Vaccines Are the New 'Purity Test' |


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2016
Found an article with the title of this thread on just now. It was published yesterday. I think it's happening as the article suggests. Constructive feedback welcome.
  • The Biden Administration is seriously looking into establishing a vaccine passport system that will allow unvaccinated individuals to be legally treated as second-class citizens
  • In Israel, vaccine certificates are already required for entry into many public spaces. Activists warn itā€™s become a two-tiered society where the unvaccinated are ostracized
  • The public narrative is not only building prejudice against people who refuse to wear masks or get an experimental vaccine, but is also using healthy people as scapegoats from the very beginning, blaming the spread of the virus on asymptomatically infected people
  • With the rollout of vaccine certificates, we are stepping firmly into discrimination territory. The last step will entail persecution of non-vaccinated individuals. At that point, we will have replicated the Nazi regimeā€™s four-step process of dehumanizing the Jews, which ultimately allowed the genocide to occur
  • Vaccine passports are about creating justification for segregation, discrimination and elimination of certain groups of people, in this case, people who donā€™t want to be part of the experimental vaccine program, which identifies them as noncompliant with top-down edicts

Full article available upon creation of a free account here:
Found an article with the title of this thread on just now. It was published yesterday. I think it's happening as the article suggests. Constructive feedback welcome.
  • The Biden Administration is seriously looking into establishing a vaccine passport system that will allow unvaccinated individuals to be legally treated as second-class citizens
  • In Israel, vaccine certificates are already required for entry into many public spaces. Activists warn itā€™s become a two-tiered society where the unvaccinated are ostracized
  • The public narrative is not only building prejudice against people who refuse to wear masks or get an experimental vaccine, but is also using healthy people as scapegoats from the very beginning, blaming the spread of the virus on asymptomatically infected people
  • With the rollout of vaccine certificates, we are stepping firmly into discrimination territory. The last step will entail persecution of non-vaccinated individuals. At that point, we will have replicated the Nazi regimeā€™s four-step process of dehumanizing the Jews, which ultimately allowed the genocide to occur
  • Vaccine passports are about creating justification for segregation, discrimination and elimination of certain groups of people, in this case, people who donā€™t want to be part of the experimental vaccine program, which identifies them as noncompliant with top-down edicts

Full article available upon creation of a free account here:
Activate a free accnt here??...don't think management would be happy.
Found an article with the title of this thread on just now. It was published yesterday. I think it's happening as the article suggests. Constructive feedback welcome.
  • The Biden Administration is seriously looking into establishing a vaccine passport system that will allow unvaccinated individuals to be legally treated as second-class citizens
  • In Israel, vaccine certificates are already required for entry into many public spaces. Activists warn itā€™s become a two-tiered society where the unvaccinated are ostracized
  • The public narrative is not only building prejudice against people who refuse to wear masks or get an experimental vaccine, but is also using healthy people as scapegoats from the very beginning, blaming the spread of the virus on asymptomatically infected people
  • With the rollout of vaccine certificates, we are stepping firmly into discrimination territory. The last step will entail persecution of non-vaccinated individuals. At that point, we will have replicated the Nazi regimeā€™s four-step process of dehumanizing the Jews, which ultimately allowed the genocide to occur
  • Vaccine passports are about creating justification for segregation, discrimination and elimination of certain groups of people, in this case, people who donā€™t want to be part of the experimental vaccine program, which identifies them as noncompliant with top-down edicts

Full article available upon creation of a free account here:

Dr. Mercola is one of my favorite sites to go to everyday. And adding to your post, here is another angle also to be aware of:

The Next Phase of This Fake Pandemic Will Be Premeditated Mass Murder by ā€˜Vaccineā€™

The stage is set, the plan is in place, and the people are still asleep. The realization that this state has declared war on the American people is unknown to most, and when the killing reaches high levels, the sheep will be told it is due to a mutated virus variant, and it is their fault for not being injected quickly enough with a poisonous ā€˜vaccineā€™ administered by this same criminal state. Make no mistake about it; you are the enemy of the state in this war against mankind. This manufactured pandemic began with lies, and was perpetuated by mass propaganda; so much so as to cause extreme fear and panic out of thin air.

This is what real domestic terrorism looks like, and it is being executed by the United States government under the control of its masters in banking, finance, and corporate America; those at the top of the pyramid of power that make up the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, and all the major players in science, technology, the mainstream media, medicine, and the pharmaceutical industry. This long-planned plot to depopulate the earth and take total control over all of us could be considered ingenious but for the fact that it is pure evil.

