Vice News: Eating These Foods Might Make You Racist


The funniest part about PC Police stuff like this is that if you had said they'd be going after food, they would have scoffed at you and insulted you for being silly and hyperbolic.

At this point, we can predict damn near anything and it has a chance to happen.

They have become what they used to loathe.


So let me get this straight...The company decides to change the racial images and to you that means that the PC police (the companies) are going after food aka themselves?

Let me ask, could it be possible that they changed the images because they thought it was an old throwback to racist times or do you believe that every change from the past was brought on against the companies will?

The original article is about whiny faggots like yourself trying to get the US Patent Office to remove the trademark of Uncle Ben's Rice among other brands through boycott if necessary because the claim the Washington Redskins set a "precedent".

It isn't about companies changing their names...

When was the last time you ate the image of a black dude? Because you seem to think the image is food therefore in your STD riddled brain you think it's about "going after food".


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