Venezuela Socialism and Gun Control.


Platinum Member
Jan 23, 2014
Central Ohio
I found this picture, and it's dead on accurate.


Would any left-winger care to defend this?
a nationalized health care & education system would turn America into North Korea!
I found this picture, and it's dead on accurate.


Would any left-winger care to defend this?

Asshole tin hat dictators and tyrants always do that. Stalin did it and so did Hitler. It's the very reason the founding fathers put the second amendment in our constitution in the first place. They all had Concord and Lexington fresh in their minds and put it there along with the balance of the bill of rights as a safeguard to help prevent tyranny from overcoming our nation.
Every draconian dictatorship ever has done the same, have they not?
Does that include monarchies and tribal leaders?

Not every monarchy, or tribal leader, is a draconian dictator. There have been many examples of people in positions of power, that did their best for the good of the people.

Now did I say, perfectly? No, I did not. But then, no democratically elected "servant of the people" has performed perfectly for the good of the people either.

My point though, is that socialists, almost universally result in what we're seeing in Venezuela. First economic damage. Then confiscation of arms to prevent opposition, then economic devastation.... then murder of the unarmed.

This is how it always is with the left-wing.
Every draconian dictatorship ever has done the same, have they not?
Does that include monarchies and tribal leaders?

Not every monarchy, or tribal leader, is a draconian dictator. There have been many examples of people in positions of power, that did their best for the good of the people.

Now did I say, perfectly? No, I did not. But then, no democratically elected "servant of the people" has performed perfectly for the good of the people either.

My point though, is that socialists, almost universally result in what we're seeing in Venezuela. First economic damage. Then confiscation of arms to prevent opposition, then economic devastation.... then murder of the unarmed.

This is how it always is with the left-wing.
In South America it doesn't matter which side is in power it ends up the same, that includes right and left govts.
Every draconian dictatorship ever has done the same, have they not?
Does that include monarchies and tribal leaders?

Not every monarchy, or tribal leader, is a draconian dictator. There have been many examples of people in positions of power, that did their best for the good of the people.

Now did I say, perfectly? No, I did not. But then, no democratically elected "servant of the people" has performed perfectly for the good of the people either.

My point though, is that socialists, almost universally result in what we're seeing in Venezuela. First economic damage. Then confiscation of arms to prevent opposition, then economic devastation.... then murder of the unarmed.

This is how it always is with the left-wing.
In South America it doesn't matter which side is in power it ends up the same, that includes right and left govts.

Not true. And there are plenty of counter examples throughout the world, not just in south America.
a nationalized health care & education system would turn America into North Korea!

Not in a day, for sure. But it could very well do so over time.
Yes and the over time is the important part .
You see what works and what wont work control costs make reforms not huge changes..

Build your economic power at the same time and be willing to compromise on issues .
Every draconian dictatorship ever has done the same, have they not?
Does that include monarchies and tribal leaders?

Not every monarchy, or tribal leader, is a draconian dictator. There have been many examples of people in positions of power, that did their best for the good of the people.

Now did I say, perfectly? No, I did not. But then, no democratically elected "servant of the people" has performed perfectly for the good of the people either.

My point though, is that socialists, almost universally result in what we're seeing in Venezuela. First economic damage. Then confiscation of arms to prevent opposition, then economic devastation.... then murder of the unarmed.

This is how it always is with the left-wing.
In South America it doesn't matter which side is in power it ends up the same, that includes right and left govts.

Not true. And there are plenty of counter examples throughout the world, not just in south America.
The what happened to the previous dozen or so right winged govts. of South America?
a nationalized health care & education system would turn America into North Korea!

Not in a day, for sure. But it could very well do so over time.
Yes and the over time is the important part .
You see what works and what wont work control costs make reforms not huge changes..

Build your economic power at the same time and be willing to compromise on issues .

You can't control costs, and end up with quality health care.

Why do you think that all of Europe has tax rates of 50% on the middle class? Because they controlled costs so much, that they just need more tax money?

Doesn't work.

This is why people are going crazy in France right now. The government said openly, they need to raise taxes to increase government spending. But the people are living like they are poor while having what would be a middle class job in the US.

This is why you end up with Venezuela. Socialism doesn't work, but you simply blame other people, and eventually you end up with a dictatorship.

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