What has been foretold and what is coming is what I would refer to as crisis management terrorism. There will be (and has already been) one fake crisis after another, all claimed to be so important and deadly as to cause the government to step in to control all aspects of human life through law, mandates, and lockdowns, with enforcement implemented at every level from the executive branch of federal government down to state and local health administrators. This will be in essence, a total and saturated form of enforcement with little if any ability of escape. This is by design of course, so that regardless of location or isolation, all will be subject to the propaganda and the long reach of peer pressure and tyranny.

The end game sought by these totalitarian monsters is to inject each and every American with this experimental, mind-altering, body changing, genetic reshaping, and deadly operating system falsely being called a Covid ā€˜vaccine.ā€™ It is not a vaccine at all, but a control and depopulation tool purposely designed to cause extreme sickness and death. These adverse responses caused by these toxic injections will not be correctly blamed on the shot, but will instead be used to claim that mutated variant expressions of the non-existent Covid-19 strain are the culprit. This will allow for more fear and panic in order to set up more demand for ā€˜vaccination.ā€™ These never-ending crises will cause a much higher percentage of Americans to voluntarily seek out and take this virulent injection, and this will of course lead to an unending array of critical dilemmas, just as the state desires.

Read full article:

Dr. Mercola is one of my favorite sites to go to everyday. And adding to your post, here is another angle also to be aware of:

The Next Phase of This Fake Pandemic Will Be Premeditated Mass Murder by ā€˜Vaccineā€™

The stage is set, the plan is in place, and the people are still asleep. The realization that this state has declared war on the American people is unknown to most, and when the killing reaches high levels, the sheep will be told it is due to a mutated virus variant, and it is their fault for not being injected quickly enough with a poisonous ā€˜vaccineā€™ administered by this same criminal state. Make no mistake about it; you are the enemy of the state in this war against mankind. This manufactured pandemic began with lies, and was perpetuated by mass propaganda; so much so as to cause extreme fear and panic out of thin air.

This is what real domestic terrorism looks like, and it is being executed by the United States government under the control of its masters in banking, finance, and corporate America; those at the top of the pyramid of power that make up the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, and all the major players in science, technology, the mainstream media, medicine, and the pharmaceutical industry. This long-planned plot to depopulate the earth and take total control over all of us could be considered ingenious but for the fact that it is pure evil.

What has been foretold and what is coming is what I would refer to as crisis management terrorism. There will be (and has already been) one fake crisis after another, all claimed to be so important and deadly as to cause the government to step in to control all aspects of human life through law, mandates, and lockdowns, with enforcement implemented at every level from the executive branch of federal government down to state and local health administrators. This will be in essence, a total and saturated form of enforcement with little if any ability of escape. This is by design of course, so that regardless of location or isolation, all will be subject to the propaganda and the long reach of peer pressure and tyranny.

The end game sought by these totalitarian monsters is to inject each and every American with this experimental, mind-altering, body changing, genetic reshaping, and deadly operating system falsely being called a Covid ā€˜vaccine.ā€™ It is not a vaccine at all, but a control and depopulation tool purposely designed to cause extreme sickness and death. These adverse responses caused by these toxic injections will not be correctly blamed on the shot, but will instead be used to claim that mutated variant expressions of the non-existent Covid-19 strain are the culprit. This will allow for more fear and panic in order to set up more demand for ā€˜vaccination.ā€™ These never-ending crises will cause a much higher percentage of Americans to voluntarily seek out and take this virulent injection, and this will of course lead to an unending array of critical dilemmas, just as the state desires.

Read full article:

I read what you quoted, also went to the source article. A sobering read. I'm glad he has source links at the end of his article, but would have been nice if they were put source link numbers into the article itself as does. Still, well worth the read :).
Dr. Mercola is one of my favorite sites to go to everyday. And adding to your post, here is another angle also to be aware of:

The Next Phase of This Fake Pandemic Will Be Premeditated Mass Murder by ā€˜Vaccineā€™

The stage is set, the plan is in place, and the people are still asleep. The realization that this state has declared war on the American people is unknown to most, and when the killing reaches high levels, the sheep will be told it is due to a mutated virus variant, and it is their fault for not being injected quickly enough with a poisonous ā€˜vaccineā€™ administered by this same criminal state. Make no mistake about it; you are the enemy of the state in this war against mankind. This manufactured pandemic began with lies, and was perpetuated by mass propaganda; so much so as to cause extreme fear and panic out of thin air.

This is what real domestic terrorism looks like, and it is being executed by the United States government under the control of its masters in banking, finance, and corporate America; those at the top of the pyramid of power that make up the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, and all the major players in science, technology, the mainstream media, medicine, and the pharmaceutical industry. This long-planned plot to depopulate the earth and take total control over all of us could be considered ingenious but for the fact that it is pure evil.

