US Steel shutters last Granite City steel furnace "indefinitely".


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Hard to compete with cheap Chinese steel. Up to 1,400 union jobs may be eliminated. From the Mayor's comments it sounds like a total shutdown is in the works...

"On Tuesday, U.S. Steel said the move to idle the blast furnace indefinitely was made to balance its production with customer demand.

The company's steel rolling and finishing operations at the site will continue, using metal slabs from other facilities.

Granite City Mayor Mike Parkinson said he is already thinking about the buildings and land that will be left vacant as parts of the plant close. He said he is concerned with how those areas will be maintained, and is raising the issue with U.S. Steel."

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I believe the USS still has working blast furnaces at Gary Works and Edgar Thompson. Like them or not, USS must be doing something right, to be the last integrated steel maker surviving in the U.S.

As for those thousand or so souls (plus an equal number of non-union people), they have been living on borrowed time for a long, long time.
Hard to compete with cheap Chinese steel. Up to 1,400 union jobs may be eliminated. From the Mayor's comments it sounds like a total shutdown is in the works...

"On Tuesday, U.S. Steel said the move to idle the blast furnace indefinitely was made to balance its production with customer demand.

The company's steel rolling and finishing operations at the site will continue, using metal slabs from other facilities.

Granite City Mayor Mike Parkinson said he is already thinking about the buildings and land that will be left vacant as parts of the plant close. He said he is concerned with how those areas will be maintained, and is raising the issue with U.S. Steel." things do change:

The unions back Sleepy Joe, and they see what happens.

I was in Youngstown in September 1977 for Black Monday and the closing of Youngstown Sheet and Tube under the rule of that sanctimonious twit Jimmy "Mr. Peanut" Carter.

Vote for failure, and you'll get failure, and history is repeating itself
What's not to like about $7-a-pair school shoes? ... yeah, some damn Cambodian is making 50¢ a day sewing them ... and they're eaten better than you, living in a tropical paradise ...

If you don't like cheap Chinese steel, stop using steel ... simple ... just remember it's American plastics polluting their rivers ... things do change:

That's weird. You act like the progress under Trump, that is being destroyed by Biden, is a good thing.
That's weird. You act like the progress under Trump, that is being destroyed by Biden, is a good thing.
Well..ya see--that really wasn't progress, as most smart folks knew. It was a political stunt..negotiated by Trump to spin his trade war in a positive light.
The economic reality has been a downturn for the steel industry for quite a long time.
Protectionism does not work...when the bulk of your production is priced out of the market. You can get a few jobs back, for a year or two. But when the need for the political stunt fades, the company reverts to its default response to everyone and build a plant overseas.
Well..ya see--that really wasn't progress, as most smart folks knew. It was a political stunt..negotiated by Trump to spin his trade war in a positive light.
The economic reality has been a downturn for the steel industry for quite a long time.
Protectionism does not work...when the bulk of your production is priced out of the market. You can get a few jobs back, for a year or two. But when the need for the political stunt fades, the company reverts to its default response to everyone and build a plant overseas.

Government isn't the fundamentals ... supply and demand ... as long as there's a demand for cheap steel, China will supply it ... nothing to be done about it ...

"Chinese wages" is a paradox ... they're slaves over there ... US workers can't compete with that ... not without massive government subsidies ...
Well..ya see--that really wasn't progress, as most smart folks knew. It was a political stunt..negotiated by Trump to spin his trade war in a positive light.
The economic reality has been a downturn for the steel industry for quite a long time.
Protectionism does not work...when the bulk of your production is priced out of the market. You can get a few jobs back, for a year or two. But when the need for the political stunt fades, the company reverts to its default response to everyone and build a plant overseas.
That's pretty much the CCP's take on it.

I thought you said you were left of center.

You sound more like a CCP propagandist.
The unions back Sleepy Joe, and they see what happens.

I was in Youngstown in September 1977 for Black Monday and the closing of Youngstown Sheet and Tube under the rule of that sanctimonious twit Jimmy "Mr. Peanut" Carter.

Vote for failure, and you'll get failure, and history is repeating itself
You have no idea how emerging industrialization works I see.
Didn't say that. But do you think we need people doing that job for Chinese wages? Yes or no?
My whole point is the Unions want everyone to make some ridiculous wage or no one working. You seem to be on the side of no one working while I would rather people have a job and not rely on the tax payer and government.
Hard to compete with cheap Chinese steel. Up to 1,400 union jobs may be eliminated. From the Mayor's comments it sounds like a total shutdown is in the works...

"On Tuesday, U.S. Steel said the move to idle the blast furnace indefinitely was made to balance its production with customer demand.

The company's steel rolling and finishing operations at the site will continue, using metal slabs from other facilities.

Granite City Mayor Mike Parkinson said he is already thinking about the buildings and land that will be left vacant as parts of the plant close. He said he is concerned with how those areas will be maintained, and is raising the issue with U.S. Steel."

Deer Hunter Youth Screwed by Scrooges

Remember that major stockholders can switch their ownership to a completely different sector. The zero-tariff scam started when they resented working-class steelworkers getting the best contract ever. Because of anti-American class supremacy, they were able to sell their shares to suckers and bribe the government to leave America wide-open for the cheap foreign steel, the price of which is based on sweatshop wages.

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