USMB poll who won tonight?

Who won?

  • Total voters
I'd agree on the debate itself. As for the election, neither hurt themselves with their supporters. But with the middle who dislike Hitlary and aren't going to change that view but fear Trump as a loose cannon, Trump won because he didn't do anything to scare them. Trump's got the momentum since he cut the stupid shit. The only way he loses is going back there.

Hillary is unpleasant and arrogant and no one's changing their view of her. Trump's got the negatives, but they aren't so deeply entrenched. Can Trump control himself another month and a half? Don't know. But if he does, he will win

It seemed to hurt his ego more then anything else, as it should. Hillery may have been a bit sloppy, but she controlled the tempo of the debate and was able to unhinge Trump. Donald really needs to focus. work on his jab and quit trying to knock them out in the first round.

I agree, but remember the measuring stick is where they started.

Hillary is viewed as cold, impersonal, unpleasant and dishonest. It's a deeply held perception and she did nothing to change it.

Trump is viewed as a loose cannon and thin skinned. He didn't break out of that mold, but he did at least stay in the softer end of how he's already perceived.

Leftists want Hitlary and that isn't going to change. The people on the fence are the ones who want an outsider, but not a nut job. Trump was in the range of how he's perceived, but made himself easier to swallow.

Hillary has no up to go. She's not trusted and for good reason and she's been around since DC was formed. No one not supporting her now is suddenly going to say gosh, I want to get me some of that ...

I think Trump will point out what you mentioned about Hillery not having an "UP" to shoot for in the next debate. I think that debate is a town Hall with questions from the audience and thats where I think you will see Hillery take a beating. I agree with you about the voters though. we just have to wait for the next polls to see.

In these Town Hall debates, the questions they allow people to ask are pre-approved, though. I doubt whether they will even allow anybody to ask questions about the e-mails or Clinton foundation. I hope I'm wrong, but if nobody asks them, it won't be because they didn't find it important, but that they were prevented from doing so.

Could be, but Trump will bring it up and try and stick it on her. And the audience will help him out to. Even though he struggled he still got a good bit of applause so there is that. I also think it would be an interesting poll question weather or not Hillery came off as genuine.

Anyone who thinks Hillary is genuine is a genuine idiot ...
Hillary took a week off from campaigning to prepare and rest before the debate, and STILL got her ass kicked! :laugh:
If it was a just a normal democrat running they would be running away with this race, and with the $10,000+ of make up on the Hildabeast just to make her presentable...and I mean "just" presentable. This whole thing just shows how fucked this country has been by the career politicians federal government.
Are you guys listening to John Gibson's show?

He started off by telling his audience that "the professionals are saying that Trump did good the 1st 15-20 minutes, then he lost it after that."

Then he followed by saying that "I think Trump won in the sense that not that many people were watching after 20 minutes, because there were other things on TV."



Where do I begin?
Both lost. They are probably two of the WORST candidates in the history of all presidential elections. I can't believe it's going to be between these two schmucks.
Again, this is how you know when Conservatives KNOW they have lost something. They IMMEDIATELY say that "both" lost, because they can't bring themselves to admit their guy actually lost.

The first caller on John Gibson's show called in admitting that Trump didn't do what he was supposed to do, hence Hillary won. He's a Trump supporter.

You guys should listen in. Good stuff.
John Gibson is now defining "winning" as who gets the most out of the debate, and since Hillary was just being Hillary, Donald won.

That's why I created this thread, What's The Criteria For A Successful Debate? , because I knew that people (mostly rightwingers) would just make crap up as they go along depending on what Amnesty Don did.

I mean...


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Both lost. They are probably two of the WORST candidates in the history of all presidential elections. I can't believe it's going to be between these two schmucks.
Again, this is how you know when Conservatives KNOW they have lost something. They IMMEDIATELY say that "both" lost, because they can't bring themselves to admit their guy actually lost.


Trump isn't my guy, idiot. I've been stumping for Gary Johnson since this fiasco began.
Both lost. They are probably two of the WORST candidates in the history of all presidential elections. I can't believe it's going to be between these two schmucks.
Again, this is how you know when Conservatives KNOW they have lost something. They IMMEDIATELY say that "both" lost, because they can't bring themselves to admit their guy actually lost.


You, stupid hack, voting for Hillary? Douche.
I'd be interested to know how many undecideds were watching not to listen to the standard insulting political bullshit, but just to see if they could imagine Trump as President.

That's a big potential problem for Hillary and her high negatives - some may be looking for an excuse to vote for Trump.

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