What has been foretold and what is coming is what I would refer to as crisis management terrorism. There will be (and has already been) one fake crisis after another, all claimed to be so important and deadly as to cause the government to step in to control all aspects of human life through law, mandates, and lockdowns, with enforcement implemented at every level from the executive branch of federal government down to state and local health administrators. This will be in essence, a total and saturated form of enforcement with little if any ability of escape. This is by design of course, so that regardless of location or isolation, all will be subject to the propaganda and the long reach of peer pressure and tyranny.

The end game sought by these totalitarian monsters is to inject each and every American with this experimental, mind-altering, body changing, genetic reshaping, and deadly operating system falsely being called a Covid ā€˜vaccine.ā€™ It is not a vaccine at all, but a control and depopulation tool purposely designed to cause extreme sickness and death. These adverse responses caused by these toxic injections will not be correctly blamed on the shot, but will instead be used to claim that mutated variant expressions of the non-existent Covid-19 strain are the culprit. This will allow for more fear and panic in order to set up more demand for ā€˜vaccination.ā€™ These never-ending crises will cause a much higher percentage of Americans to voluntarily seek out and take this virulent injection, and this will of course lead to an unending array of critical dilemmas, just as the state desires.

Read full article:

I read what you quoted, also went to the source article. A sobering read. I'm glad he has source links at the end of his article, but would have been nice if they were put source link numbers into the article itself as does. Still, well worth the read :).

Yes, Mercola does a wonderful job on that. Surely if we are going to convince people of all of this, we must have source documents. It is always helpful to put the link numbers on the article. The mask one from yesterday might be very eye-opening for some also from Mercola:

Masks Are a Ticking Time Bomb

Itā€™s estimated that 129 billion face masks are used worldwide each month, which works out to about 3 million masks a minute

Not only are masks not being recycled, but their materials make them likely to persist and accumulate in the environment

Because masks may be directly made from microsized plastic fibers with a thickness of 1 mm to 10 mm, they may release microsized particles into the environment more readily ā€” and faster ā€” than larger plastic items, like plastic bags

Microbes from your mouth, known as oral commensals, frequently enter your lungs, where theyā€™ve been linked to advanced stage lung cancer; wearing a mask could potentially accelerate this process

The ā€œnew normalā€ of widespread masking is affecting not only the environment but also the mental and physical health of humans

Masks Are Harming Children and Adults
The ā€œnew normalā€ of widespread masking is affecting not only the environment but also the mental and physical health of humans, including children. Itā€™s largely assumed that face masks are ā€œsafeā€ for children to wear for long periods, such as during school, but no risk assessment has been carried out.24 Further, as evidenced by Germany's first registry recording the experience children are having wearing masks.25

Using data on 25,930 children, 24 health issues were reported that were associated with wearing masks that fell into the categories of physical, psychological and behavioral issues.26 They recorded symptoms that:27

ā€œā€¦ included irritability (60%), headache (53%), difficulty concentrating (50%), less happiness (49%), reluctance to go to school/kindergarten (44%), malaise (42%), impaired learning (38%) and drowsiness or fatigue (37%).ā€

They also found 29.7% reported feeling short of breath, 26.4% being dizzy and 17.9% were unwilling to move or play.28 Hundreds more experienced ā€œaccelerated respiration, tightness in chest, weakness and short-term impairment of consciousness.ā€

Itā€™s also known that microplastics exist in human placentas,29 and animal studies show that inhaled plastic particles pass through the placenta and into the heart and brains of fetuses.30 The fetuses exposed to the microplastics also gained less weight in the later part of the pregnancy.31

ā€œWe found the plastic nanoparticles everywhere we looked ā€” in the maternal tissues, in the placenta and in the fetal tissues. We found them in the fetal heart, brain, lungs, liver and kidney,ā€ lead research Phoebe Stapleton of Rutgers University told The Guardian.32

Read on:

Yes, Mercola does a wonderful job on that. Surely if we are going to convince people of all of this, we must have source documents. It is always helpful to put the link numbers on the article. The mask one from yesterday might be very eye-opening for some also from Mercola:

Masks Are a Ticking Time Bomb

Itā€™s estimated that 129 billion face masks are used worldwide each month, which works out to about 3 million masks a minute

Not only are masks not being recycled, but their materials make them likely to persist and accumulate in the environment

Because masks may be directly made from microsized plastic fibers with a thickness of 1 mm to 10 mm, they may release microsized particles into the environment more readily ā€” and faster ā€” than larger plastic items, like plastic bags

Microbes from your mouth, known as oral commensals, frequently enter your lungs, where theyā€™ve been linked to advanced stage lung cancer; wearing a mask could potentially accelerate this process

The ā€œnew normalā€ of widespread masking is affecting not only the environment but also the mental and physical health of humans

Masks Are Harming Children and Adults
The ā€œnew normalā€ of widespread masking is affecting not only the environment but also the mental and physical health of humans, including children. Itā€™s largely assumed that face masks are ā€œsafeā€ for children to wear for long periods, such as during school, but no risk assessment has been carried out.24 Further, as evidenced by Germany's first registry recording the experience children are having wearing masks.25

