Venus Williams killed an old man out of sheer stupidity

She was about 10 feet from the curb. She should've immediately backed up at the sight of yellow. That's a long way to go on a red light when all you gotta do is back up. Venus Williams played russian roulette with innocent lives. One innocent life got the bullet. God Bless the Barsons.


Venus was about 10 feet from the curb while she waited for a car, which she allowed to turn. She should've immediately backed up at the sight of the yellow light. That's a long way to go on a red light when all you gotta do is back up. Venus Williams played russian roulette with innocent lives. Mr. Barson lost his life because of Venus's selfish and stupid mistake. Venus Williams had a duty and obligation under Florida law to get her car off the intersection. That was the only safe and sane thing she could've done under these exact circumstances.


Right-of-way rules tell you who goes
first and who must wait in different
conditions. The law says who must
yield (give up) the right-of-way. Every
, motorcyclist, moped rider,
bicyclist, and pedestrian must do
everything possible to avoid a crash.
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This is why traffic laws are as they are and what the Nissan did was in violation; thus, the Nissan provoked the accident
The cars started to move before :30, which proves beyond doubt that Venus Williams (AT THE VERY LEAST) saw yellow while standing still. She's going to pay for her blatant stupidity. It's gonna be so much fun to witness this false narrative get smacked down because of simple video observations, which are backed by countless eyewitnesses. Venus Williams knowingly and willingly tried and failed to make it through a long intersection during a red light and got an innocent man killed in the process.

Open minded opinion!
For anyone with a 5th grade education, can clearly see that the car coming from the right side of the screen in the video, is clearly;
#1, (Fact)
Speeding toward a red light!
#2, (Fact) not paying attention!
( because, no matter whether the light was red or green, you should be able to see a car that is right there In Front of you.)
that being said look at the video again there are two cars that are stoped at said light, the car in question, comes into frame, already speeding in the far lane! Also, that car does not even attempt to stop, swerve, or slow down for that matter. Therefore indicating the driver of that car,
# 1, (FACT) Was not paying attention!
#2, (FACT) Never even seen the RED light!
#3, (FACT) Made no attempt at all to avoid the collision.
THEREFORE PROVING they weren't paying attention!!! VENUS is not at-fault in any way shape or form!!! She , WAS IN THE RIGHT OF WAY!!!!
WHY DOES IT ALWAYS have to come down to race?
That could have been anyone of us. The fact is that, the OLD lady that was operating the CAR THAT COLLIDED INTO Venus's car was clearly at fault! Because it was a Celeb, a black one at that, it was her falt!! Really people!!! Whoever said Venus was guilty, NEEDs to watch that video in slowmo, and count the seconds from the time that the car that enters from the right and time of impact, you could clearly put a timeline together as to speed of the vehicle! See how she has NO knee jerk reaction before barreling into Venus what so ever ,which in turn, proves behind shadow of a doubt, that person never saw it coming. Which means they weren't Paying attention! The old lady was clearly at fault! End of conversation

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If you time the red light going full speed to race into the intersection immediately as it turns green, you will end up hitting a lot of cars before very long like they did.

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