Vegas shooter armor-piercing ammo: Man charged with conspiracy for allegedly selling Illegal Ammo!

Man charged with conspiracy for allegedly selling Vegas shooter armor-piercing ammo

A man has been charged with conspiracy in connection to October's massacre in Las Vegas for allegedly selling armor-piercing ammunition to shooter Stephen Paddock.

Douglas Haig, 55, has been charged with conspiracy to manufacture and sell armor-piercing ammunition.

According to the complaint, which was obtained by ABC News, Haig admitted to selling hundreds of rounds of tracer ammo to Paddock in September, which isn't illegal. However, among the unfired rounds found in Paddock’s hotel room were two cartridges which forensic analysis determined were armor-piercing/incendiary ammo that had Haig’s fingerprints on them, the complaint states. Such ammunition is illegal to manufacture without a license. Haig, according to the complaint, did not have such a license.

A subsequent search warrant at his business located more armor-piercing and incendiary rounds and records of Haig selling them around the country, according to the complaint.

Man who sold ammo to Vegas shooter charged with conspiracy

:rolleyes-41::dunno: Seems this Gun Nutter is a Legal seller of AMMO! And Illegal as well.

Thanks, NRA Murders. Nice score as Sponsors.
You folks are fully responsible. For 58 Dead and 422 Wounded. Some 851 Dead, Wounded or Injured.

btw: I say, if you're a gun shop owner, you are a
FULL NRA 100% American BORN Gun Nutter Terrorist.

Is that like Obama giving weapons to the drug cartel like he did in the Fast and Furious operation? Isn't that also illegal as hell?

You are absolutely right. Obama should be impeached!
By all 57 states

You mean 58 states, add Russia for the Great Douche. about under sniper fire?
Man charged with conspiracy for allegedly selling Vegas shooter armor-piercing ammo

A man has been charged with conspiracy in connection to October's massacre in Las Vegas for allegedly selling armor-piercing ammunition to shooter Stephen Paddock.

Douglas Haig, 55, has been charged with conspiracy to manufacture and sell armor-piercing ammunition.

According to the complaint, which was obtained by ABC News, Haig admitted to selling hundreds of rounds of tracer ammo to Paddock in September, which isn't illegal. However, among the unfired rounds found in Paddock’s hotel room were two cartridges which forensic analysis determined were armor-piercing/incendiary ammo that had Haig’s fingerprints on them, the complaint states. Such ammunition is illegal to manufacture without a license. Haig, according to the complaint, did not have such a license.

A subsequent search warrant at his business located more armor-piercing and incendiary rounds and records of Haig selling them around the country, according to the complaint.

Man who sold ammo to Vegas shooter charged with conspiracy

:rolleyes-41::dunno: Seems this Gun Nutter is a Legal seller of AMMO! And Illegal as well.

Thanks, NRA Murders. Nice score as Sponsors.
You folks are fully responsible. For 58 Dead and 422 Wounded. Some 851 Dead, Wounded or Injured.

btw: I say, if you're a gun shop owner, you are a
FULL NRA 100% American BORN Gun Nutter Terrorist.

Is that like Obama giving weapons to the drug cartel like he did in the Fast and Furious operation? Isn't that also illegal as hell?

You are absolutely right. Obama should be impeached!
By all 57 states

You mean 58 states, add Russia for the Great Douche.

I feel we have 65 to 66 states with Russia.
Obama disagrees with you...
I'm okay with anythang holding six shots. Handgun, rifle or shotgun.
Maybe up to 13 rounds? All Semi auto should be banned.
If they are used to fight the US drones. Please do.
These Morons war was lost before these morons played.
Only a fool thinks that the US military would go against its own citizens, US military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment. You silly little fucker. LOL
I'm okay with anythang holding six shots. Handgun, rifle or shotgun.
Maybe up to 13 rounds? All Semi auto should be banned.
If they are used to fight the US drones. Please do.
These Morons war was lost before these morons played.
Only a fool thinks that the US military would go against its own citizens, US military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment. You silly little fucker. LOL
How about this time?

Or this time...?
Bonus Army - Wikipedia

Or this time?

Executive Order 9066 - Wikipedia
Or this time?