Using data on 25,930 children, 24 health issues were reported that were associated with wearing masks that fell into the categories of physical, psychological and behavioral issues.26 They recorded symptoms that:27

ā€œā€¦ included irritability (60%), headache (53%), difficulty concentrating (50%), less happiness (49%), reluctance to go to school/kindergarten (44%), malaise (42%), impaired learning (38%) and drowsiness or fatigue (37%).ā€

They also found 29.7% reported feeling short of breath, 26.4% being dizzy and 17.9% were unwilling to move or play.28 Hundreds more experienced ā€œaccelerated respiration, tightness in chest, weakness and short-term impairment of consciousness.ā€

Itā€™s also known that microplastics exist in human placentas,29 and animal studies show that inhaled plastic particles pass through the placenta and into the heart and brains of fetuses.30 The fetuses exposed to the microplastics also gained less weight in the later part of the pregnancy.31

ā€œWe found the plastic nanoparticles everywhere we looked ā€” in the maternal tissues, in the placenta and in the fetal tissues. We found them in the fetal heart, brain, lungs, liver and kidney,ā€ lead research Phoebe Stapleton of Rutgers University told The Guardian.32

Read on:

I actually made a thread in the Clean Debate Zone with that article in the OP :). Unlike this thread, it wasn't carted off to the Conspiracy section, at least not yet :p. The thread is here:
Yes, Mercola does a wonderful job on that. Surely if we are going to convince people of all of this, we must have source documents. It is always helpful to put the link numbers on the article. The mask one from yesterday might be very eye-opening for some also from Mercola:

Masks Are a Ticking Time Bomb

Itā€™s estimated that 129 billion face masks are used worldwide each month, which works out to about 3 million masks a minute

Not only are masks not being recycled, but their materials make them likely to persist and accumulate in the environment

Because masks may be directly made from microsized plastic fibers with a thickness of 1 mm to 10 mm, they may release microsized particles into the environment more readily ā€” and faster ā€” than larger plastic items, like plastic bags

Microbes from your mouth, known as oral commensals, frequently enter your lungs, where theyā€™ve been linked to advanced stage lung cancer; wearing a mask could potentially accelerate this process

The ā€œnew normalā€ of widespread masking is affecting not only the environment but also the mental and physical health of humans

Masks Are Harming Children and Adults
The ā€œnew normalā€ of widespread masking is affecting not only the environment but also the mental and physical health of humans, including children. Itā€™s largely assumed that face masks are ā€œsafeā€ for children to wear for long periods, such as during school, but no risk assessment has been carried out.24 Further, as evidenced by Germany's first registry recording the experience children are having wearing masks.25

Using data on 25,930 children, 24 health issues were reported that were associated with wearing masks that fell into the categories of physical, psychological and behavioral issues.26 They recorded symptoms that:27

ā€œā€¦ included irritability (60%), headache (53%), difficulty concentrating (50%), less happiness (49%), reluctance to go to school/kindergarten (44%), malaise (42%), impaired learning (38%) and drowsiness or fatigue (37%).ā€

They also found 29.7% reported feeling short of breath, 26.4% being dizzy and 17.9% were unwilling to move or play.28 Hundreds more experienced ā€œaccelerated respiration, tightness in chest, weakness and short-term impairment of consciousness.ā€

Itā€™s also known that microplastics exist in human placentas,29 and animal studies show that inhaled plastic particles pass through the placenta and into the heart and brains of fetuses.30 The fetuses exposed to the microplastics also gained less weight in the later part of the pregnancy.31

ā€œWe found the plastic nanoparticles everywhere we looked ā€” in the maternal tissues, in the placenta and in the fetal tissues. We found them in the fetal heart, brain, lungs, liver and kidney,ā€ lead research Phoebe Stapleton of Rutgers University told The Guardian.32

Read on:

I actually made a thread in the Clean Debate Zone with that article in the OP :). Unlike this thread, it wasn't carted off to the Conspiracy section, at least not yet :p. The thread is here:

It amazes me that most of the time when something goes against the agenda it is either labeled as a conspiracy theory or is censored. I will go check the link out.
Found an article with the title of this thread on just now. It was published yesterday. I think it's happening as the article suggests. Constructive feedback welcome.
  • The Biden Administration is seriously looking into establishing a vaccine passport system that will allow unvaccinated individuals to be legally treated as second-class citizens
  • In Israel, vaccine certificates are already required for entry into many public spaces. Activists warn itā€™s become a two-tiered society where the unvaccinated are ostracized
  • The public narrative is not only building prejudice against people who refuse to wear masks or get an experimental vaccine, but is also using healthy people as scapegoats from the very beginning, blaming the spread of the virus on asymptomatically infected people
  • With the rollout of vaccine certificates, we are stepping firmly into discrimination territory. The last step will entail persecution of non-vaccinated individuals. At that point, we will have replicated the Nazi regimeā€™s four-step process of dehumanizing the Jews, which ultimately allowed the genocide to occur
  • Vaccine passports are about creating justification for segregation, discrimination and elimination of certain groups of people, in this case, people who donā€™t want to be part of the experimental vaccine program, which identifies them as noncompliant with top-down edicts

