USSC RvW Decision Results In Action - Kansas Set For Nation's 1st State-Wide Abortion Vote

The husband has no legal say in the matter. Why is the Republican solution to any problem to kill those who stand in your way???? It's a real "one note" response you have to any situation. KILL SOMEONE!!!!

Your last paragraph is so idiotic it's laughable. Clinic's aren't "public" at all. They are open to the public, but patients consult with REAL doctors, in private, and what they discuss or agree on is between the woman and her doctor.

The whole point of "legal abortions" is to have a REAL doctor perform them in safe conditions, you stupid idiot.
Wait, the Republican response to something is kill someone? Did you forget your dumb ass is on here cheering child murder? WTF is going on in your fucked up head.
You retard, anti-science Nazis have been screaming for years that men get pregnant.

{On July 12, during a Senate hearing on the impact of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) was declared transphobic by law professor Khiara Bridges from the University of California, Berkley for his line of questioning that challenged whether men can become pregnant. It was specifically in reply to Hawley's questioning of Bridges' use of the word "people with the capacity for pregnancy" instead of women, implying that both men and women can become pregnant. She stated that his "line of questioning is transphobic, and it opens up trans people to violence." }
A few points I noticed during this election run up.

The value them both campaign was poorly done and compared to the child murder business way under funded. They let CM Inc define the parameters of this bill with straight up lies and confusion. This bill did not end abortion, it was not about keeping Kansas free, it was not the state mandating you have children and it wasn’t about enslaving women. But they let CM Inc define it that way by muddying the waters and sowing confusion. They didn’t push back with the facts at all.

A bill like this, better planned and better funded will pass in the next two years.
If the "intention" is to completely disrupt the provision of women's reproductive health care, and to endanger the lives of poor pregnant women across the country, you're right.

If the intention is to so alieniate more than half of the eligible voters in the USA, that they will vote against Republicans in the upcoming midterms election, it most definitely is "working as intended".
Wow. You have to actively try to miss the point this badly.
Wow. You have to actively try to miss the point this badly.

No, it is YOU who are missing the point. You said "Dodd was working as intended", but unless your intention was to completely disrupt women's reproductive healthcare, nationwide, it most certainly is NOT working at ALL.

One of the criteria SC Judges are supposed to consider before overturning a prior decision is how many people are dependent on that decision. Every woman in America of child bearing age, is directly affected by this decision. Women in red states where abortion has been banned, are being denied care for ectopic pregnancies or partial miscarriages.

There are 100,000 ectopic pregnancies in the USA every year. These pregnancies are NEVER viable. The fetus implants in the fallopian tube and grows there until the tube bursts. When that happens, the fetus dies, and the woman will bleed internally and die, within minutes. There is no other possible outcome.

Ultrasound can easily detect an ectopic pregnancy. Under "heart beat" laws, doctors cannot abort an extopic pregnancy as long as the heart of the fetus beats, so doctors have to wait until the woman's tube bursts and the fetal heart stops beating, before they can abort the fetus, seriously endangering the mother's life.

One million pregnancies end in miscarriage every year. One in every four pregnancies ends in miscarriage or stillbirth. Most happen within the first three months of pregnancy which is why we never told families we were pregnant until the first trimester had passed.

When you have a miscarriage, or if the bleeding won't stop (a partial miscarriage), doctors perform a D&C to clear the debris from the failed pregnancy from your uteris, and stop the bleeding. This is the same procedure that doctors use to perform a surgical abortion, except that the fetus is already gone. In states which have banned abortions, doctors are afraid to perform D&C's for fear of being reported for "performing an abortion", so women are being sent home to bleed out until their lives are seriously endangered.

The Supreme Court gave NO consideration to the true results of overturning Roe, nor did they consider that half of the people in American have grown up with the right to an abortion, and that every woman in America is being affected by their decision.

When Republicans opposed the Equal Rights Amendment, they assured women it wasn't needed and that Republicans would always "take care" of women's rights. Like everything else Republicans promise to the people, they lied - about everything.

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