Battle of Blair Mountain - Wikipedia

You were saying...?
The military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment... enough said.
They have no respect for fucking little pussy whipped control freaks.
It would seem that you rely too heavily on anecdotal banter, and hearsay rather than experience, and first hand knowledge. Your belief in predicting the actions others might be willing to undertake in regard to tbe military being brought to bear is also indicative of viewing tbe situation through rose colored glasses. History is not on your side regarding this matter.
Reality is though, my best customers by a long shot are military, law-enforcement personnel and firemen.
The military/police/fire is overwhelmingly pro second amendment they would never go against their own interests on that matter, along with that they never vote for progressives of any sort.
The second amendment is the only specific right we have in the constitution, When it comes to material objects. The collective will always be the enemy of the individual
This new breed filling the ranks, is made of very different stuff than me and my contemporaries. Don’t underestimate the damage Obama has done to our country. The military included.
Really? Where do you buy?

Ammunition Regulation | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence
Armor-Piercing Ammunition
The following states and DC ban the manufacture, transfer, purchase, and/or possession of armor-piercing or metal-piercing ammunition, commonly defined as ammunition made of specific materials and designed to be fired in a handgun and to penetrate metal or armor, including body armor commonly worn by police officers.

District of Columbia
New Jersey
North Carolina
Rhode Island
South Carolina

Additional states criminalize, or provide enhanced sentences for, the use or possession of armor-piercing ammunition in the commission or attempted commission of crimes, or criminalize the discharge, but not the sale or possession, of armor-piercing ammunition.

btw: I understand these were not handgun rounds. Really either way used. Still wrong to kill deer.
Are you fucking stupid in the head? No one with the half a brain would ever use armor piercing ammo for killing deer, you would have a bunch of wounded deer running around you stupid ass motherfucker. Slap your mother for me…

You watch too Hollywood movies and are incredibly ignorant on the subject...
You my short peckered friend are the “ignorant mother fucker”. Most people hunt deer with “armor piercing” ammunition. Don’t believe me...? Go ahead... strap on a level III vest and let me take a shot at you with a .308, or .300 win mag. Your ignorance is a sight to behold.
Most people use armor piercing ammo for hunting deer? A .308 or .300 win mag with soft points is “armor piercing” the Technology and bonded ammo is incredible. Soft points will not “pierce” any armor. Lol
You watch for too many Hollywood movies

So when you go hunting deer you must be using FMJ's. AS they will most likely just pass through injury these deer.
But I see you were trying to hit the third deer behind the two other deer in front of your target. CHECK!
Full metal jacket’s are good for varmints that you want to save the hide, that’s about it. Soft points are great for varmints like prairie dogs which by the way carry the black plague.

Man charged with conspiracy for allegedly selling Vegas shooter armor-piercing ammo

A man has been charged with conspiracy in connection to October's massacre in Las Vegas for allegedly selling armor-piercing ammunition to shooter Stephen Paddock.

Douglas Haig, 55, has been charged with conspiracy to manufacture and sell armor-piercing ammunition.

According to the complaint, which was obtained by ABC News, Haig admitted to selling hundreds of rounds of tracer ammo to Paddock in September, which isn't illegal. However, among the unfired rounds found in Paddock’s hotel room were two cartridges which forensic analysis determined were armor-piercing/incendiary ammo that had Haig’s fingerprints on them, the complaint states. Such ammunition is illegal to manufacture without a license. Haig, according to the complaint, did not have such a license.

A subsequent search warrant at his business located more armor-piercing and incendiary rounds and records of Haig selling them around the country, according to the complaint.

Man who sold ammo to Vegas shooter charged with conspiracy

:rolleyes-41::dunno: Seems this Gun Nutter is a Legal seller of AMMO! And Illegal as well.

Thanks, NRA Murders. Nice score as Sponsors.
You folks are fully responsible. For 58 Dead and 422 Wounded. Some 851 Dead, Wounded or Injured.

btw: I say, if you're a gun shop owner, you are a
FULL NRA 100% American BORN Gun Nutter Terrorist.

Is that like Obama giving weapons to the drug cartel like he did in the Fast and Furious operation? Isn't that also illegal as hell?

You are absolutely right. Obama should be impeached!
By all 57 states

You mean 58 states, add Russia for the Great Douche.

I feel we have 65 to 66 states with Russia.
Obama disagrees with you...

He had a running list of places he has gone lately at the time. If you fly into a state and out.
Fly back into the/that state later. You have visited the/that state twice. So he visited 57 states
on a tour. Really, as President, you are responsible for some 65? states and territories.
As this comment was in the 2008 campaign. Gee. That's all you got?

