US Student Released By Iran In Prisoner Swap


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
American graduate student freed in prisoner swap, foreign minister says - CNNPolitics

Good news for the family of Xiyue Wang just in time for Christmas...and also a good thing for Trump....

"An American graduate student, who had been held for three years in Iran on suspicion of being a spy, has been freed and is undergoing a medical evaluation at an American Army hospital in Germany before eventually traveling back to the US."

Basically this guy is a Chinese born grad student at Princeton, going for his PhD...and he was conducting research in Tehran when he was arrested there on espionage charges back in August 2016. Obama had months to get this guy released and he failed to do it....Wang's parents continued with it and kept pressing and pressing the Trump admin to get their son released, citing the previous release of A$ap Rocky..and Trump did the right thing and brought this guy back home....

In return, the US freed some Iranian scientist who was arrested by US law enforcement back in 2018, I'd make that deal anytime if it means bringing a kid back home to his family.

"Freeing Americans held captive is of vital importance to my Administration, and we will continue to work hard to bring home all our citizens wrongfully held captive overseas," President Donald Trump said in a statement. Great move by Trump and I am happy for the family...
good deal-----but collecting hostages should be an equal opportunity
That was a much better swap than Obama's 5 ISIS leaders for 1 deserter.
Trump....'The Art of the Deal'
a lot better...….although to be fair to the Kenyan terrorist Obama, they were not ISIS, they were Taliban....the Taliban hates ISIS....

And to make it even worse, some of these guys that Obama released are now the ones who Trump is trying to negotiate a peace deal would think Trump would refuse to negotiate with terrorists...….strange times I guess...

"Five members of the Afghan Taliban who were freed from the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay in exchange for captured American Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl have joined the insurgent group’s political office in Qatar, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said Tuesday..They will now be among Taliban representatives negotiating for peace in Afghanistan"

5 freed from Gitmo in exchange for Bergdahl join Taliban’s political office in Qatar

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