Van Morrison, Eric Clapton Enrage the Media censored by youtube

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Van Morrison, Eric Clapton Enrage the Media
It isn’t likely to happen with Naomi Campbell, but sometimes celebrities do something right. You can tell this has happened when the media abruptly shifts from obsequious fawning to righteous denunciation.
A headline at Variety:
Van Morrison and Eric Clapton Strike the Wrong Note About COVID-19
Tightly clutching her pearls, the author shrieks:
In what world are these two living?
The fact that they would decide to collaborate on a song slamming COVID-19 lockdowns, discouraging people from taking extreme precautions and wearing masks to protect themselves and others, is beyond unconscionable.
The crime of these classic rockers is to release the song “Stand and Deliver,” which objects to the COVID-19 tyranny that the media holds dearer even than celebrity worship.
For Van Morrison, this is not a first offense.
Earlier this fall, Morrison released three other songs protesting the ongoing lockdown in the U.K., where, by the way, some news reports state that as many as 75,000 lives have been lost.
Does he not understand that all these lives would have been saved had Britain jettisoned its long tradition of liberty so as to impose draconian lockdown decrees? Oh wait, that’s what Britain did. But too much tyranny is never enough to suit the MSM.
The great Eric Clapton has transgressed. Out comes the racism club:
When Clapton announced last week that he was teaming with Morrison on a fourth anti-lockdown song to raise money for struggling artists during the pandemic, racist remarks he made onstage at his concert in Birmingham, England, in 1976 about keeping “Britain white” were unearthed on Twitter. He got pummeled on social media — rightfully so…
Wanting to keep England English is even more “unconscionable” than wanting to keep it free. Eric Clapton, consider yourself canceled. Your music will vanish.
In contrast to the thought criminals Morrison and Clapton, moonbat celebrities are caressed with coos of praise:
Meanwhile, humanitarian Bruce Springsteen teamed with fellow New Jersey artists Jon Bon Jovi and Jon Stewart to launch a statewide “Wear a Friggin’ Mask!” billboard campaign in which the three are featured wearing COVID masks.
This trio actually stood up and delivered.
That could be why so many entertainers are moonbats like Springsteen and Bon Jovi. It gets them good press, and good press equals money.

Listen fast before YouTube censors this for standing up to authorities:

Whhhoooops to late comrades
Isn't left wing totalitarian censorship great!
The song blows...... but still!

Van Morrison an Clapton not exactly two hard core right wingers .....full of hate....cause dey waycisssss
science deniers !

Maybe it’s a matter of taste, but that sure sounds better than anything I’ve heard from Bruce Springsteen or Bon Jovi.

On a tip from Lyle.


It didn’t take the apparatchiks at YouTube long to censor this song, as predicted. There was a time when no American would have put up with this level of censorship. Hear the song via BitChute here.

Usmb should look into hooking up the bitchute...
I find it creepy, very Canadian, in fact, to have so many drive for a perfect Group Think cult within the online community. I don't have to agree with someone to be willing to listen or at the very least, allow others to listen to their message.

When there are such efforts to stifle a message, it only raises the question as to why. it encourages conspiracy theories where few would otherwise exist. Open debate and counter arguments is akin to liberty. These companies looking to silence do not represent liberty.

I still don't even know about their message or songs, but, the point is about censorship, which I don't agree unless it's encouraging crime or abuse against the vulnerable.
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Van Morrison, Eric Clapton Enrage the Media
It isn’t likely to happen with Naomi Campbell, but sometimes celebrities do something right. You can tell this has happened when the media abruptly shifts from obsequious fawning to righteous denunciation.
A headline at Variety:
Van Morrison and Eric Clapton Strike the Wrong Note About COVID-19
Tightly clutching her pearls, the author shrieks:
In what world are these two living?
The fact that they would decide to collaborate on a song slamming COVID-19 lockdowns, discouraging people from taking extreme precautions and wearing masks to protect themselves and others, is beyond unconscionable.
The crime of these classic rockers is to release the song “Stand and Deliver,” which objects to the COVID-19 tyranny that the media holds dearer even than celebrity worship.
For Van Morrison, this is not a first offense.
Earlier this fall, Morrison released three other songs protesting the ongoing lockdown in the U.K., where, by the way, some news reports state that as many as 75,000 lives have been lost.
Does he not understand that all these lives would have been saved had Britain jettisoned its long tradition of liberty so as to impose draconian lockdown decrees? Oh wait, that’s what Britain did. But too much tyranny is never enough to suit the MSM.
The great Eric Clapton has transgressed. Out comes the racism club:
When Clapton announced last week that he was teaming with Morrison on a fourth anti-lockdown song to raise money for struggling artists during the pandemic, racist remarks he made onstage at his concert in Birmingham, England, in 1976 about keeping “Britain white” were unearthed on Twitter. He got pummeled on social media — rightfully so…
Wanting to keep England English is even more “unconscionable” than wanting to keep it free. Eric Clapton, consider yourself canceled. Your music will vanish.
In contrast to the thought criminals Morrison and Clapton, moonbat celebrities are caressed with coos of praise:
Meanwhile, humanitarian Bruce Springsteen teamed with fellow New Jersey artists Jon Bon Jovi and Jon Stewart to launch a statewide “Wear a Friggin’ Mask!” billboard campaign in which the three are featured wearing COVID masks.
This trio actually stood up and delivered.
That could be why so many entertainers are moonbats like Springsteen and Bon Jovi. It gets them good press, and good press equals money.