Really, Teagagger/DOPer nonsense on any point, as Whitey Dopers only know there are only 12 American Whitey states, anyways. So how can they tell? Yep. It was a.... sounding like a... bigger number. As most can only count up to 13, maybe 15 as girls are too old to be raped or be wives above that age. After this type of godly/lord red neck training from childhood. I wonder if this applies to inbreeding on the farms? As living in the nowhere lands, limits the available options. Either it's family members or the barn/farm animals.

btw: Beastallity started on the farms. Some are not giving it up on the fly-over lands. And most fly-over states are in fact Red States.
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Are you fucking stupid in the head? No one with the half a brain would ever use armor piercing ammo for killing deer, you would have a bunch of wounded deer running around you stupid ass motherfucker. Slap your mother for me…

You watch too Hollywood movies and are incredibly ignorant on the subject...
You my short peckered friend are the “ignorant mother fucker”. Most people hunt deer with “armor piercing” ammunition. Don’t believe me...? Go ahead... strap on a level III vest and let me take a shot at you with a .308, or .300 win mag. Your ignorance is a sight to behold.
Most people use armor piercing ammo for hunting deer? A .308 or .300 win mag with soft points is “armor piercing” the Technology and bonded ammo is incredible. Soft points will not “pierce” any armor. Lol
You watch for too many Hollywood movies

So when you go hunting deer you must be using FMJ's. AS they will most likely just pass through injury these deer.
But I see you were trying to hit the third deer behind the two other deer in front of your target. CHECK!
Full metal jacket’s are good for varmints that you want to save the hide, that’s about it. Soft points are great for varmints like prairie dogs which by the way carry the black plague.

When you get done shooting them. Do you cold pack them in the open, or at night in your tents?
Using gun oils. Or just go in dry?
Man charged with conspiracy for allegedly selling Vegas shooter armor-piercing ammo

A man has been charged with conspiracy in connection to October's massacre in Las Vegas for allegedly selling armor-piercing ammunition to shooter Stephen Paddock.

Douglas Haig, 55, has been charged with conspiracy to manufacture and sell armor-piercing ammunition.

According to the complaint, which was obtained by ABC News, Haig admitted to selling hundreds of rounds of tracer ammo to Paddock in September, which isn't illegal. However, among the unfired rounds found in Paddock’s hotel room were two cartridges which forensic analysis determined were armor-piercing/incendiary ammo that had Haig’s fingerprints on them, the complaint states. Such ammunition is illegal to manufacture without a license. Haig, according to the complaint, did not have such a license.

A subsequent search warrant at his business located more armor-piercing and incendiary rounds and records of Haig selling them around the country, according to the complaint.

Man who sold ammo to Vegas shooter charged with conspiracy

:rolleyes-41::dunno: Seems this Gun Nutter is a Legal seller of AMMO! And Illegal as well.

Thanks, NRA Murders. Nice score as Sponsors.
You folks are fully responsible. For 58 Dead and 422 Wounded. Some 851 Dead, Wounded or Injured.

btw: I say, if you're a gun shop owner, you are a
FULL NRA 100% American BORN Gun Nutter Terrorist.

Is that like Obama giving weapons to the drug cartel like he did in the Fast and Furious operation? Isn't that also illegal as hell?

You are absolutely right. Obama should be impeached!
By all 57 states

You mean 58 states, add Russia for the Great Douche.

I feel we have 65 to 66 states with Russia.
Obama disagrees with you...

Obama also thinks Hawaii is in Asia. That is what happens when you are promoted in school because of an affirmative action program based on race instead learning anything.

Hey Coyote hunters.

What do you do with the meat after you've been
sexually cold packing your kills? Out in the wild bushes.
To tenderize the fresh meat?

Do you Make...
Sloppy Second meals of,
Sloppy Coyote Burgers?
Or plain Coyote Burgers?
Or more a
Crock Pot Coyote Spew with lead additives?
Last edited:
Is that like Obama giving weapons to the drug cartel like he did in the Fast and Furious operation? Isn't that also illegal as hell?

You are absolutely right. Obama should be impeached!
By all 57 states

You mean 58 states, add Russia for the Great Douche.

I feel we have 65 to 66 states with Russia.
Obama disagrees with you...

He had a running list of places he has gone lately at the time. If you fly into a state and out.
Fly back into the/that state later. You have visited the/that state twice. So he visited 57 states
on a tour. Really, as President, you are responsible for some 65? states and territories.
As this comment was in the 2008 campaign. Gee. That's all you got?

