Vaccine controversy shows we need markets, not mandates

You're a moron....Vaccinate your kids you selfish twerp.
I was one out of 10,000 that contracted measles from the measles vaccine when I was little. Even with that in mind I still fully support all children getting vaccinated for any preventable disease. It's just so moronic that we have people out there being so selfish with their fear of their kids getting a disorder or disease they forget all the other people they put at risk. It's just wrong to pass up vaccines for something so baseless.
If small pox was not eradicated by vaccine, if polio had not been eradicated, if any other infectious disease had not been stymied by vaccines, those who fear and mistrust vaccinations may just have a point.

But to refuse to protect your child, and by extension my child due to utter ignorance or intractable political stance is the apex of selfishness, foolishness and fearfulness anchored in ignorance.
I was one out of 10,000 that contracted measles from the measles vaccine when I was little. Even with that in mind I still fully support all children getting vaccinated for any preventable disease. It's just so moronic that we have people out there being so selfish with their fear of their kids getting a disorder or disease they forget all the other people they put at risk. It's just wrong to pass up vaccines for something so baseless.
Tell the people who have kids that were injured and lives destroyed by vaccines that its baseless.
If small pox was not eradicated by vaccine, if polio had not been eradicated, if any other infectious disease had not been stymied by vaccines, those who fear and mistrust vaccinations may just have a point.

But to refuse to protect your child, and by extension my child due to utter ignorance or intractable political stance is the apex of selfishness, foolishness and fearfulness anchored in ignorance.
Does your child injected with the poison they call vaccines? Then if u trust them you should be fine.Unless that is you don't think they work.
I was one out of 10,000 that contracted measles from the measles vaccine when I was little. Even with that in mind I still fully support all children getting vaccinated for any preventable disease. It's just so moronic that we have people out there being so selfish with their fear of their kids getting a disorder or disease they forget all the other people they put at risk. It's just wrong to pass up vaccines for something so baseless.
Tell the people who have kids that were injured and lives destroyed by vaccines that its baseless.
If small pox was not eradicated by vaccine, if polio had not been eradicated, if any other infectious disease had not been stymied by vaccines, those who fear and mistrust vaccinations may just have a point.

But to refuse to protect your child, and by extension my child due to utter ignorance or intractable political stance is the apex of selfishness, foolishness and fearfulness anchored in ignorance.
Does your child injected with the poison they call vaccines? Then if u trust them you should be fine.Unless that is you don't think they work.

Do you have to worry about your child contracting Polio and living deformed and crippled? No. That's due to vaccines.

Do you have to worry about contracting Rubella? Do you need to think about the chances of getting Tetanus?

All due to vaccines and people with common sense we in the modern age don't need to concern ourselves with these diseases which used to infect tens of thousands each year.

But now because of people like you there are innocent kids and even infants out there contracting diseases like measles. Due to some dumb ass parent that has some goofy conspiracies about all the baddy bad things vaccines "MIGHT" do.

Very very selfish and self-centered. Not to mention uneducated.
Here's a free market solution:

You don't have your kids vaccinated. Then, if they infect other kids in school, you pay for the medical care those kids require.
If vaccines work then no gets infected. :)
You're a moron....Vaccinate your kids you selfish twerp.
Do some research dip stick. I have.

You are a blithering idiot who is apparently quite unacquainted with SCIENCE and ETHICS.
Here's a free market solution:

You don't have your kids vaccinated. Then, if they infect other kids in school, you pay for the medical care those kids require.
If vaccines work then no gets infected. :)
You're a moron....Vaccinate your kids you selfish twerp.
Do some research dip stick. I have.

You are a blithering idiot who is apparently quite unacquainted with SCIENCE and ETHICS.
Actually quite acquainted with both
I was one out of 10,000 that contracted measles from the measles vaccine when I was little. Even with that in mind I still fully support all children getting vaccinated for any preventable disease. It's just so moronic that we have people out there being so selfish with their fear of their kids getting a disorder or disease they forget all the other people they put at risk. It's just wrong to pass up vaccines for something so baseless.
Tell the people who have kids that were injured and lives destroyed by vaccines that its baseless.
If small pox was not eradicated by vaccine, if polio had not been eradicated, if any other infectious disease had not been stymied by vaccines, those who fear and mistrust vaccinations may just have a point.

But to refuse to protect your child, and by extension my child due to utter ignorance or intractable political stance is the apex of selfishness, foolishness and fearfulness anchored in ignorance.
Does your child injected with the poison they call vaccines? Then if u trust them you should be fine.Unless that is you don't think they work.

Do you have to worry about your child contracting Polio and living deformed and crippled? No. That's due to vaccines.

Do you have to worry about contracting Rubella? Do you need to think about the chances of getting Tetanus?

All due to vaccines and people with common sense we in the modern age don't need to concern ourselves with these diseases which used to infect tens of thousands each year.

