USA to rejoin Paris Climate Agreement straight away - #MAGA

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Under the statesmanlike guidance of Mr Kerry. This is fantastic news and a clear sign that the US wants to regain its position in the world.

Under the statesmanlike guidance of Mr Kerry. This is fantastic news and a clear sign that the US wants to regain its position in the world.
But will we have enough dough for that after he gives another boatload to Iran for their nukes? Oh yeah, just tax the "rich". You libbers piss more money away than a redneck lottery winner.

Under the statesmanlike guidance of Mr Kerry. This is fantastic news and a clear sign that the US wants to regain its position in the world.
statesman like guidance lol......
Horseyface Kerry apologizer extrordinaire....

Under the statesmanlike guidance of Mr Kerry. This is fantastic news and a clear sign that the US wants to regain its position in the world.
Mr. Kerry? Oh, yes, the bastard who told lies to Congress about his fellow Vietnam War vets, then went to Paris to meet with representatives of Hanoi to rubber-stamp their terms for a US surrender.

Fuck Kerry, fuck Biden for hiring him, and fuck any Commie-loving piece of shit who admires him.

Under the statesmanlike guidance of Mr Kerry. This is fantastic news and a clear sign that the US wants to regain its position in the world.
No surprise there. Another lifetime swamp creature John Kerry returns from the depths to screw over America some more.

Under the statesmanlike guidance of Mr Kerry. This is fantastic news and a clear sign that the US wants to regain its position in the world.
No surprise there. Another lifetime swamp creature John Kerry returns from the depths to screw over America some more. the delight of lifer libber Tommy here....

Under the statesmanlike guidance of Mr Kerry. This is fantastic news and a clear sign that the US wants to regain its position in the world.
We know how those mandates are. The people of our nation are serfs. The Constitution is dead. Energy prices will go up several times over if the rip off is bad enough.

Under the statesmanlike guidance of Mr Kerry. This is fantastic news and a clear sign that the US wants to regain its position in the world.

Exactly. America will also reenter the Iran agreement and send over pallets of cash, move the US embassy out of Jerusalem and otherwise show fealty to the great despots of Europe, if Sleepy Joe seizes power.

That's the US's position in the world according to low lifes like the Biden Family.

Under the statesmanlike guidance of Mr Kerry. This is fantastic news and a clear sign that the US wants to regain its position in the world.

Making America Great Again!

Its about time we resumed our role of leadership in the world.
Is Creepy Old Joe gonna give a World Apology Tour like Obama did?

Under the statesmanlike guidance of Mr Kerry. This is fantastic news and a clear sign that the US wants to regain its position in the world.

Making America Great Again!

Its about time we resumed our role of leadership in the world.
Is Creepy Old Joe gonna give a World Apology Tour like Obama did?

What 'world apology tour'?

Under the statesmanlike guidance of Mr Kerry. This is fantastic news and a clear sign that the US wants to regain its position in the world.

Making America Great Again!

Its about time we resumed our role of leadership in the world.
Is Creepy Old Joe gonna give a World Apology Tour like Obama did?

What 'world apology tour'?
It was in all the papers.

Under the statesmanlike guidance of Mr Kerry. This is fantastic news and a clear sign that the US wants to regain its position in the world.
And what great difference is that going to make? You know that the US emissions standards were already surpassing the Paris standards when it started?

Under the statesmanlike guidance of Mr Kerry. This is fantastic news and a clear sign that the US wants to regain its position in the world.
It will take the Senate to bleed us dry of the money involved, and I believe the republicans are going to keep the Senate.
So your wet dream Thomas is in your hand.

Under the statesmanlike guidance of Mr Kerry. This is fantastic news and a clear sign that the US wants to regain its position in the world.
It will take the Senate to bleed us dry of the money involved, and I believe the republicans are going to keep the Senate.
So your wet dream Thomas is in your hand.
well he always said he had a solution on hand.....
The middle classes and working poor will rejoice in 4.50 a gallon regular and higher heating and electricity costs at home ...not to mention the cause higher fuel prices have on everything ...from food to consumer goods

We're all in this setteled science toooogheatherrrrr

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