You see, that new guy over at NSA (the only one prepared to accept Trump's offer) doesn't believe that the whole "Radical Islam" crap is either effective or productive. And because he, unlike the shitheels who are most prone to demand fealty to the idea, has actually distinguished himself in battle AND the "winning of hearts and minds", it appears that Clap's raison d'être has dissipated with the Sands of Time.

Couldn't happen to a more deserving sack of fetid crap...
After the weekend where Trump created 'fake news' with his outrageous claim that Obama tapped his phone,

you start a thread trying to make Democrats and/or the media the prime villains in the practice of fake news?

Goddam that's a level of boldly displayed insanity that even around here is only occasional.

Thanks...I was wondering how to fit more of his column into the thread.....your post allows me to post the next quote...that might be an example of "nemesis" and you........

But Nemesis was not done. It is now reported that the Obama administration during the campaign went to a FISA court to tap the communications of Trump-campaign officials and unofficial supporters. FISA applications are almost never rejected (and never leaked), but the court rebuffed this one in June 2016, ostensibly for insufficient cause.

Ostensibly it is also unprecedented for a sitting president’s administration to order surveillance of campaign personnel of an opposite party before an upcoming election — a fact suggesting that Obama-administration officials may have assumed that a grateful shoo-in successor Clinton Justice Department would not worry greatly about such interference.

News reports further suggested that a frustrated Obama administration may have tried again as the campaign heated up in October 2016, may have found a more sympathetic judge, and may on the second try have begun widely tapping Trump-campaign officials.

In addition, the Obama administration after eight years in power suddenly and deliberately expanded the number of people granted access to such surveillance, apparently in the hope (which soon proved correct) that greater dissemination would increase the likelihood of illegal leaks that in turn would embarrass Trump.

Perhaps from such intelligence leaks, the media reported that Jeff Sessions, Trump’s attorney general, had met in his office with the Russian ambassador, a supposed contradiction of his Senate testimony.

But then Nemesis again appeared. It turned out that almost everyone in Washington — especially Sessions’s Democratic accusers — had met with the Russians (most commonly Democratic senators and representatives in the spirit of the Obama-reset age).


The media and the anti-Trump Republicans decried Trump’s reckless and juvenile antics as unbefitting a president.

Perhaps, but they may have forgotten Trump’s animal cunning and instincts: Each time Trump impulsively raises controversial issues in sloppy fashion — some illegal aliens harm American citizens as they enjoy sanctuary-city status, NATO European partners welch on their promised defense contributions, Sweden is a powder-keg of unvetted and unassimilated immigrants from the war-torn Middle East — the news cycle follows and confirms the essence of Trump’s otherwise rash warnings. We are learning that Trump is inexact and clumsy but often prescient; his opponents, usually deliberate and precise but disingenuous.


Read more at: The Ancient Laws of Unintended Consequences
Read more at: The Ancient Laws of Unintended Consequences

Trump is getting demolished over his fake news about Obama. Pay attention.
After the weekend where Trump created 'fake news' with his outrageous claim that Obama tapped his phone,

you start a thread trying to make Democrats and/or the media the prime villains in the practice of fake news?

Goddam that's a level of boldly displayed insanity that even around here is only occasional.

Thanks...I was wondering how to fit more of his column into the thread.....your post allows me to post the next quote...that might be an example of "nemesis" and you........

But Nemesis was not done. It is now reported that the Obama administration during the campaign went to a FISA court to tap the communications of Trump-campaign officials and unofficial supporters. FISA applications are almost never rejected (and never leaked), but the court rebuffed this one in June 2016, ostensibly for insufficient cause.

Ostensibly it is also unprecedented for a sitting president’s administration to order surveillance of campaign personnel of an opposite party before an upcoming election — a fact suggesting that Obama-administration officials may have assumed that a grateful shoo-in successor Clinton Justice Department would not worry greatly about such interference.