Really, Teagagger/DOPer nonsense on any point, as Whitey Dopers only know there are only 12 American Whitey states, anyways. So how can they tell? Yep. It was a.... sounding like a... bigger number. As most can only count up to 13, maybe 15 as girls are too old to be raped or be wives above that age. After this type of godly/lord red neck training from childhood. I wonder if this applies to inbreeding on the farms? As living in the nowhere lands, limits the available options. Either it's family members or the barn/farm animals.

btw: Beastallity started on the farms. Some are not giving it up on the fly-over lands. And most fly-over states are in fact Red States.

Na, he really thinks there are 57 states, he just does not know any better.
...and you talk gibberish very well
Hey Coyote hunters.

What do you do with the meat after you've been
sexually cold packing your kills? Out in the wild bushes.
To tenderize the fresh meat?

Do you Make...
Sloppy Second meals of,
Sloppy Coyote Burgers?
Or plain Coyote Burgers?
Or more a
Crock Pot Coyote Spew with lead additives?
You leave them lay if their pelts are no good, a good silver coyote pelt in its prime is worth 250-300 bucks...
No one eats coyote
Hey Coyote hunters.

What do you do with the meat after you've been
sexually cold packing your kills? Out in the wild bushes.
To tenderize the fresh meat?

Do you Make...
Sloppy Second meals of,
Sloppy Coyote Burgers?
Or plain Coyote Burgers?
Or more a
Crock Pot Coyote Spew with lead additives?
You leave them lay if their pelts are no good, a good silver coyote pelt in its prime is worth 250-300 bucks...
No one eats coyote

Grilled Coyote
Slow cook the animal meat over a grill, marinate with some fruit based glaze, roll in cabbage leaves when done, and serve with steamed white rice.

Deep Fried Coyote
Cut your coyote meat into one inch chunks, then soak in buttermilk overnight. Prepare your deep fryer, then bread the coyote meat in your favorite breading, and deep fry until done. Quick, easy and tasty!

Coyote Jerky
Simple to prepare and better than beef. Just follow ANY jerky recipe and substitute thin sliced coyote meat for beef, venison or whatever. You’ll never know the difference.
and Smoked Hickory Jerky btw
: Injuns and whitey on the prairies were eating Dog and Coyote JERKY at least.
No shittings here. Sometimes they ate the turds.
They said, if the them animals can eat turds, so can we whitey.
Last edited:
Hey Coyote hunters.

What do you do with the meat after you've been
sexually cold packing your kills? Out in the wild bushes.
To tenderize the fresh meat?

Do you Make...
Sloppy Second meals of,
Sloppy Coyote Burgers?
Or plain Coyote Burgers?
Or more a
Crock Pot Coyote Spew with lead additives?

Did you see the video?

The coyotes were not shot because of food but because they were a threat to the livestock. You know those Big Macs that you fat ass Libtards love so much.
Hey Coyote hunters.

What do you do with the meat after you've been
sexually cold packing your kills? Out in the wild bushes.
To tenderize the fresh meat?

Do you Make...
Sloppy Second meals of,
Sloppy Coyote Burgers?
Or plain Coyote Burgers?
Or more a
Crock Pot Coyote Spew with lead additives?

Did you see the video?

The coyotes were not shot because of food but because they were a threat to the livestock. You know those Big Macs that you fat ass Libtards love so much.

Saw no cows in danger.

btw: Where Big Mac meat comes from, Them YUGE poisoning meat Ranches.
There are no coyotes. If these coyotes eat the raw meat they die. And all did.

btw2: Natural fair fighting or killing..

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Is that like Obama giving weapons to the drug cartel like he did in the Fast and Furious operation? Isn't that also illegal as hell?

You are absolutely right. Obama should be impeached!
By all 57 states

You mean 58 states, add Russia for the Great Douche.

I feel we have 65 to 66 states with Russia.
Obama disagrees with you...

He had a running list of places he has gone lately at the time. If you fly into a state and out.
Fly back into the/that state later. You have visited the/that state twice. So he visited 57 states
on a tour. Really, as President, you are responsible for some 65? states and territories.
As this comment was in the 2008 campaign. Gee. That's all you got?

Really, Teagagger/DOPer nonsense on any point, as Whitey Dopers only know there are only 12 American Whitey states, anyways. So how can they tell? Yep. It was a.... sounding like a... bigger number. As most can only count up to 13, maybe 15 as girls are too old to be raped or be wives above that age. After this type of godly/lord red neck training from childhood. I wonder if this applies to inbreeding on the farms? As living in the nowhere lands, limits the available options. Either it's family members or the barn/farm animals.

btw: Beastallity started on the farms. Some are not giving it up on the fly-over lands. And most fly-over states are in fact Red States.


North Carolina father, daughter charged with incest

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