Vaxxed get The Covid

They are both asymptomatic. Further proof that the vaccines work as advertised!
Many without vax are also asymptomatic.......oooooppps
Celebrity is known as a favorite of old people. Old people are normally not asymptotic.
Those who are vaxed and get the COVIDS are far more likely experience no or mild symptoms and are less likely to be spreaders.
If you want be a dope, don’t vax. Just keep your distance from the rest of us.
That is a ridiculous comment....those being vaccinated are known to spread the disease especially to those that aren't. The youngest Hawain death last month or so for example...parents got vaccinated so they could travel to hawaii-------------then their child who had health problems caught the disease (from them) and died.

And all of this shit for "vaccines" that among other things are not expected to last but a few months at most not even a full year.
The lil fucker should have traveled alone !
They are both asymptomatic. Further proof that the vaccines work as advertised!
Asymptomatic and still able to spread the virus all around....lovely.
Far less likely loon.
LMAO....hun read your damn doesn't match the title fool. It claims, and it is a buttered up lib story of nonsense....that those vaccinated are thought not based on evidence to not be able to spread the disease based on one study. But hey the actual facts say otherwise...that the vaccinated are spreading the disease. Ergo the lessons you need to learn 1) the vaccinated are able to spread the disease and 2) stop getting your facts off one study that ASSumes shit that the study doesn't even prove.
Again, they are far less likely to get really sick, and far less likely to be spreaders.
These are FACTS - You are a know-nothing ;)
Less likely to spread? So the article and you are both wrong about being vaccinated stopping the spread of the virus.
You know, when people who weren't vaccinated got on cruise ships, the virus spread like wildfire, and many people got sick, and quite a few died. The cruise line made sure that everyone who went onboard were vaccinated, and that is why they only had 2 cases, instead of several hundred. And, the 2 people who tested positive were asymptomatic and held in quarantine while they were onboard. Sorry, but this is an example of where the vaccines are actually beneficial.

And, for you far right wing Trump supporters, did you know that Trump and his whole family have taken the vaccine? Trump told you it was ineffective, yet he made sure his family, as well as himself, were administered the shots.
Full vaxxed cruise puts into port with 2 Covid cases.......
Have yet to hear of major breakout at the airlines with great unvaxxed flying everyday.
So what is your point? No one ever claimed that it was impossable to get Coved with the vax. Why don't you want to talk about the probability of getting covid if exposed as opposed to getting covid id unvaxed and exposed.?
Ya, we go through this BS over & over infinity. They’re never gonna get it :rolleyes-41:
They are both asymptomatic. Further proof that the vaccines work as advertised!
Asymptomatic and still able to spread the virus all around....lovely.
Far less likely loon.
LMAO....hun read your damn doesn't match the title fool. It claims, and it is a buttered up lib story of nonsense....that those vaccinated are thought not based on evidence to not be able to spread the disease based on one study. But hey the actual facts say otherwise...that the vaccinated are spreading the disease. Ergo the lessons you need to learn 1) the vaccinated are able to spread the disease and 2) stop getting your facts off one study that ASSumes shit that the study doesn't even prove.
Again, they are far less likely to get really sick, and far less likely to be spreaders.
These are FACTS - You are a know-nothing ;)
Less likely to spread? So the article and you are both wrong about being vaccinated stopping the spread of the virus.
Here ^ we go again. It’s a fools errand. Just stay stoopid! ;)
DrLove I am not the one so stupid as to think that these vaccines are 100% effective-----now am I. You think because someone get the vaccine that they can't get the virus when in fact.....they not only can get the virus but they can spread it.

It basically, assuming it doesn't kill the vaccinated off immediately, may for a SHORT limited time lower their chances of getting the virus after it fully takes effect---------that is now expected to last less than a year and no one knows what the long term effects are.

Of course, if you get the virus during the summer and you are halfway healthy, if the virus doesn't kill you off immediately, you may for a year, years, or forever be immune from the virus in its current form (it may create a second life like Chicken pox does Shingles as we age.....