News reports further suggested that a frustrated Obama administration may have tried again as the campaign heated up in October 2016, may have found a more sympathetic judge, and may on the second try have begun widely tapping Trump-campaign officials.

In addition, the Obama administration after eight years in power suddenly and deliberately expanded the number of people granted access to such surveillance, apparently in the hope (which soon proved correct) that greater dissemination would increase the likelihood of illegal leaks that in turn would embarrass Trump.

Perhaps from such intelligence leaks, the media reported that Jeff Sessions, Trump’s attorney general, had met in his office with the Russian ambassador, a supposed contradiction of his Senate testimony.

But then Nemesis again appeared. It turned out that almost everyone in Washington — especially Sessions’s Democratic accusers — had met with the Russians (most commonly Democratic senators and representatives in the spirit of the Obama-reset age).


The media and the anti-Trump Republicans decried Trump’s reckless and juvenile antics as unbefitting a president.

Perhaps, but they may have forgotten Trump’s animal cunning and instincts: Each time Trump impulsively raises controversial issues in sloppy fashion — some illegal aliens harm American citizens as they enjoy sanctuary-city status, NATO European partners welch on their promised defense contributions, Sweden is a powder-keg of unvetted and unassimilated immigrants from the war-torn Middle East — the news cycle follows and confirms the essence of Trump’s otherwise rash warnings. We are learning that Trump is inexact and clumsy but often prescient; his opponents, usually deliberate and precise but disingenuous.


Read more at: The Ancient Laws of Unintended Consequences
Read more at: The Ancient Laws of Unintended Consequences
Where is it "reported" that the Obama Administration did any such thing?
After the weekend where Trump created 'fake news' with his outrageous claim that Obama tapped his phone,

you start a thread trying to make Democrats and/or the media the prime villains in the practice of fake news?

Goddam that's a level of boldly displayed insanity that even around here is only occasional.

Thanks...I was wondering how to fit more of his column into the thread.....your post allows me to post the next quote...that might be an example of "nemesis" and you........

But Nemesis was not done. It is now reported that the Obama administration during the campaign went to a FISA court to tap the communications of Trump-campaign officials and unofficial supporters. FISA applications are almost never rejected (and never leaked), but the court rebuffed this one in June 2016, ostensibly for insufficient cause.

Ostensibly it is also unprecedented for a sitting president’s administration to order surveillance of campaign personnel of an opposite party before an upcoming election — a fact suggesting that Obama-administration officials may have assumed that a grateful shoo-in successor Clinton Justice Department would not worry greatly about such interference.

News reports further suggested that a frustrated Obama administration may have tried again as the campaign heated up in October 2016, may have found a more sympathetic judge, and may on the second try have begun widely tapping Trump-campaign officials.

In addition, the Obama administration after eight years in power suddenly and deliberately expanded the number of people granted access to such surveillance, apparently in the hope (which soon proved correct) that greater dissemination would increase the likelihood of illegal leaks that in turn would embarrass Trump.

Perhaps from such intelligence leaks, the media reported that Jeff Sessions, Trump’s attorney general, had met in his office with the Russian ambassador, a supposed contradiction of his Senate testimony.

But then Nemesis again appeared. It turned out that almost everyone in Washington — especially Sessions’s Democratic accusers — had met with the Russians (most commonly Democratic senators and representatives in the spirit of the Obama-reset age).


The media and the anti-Trump Republicans decried Trump’s reckless and juvenile antics as unbefitting a president.

Perhaps, but they may have forgotten Trump’s animal cunning and instincts: Each time Trump impulsively raises controversial issues in sloppy fashion — some illegal aliens harm American citizens as they enjoy sanctuary-city status, NATO European partners welch on their promised defense contributions, Sweden is a powder-keg of unvetted and unassimilated immigrants from the war-torn Middle East — the news cycle follows and confirms the essence of Trump’s otherwise rash warnings. We are learning that Trump is inexact and clumsy but often prescient; his opponents, usually deliberate and precise but disingenuous.