Listen fast before YouTube censors this for standing up to authorities:

Whhhoooops to late comrades
Isn't left wing totalitarian censorship great!
The song blows...... but still!

Van Morrison an Clapton not exactly two hard core right wingers .....full of hate....cause dey waycisssss
science deniers !

Maybe it’s a matter of taste, but that sure sounds better than anything I’ve heard from Bruce Springsteen or Bon Jovi.

On a tip from Lyle.


It didn’t take the apparatchiks at YouTube long to censor this song, as predicted. There was a time when no American would have put up with this level of censorship. Hear the song via BitChute here.

Usmb should look into hooking up the bitchute...

Way to go Van Morrison and Eric Clapton! And great find OP.

There are also YouTube downloaders where you can download the video and save it, and put it everywhere.
It didn’t take the apparatchiks at YouTube long to censor this song, as predicted. There was a time when no American would have put up with this level of censorship. Hear the song via BitChute here.
Actually its not entirely banned by the lesbian and soi boy pinhead censors at YouTube

they wont allow the music video of morrison and clapton playing the song to be viewed

but I guess they didnt have the balls to completely ban two of the greatest living rock music legends entirely

It didn’t take the apparatchiks at YouTube long to censor this song, as predicted. There was a time when no American would have put up with this level of censorship. Hear the song via BitChute here.
Actually its not entirely banned by the lesbian and soi boy pinhead censors at YouTube

they wont allow the music video of morrison and clapton playing the song to be viewed

but I guess they didnt have the balls to completely ban two of the greatest living rock music legends entirely

The one MB posted is still banned
That could be someone else who threw it up and just didn't get censored yet
It didn’t take the apparatchiks at YouTube long to censor this song, as predicted. There was a time when no American would have put up with this level of censorship. Hear the song via BitChute here.
Actually its not entirely banned by the lesbian and soi boy pinhead censors at YouTube

they wont allow the music video of morrison and clapton playing the song to be viewed

but I guess they didnt have the balls to completely ban two of the greatest living rock music legends entirely

Not yet anyway.

Stalin not only censored speech from his adversaries, he would take every photo of them known and photoshop them out of the picture.

In effect, when Stalin was done with his political rivals it was though they had never existed. Potentially this could happen to people like Eric Clapton.

This is what Big Tech and the democrat party is after.
I find it creepy, very Canadian, in fact, to have so many drive for a perfect Group Think cult within the online community. I don't have to agree with someone to be willing to listen or at the very least, allow others to listen to their message.

When there are such efforts to stifle a message, it only raises the question as to why. it encourages conspiracy theories where few would otherwise exist. Open debate and counter arguments is akin to liberty. These companies looking to silence do not represent liberty.

I still don't even know about their message or songs, but, the point is about censorship, which I don't agree unless it's encouraging crime or abuse against the vulnerable.

The concept of liberty concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons and private entities – such as private media.

Private media are at liberty to edit their content as they see fit – where such editing in no manner adversely effects liberty.

And it is neither the role nor responsibility of private media to ‘represent liberty’ (whatever that’s supposed to mean); indeed, First Amendment jurisprudence protects the liberty of private media to edit as they see fit free from unwarranted, unlawful interference by government.

Whether the consequence of conservatives’ ignorance or dishonesty, rightists need to stop propagating these ridiculous lies that how private media edits their content manifest as ‘censorship’ or otherwise ‘violates’ free speech, free expression, or liberty.
I never did like Eric Clapton I thought most of his music to be redundant and bland. I find the Covid-19 hysteria to be redundant and bland...I have no fear of dying. And I prefer new rock or alternative rock better than the shit from the 1960-1970's. Art is not static.

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