But now because of people like you there are innocent kids and even infants out there contracting diseases like measles. Due to some dumb ass parent that has some goofy conspiracies about all the baddy bad things vaccines "MIGHT" do.

Very very selfish and self-centered. Not to mention uneducated.
Fact vaccines have never eradicated anything ever

I laugh at the stupidity and sheeple mentality of most people when it comes to vaccines.
I was one out of 10,000 that contracted measles from the measles vaccine when I was little. Even with that in mind I still fully support all children getting vaccinated for any preventable disease. It's just so moronic that we have people out there being so selfish with their fear of their kids getting a disorder or disease they forget all the other people they put at risk. It's just wrong to pass up vaccines for something so baseless.
Tell the people who have kids that were injured and lives destroyed by vaccines that its baseless.
If small pox was not eradicated by vaccine, if polio had not been eradicated, if any other infectious disease had not been stymied by vaccines, those who fear and mistrust vaccinations may just have a point.

But to refuse to protect your child, and by extension my child due to utter ignorance or intractable political stance is the apex of selfishness, foolishness and fearfulness anchored in ignorance.
Does your child injected with the poison they call vaccines? Then if u trust them you should be fine.Unless that is you don't think they work.
just cited examples of effective vaccines. Killing your child, and by extension other children is beyond reprehensible.

You are advocating murder and your weapon is ignorance.
I was one out of 10,000 that contracted measles from the measles vaccine when I was little. Even with that in mind I still fully support all children getting vaccinated for any preventable disease. It's just so moronic that we have people out there being so selfish with their fear of their kids getting a disorder or disease they forget all the other people they put at risk. It's just wrong to pass up vaccines for something so baseless.
Tell the people who have kids that were injured and lives destroyed by vaccines that its baseless.
If small pox was not eradicated by vaccine, if polio had not been eradicated, if any other infectious disease had not been stymied by vaccines, those who fear and mistrust vaccinations may just have a point.

But to refuse to protect your child, and by extension my child due to utter ignorance or intractable political stance is the apex of selfishness, foolishness and fearfulness anchored in ignorance.
Does your child injected with the poison they call vaccines? Then if u trust them you should be fine.Unless that is you don't think they work.

Do you have to worry about your child contracting Polio and living deformed and crippled? No. That's due to vaccines.

Do you have to worry about contracting Rubella? Do you need to think about the chances of getting Tetanus?

All due to vaccines and people with common sense we in the modern age don't need to concern ourselves with these diseases which used to infect tens of thousands each year.

But now because of people like you there are innocent kids and even infants out there contracting diseases like measles. Due to some dumb ass parent that has some goofy conspiracies about all the baddy bad things vaccines "MIGHT" do.

Very very selfish and self-centered. Not to mention uneducated.
Fact vaccines have never eradicated anything ever

I laugh at the stupidity and sheeple mentality of most people when it comes to vaccines.

What fricking idiotic article....

"Well gee...they said vaccines got rid of all diseases so why are they still around today???"

Because diseases can have carriers other then humans dumbasses, and even if they don't squeezing out the last 0.1% of the population that carries the diseases (often in the poorest countries or areas on Earth) is usually next to impossible. Polio is close at this point with less then 200 reported cases per year "in the world", but it'll probably be another decade before it's fully gone.

"Well gee...Viruses can mutate so I guess that means vaccines are useless!!"


Omfg...really? Okay, what other medical way has been developed to fight viruses other than vaccines? Nothing. Antibiotics are for bacterial infections, Good exercise and healthy living won't cure sure as hell didn't cure FDR and I'd say he had reason to cure it if anyone ever did.

Vaccines are literally the first and last line of defense that we can actively take against virus-born infections. The fact that they can mutate sure as hell didn't stop Vaccines from completely removing the threat of Polio, Smallpox, or Rubella from this country. If all those diseases aren't around anymore and we don't have any other way to prevent in the world did we get rid of them completely with all those darn mutations? The rate of mutation was not faster then light, it takes decades for the diseases to develop "super strains" like you see with the Flu or Whooping Cough. Even then the Vaccines still assists the herd immunity for quite some time.
Sorry bout that,

Here's a free market solution:

You don't have your kids vaccinated. Then, if they infect other kids in school, you pay for the medical care those kids require.

1. Fucking stupid logic, if your non-sick kids have the vaccines already and my non-vacinated kids have some illness how can they get your vaccinated kids sick?
2. Fuck liberals are some stupid mutha fuckers.
2. a) Not you of course.
3. No disrespect intended tho…..

if your non-sick kids have the vaccines already and my non-vacinated kids have some illness how can they get your vaccinated kids sick?

Removed all the blather.

First, not all children can be vaccinated, like those with leukemia or those that are too young for example.

Also Vaccines are very effective, but not 100%. They usually cause immunity in about 85% to 90% of cases, which is enough to develop herd immunity.

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