Read more at: The Ancient Laws of Unintended Consequences
Read more at: The Ancient Laws of Unintended Consequences
Where is it "reported" that the Obama Administration did any such thing?

The New York Times, the Washington Post......they stated that they had sources from wiretaps....back in January...twit...
After the weekend where Trump created 'fake news' with his outrageous claim that Obama tapped his phone,

you start a thread trying to make Democrats and/or the media the prime villains in the practice of fake news?

Goddam that's a level of boldly displayed insanity that even around here is only occasional.

Thanks...I was wondering how to fit more of his column into the thread.....your post allows me to post the next quote...that might be an example of "nemesis" and you........

But Nemesis was not done. It is now reported that the Obama administration during the campaign went to a FISA court to tap the communications of Trump-campaign officials and unofficial supporters. FISA applications are almost never rejected (and never leaked), but the court rebuffed this one in June 2016, ostensibly for insufficient cause.

Ostensibly it is also unprecedented for a sitting president’s administration to order surveillance of campaign personnel of an opposite party before an upcoming election — a fact suggesting that Obama-administration officials may have assumed that a grateful shoo-in successor Clinton Justice Department would not worry greatly about such interference.

News reports further suggested that a frustrated Obama administration may have tried again as the campaign heated up in October 2016, may have found a more sympathetic judge, and may on the second try have begun widely tapping Trump-campaign officials.

In addition, the Obama administration after eight years in power suddenly and deliberately expanded the number of people granted access to such surveillance, apparently in the hope (which soon proved correct) that greater dissemination would increase the likelihood of illegal leaks that in turn would embarrass Trump.

Perhaps from such intelligence leaks, the media reported that Jeff Sessions, Trump’s attorney general, had met in his office with the Russian ambassador, a supposed contradiction of his Senate testimony.

But then Nemesis again appeared. It turned out that almost everyone in Washington — especially Sessions’s Democratic accusers — had met with the Russians (most commonly Democratic senators and representatives in the spirit of the Obama-reset age).


The media and the anti-Trump Republicans decried Trump’s reckless and juvenile antics as unbefitting a president.

Perhaps, but they may have forgotten Trump’s animal cunning and instincts: Each time Trump impulsively raises controversial issues in sloppy fashion — some illegal aliens harm American citizens as they enjoy sanctuary-city status, NATO European partners welch on their promised defense contributions, Sweden is a powder-keg of unvetted and unassimilated immigrants from the war-torn Middle East — the news cycle follows and confirms the essence of Trump’s otherwise rash warnings. We are learning that Trump is inexact and clumsy but often prescient; his opponents, usually deliberate and precise but disingenuous.


Read more at: The Ancient Laws of Unintended Consequences
Read more at: The Ancient Laws of Unintended Consequences
Where is it "reported" that the Obama Administration did any such thing?

The New York Times, the Washington Post......they stated that they had sources from wiretaps....back in January...twit...
Cite exactly what they say about that.....
After the weekend where Trump created 'fake news' with his outrageous claim that Obama tapped his phone,

you start a thread trying to make Democrats and/or the media the prime villains in the practice of fake news?

Goddam that's a level of boldly displayed insanity that even around here is only occasional.
It will be revealed when the Russian "connection" is revealed…
Hansen is a paid asshole who writes BS more clearly than most winguts. Every thing in the OP is fake news and will eventually be shown to be. The Russian connection is well established should anyone take the time to look. But by then the right will be whining about something else. The party that does nothing for America sure plays its puppets well.

"Trump negotiated the deal that brought the Miss Universe pageant to Moscow with the blessing and support of the Agalarovs. "We just had a meeting . . . we all seemed to like each other, shook hands and signed our contract within a week's time," Emin said in his Forbes interview, adding that the pageant would cost $20 million to host. Trump first announced Moscow winning the bid in June 2013. "Moscow right now in the world is a very, very important place. We wanted Moscow all the way'"

After being turned away by American banks due to bankruptcies, Trump has been getting considerable investments from Russian sources, including many with known criminal ties. At one point he even turned to Muammar Gaddafi, the terrorism-loving Libyan dictator who blew up American soldiers at a discotech in Germany, funded the Irish Republican Army, and destroyed Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, and the French UTA Flight 772 over the Sahara. Those airline attacks alone killed 413 total passengers and crew.

