Verdict reached in Smollett hate hoax trial

Sadly, Smollett will probably get nothing but probation and a little community service instead of much deserved jail time....
Oh man, I bet there are past comments of you believing this dipshit. Being that you're a Trump Russia Hoax bot. Stop pretending.
No one can honestly call themself an American who thinks what this
black punk did was even remotely not terrible.Plus he tried to frame 2
very tough black guys in the process.So I doubt BLM will be on hand
to Protest.It would only sink what little credibility they may have.
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Jury just in for Smollett and 5 of six charges ---GUILTY.
But where is CNN? NBC, all those people that said oh what a "systematic racisM" case!

When will the MSM become a little more rational

Seems to be a big story for CNN. Even bigger than Trump adding to his legal losing streak as well as a Conservative Republican pedophile also found guilty.

Jury just in for Smollett and 5 of six charges ---GUILTY.
But where is CNN? NBC, all those people that said oh what a "systematic racisM" case!

When will the MSM become a little more rational?

The thing about this that should bother everyone is..............with the temperature of the country at the time, it could have caused massive riots. Were his accusations true, that is not an excuse but they would have done it. But it being false, he put a whole bunch of people at risk on both sides for nothing but a stunt.

He DESERVES jail time! How much? I do not know. But as the Left says, "if you are rich and can get off," then people with money will continue to try and game the system for their political point of view, and if they do not fear jail, we have just created another protected class.

JAIL this piece of human debris, long enough that both far Left and Right with money, think a long time before they put their butts in the same situation. Anything less than a year is UNACCEPTABLE!

By the way, take is NOT going well for Leftists when actually put in front of a jury of their peers, no matter how much melanin that jury has in their skin. The only thing it appears protecting breakers of our laws from being punished, is the PROSECUTORS!

Remember that, no matter if your state is red or blue, when you go to vote!
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I predict the POS will be given probation and maybe community service instead if the prison time he deserves.
If he's guilty on 5 of 6 counts why should he be given probation.
What good are trials and being charged with counts if they are not handed out.
The fact that he Testified is also key.That means he was cocksure enough to
think that he could tell more stories to a jury of his peers.
He DESERVES jail time! How much? I do not know. But as the Left says, "if you are rich and can get off," then people with money will continue to try and game the system for their political point of view, and if they do not fear jail, we have just created another protected class.
1) An average African American offender gets 20% more time for the same crime.

2) Rich people have privileges -- nothing to do with Race.

3) American Culture is too focused on punishment -- unlike Canada and Scandinavia.
So the Lyin' Punk should get jail time.He was looking at a possible
18 years.3 years per count.Plus his testifying in the face of being found guilty
should aggravate the sentencing.
Jail time for being a delusional drama queen?

Nobody got hurt. No harm no foul. He's not a dangerous violent criminal. Give him a break.

If he wasn't a celebrity he probably wouldn't have even got charged. The police would have just laughed at his silly marijuana addled caricature and went to the next murder scene.
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1) An average African American offender gets 20% more time for the same crime.

2) Rich people have privileges -- nothing to do with Race.

3) American Culture is too focused on punishment -- unlike Canada and Scandinavia.
Then if you do not live in America, take them to where you are. If you do live in America, your ideas are noted, and what will happen in 2022 will show you, WE REJECT THEM!

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