USA was really really dumb to move so much manufacturing to China


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
We are so vulnerable. Look, China won’t even deliver masks to the USA manufactured by American owned companies.

What a colossal geo political blunder by some many stupid swamp creatures.

If China makes all of our shit, doesn’t that make us beholden to them? We can just tell them to pound sand. He rely on them.

So fucked.

TPP? So fucking stupid.
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We are so vulnerable.

What a colossal geo political blunder by some many stupid swamp creatures.

If China makes all of our shit, doesn’t that make us beholden to them. We can just tell them to pound sand. He rely on them.

So fucked.

TPP? So fucking stupid.
Agreed. But you have to also include the Republicans in that shit too.

I'm just waiting for the big war and the moment when all our bullets and missiles and other weapons don't work against the people who make them for us.
We are so vulnerable.

What a colossal geo political blunder by some many stupid swamp creatures.

If China makes all of our shit, doesn’t that make us beholden to them. We can just tell them to pound sand. He rely on them.

So fucked.

TPP? So fucking stupid.
Agreed. But you have to also include the Republicans in that shit too.

I'm just waiting for the big war and the moment when all our bullets and missiles and other weapons don't work against the people who make them for us.

I didn’t exclude Pubs. Any Swamp creatures who helped get us in this bad position should be voted out. Utter bullshit.
Our pols has no problem selling us out to big biz . 50 years ago China was a backwards country . But USA corporate greed turned them into a powerhouse .
We are so vulnerable.

What a colossal geo political blunder by some many stupid swamp creatures.

If China makes all of our shit, doesn’t that make us beholden to them. We can just tell them to pound sand. He rely on them.

So fucked.

TPP? So fucking stupid.
Agreed. But you have to also include the Republicans in that shit too.

I'm just waiting for the big war and the moment when all our bullets and missiles and other weapons don't work against the people who make them for us.

I didn’t exclude Pubs. Any Swamp creatures who helped get us in this bad position should be voted out. Utter bullshit.
Yep. I'd go so far as to charge them criminally.

Under no circumstance should our munitions and means of defending ourselves be provided by those who might be our enemy.
We are so vulnerable.

What a colossal geo political blunder by some many stupid swamp creatures.

If China makes all of our shit, doesn’t that make us beholden to them. We can just tell them to pound sand. He rely on them.

So fucked.

TPP? So fucking stupid.
Agreed. But you have to also include the Republicans in that shit too.

I'm just waiting for the big war and the moment when all our bullets and missiles and other weapons don't work against the people who make them for us.
It astounds me that republicans have seemingly forgotten being "free trade" true believers way past the point it became clear that we were getting screwed. Only the progressive movement can claim that their hands are clean on the trade policies that gutted our manufacturing capacity.
We are so vulnerable.

What a colossal geo political blunder by some many stupid swamp creatures.

If China makes all of our shit, doesn’t that make us beholden to them. We can just tell them to pound sand. He rely on them.

So fucked.

TPP? So fucking stupid.
Agreed. But you have to also include the Republicans in that shit too.

I'm just waiting for the big war and the moment when all our bullets and missiles and other weapons don't work against the people who make them for us.

I didn’t exclude Pubs. Any Swamp creatures who helped get us in this bad position should be voted out. Utter bullshit.
Yep. I'd go so far as to charge them criminally.

Under no circumstance should our munitions and means of defending ourselves be provided by those who might be our enemy.

The intellectual property theft by China is off the charts, but it seems like only little Marco and POTUS care.

We fucking ship chicken to be processed in China. Insane.
Globalism is an Evil. Obama was for it, Clinton was for it, and The Bushes were for it.

There is zero reason America should be dependent on any country.

The President knows this and sees this and is doing what he can to stop it, but Globalists on The Left have been trying to stop him for 4 years.
We are so vulnerable.

What a colossal geo political blunder by some many stupid swamp creatures.

If China makes all of our shit, doesn’t that make us beholden to them. We can just tell them to pound sand. He rely on them.

So fucked.

TPP? So fucking stupid.
Agreed. But you have to also include the Republicans in that shit too.

I'm just waiting for the big war and the moment when all our bullets and missiles and other weapons don't work against the people who make them for us.
It astounds me that republicans have seemingly forgotten being "free trade" true believers way past the point it became clear that we were getting screwed. Only the progressive movement can claim that their hands are clean on the trade policies that gutted our manufacturing capacity.
No, they can't. But you roll with that.
The elected officials that allowed this dangerous transfer of goods and technology to a closed society should be dragged onto Pennsylvania avenue and horse whipped....every damn one of them from Obama on down...Bush and Clinton too....stupid stupid people....
We are so vulnerable.

What a colossal geo political blunder by some many stupid swamp creatures.

If China makes all of our shit, doesn’t that make us beholden to them. We can just tell them to pound sand. He rely on them.

So fucked.

TPP? So fucking stupid.
Agreed. But you have to also include the Republicans in that shit too.