Trump certainly must have been thrilled to be in the presence of the super nouveau-riche of Moscow, a city where Mercedes-Benz was selling more cars than anywhere else in the world. Even Putin's personal counter-assault teams from the KGB rode in armored stretch Mercedes G-Wagons. The money was spilling from Russia and Trump was now associating himself with some of the most powerful people in the eastern hemisphere.

The beauty pageant would be held in the Crocus City Hall, a 7,500- seat concert hall just four years old. Trump was dazzled, and desired the attention of the only oligarch who mattered, Vladimir Putin. He tweeted with gleeful apprehension, "Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow-if so, will he become my new best friend?"?

When Trump met with the Agalarovs in November 2013, Alex Sapir and Rotem Rosen were also in attendance. The Russian developers helped construct the Trump SoHo hotel and condominium project in Manhattan." Sapir's father was alleged to have had close ties to ex-KGB officers." p39 'The Plot to Hack America: How Putin’s Cyberspies and WikiLeaks Tried to Steal the 2016 Election' by Malcolm Nance
Hansen is a paid asshole who writes BS more clearly than most winguts. Every thing in the OP is fake news and will eventually be shown to be. The Russian connection is well established should anyone take the time to look. But by then the right will be whining about something else. The party that does nothing for America sure plays its puppets well.

"Trump negotiated the deal that brought the Miss Universe pageant to Moscow with the blessing and support of the Agalarovs. "We just had a meeting . . . we all seemed to like each other, shook hands and signed our contract within a week's time," Emin said in his Forbes interview, adding that the pageant would cost $20 million to host. Trump first announced Moscow winning the bid in June 2013. "Moscow right now in the world is a very, very important place. We wanted Moscow all the way'"

After being turned away by American banks due to bankruptcies, Trump has been getting considerable investments from Russian sources, including many with known criminal ties. At one point he even turned to Muammar Gaddafi, the terrorism-loving Libyan dictator who blew up American soldiers at a discotech in Germany, funded the Irish Republican Army, and destroyed Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, and the French UTA Flight 772 over the Sahara. Those airline attacks alone killed 413 total passengers and crew.

Trump certainly must have been thrilled to be in the presence of the super nouveau-riche of Moscow, a city where Mercedes-Benz was selling more cars than anywhere else in the world. Even Putin's personal counter-assault teams from the KGB rode in armored stretch Mercedes G-Wagons. The money was spilling from Russia and Trump was now associating himself with some of the most powerful people in the eastern hemisphere.

The beauty pageant would be held in the Crocus City Hall, a 7,500- seat concert hall just four years old. Trump was dazzled, and desired the attention of the only oligarch who mattered, Vladimir Putin. He tweeted with gleeful apprehension, "Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow-if so, will he become my new best friend?"?

When Trump met with the Agalarovs in November 2013, Alex Sapir and Rotem Rosen were also in attendance. The Russian developers helped construct the Trump SoHo hotel and condominium project in Manhattan." Sapir's father was alleged to have had close ties to ex-KGB officers." p39 'The Plot to Hack America: How Putin’s Cyberspies and WikiLeaks Tried to Steal the 2016 Election' by Malcolm Nance
It needs the imprimatur of the Regnery Press.
After the weekend where Trump created 'fake news' with his outrageous claim that Obama tapped his phone,

you start a thread trying to make Democrats and/or the media the prime villains in the practice of fake news?

Goddam that's a level of boldly displayed insanity that even around here is only occasional.

Thanks...I was wondering how to fit more of his column into the thread.....your post allows me to post the next quote...that might be an example of "nemesis" and you........

