Values- Or, Why The Democrat Party Dooms America

The short explanation: that party favors the superficial over the substantial.

1.What sort of values are important in the folks we elect to power? Hopefully, to provide policies that advance the nation, and the peoples of this nation. And the proven values are those that allowed Western Civilization to advance further than any other and those including the rule of law, integrity, morality and forethoughts…and human life.

We should not expect the elected to merely compliment every sort of action and behavior, simply to accrue votes and assure re-election.

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2. The Founders, classical liberals, conservatives understood which values advanced society:
individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
“free markets, free voices, free people”

And policies that make our citizens better human being.

3.The only time the Democrats made a statement about the importance of substance over self-gratification was in 2008, needing to appeal to non-Democrats, to the sort of voters who made this country the shining city on the hill…..those who gave up just looking cool.

Obama Sharply Assails Absent Black Fathers - The New York ... › U.S. › Politics
Jun 16, 2008 — In a speech at one of Chicago's largest black churches, Barack Obama addressed a sensitive topic in the African-American community.

Of course, policies cannot be put into effect if the party doesn’t win election but doing only those things that insure re-election is corruption, not leadership, it is pandering.

And the Democrat Party has decided to favor winning over leading.

"The Obama doctrine: Leading from behind"

Democrats have values in the same way that Satan has values, bad ones

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