The push to get this vaccine is UNNATURAL--------I understand manipulation when I see it---there is something else going on here. I hope only the MONEY $$$$ and waste of Taxpayers billions, but it could be worse. Vaccinations for the elderly---I understand. Even for the feeble----------Those after child bearing years---yeah whatever........................targeting kids and twenty and even thirty years olds, very unethical because no one knows what the long term consequences will be and this group is of breeding age so not only they but their offspring is at risk with a vaccine that offers them little benefits as the virus's isn't that huge of threat for this group.
DrLove I am not the one so stupid as to think that these vaccines are 100% effective-----now am I. You think because someone get the vaccine that they can't get the virus when in fact.....they not only can get the virus but they can spread it.

It basically, assuming it doesn't kill the vaccinated off immediately, may for a SHORT limited time lower their chances of getting the virus after it fully takes effect---------that is now expected to last less than a year and no one knows what the long term effects are.

Of course, if you get the virus during the summer and you are halfway healthy, if the virus doesn't kill you off immediately, you may for a year, years, or forever be immune from the virus in its current form (it may create a second life like Chicken pox does Shingles as we age.....

The push to get this vaccine is UNNATURAL--------I understand manipulation when I see it---there is something else going on here. I hope only the MONEY $$$$ and waste of Taxpayers billions, but it could be worse. Vaccinations for the elderly---I understand. Even for the feeble----------Those after child bearing years---yeah whatever........................targeting kids and twenty and even thirty years olds, very unethical because no one knows what the long term consequences will be and this group is of breeding age so not only they but their offspring is at risk with a vaccine that offers them little benefits as the virus's isn't that huge of threat for this group.

Goodness TurtleGirl / Thank you for the screed - God knows we love ‘em round these parts! ;)

Let’s start from the top -

a. those vaxed are highly unlikely to shed / infect / or become sick to the point of requiring hospitalization.

b. Kill the vaccinated immediately? Ok funny, 350 MILLION doses & how many deaths? - prolly about the number who die every fucking day out of 350m

c. Yes, the vaccines mutate along with these viruses -

d. Don’t bet I’ll need third dose until I get my flu shot this fall, but more likely the one year point next May

e. Shaddup ;)
They are both asymptomatic. Further proof that the vaccines work as advertised!

No point vaccinating those who’ve had COVID-19: Cleveland Clinic study suggests​

They are both asymptomatic. Further proof that the vaccines work as advertised!

No point vaccinating those who’ve had COVID-19: Cleveland Clinic study suggests​

I get that Zog, but some who’ve had it are more antibody rich than others.
Testing every 6 months kinda makes sense.
They are both asymptomatic. Further proof that the vaccines work as advertised!

No point vaccinating those who’ve had COVID-19: Cleveland Clinic study suggests​

I get that Zog, but some who’ve had it are more antibody rich than others.
Testing every 6 months kinda makes sense.
Test me monthly. I am good with that.
They are both asymptomatic. Further proof that the vaccines work as advertised!

No point vaccinating those who’ve had COVID-19: Cleveland Clinic study suggests​

I get that Zog, but some who’ve had it are more antibody rich than others.
Testing every 6 months kinda makes sense.
Test me monthly. I am good with that.
I have a number code thingy from my last Red Cross donation.
Didn’t pay much attention to it but was rated between Good & Great ..
How is this graded and do you have this math crap nailed down?
They are both asymptomatic. Further proof that the vaccines work as advertised!

No point vaccinating those who’ve had COVID-19: Cleveland Clinic study suggests​

I get that Zog, but some who’ve had it are more antibody rich than others.
Testing every 6 months kinda makes sense.
Test me monthly. I am good with that.
I have a number code thingy from my last Red Cross donation.
Didn’t pay much attention to it but was rated between Good & Great ..
How is this graded and do you have this math crap nailed down?
No idea


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