Full article available upon creation of a free account here:

Dr. Mercola is one of my favorite sites to go to everyday. And adding to your post, here is another angle also to be aware of:

The Next Phase of This Fake Pandemic Will Be Premeditated Mass Murder by ā€˜Vaccineā€™

The stage is set, the plan is in place, and the people are still asleep. The realization that this state has declared war on the American people is unknown to most, and when the killing reaches high levels, the sheep will be told it is due to a mutated virus variant, and it is their fault for not being injected quickly enough with a poisonous ā€˜vaccineā€™ administered by this same criminal state. Make no mistake about it; you are the enemy of the state in this war against mankind. This manufactured pandemic began with lies, and was perpetuated by mass propaganda; so much so as to cause extreme fear and panic out of thin air.

This is what real domestic terrorism looks like, and it is being executed by the United States government under the control of its masters in banking, finance, and corporate America; those at the top of the pyramid of power that make up the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, and all the major players in science, technology, the mainstream media, medicine, and the pharmaceutical industry. This long-planned plot to depopulate the earth and take total control over all of us could be considered ingenious but for the fact that it is pure evil.

What has been foretold and what is coming is what I would refer to as crisis management terrorism. There will be (and has already been) one fake crisis after another, all claimed to be so important and deadly as to cause the government to step in to control all aspects of human life through law, mandates, and lockdowns, with enforcement implemented at every level from the executive branch of federal government down to state and local health administrators. This will be in essence, a total and saturated form of enforcement with little if any ability of escape. This is by design of course, so that regardless of location or isolation, all will be subject to the propaganda and the long reach of peer pressure and tyranny.

The end game sought by these totalitarian monsters is to inject each and every American with this experimental, mind-altering, body changing, genetic reshaping, and deadly operating system falsely being called a Covid ā€˜vaccine.ā€™ It is not a vaccine at all, but a control and depopulation tool purposely designed to cause extreme sickness and death. These adverse responses caused by these toxic injections will not be correctly blamed on the shot, but will instead be used to claim that mutated variant expressions of the non-existent Covid-19 strain are the culprit. This will allow for more fear and panic in order to set up more demand for ā€˜vaccination.ā€™ These never-ending crises will cause a much higher percentage of Americans to voluntarily seek out and take this virulent injection, and this will of course lead to an unending array of critical dilemmas, just as the state desires.

Read full article:

Deaths from the vaccines are already being pushed off as something or anything other than.
Deaths from the vaccines are already being pushed off as something or anything other than.

They say there's no proof that they're caused by the vaccines. Apparently their argument is that if there's no proof, it's fine if they may be getting killed by the vaccines -.-
Deaths from the vaccines are already being pushed off as something or anything other than.

They say there's no proof that they're caused by the vaccines. Apparently their argument is that if there's no proof, it's fine if they may be getting killed by the vaccines -.-
They have pulled this chit on the parents of dead an injured children for many years so it is nothing new for them to be in denial.
Found an article with the title of this thread on just now. It was published yesterday. I think it's happening as the article suggests. Constructive feedback welcome.
  • The Biden Administration is seriously looking into establishing a vaccine passport system that will allow unvaccinated individuals to be legally treated as second-class citizens
  • In Israel, vaccine certificates are already required for entry into many public spaces. Activists warn itā€™s become a two-tiered society where the unvaccinated are ostracized
  • The public narrative is not only building prejudice against people who refuse to wear masks or get an experimental vaccine, but is also using healthy people as scapegoats from the very beginning, blaming the spread of the virus on asymptomatically infected people
  • With the rollout of vaccine certificates, we are stepping firmly into discrimination territory. The last step will entail persecution of non-vaccinated individuals. At that point, we will have replicated the Nazi regimeā€™s four-step process of dehumanizing the Jews, which ultimately allowed the genocide to occur
  • Vaccine passports are about creating justification for segregation, discrimination and elimination of certain groups of people, in this case, people who donā€™t want to be part of the experimental vaccine program, which identifies them as noncompliant with top-down edicts

Full article available upon creation of a free account here:

Dr. Mercola is one of my favorite sites to go to everyday. And adding to your post, here is another angle also to be aware of:

The Next Phase of This Fake Pandemic Will Be Premeditated Mass Murder by ā€˜Vaccineā€™

The stage is set, the plan is in place, and the people are still asleep. The realization that this state has declared war on the American people is unknown to most, and when the killing reaches high levels, the sheep will be told it is due to a mutated virus variant, and it is their fault for not being injected quickly enough with a poisonous ā€˜vaccineā€™ administered by this same criminal state. Make no mistake about it; you are the enemy of the state in this war against mankind. This manufactured pandemic began with lies, and was perpetuated by mass propaganda; so much so as to cause extreme fear and panic out of thin air.

