US Troops Embarrassed By Trumps Syria Plan


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Private Bone Spurs is Commander In Chief; he has the prerogative to embarrass US troops.

While Private Bone Spurs is at it, maybe he can completely destroy AmeriKKKa.
Dems, now the Party of Never-ending Wars in the ME.

You’ll look for any excuse to send troops to die in Syria, a country that never attack us and we have no business being there. That’s Obama’s quagmire, President Trump rightfully wants to get us the fuck out of that shithole.
Kobane highlighted that Trump's decision, which was widely seen as the abandonment of a loyal ally, was made against the advice of some U.S. commanders.

“They are embarrassed,” he said, referring to his American counterparts. “They didn’t expect this decision. It’s out of their hands, and they are constantly apologizing for it.”

Kobane said he had lost 6,500 fighters in the anti-ISIS fight.

U.S. troops 'embarrassed' by Trump Syria plan, Kurdish commander says

Oh, look, another "peaceful progressive" who became a war hawk the moment Trump became anti-war. More TDS on full display.

The fact of the matter is had we left when he wanted to four Americans wouldn't have lost their lives the other day, chickenhawk.
Kobane highlighted that Trump's decision, which was widely seen as the abandonment of a loyal ally, was made against the advice of some U.S. commanders.

“They are embarrassed,” he said, referring to his American counterparts. “They didn’t expect this decision. It’s out of their hands, and they are constantly apologizing for it.”

Kobane said he had lost 6,500 fighters in the anti-ISIS fight.

U.S. troops 'embarrassed' by Trump Syria plan, Kurdish commander says
I know right? Those troops want to stay there and keep getting hit and killed by RPG's and IED's. Sounds legit.

I bet you the average trooper on the ground would LOVE to go home and get out of the mess that is Syria.

Sure, the neocon generals hate it. They LOVE the US running around the world, fighting everything in sight. They don't risk their necks...just those under them.

I agree that Trump has got to stop letting his Neocon staff members like Pompeo and especially that whacko Bolton make their own policy. He should tell them to toe the line or there is the door.

Trump was right to pull US troops out of Syria. 100%.

Check the maps folks. Check where ISIL used to be (they were in black):

And where it is today (a tiny section in south east Syria):

Syrian Civil War Map - Live Middle East Map of the Syrian Civil War

It is practically gone. And if the Kurds would get out of the way and let Assad's forces (with Russian help) at them, they would surely wipe them out quickly.

And forget about waiting for every, last ISIS member to be killed - never happen. Once their territory is lost, they will blend in with the population and it will be impossible to kill every, last one of them.
But they will be defeated as a force...mission accomplished.

Finally, save the nonsense about America should protect an ally. The Kurds stole over 1/4 of Syria when Assad was weak. They just said; 'sorry, but this land we took? We are making it a country. Don't like it? Tough.'
That is illegal under every, applicable international law.

The Kurds do not deserve to be protected for stealing huge chunks of a sovereign nation.
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Kobane highlighted that Trump's decision, which was widely seen as the abandonment of a loyal ally, was made against the advice of some U.S. commanders.

“They are embarrassed,” he said, referring to his American counterparts. “They didn’t expect this decision. It’s out of their hands, and they are constantly apologizing for it.”

Kobane said he had lost 6,500 fighters in the anti-ISIS fight.

U.S. troops 'embarrassed' by Trump Syria plan, Kurdish commander says

The retards of society can keep trying to con the rest of the public this isn't true, but the only ones who find truth to it are the brain damaged idiots who can' tell propaganda from facts.


This is Why the Military Loves President Trump - VIDEO
I want all of our troops out of the ME.

We've lost enough blood and treasure there.

Anyone who doesn't like it can send their own troops in.
Private Bone Spurs is Commander In Chief; he has the prerogative to embarrass US troops.

While Private Bone Spurs is at it, maybe he can completely destroy AmeriKKKa.
Obama beat him to the destroying us thing, with help from the democrat media, and daily liars like you.
Is it too late for the Bushes, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bolton, Kristol and the rest of the neocons to join the Democrat Party?

I heard that neo con war monger John Bolton is currently national security advisor for Der Fuhrer Trump.

Bolton has been shoved so far up the asses of all the recent GOP presidents, I'm confident that Bolton's mustache is covered in Trump feces.

Bolton could never work for a Democrat.
Private Bone Spurs is Commander In Chief; he has the prerogative to embarrass US troops.

While Private Bone Spurs is at it, maybe he can completely destroy AmeriKKKa.
Obama beat him to the destroying us thing, with help from the democrat media, and daily liars like you.

I wasn't aware the thread was about Obama.

What is it about you Trump supporters here @ USMB?

You folks have issues with staying on topic 24/7.

Me, a liar? You should go troll some where else.
Cut-and-Run Trump: "Declare victory and leave!"

Syria attack: 4 Americans killed, ISIS claims responsibility - CNNPolitics


Private Bone Spurs is Commander In Chief; he has the prerogative to embarrass US troops.

While Private Bone Spurs is at it, maybe he can completely destroy AmeriKKKa.
Sgt. York Obama went to Libya to get butt phu ked as millions left the nation.
Private Bone Spurs is Commander In Chief; he has the prerogative to embarrass US troops.

While Private Bone Spurs is at it, maybe he can completely destroy AmeriKKKa.
Obama beat him to the destroying us thing, with help from the democrat media, and daily liars like you.

I wasn't aware the thread was about Obama.

What is it about you Trump supporters here @ USMB?

You folks have issues with staying on topic 24/7.

Me, a liar? You should go troll some where else.
Nothing with us here, I'm just correcting lies from a traitor.
Is it too late for the Bushes, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bolton, Kristol and the rest of the neocons to join the Democrat Party?

I heard that neo con war monger John Bolton is currently national security advisor for Der Fuhrer Trump.

Bolton has been shoved so far up the asses of all the recent GOP presidents, I'm confident that Bolton's mustache is covered in Trump feces.

Bolton could never work for a Democrat.
When are you joining up to go fight for someone else's dirt?
Kobane highlighted that Trump's decision, which was widely seen as the abandonment of a loyal ally, was made against the advice of some U.S. commanders.

“They are embarrassed,” he said, referring to his American counterparts. “They didn’t expect this decision. It’s out of their hands, and they are constantly apologizing for it.”

Kobane said he had lost 6,500 fighters in the anti-ISIS fight.

U.S. troops 'embarrassed' by Trump Syria plan, Kurdish commander says

Of course it is out their hands. And dollars to donuts most would love to come home.
Is it too late for the Bushes, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bolton, Kristol and the rest of the neocons to join the Democrat Party?

I heard that neo con war monger John Bolton is currently national security advisor for Der Fuhrer Trump.

Bolton has been shoved so far up the asses of all the recent GOP presidents, I'm confident that Bolton's mustache is covered in Trump feces.

Bolton could never work for a Democrat.
When are you joining up to go fight for someone else's dirt?

Sorry; thread is NOT about me.

Thread is about Private Butt Spurs.

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