US Senator says 13 year old girl can consent to sex.

He said the 14 year old girl was old enough to give consent. That way a crime wasn’t committed at the camp he ran. But a consensual act. He endorsed it.
The age of consent varies, generally 14-18, but in some places 13 is not unusual.

How about showering with your daughter?

Time for a shower sweetheart...
Actually, in many states, the state constitutional age of consent for girls is as young as 12 years of age.

Most of these states' laws were created back when human life expectancy was about 30-40 years old.
A lot of these laws were never updated, as many, many laws have never been updated, that badly need updating for our times.
Lol dude if a democrat said this instead, you would not have this response. Just admit it.
not sure where he said he was ok with them having sex…seems your jumping the gun there. The link didn’t say that. He was being deposed…he gave his opinion on if he believed a 13 year old could consent with a 15 year old…that’s it. not that it was a good idea or they shoikd be having sex

so the 15 year old and 13 year old shoikd both be prosecuted? for what?
How about you just admit that if this guy was a democrat and he was in this exact situation, you would not be pathetically defending what he is saying.
It would not hurt my feelings if they both were prosecuted, but that still doesn't change the fact, an adult in a responsible position at a church camp and then as an elected official needs to watch his loose mouth, as it sounds like supporting underage sex as being fine and dandy with him. Is this why that state is 10th on the rape list, nationally? This is a state that just banned abortion. They must be hard up or hard on for non immigrant citizens if willing to encourage this kind of thing to create them, after all if the little kid gets pregnant, there is nothing to be done about it, except hold a baby shower.
You did not read the article? Oh, I forgot! You are functionally illiterate.

He knew nothing about the incident.

"As noted in the linked report, there has been no allegation of any wrongdoing by Lankford himself, nor was it suggested that he even knew the incident had taken place until the lawsuit began. It’s also worth noting that this story is resurfacing only days before Lankford faces a primary challenge for his Senate seat on Tuesday, so make of that what you will."

Why don't you just shut your pie hole until you catch a clue?
No you were not. That is where I got my info.
Yes I quoted wiki.

"Age of consent laws vary widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction,[1] though most jurisdictions set the age of consent in the range 14 to 18. The laws may also vary by the type of sexual act, the gender of the participants or other considerations, such as involving a position of trust; some jurisdictions may also make allowances for minors engaged in sexual acts with each other, rather than a single age. Charges and penalties resulting from a breach of these laws may range from a misdemeanor, such as corruption of a minor, to what is popularly called statutory rape."

Still feisty! That's good. I hope your health issues are history.
You did not read the article? Oh, I forgot! You are functionally illiterate.

He knew nothing about the incident.

"As noted in the linked report, there has been no allegation of any wrongdoing by Lankford himself, nor was it suggested that he even knew the incident had taken place until the lawsuit began. It’s also worth noting that this story is resurfacing only days before Lankford faces a primary challenge for his Senate seat on Tuesday, so make of that what you will."

Why don't you just shut your pie hole until you catch a clue?
So, no matter if he knew about it, or when he found out about it, you figure it, OK, his comments? I figure his answers were wrong enough for a Baptist church camp official and later as an elected official. So much for statutory rape laws in Oklahoma. No wonder the state is in the top 10 rape states in the country. Even their elected officials, give them a wink and a nod.
So, no matter if he knew about it, or when he found out about it, you figure it, OK, his comments? I figure his answers were wrong enough for a Baptist church camp official and later as an elected official. So much for statutory rape laws in Oklahoma. No wonder the state is in the top 10 rape states in the country. Even their elected officials, give them a wink and a nod.
View attachment 663119
He was off by a freakin' year? Why are you such a dumbass?
Yes I quoted wiki.

"Age of consent laws vary widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction,[1] though most jurisdictions set the age of consent in the range 14 to 18. The laws may also vary by the type of sexual act, the gender of the participants or other considerations, such as involving a position of trust; some jurisdictions may also make allowances for minors engaged in sexual acts with each other, rather than a single age. Charges and penalties resulting from a breach of these laws may range from a misdemeanor, such as corruption of a minor, to what is popularly called statutory rape."

Still feisty! That's good. I hope your health issues are history.
That's for the world! Who cares what the age of consent in in Micronesia!
He was off by a freakin' year? Why are you such a dumbass?
Look, dude. I didn't write the rape laws of his state, I just posted the screenshot. He and his fellow Oklahoma folks did or elected the representative and governors that did write them and sign them into law. So he is an elected Republican, that does not support them, by his own word. Not my problem, as I have no kids living there.
It sounds like there are a lot of serious gaps in this girl's sex education if she's jumping into bed with boys at age 13. Not a smart move in the slightest degree.
What an incredibly fucking ignorant thing to say.

YOU are not smart in the slightest degree.
Look, dude. I didn't write the rape laws of his state, I just posted the screenshot. He and his fellow Oklahoma folks did or elected the representative and governors that did write them and sign them into law. So he is an elected Republican, that does not support them, by his own word. Not my problem, as I have no kids living there.
Yeah, you fucking do care apparently!

You said, "So, no matter if he knew about it, or when he found out about it, you figure it, OK, his comments? I figure his answers were wrong enough for a Baptist church camp official and later as an elected official."

That's why you are a dumbass! You cannot even keep track of the bullshit you spew!
Yeah, you fucking do care apparently!

You said, "So, no matter if he knew about it, or when he found out about it, you figure it, OK, his comments? I figure his answers were wrong enough for a Baptist church camp official and later as an elected official."

That's why you are a dumbass! You cannot even keep track of the bullshit you spew!
You are the one that really do not care, as his statements are fine with you. I made note, but it will not keep me awake at night. I am not the Oklahoma politician. He is nobody I will have to vote for or against. It is legislators like him that have his state in the top 10 rape states, rising from 12th. I found his picture standing up for the rape and age of consent laws in his state:;)

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