This is what real domestic terrorism looks like, and it is being executed by the United States government under the control of its masters in banking, finance, and corporate America; those at the top of the pyramid of power that make up the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, and all the major players in science, technology, the mainstream media, medicine, and the pharmaceutical industry. This long-planned plot to depopulate the earth and take total control over all of us could be considered ingenious but for the fact that it is pure evil.

What has been foretold and what is coming is what I would refer to as crisis management terrorism. There will be (and has already been) one fake crisis after another, all claimed to be so important and deadly as to cause the government to step in to control all aspects of human life through law, mandates, and lockdowns, with enforcement implemented at every level from the executive branch of federal government down to state and local health administrators. This will be in essence, a total and saturated form of enforcement with little if any ability of escape. This is by design of course, so that regardless of location or isolation, all will be subject to the propaganda and the long reach of peer pressure and tyranny.

The end game sought by these totalitarian monsters is to inject each and every American with this experimental, mind-altering, body changing, genetic reshaping, and deadly operating system falsely being called a Covid ā€˜vaccine.ā€™ It is not a vaccine at all, but a control and depopulation tool purposely designed to cause extreme sickness and death. These adverse responses caused by these toxic injections will not be correctly blamed on the shot, but will instead be used to claim that mutated variant expressions of the non-existent Covid-19 strain are the culprit. This will allow for more fear and panic in order to set up more demand for ā€˜vaccination.ā€™ These never-ending crises will cause a much higher percentage of Americans to voluntarily seek out and take this virulent injection, and this will of course lead to an unending array of critical dilemmas, just as the state desires.

Read full article:

I'm currently subscribed to his super secret monthly pay.."never lose hair again" program.
You can get 15% off yours. Code: LIKKMEE
After doing some more research on 'oxidative therapy' I tried adding a peroxide and salt solution in the cold vaporizer along with Rosemary EO and the distilled water. I notice a bit of an improvement right away.

Found an article with the title of this thread on just now. It was published yesterday. I think it's happening as the article suggests. Constructive feedback welcome.
  • The Biden Administration is seriously looking into establishing a vaccine passport system that will allow unvaccinated individuals to be legally treated as second-class citizens
  • In Israel, vaccine certificates are already required for entry into many public spaces. Activists warn itā€™s become a two-tiered society where the unvaccinated are ostracized
  • The public narrative is not only building prejudice against people who refuse to wear masks or get an experimental vaccine, but is also using healthy people as scapegoats from the very beginning, blaming the spread of the virus on asymptomatically infected people
  • With the rollout of vaccine certificates, we are stepping firmly into discrimination territory. The last step will entail persecution of non-vaccinated individuals. At that point, we will have replicated the Nazi regimeā€™s four-step process of dehumanizing the Jews, which ultimately allowed the genocide to occur
  • Vaccine passports are about creating justification for segregation, discrimination and elimination of certain groups of people, in this case, people who donā€™t want to be part of the experimental vaccine program, which identifies them as noncompliant with top-down edicts

Full article available upon creation of a free account here:
Yeah I found that pit in my research as well how dangerous it is to be a citizen in Israel now,Iā€™m sure you have heard they are even for e vaccinating their citizens there now as well.
Yes, Mercola does a wonderful job on that. Surely if we are going to convince people of all of this, we must have source documents. It is always helpful to put the link numbers on the article. The mask one from yesterday might be very eye-opening for some also from Mercola:

Masks Are a Ticking Time Bomb

Itā€™s estimated that 129 billion face masks are used worldwide each month, which works out to about 3 million masks a minute

Not only are masks not being recycled, but their materials make them likely to persist and accumulate in the environment

Because masks may be directly made from microsized plastic fibers with a thickness of 1 mm to 10 mm, they may release microsized particles into the environment more readily ā€” and faster ā€” than larger plastic items, like plastic bags

Microbes from your mouth, known as oral commensals, frequently enter your lungs, where theyā€™ve been linked to advanced stage lung cancer; wearing a mask could potentially accelerate this process

The ā€œnew normalā€ of widespread masking is affecting not only the environment but also the mental and physical health of humans