But Nemesis was not done. It is now reported that the Obama administration during the campaign went to a FISA court to tap the communications of Trump-campaign officials and unofficial supporters. FISA applications are almost never rejected (and never leaked), but the court rebuffed this one in June 2016, ostensibly for insufficient cause.

Ostensibly it is also unprecedented for a sitting president’s administration to order surveillance of campaign personnel of an opposite party before an upcoming election — a fact suggesting that Obama-administration officials may have assumed that a grateful shoo-in successor Clinton Justice Department would not worry greatly about such interference.

News reports further suggested that a frustrated Obama administration may have tried again as the campaign heated up in October 2016, may have found a more sympathetic judge, and may on the second try have begun widely tapping Trump-campaign officials.

In addition, the Obama administration after eight years in power suddenly and deliberately expanded the number of people granted access to such surveillance, apparently in the hope (which soon proved correct) that greater dissemination would increase the likelihood of illegal leaks that in turn would embarrass Trump.

Perhaps from such intelligence leaks, the media reported that Jeff Sessions, Trump’s attorney general, had met in his office with the Russian ambassador, a supposed contradiction of his Senate testimony.

But then Nemesis again appeared. It turned out that almost everyone in Washington — especially Sessions’s Democratic accusers — had met with the Russians (most commonly Democratic senators and representatives in the spirit of the Obama-reset age).


The media and the anti-Trump Republicans decried Trump’s reckless and juvenile antics as unbefitting a president.

Perhaps, but they may have forgotten Trump’s animal cunning and instincts: Each time Trump impulsively raises controversial issues in sloppy fashion — some illegal aliens harm American citizens as they enjoy sanctuary-city status, NATO European partners welch on their promised defense contributions, Sweden is a powder-keg of unvetted and unassimilated immigrants from the war-torn Middle East — the news cycle follows and confirms the essence of Trump’s otherwise rash warnings. We are learning that Trump is inexact and clumsy but often prescient; his opponents, usually deliberate and precise but disingenuous.


Read more at: The Ancient Laws of Unintended Consequences
Read more at: The Ancient Laws of Unintended Consequences

Trump is getting demolished over his fake news about Obama. Pay attention.

You certainly think he is. But he isn't.

In fact I believe even Maxine waters had made statements saying Obama was conducting surveillance
After the weekend where Trump created 'fake news' with his outrageous claim that Obama tapped his phone,

you start a thread trying to make Democrats and/or the media the prime villains in the practice of fake news?

Goddam that's a level of boldly displayed insanity that even around here is only occasional.

Given Obama's propensity fr doing it in the past, it's a lot more believable than "the Russian's hacked the election" nonsense.
After the weekend where Trump created 'fake news' with his outrageous claim that Obama tapped his phone,

you start a thread trying to make Democrats and/or the media the prime villains in the practice of fake news?

Goddam that's a level of boldly displayed insanity that even around here is only occasional.

Thanks...I was wondering how to fit more of his column into the thread.....your post allows me to post the next quote...that might be an example of "nemesis" and you........

But Nemesis was not done. It is now reported that the Obama administration during the campaign went to a FISA court to tap the communications of Trump-campaign officials and unofficial supporters. FISA applications are almost never rejected (and never leaked), but the court rebuffed this one in June 2016, ostensibly for insufficient cause.

Ostensibly it is also unprecedented for a sitting president’s administration to order surveillance of campaign personnel of an opposite party before an upcoming election — a fact suggesting that Obama-administration officials may have assumed that a grateful shoo-in successor Clinton Justice Department would not worry greatly about such interference.

News reports further suggested that a frustrated Obama administration may have tried again as the campaign heated up in October 2016, may have found a more sympathetic judge, and may on the second try have begun widely tapping Trump-campaign officials.

In addition, the Obama administration after eight years in power suddenly and deliberately expanded the number of people granted access to such surveillance, apparently in the hope (which soon proved correct) that greater dissemination would increase the likelihood of illegal leaks that in turn would embarrass Trump.

