Used to be a Republican

Dean was a Republican


Go figure
there was a thread here some time back asking posters to say where they stand Politically....Dean said he was just Left of and Quantum had a great laugh that day and could not believe he said that......Dean ....a Conservative Democrat.....the shit he posts sure backs that up....
Regardless of all the negativity....I think rDean made a very wise choice!:lol::lol:
Dean was a Republican


Go figure
there was a thread here some time back asking posters to say where they stand Politically....Dean said he was just Left of and Quantum had a great laugh that day and could not believe he said that......Dean ....a Conservative Democrat.....the shit he posts sure backs that up....

Dems need to learn to embrace their Inner Mao
I'm curious what the author of this OP thinks about Obama 4 years after he joined USMB. A couple points...Dean's background in the field intel community should have left him with a sense of practical knowledge instead of book knowledge. You'd think he'd also need some PROOF of Obama's supposed class standing and grades at Harvard. You'd think he'd need a more practical application of this vaunted genius in an occupation other than "community organizer" and voting "present" several hundred times in the Illinois state senate. I'm curious how a fella with the bonafides Dean has would fall for a such an obvious clown as Obama.....grant money maybe?
rdean exposed the open secret that Repubs hate science & book larnin'. At least they tell their voting base :tinfoil: that.

We should have the faith of the AGWCult that a wisp of CO2 is altering the climate

It is not "hubris" to these lolberals to imagine that WE have any significant control over the planetary CLIMATE.

I maintain that those prehistoric SUVs must have been worse than the present day Hummer behemoths. I mean, just LOOK at how much they caused climate change BEFORE human industry ever occurred.

Best to be safe. Blame Booooosh and let the bureaucracy have full control over industry and energy.

Yes. I'm SURE that will work.
I'm curious what the author of this OP thinks about Obama 4 years after he joined USMB. A couple points...Dean's background in the field intel community should have left him with a sense of practical knowledge instead of book knowledge. You'd think he'd also need some PROOF of Obama's supposed class standing and grades at Harvard. You'd think he'd need a more practical application of this vaunted genius in an occupation other than "community organizer" and voting "present" several hundred times in the Illinois state senate. I'm curious how a fella with the bonafides Dean has would fall for a such an obvious clown as Obama.....grant money maybe?

Deans fellow Republicans when he was in HS tea bagged him in front of the Cheer Leaders.....they told him they were just "funnin".....well obviously Dean did not think it girls laughing may have had something to do with it.....and the rest is you know why he is like he is....
Dean was a Republican


Go figure
there was a thread here some time back asking posters to say where they stand Politically....Dean said he was just Left of and Quantum had a great laugh that day and could not believe he said that......Dean ....a Conservative Democrat.....the shit he posts sure backs that up....

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