Masks Are Harming Children and Adults
The ā€œnew normalā€ of widespread masking is affecting not only the environment but also the mental and physical health of humans, including children. Itā€™s largely assumed that face masks are ā€œsafeā€ for children to wear for long periods, such as during school, but no risk assessment has been carried out.24 Further, as evidenced by Germany's first registry recording the experience children are having wearing masks.25

Using data on 25,930 children, 24 health issues were reported that were associated with wearing masks that fell into the categories of physical, psychological and behavioral issues.26 They recorded symptoms that:27

ā€œā€¦ included irritability (60%), headache (53%), difficulty concentrating (50%), less happiness (49%), reluctance to go to school/kindergarten (44%), malaise (42%), impaired learning (38%) and drowsiness or fatigue (37%).ā€

They also found 29.7% reported feeling short of breath, 26.4% being dizzy and 17.9% were unwilling to move or play.28 Hundreds more experienced ā€œaccelerated respiration, tightness in chest, weakness and short-term impairment of consciousness.ā€

Itā€™s also known that microplastics exist in human placentas,29 and animal studies show that inhaled plastic particles pass through the placenta and into the heart and brains of fetuses.30 The fetuses exposed to the microplastics also gained less weight in the later part of the pregnancy.31

ā€œWe found the plastic nanoparticles everywhere we looked ā€” in the maternal tissues, in the placenta and in the fetal tissues. We found them in the fetal heart, brain, lungs, liver and kidney,ā€ lead research Phoebe Stapleton of Rutgers University told The Guardian.32

Read on:

I actually made a thread in the Clean Debate Zone with that article in the OP :). Unlike this thread, it wasn't carted off to the Conspiracy section, at least not yet :p. The thread is here:
Iā€™m sure itā€™s just a matter of time where a certain mod carts it off to this
Found an article with the title of this thread on just now. It was published yesterday. I think it's happening as the article suggests. Constructive feedback welcome.
  • The Biden Administration is seriously looking into establishing a vaccine passport system that will allow unvaccinated individuals to be legally treated as second-class citizens
  • In Israel, vaccine certificates are already required for entry into many public spaces. Activists warn itā€™s become a two-tiered society where the unvaccinated are ostracized
  • The public narrative is not only building prejudice against people who refuse to wear masks or get an experimental vaccine, but is also using healthy people as scapegoats from the very beginning, blaming the spread of the virus on asymptomatically infected people
  • With the rollout of vaccine certificates, we are stepping firmly into discrimination territory. The last step will entail persecution of non-vaccinated individuals. At that point, we will have replicated the Nazi regimeā€™s four-step process of dehumanizing the Jews, which ultimately allowed the genocide to occur
  • Vaccine passports are about creating justification for segregation, discrimination and elimination of certain groups of people, in this case, people who donā€™t want to be part of the experimental vaccine program, which identifies them as noncompliant with top-down edicts

Full article available upon creation of a free account here:

Dr. Mercola is one of my favorite sites to go to everyday. And adding to your post, here is another angle also to be aware of:

The Next Phase of This Fake Pandemic Will Be Premeditated Mass Murder by ā€˜Vaccineā€™

The stage is set, the plan is in place, and the people are still asleep. The realization that this state has declared war on the American people is unknown to most, and when the killing reaches high levels, the sheep will be told it is due to a mutated virus variant, and it is their fault for not being injected quickly enough with a poisonous ā€˜vaccineā€™ administered by this same criminal state. Make no mistake about it; you are the enemy of the state in this war against mankind. This manufactured pandemic began with lies, and was perpetuated by mass propaganda; so much so as to cause extreme fear and panic out of thin air.

This is what real domestic terrorism looks like, and it is being executed by the United States government under the control of its masters in banking, finance, and corporate America; those at the top of the pyramid of power that make up the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, and all the major players in science, technology, the mainstream media, medicine, and the pharmaceutical industry. This long-planned plot to depopulate the earth and take total control over all of us could be considered ingenious but for the fact that it is pure evil.

What has been foretold and what is coming is what I would refer to as crisis management terrorism. There will be (and has already been) one fake crisis after another, all claimed to be so important and deadly as to cause the government to step in to control all aspects of human life through law, mandates, and lockdowns, with enforcement implemented at every level from the executive branch of federal government down to state and local health administrators. This will be in essence, a total and saturated form of enforcement with little if any ability of escape. This is by design of course, so that regardless of location or isolation, all will be subject to the propaganda and the long reach of peer pressure and tyranny.

The end game sought by these totalitarian monsters is to inject each and every American with this experimental, mind-altering, body changing, genetic reshaping, and deadly operating system falsely being called a Covid ā€˜vaccine.ā€™ It is not a vaccine at all, but a control and depopulation tool purposely designed to cause extreme sickness and death. These adverse responses caused by these toxic injections will not be correctly blamed on the shot, but will instead be used to claim that mutated variant expressions of the non-existent Covid-19 strain are the culprit. This will allow for more fear and panic in order to set up more demand for ā€˜vaccination.ā€™ These never-ending crises will cause a much higher percentage of Americans to voluntarily seek out and take this virulent injection, and this will of course lead to an unending array of critical dilemmas, just as the state desires.

