Vermont poll: Clinton leads Trump by 28% margin

A Perez

Gold Member
Jan 26, 2015
Back in September, one "Vigilante" of the USMB wrote, "Looks like the Hildebeast lost Maine, now Vermont".

Today a new poll was released:
A new WCAX news poll shows the Democrat Clinton has support from 50 percent of respondents. Republican Donald Trump gets just 22 percent.

Some voters don't like either choice and 7 percent say they'll back Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, 5 percent favor the Green Party's Jill Stein and 10 percent say they plan to vote for someone else altogether.
A new WCAX news poll shows the Democrat Clinton has support from 50 percent of respondents. Republican Donald Trump gets just 22 percent.

Some voters don't like either choice and 7 percent say they'll back Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, 5 percent favor the Green Party's Jill Stein and 10 percent say they plan to vote for someone else altogether.

WCAX poll: Vermonters strongly favor Clinton
One would hope Bernie would be able to carry his own state.

Al Gore couldn't carry his home state of Tennessee and it cost him the 2000 election.
I have been to Vermont regularly over the last 40 years. While,there are pockets of dairy farmer conservatives, the state is whacked. Tree hugging, abortion loving, socialist, retired hippies, and refugees from taxachussetts make up the majority. It is one of those beautiful,states that can't compete agriculturally so the economy relies heavily on tourism. An interesting fact, at the turn of the century(1900) the state was 10 percent forest and 90 percent clear land. Today it is 90 percent forest. But in true hypocrite fashion, the green mountain state wants to go green but won't allow windmills to mar the skyline. You can't even talk to these people. Wasn't any question about Vermont going democrat.
An interesting fact, at the turn of the century(1900) the state was 10 percent forest and 90 percent clear land. Today it is 90 percent forest.


Doesn't sound like you've ever been to Vermont (the "Green Mountain State") at all.

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