Perhaps from such intelligence leaks, the media reported that Jeff Sessions, Trump’s attorney general, had met in his office with the Russian ambassador, a supposed contradiction of his Senate testimony.

But then Nemesis again appeared. It turned out that almost everyone in Washington — especially Sessions’s Democratic accusers — had met with the Russians (most commonly Democratic senators and representatives in the spirit of the Obama-reset age).


The media and the anti-Trump Republicans decried Trump’s reckless and juvenile antics as unbefitting a president.

Perhaps, but they may have forgotten Trump’s animal cunning and instincts: Each time Trump impulsively raises controversial issues in sloppy fashion — some illegal aliens harm American citizens as they enjoy sanctuary-city status, NATO European partners welch on their promised defense contributions, Sweden is a powder-keg of unvetted and unassimilated immigrants from the war-torn Middle East — the news cycle follows and confirms the essence of Trump’s otherwise rash warnings. We are learning that Trump is inexact and clumsy but often prescient; his opponents, usually deliberate and precise but disingenuous.


Read more at: The Ancient Laws of Unintended Consequences
Read more at: The Ancient Laws of Unintended Consequences
Where is it "reported" that the Obama Administration did any such thing?

The New York Times, the Washington Post......they stated that they had sources from wiretaps....back in January...twit...
Cite exactly what they say about that.....

Here you go....

The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit. The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said.

One official said intelligence reports based on some of the wiretapped communications had been provided to the White House.

Wire taps provided to the White HOuse.....and there is the beginning of wrong doing was found...but wiretaps are reported....
Hansen is a paid asshole who writes BS more clearly than most winguts. Every thing in the OP is fake news and will eventually be shown to be. The Russian connection is well established should anyone take the time to look. But by then the right will be whining about something else. The party that does nothing for America sure plays its puppets well.

"Trump negotiated the deal that brought the Miss Universe pageant to Moscow with the blessing and support of the Agalarovs. "We just had a meeting . . . we all seemed to like each other, shook hands and signed our contract within a week's time," Emin said in his Forbes interview, adding that the pageant would cost $20 million to host. Trump first announced Moscow winning the bid in June 2013. "Moscow right now in the world is a very, very important place. We wanted Moscow all the way'"

After being turned away by American banks due to bankruptcies, Trump has been getting considerable investments from Russian sources, including many with known criminal ties. At one point he even turned to Muammar Gaddafi, the terrorism-loving Libyan dictator who blew up American soldiers at a discotech in Germany, funded the Irish Republican Army, and destroyed Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, and the French UTA Flight 772 over the Sahara. Those airline attacks alone killed 413 total passengers and crew.

Trump certainly must have been thrilled to be in the presence of the super nouveau-riche of Moscow, a city where Mercedes-Benz was selling more cars than anywhere else in the world. Even Putin's personal counter-assault teams from the KGB rode in armored stretch Mercedes G-Wagons. The money was spilling from Russia and Trump was now associating himself with some of the most powerful people in the eastern hemisphere.

The beauty pageant would be held in the Crocus City Hall, a 7,500- seat concert hall just four years old. Trump was dazzled, and desired the attention of the only oligarch who mattered, Vladimir Putin. He tweeted with gleeful apprehension, "Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow-if so, will he become my new best friend?"?

When Trump met with the Agalarovs in November 2013, Alex Sapir and Rotem Rosen were also in attendance. The Russian developers helped construct the Trump SoHo hotel and condominium project in Manhattan." Sapir's father was alleged to have had close ties to ex-KGB officers." p39 'The Plot to Hack America: How Putin’s Cyberspies and WikiLeaks Tried to Steal the 2016 Election' by Malcolm Nance

Apparently not asswipe......since the New York times reports nothing has been found.....moron...

The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit.

The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said.

One official said intelligence reports based on some of the wiretapped communications had been provided to the White House.

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