Read full article:

Deaths from the vaccines are already being pushed off as something or anything other than.
Exactly,they call fatal car crashes and gun shot wound to the head as covid but someone dies from a vaccine hours later after taking it,the coroners are ruling it as natural cause of death.
After doing some more research on 'oxidative therapy' I tried adding a peroxide and salt solution in the cold vaporizer along with Rosemary EO and the distilled water. I notice a bit of an improvement right away.

Nice :)
Found an article with the title of this thread on just now. It was published yesterday. I think it's happening as the article suggests. Constructive feedback welcome.
  • The Biden Administration is seriously looking into establishing a vaccine passport system that will allow unvaccinated individuals to be legally treated as second-class citizens
  • In Israel, vaccine certificates are already required for entry into many public spaces. Activists warn itā€™s become a two-tiered society where the unvaccinated are ostracized
  • The public narrative is not only building prejudice against people who refuse to wear masks or get an experimental vaccine, but is also using healthy people as scapegoats from the very beginning, blaming the spread of the virus on asymptomatically infected people
  • With the rollout of vaccine certificates, we are stepping firmly into discrimination territory. The last step will entail persecution of non-vaccinated individuals. At that point, we will have replicated the Nazi regimeā€™s four-step process of dehumanizing the Jews, which ultimately allowed the genocide to occur
  • Vaccine passports are about creating justification for segregation, discrimination and elimination of certain groups of people, in this case, people who donā€™t want to be part of the experimental vaccine program, which identifies them as noncompliant with top-down edicts

Full article available upon creation of a free account here:

Dr. Mercola is one of my favorite sites to go to everyday. And adding to your post, here is another angle also to be aware of:

The Next Phase of This Fake Pandemic Will Be Premeditated Mass Murder by ā€˜Vaccineā€™

The stage is set, the plan is in place, and the people are still asleep. The realization that this state has declared war on the American people is unknown to most, and when the killing reaches high levels, the sheep will be told it is due to a mutated virus variant, and it is their fault for not being injected quickly enough with a poisonous ā€˜vaccineā€™ administered by this same criminal state. Make no mistake about it; you are the enemy of the state in this war against mankind. This manufactured pandemic began with lies, and was perpetuated by mass propaganda; so much so as to cause extreme fear and panic out of thin air.

This is what real domestic terrorism looks like, and it is being executed by the United States government under the control of its masters in banking, finance, and corporate America; those at the top of the pyramid of power that make up the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, and all the major players in science, technology, the mainstream media, medicine, and the pharmaceutical industry. This long-planned plot to depopulate the earth and take total control over all of us could be considered ingenious but for the fact that it is pure evil.

What has been foretold and what is coming is what I would refer to as crisis management terrorism. There will be (and has already been) one fake crisis after another, all claimed to be so important and deadly as to cause the government to step in to control all aspects of human life through law, mandates, and lockdowns, with enforcement implemented at every level from the executive branch of federal government down to state and local health administrators. This will be in essence, a total and saturated form of enforcement with little if any ability of escape. This is by design of course, so that regardless of location or isolation, all will be subject to the propaganda and the long reach of peer pressure and tyranny.

The end game sought by these totalitarian monsters is to inject each and every American with this experimental, mind-altering, body changing, genetic reshaping, and deadly operating system falsely being called a Covid ā€˜vaccine.ā€™ It is not a vaccine at all, but a control and depopulation tool purposely designed to cause extreme sickness and death. These adverse responses caused by these toxic injections will not be correctly blamed on the shot, but will instead be used to claim that mutated variant expressions of the non-existent Covid-19 strain are the culprit. This will allow for more fear and panic in order to set up more demand for ā€˜vaccination.ā€™ These never-ending crises will cause a much higher percentage of Americans to voluntarily seek out and take this virulent injection, and this will of course lead to an unending array of critical dilemmas, just as the state desires.

Read full article:

Deaths from the vaccines are already being pushed off as something or anything other than.
Exactly,they call fatal car crashes and gun shot wound to the head as covid but someone dies from a vaccine hours later after taking it,the coroners are ruling it as natural cause of death.
A lot of personal testimonies about family deaths after the shot coming across from facebook friends who share vax info. A few are parents of a friend. Headaches, tired, flu like symptoms and then death. Some are from middle age people whose parents are having make arrangements to bury their children. One was from an account of a friend who had a sibling in a nursing home that died a few days after the shot. Very likely a death sentence for many even if they really don't know what hit them as they are reported as strokes or whatever else that follows after a shot.

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