Vet fundraising for Wall is fake news pedlar

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Veteran behind viral border wall GoFundMe has history of 'fake news' websites

But as NBC News noted, the viral internet fundraiser does not mention the Florida man’s most recent and business venture: Right Wing News, a Facebook page known to peddle fake news, and “a ring of affiliate sites that frequently trafficked in conspiracy theories.”

Right Wing News was shut down by Facebook when the social media network cleared out more than 559 pages known to have been “using fake accounts to drive traffic to their websites,” or “were ad farms using Facebook to mislead people into thinking that they were forums for legitimate political debate.”

Its pretty damning stuff. Not someone who should be trusted with $1bn.
Its a real shame. The way he rebuilt his life is inspirational.
I personally think that anyone who sends money to this guy is foolish.

After the scam with the homeless vet and that married couple, I'm a whole lot skittish about those things.
I look at this GoFundMe attempt, as a way to embarrass the government for not doing their fucking job of enforcing our immigration laws.
Hopefully this story stays in the news for days to come. Thanks for starting another thread about it.

We wouldn't need walls, if we would just end all sanctuary city and state status, and throw employers in jail for hiring illegals in the first place.

Problem is, we have to deal with millions of Dimocrats who work tirelessly at protecting illegals.
I look at this GoFundMe attempt, as a way to embarrass the government for not doing their fucking job of enforcing our immigration laws.
Hopefully this story stays in the news for days to come. Thanks for starting another thread about it.

We wouldn't need walls, if we would just end all sanctuary city and state status, and throw employers in jail for hiring illegals in the first place.

Problem is, we have to deal with millions of Dimocrats who work tirelessly at protecting illegals.
I dont think they are going to be embarrassed about a small group of low intellect individuals raising less than 3% of the needed total. :rolleyes: you liberals are all of a sudden upset that people are voluntarily donating money instead of redistributing it by government enforcement (taxes). Just one more reason to laugh at you. you liberals are all of a sudden upset that people are voluntarily donating money instead of redistributing it by government enforcement (taxes). Just one more reason to laugh at you.
If thats what people want to fund then good luck to them. But it is a lot of money and those raising it should be people of integrity. Dodgy charities have been in the news of late. you liberals are all of a sudden upset that people are voluntarily donating money instead of redistributing it by government enforcement (taxes). Just one more reason to laugh at you.
All the liberals I know are highly amused at you lower intellects donating to a known conspiracy theorist. Personally I never imagined it was that many stupid people left in the US but its always educational to see it in action. :rolleyes:
Veteran behind viral border wall GoFundMe has history of 'fake news' websites

But as NBC News noted, the viral internet fundraiser does not mention the Florida man’s most recent and business venture: Right Wing News, a Facebook page known to peddle fake news, and “a ring of affiliate sites that frequently trafficked in conspiracy theories.”

Right Wing News was shut down by Facebook when the social media network cleared out more than 559 pages known to have been “using fake accounts to drive traffic to their websites,” or “were ad farms using Facebook to mislead people into thinking that they were forums for legitimate political debate.”

Its pretty damning stuff. Not someone who should be trusted with $1bn.
Its a real shame. The way he rebuilt his life is inspirational.
Well, that was kind of a given wasn't it? He's pushing for the wall after all. you liberals are all of a sudden upset that people are voluntarily donating money instead of redistributing it by government enforcement (taxes). Just one more reason to laugh at you.
All the liberals I know are highly amused at you lower intellects donating to a known conspiracy theorist. Personally I never imagined it was that many stupid people left in the US but its always educational to see it in action. :rolleyes:

If you want stupid, just look in a mirror or at other leftards. Donating to national security makes people stupid? No, that would be people like YOU who gave your money to Stormy Daniels (or Trump since you now paid his legal bills) or Blasé Fraud. Raised more money than them combined pretty quickly. Your jealousy is noted. you liberals are all of a sudden upset that people are voluntarily donating money instead of redistributing it by government enforcement (taxes). Just one more reason to laugh at you.
All the liberals I know are highly amused at you lower intellects donating to a known conspiracy theorist. Personally I never imagined it was that many stupid people left in the US but its always educational to see it in action. :rolleyes:

If you want stupid, just look in a mirror or at other leftards. Donating to national security makes people stupid? No, that would be people like YOU who gave your money to Stormy Daniels (or Trump since you now paid his legal bills) or Blasé Fraud. Raised more money than them combined pretty quickly. Your jealousy is noted.
I already see stupid when I look at you or the other drumpftards. Yes donating to national security makes you stupid. Thats what taxes are for you idiot. Besides Drumpf already said Mexico was going to pay for it. Why are you donating money? :rolleyes: you liberals are all of a sudden upset that people are voluntarily donating money instead of redistributing it by government enforcement (taxes). Just one more reason to laugh at you.
All the liberals I know are highly amused at you lower intellects donating to a known conspiracy theorist. Personally I never imagined it was that many stupid people left in the US but its always educational to see it in action. :rolleyes:

If you want stupid, just look in a mirror or at other leftards. Donating to national security makes people stupid? No, that would be people like YOU who gave your money to Stormy Daniels (or Trump since you now paid his legal bills) or Blasé Fraud. Raised more money than them combined pretty quickly. Your jealousy is noted.
I already see stupid when I look at you or the other drumpftards. Yes donating to national security makes you stupid. Thats what taxes are for you idiot. Besides Drumpf already said Mexico was going to pay for it. Why are you donating money? :rolleyes:

Again, look in a mirror for stupid. Point out where I said I donated. Oops, you can't little liar. See, people are willing to donate a few bucks for national security little moron. Unlike you, who gives money to a porn star and a proven liar. If you don't want national security, leave and let the door hit you on the way out. Commence whining. you liberals are all of a sudden upset that people are voluntarily donating money instead of redistributing it by government enforcement (taxes). Just one more reason to laugh at you.
All the liberals I know are highly amused at you lower intellects donating to a known conspiracy theorist. Personally I never imagined it was that many stupid people left in the US but its always educational to see it in action. :rolleyes:

Ya, I am really worried your IQ exceeds my 142... :lol:

That is upper 1 percent for you challenged liberals. you liberals are all of a sudden upset that people are voluntarily donating money instead of redistributing it by government enforcement (taxes). Just one more reason to laugh at you.
All the liberals I know are highly amused at you lower intellects donating to a known conspiracy theorist. Personally I never imagined it was that many stupid people left in the US but its always educational to see it in action. :rolleyes:

You also made an ASSumption. Deal with it. you liberals are all of a sudden upset that people are voluntarily donating money instead of redistributing it by government enforcement (taxes). Just one more reason to laugh at you.
All the liberals I know are highly amused at you lower intellects donating to a known conspiracy theorist. Personally I never imagined it was that many stupid people left in the US but its always educational to see it in action. :rolleyes:

Ya, I am really worried your IQ exceeds my 142... :lol:

That is upper 1 percent for you challenged liberals.
Obviously your worried. You just claimed you had an IQ 0f 142 which tells my youre very worried. If you werent worried you would have never made such a wild claim and expected anyone to believe it. :rolleyes:
Obviously your worried. You just claimed you had an IQ 0f 142 which tells my youre very worried. If you werent worried you would have never made such a wild claim and expected anyone to believe it. :rolleyes:

Your insecurity is noted. MENSA is top two percent, my score puts me above half of that. Reminds me, I need to send in the $79 annual dues soon and get caught up on my Mensa Bulletin reading. I have no interest in what you believe or disbelieve. Just here to laugh at you. :lol:
Obviously your worried. You just claimed you had an IQ 0f 142 which tells my youre very worried. If you werent worried you would have never made such a wild claim and expected anyone to believe it. :rolleyes:

Your insecurity is noted. MENSA is top two percent, my score puts me above half of that. Reminds me, I need to send in the $79 annual dues soon and get caught up on my Mensa Bulletin reading. I have no interest in what you believe or disbelieve. Just here to laugh at you. :lol:
You sure did give a great attempt at convincing me but it didnt work. Just because you looked up Mensa fees doesnt mean youre a Mensa. You donated to the wall which proves you are in the lowest percentile possible. BTW if you were in the 98th percentile you would only have to pay $70 instead of $79. :rolleyes:

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