US should limit funding of UN to what other countries pay


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
The U.S. currently pays for about 25% of the UN's budget, far more than any other country. Why should we keep footing the bill for that anti-American debate club? I think that Congress should pass a law that limits our contributions to the UN to no more than any other country contributes. What say you?
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The U.S. currently pays for 25% of the UN's budget, far more than any other country. Why should we keep footing the bill for that anti-American debate club? I think that Congress should pass a law that limits our contributions to the UN to no more than any other country contributes. What say you?

This is a terrible idea. This is absolutely horrible.

The correct policy is to absolutely end funding of the UN. It serves virtually no good purpose at all.
When other nations oppose us, we can't always eliminate the possibility that military action is necessary. Talking like the UN wants us to do is a waste of time. It's past time to leave the UN.
The U.S. currently pays for 25% of the UN's budget, far more than any other country. Why should we keep footing the bill for that anti-American debate club? I think that Congress should pass a law that limits our contributions to the UN to no more than any other country contributes. What say you?
We shouldn't. They've never benefited us so it's long past time the drop out and kick them out.
I’m good with withdrawing all support and reinvesting that none into foreign aid. Any benefit the US gets is diluted by sending it through the UN.
The U.S. currently pays for 25% of the UN's budget, far more than any other country. Why should we keep footing the bill for that anti-American debate club? I think that Congress should pass a law that limits our contributions to the UN to no more than any other country contributes. What say you?

This is a terrible idea. This is absolutely horrible.

The correct policy is to absolutely end funding of the UN. It serves virtually no good purpose at all.

So you would oppose such a law (and perpetuate the staus quo)?
The U.S. currently pays for 25% of the UN's budget, far more than any other country. Why should we keep footing the bill for that anti-American debate club? I think that Congress should pass a law that limits our contributions to the UN to no more than any other country contributes. What say you?

That has been a pet peeve since the beginning. Starting with Wilson's League of Nations. So much so that Wilson pulled out of the League of Nations.
Stop and think, America has paid the highest funding to the U.N, WHO, WTO, and NATO since the creation of the United Nations in 1945, while other participants have dithered, slowed if not totally reneged on payments to these organizations. Trump is right to put them on notice and cut funding to some of them..... The UN should be first on this list for 2020, Imagine is the U.S. paid to the UN the same amount that China or Russia contributed to the UN.

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The U.S. currently pays for 25% of the UN's budget, far more than any other country. Why should we keep footing the bill for that anti-American debate club? I think that Congress should pass a law that limits our contributions to the UN to no more than any other country contributes. What say you?

We should limit funding for ALL organizations that are receiving funds from multiple countries, add the WHO to that list. Possibly matching funds contributed by whichever country is the number two contributor.
The U.S. currently pays for 25% of the UN's budget, far more than any other country. Why should we keep footing the bill for that anti-American debate club? I think that Congress should pass a law that limits our contributions to the UN to no more than any other country contributes. What say you?

The US should pull out and stop all funding to the UN. They are a useless organization. They are horrible guests in this country and they have no reason to exist. They are like the TSA. They are only there for losers to have a job with a big salary. Hope the covid 19 thing finishes them. They are as guilty as China in all this BS going on now.
The U.S. currently pays for about 25% of the UN's budget, far more than any other country. Why should we keep footing the bill for that anti-American debate club? I think that Congress should pass a law that limits our contributions to the UN to no more than any other country contributes. What say you?
stop it altogether!!!!!!!!!NOW!!!
The U.S. currently pays for about 25% of the UN's budget, far more than any other country. Why should we keep footing the bill for that anti-American debate club? I think that Congress should pass a law that limits our contributions to the UN to no more than any other country contributes. What say you?

Or even better, restrict it to zero dollars paid, and same for WHO aka. "the world hate organization".
The U.S. currently pays for about 25% of the UN's budget, far more than any other country. Why should we keep footing the bill for that anti-American debate club? I think that Congress should pass a law that limits our contributions to the UN to no more than any other country contributes. What say you?
We shouldn't pay them a dime, and we should kick them out of the US.

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