I'm just waiting for the big war and the moment when all our bullets and missiles and other weapons don't work against the people who make them for us.
It astounds me that republicans have seemingly forgotten being "free trade" true believers way past the point it became clear that we were getting screwed. Only the progressive movement can claim that their hands are clean on the trade policies that gutted our manufacturing capacity.

Insanity since it was Bill Clinton that sold US Missile Guidance to China and got them in to the WTO, and it was American Dollars that built that entire country in to the Global threat it is now.
We are so vulnerable.

What a colossal geo political blunder by some many stupid swamp creatures.

If China makes all of our shit, doesn’t that make us beholden to them. We can just tell them to pound sand. He rely on them.

So fucked.

TPP? So fucking stupid.
Agreed. But you have to also include the Republicans in that shit too.

I'm just waiting for the big war and the moment when all our bullets and missiles and other weapons don't work against the people who make them for us.
It astounds me that republicans have seemingly forgotten being "free trade" true believers way past the point it became clear that we were getting screwed. Only the progressive movement can claim that their hands are clean on the trade policies that gutted our manufacturing capacity.

Insanity since it was Bill Clinton that sold US Missile Guidance to China and got them in to the WTO, and it was American Dollars that built that entire country in to the Global threat it is now.
Yeah. Isn't that interesting. But you know, those in power will fix that in a few decades or so.
We are so vulnerable. Look, China won’t even deliver masks to the USA manufactured by American owned companies.

What a colossal geo political blunder by some many stupid swamp creatures.

If China makes all of our shit, doesn’t that make us beholden to them? We can just tell them to pound sand. He rely on them.

So fucked.

TPP? So fucking stupid.
China is the enemy. We need nothing from them and we need to defend ourselves from them.
We are so vulnerable.

What a colossal geo political blunder by some many stupid swamp creatures.

If China makes all of our shit, doesn’t that make us beholden to them. We can just tell them to pound sand. He rely on them.

So fucked.

TPP? So fucking stupid.
Agreed. But you have to also include the Republicans in that shit too.

I'm just waiting for the big war and the moment when all our bullets and missiles and other weapons don't work against the people who make them for us.
It astounds me that republicans have seemingly forgotten being "free trade" true believers way past the point it became clear that we were getting screwed. Only the progressive movement can claim that their hands are clean on the trade policies that gutted our manufacturing capacity.

Insanity since it was Bill Clinton that sold US Missile Guidance to China and got them in to the WTO, and it was American Dollars that built that entire country in to the Global threat it is now.
We had our computers made there via Microsoft. Fucking Chinese government looked at the shipping manifest and put spy tech inside the hard drives. Dumb!
Slave labor or cheap labor. Without it, inflation goes through the roof.

Monetary system reality.
We are so vulnerable.

What a colossal geo political blunder by some many stupid swamp creatures.

If China makes all of our shit, doesn’t that make us beholden to them. We can just tell them to pound sand. He rely on them.

So fucked.

TPP? So fucking stupid.
Agreed. But you have to also include the Republicans in that shit too.

I'm just waiting for the big war and the moment when all our bullets and missiles and other weapons don't work against the people who make them for us.
It astounds me that republicans have seemingly forgotten being "free trade" true believers way past the point it became clear that we were getting screwed. Only the progressive movement can claim that their hands are clean on the trade policies that gutted our manufacturing capacity.

Insanity since it was Bill Clinton that sold US Missile Guidance to China and got them in to the WTO, and it was American Dollars that built that entire country in to the Global threat it is now.
We had our computers made there via Microsoft. Fucking Chinese government looked at the shipping manifest and put spy tech inside the hard drives. Dumb!
Hard drives! Wot!

Maybe look at the BIOS too?

Backdoors were never so popular until US decided to outsource!

And by a backdoor, I'm not making a ghey reference. Ha!
We are so vulnerable. Look, China won’t even deliver masks to the USA manufactured by American owned companies.

What a colossal geo political blunder by some many stupid swamp creatures.

If China makes all of our shit, doesn’t that make us beholden to them? We can just tell them to pound sand. He rely on them.

So fucked.

TPP? So fucking stupid.
China is the enemy. We need nothing from them and we need to defend ourselves from them.
The world is the enemy. Let's be real here.
We are so vulnerable.

What a colossal geo political blunder by some many stupid swamp creatures.

If China makes all of our shit, doesn’t that make us beholden to them. We can just tell them to pound sand. He rely on them.

So fucked.

TPP? So fucking stupid.
Agreed. But you have to also include the Republicans in that shit too.

I'm just waiting for the big war and the moment when all our bullets and missiles and other weapons don't work against the people who make them for us.
It astounds me that republicans have seemingly forgotten being "free trade" true believers way past the point it became clear that we were getting screwed. Only the progressive movement can claim that their hands are clean on the trade policies that gutted our manufacturing capacity.
No, they can't. But you roll with that.
Remember when you used to cheer when a union shop got shut down and sent to China? Republicans waged a still ongoing 40 year war on organized labor that purposely threw the baby out with the bathwater. Was it worth it? We can no longer even the make the machines that make other machines.

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