US Senate Proposes Legislation To Counter China


Platinum Member
May 13, 2012
Banana Republic
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted 21-1 to send The Strategic Competition Act to a vote. This could be the first step by politicians under Biden to actively counter many of China's more questionable practices:

"The legislation’s passage comes as the relationship between Washington and Beijing grows increasingly strained. The U.S. has lambasted China over cyber attacks and intellectual property theft, human rights abuses against the Uighur Muslims in the Xinjiang Province and crackdowns on pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong."

Trump was criticized for taking a hard stand against China and it may be that public opinion in the US is also forcing this Congress to address China and its many unacceptable practices:

"A series of recent U.S. public opinion polls show some of the frostiest views ever toward China and indicate growing support for the Biden administration to take tougher stands aimed at influencing Beijing’s behavior."

FFS CHINA has been ripping us off for decades while Washington politicians looked the other way. Lining their own pockets with CHINA money deals. People come on wake up, politicians use your jobs and industries as a currency to purchase favors and deals from CHINA for personal gain. Now you know why our own government sold us out to CHINA.
FFS CHINA has been ripping us off for decades while Washington politicians looked the other way. Lining their own pockets with CHINA money deals. People come on wake up, politicians use your jobs and industries as a currency to purchase favors and deals from CHINA for personal gain. Now you know why our own government sold us out to CHINA.
good call--well said
..should've stopped that shit [ and lot's of other shit ] decades ago
I have to
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted 21-1 to send The Strategic Competition Act to a vote. This could be the first step by politicians under Biden to actively counter many of China's more questionable practices:

"The legislation’s passage comes as the relationship between Washington and Beijing grows increasingly strained. The U.S. has lambasted China over cyber attacks and intellectual property theft, human rights abuses against the Uighur Muslims in the Xinjiang Province and crackdowns on pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong."

Trump was criticized for taking a hard stand against China and it may be that public opinion in the US is also forcing this Congress to address China and its many unacceptable practices:

"A series of recent U.S. public opinion polls show some of the frostiest views ever toward China and indicate growing support for the Biden administration to take tougher stands aimed at influencing Beijing’s behavior."

I have to disagree with Biden on this one. It seems rather Racist to be targeting yellow people like this. I guess I’ll just have to put my trust in him, knowing that he’s one of the most brilliant and compassionate leaders in the world
I have to
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted 21-1 to send The Strategic Competition Act to a vote. This could be the first step by politicians under Biden to actively counter many of China's more questionable practices:

"The legislation’s passage comes as the relationship between Washington and Beijing grows increasingly strained. The U.S. has lambasted China over cyber attacks and intellectual property theft, human rights abuses against the Uighur Muslims in the Xinjiang Province and crackdowns on pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong."

Trump was criticized for taking a hard stand against China and it may be that public opinion in the US is also forcing this Congress to address China and its many unacceptable practices:

"A series of recent U.S. public opinion polls show some of the frostiest views ever toward China and indicate growing support for the Biden administration to take tougher stands aimed at influencing Beijing’s behavior."

I have to disagree with Biden on this one. It seems rather Racist to be targeting yellow people like this. I guess I’ll just have to put my trust in him, knowing that he’s one of the most brilliant and compassionate leaders in the world
he's a dumbass--birds of a feather
I have to
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted 21-1 to send The Strategic Competition Act to a vote. This could be the first step by politicians under Biden to actively counter many of China's more questionable practices:

"The legislation’s passage comes as the relationship between Washington and Beijing grows increasingly strained. The U.S. has lambasted China over cyber attacks and intellectual property theft, human rights abuses against the Uighur Muslims in the Xinjiang Province and crackdowns on pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong."

Trump was criticized for taking a hard stand against China and it may be that public opinion in the US is also forcing this Congress to address China and its many unacceptable practices:

"A series of recent U.S. public opinion polls show some of the frostiest views ever toward China and indicate growing support for the Biden administration to take tougher stands aimed at influencing Beijing’s behavior."

I have to disagree with Biden on this one. It seems rather Racist to be targeting yellow people like this. I guess I’ll just have to put my trust in him, knowing that he’s one of the most brilliant and compassionate leaders in the world

So you approve of China's actions. Does it include this:

The senate is pushing back on China? Why didn't they do this to help President Trump when he was pushing back on the chicoms? Oooohh... wait... probably because turtle face and his CHINESE WIFE controlled the senate.
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted 21-1 to send The Strategic Competition Act to a vote. This could be the first step by politicians under Biden to actively counter many of China's more questionable practices:

"The legislation’s passage comes as the relationship between Washington and Beijing grows increasingly strained. The U.S. has lambasted China over cyber attacks and intellectual property theft, human rights abuses against the Uighur Muslims in the Xinjiang Province and crackdowns on pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong."

Trump was criticized for taking a hard stand against China and it may be that public opinion in the US is also forcing this Congress to address China and its many unacceptable practices:

"A series of recent U.S. public opinion polls show some of the frostiest views ever toward China and indicate growing support for the Biden administration to take tougher stands aimed at influencing Beijing’s behavior."


Probably three decades too late, but still possible if you have everyone pulling the same rope and agencies hiring the right people.

As I've repeated grudgingly, it's only a matter of time before China runs the show and their currency (backed or otherwise) is the de facto global standard. All of this is great news for other nations as well, such as Russia, Iran, Cuba. I don't say this with any glee, it goes against what I firmly believe, even as I've experienced East German tactics against me and my family in Canada.

This is why Trumps policies were so important and the reason so many supported him even as the low I.Q neo-cons and the alt-left wanted him gone. In fact, it was for precisely these reasons they wanted him gone, if they can't have power well damn it NO citizens can, we will just ensure failure for all. Listen to GBW of late as a case in point, another of many who is oblivious and lacking self awareness.

Even today, the U.S hurts it's own sovereignty and sustainability by opening up our borders to illegal entrants, focusing on dividing domestically instead of targeting your global enemy. China silencing nations into submissions and to abide by their wishes is exactly that: submission.

Now we see a virus that kills millions while media and politicians call you names if you announce it's origins. We have an upcoming Olympics which will be leveraged by the CCP to grandstand that they are the premier power on the planet, and again, Western politicians nod and wave. You hear of any politicians in your lifetime being arrested for treason?

Kudos to the CCP, they did a hell of a job in a fairly short period of time. They actually ingrained Stockholm Syndrome into the very societies they conquer. A magnificant achievement, only made possible by the least impressive in positions of authority waving in the enemy.
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted 21-1 to send The Strategic Competition Act to a vote. This could be the first step by politicians under Biden to actively counter many of China's more questionable practices:

"The legislation’s passage comes as the relationship between Washington and Beijing grows increasingly strained. The U.S. has lambasted China over cyber attacks and intellectual property theft, human rights abuses against the Uighur Muslims in the Xinjiang Province and crackdowns on pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong."

Trump was criticized for taking a hard stand against China and it may be that public opinion in the US is also forcing this Congress to address China and its many unacceptable practices:

"A series of recent U.S. public opinion polls show some of the frostiest views ever toward China and indicate growing support for the Biden administration to take tougher stands aimed at influencing Beijing’s behavior."


Probably three decades too late, but still possible if you have everyone pulling the same rope and agencies hiring the right people.

As I've repeated grudgingly, it's only a matter of time before China runs the show and their currency (backed or otherwise) is the de facto global standard. All of this is great news for other nations as well, such as Russia, Iran, Cuba. I don't say this with any glee, it goes against what I firmly believe, even as I've experienced East German tactics against me and my family in Canada.

This is why Trumps policies were so important and the reason so many supported him even as the low I.Q neo-cons and the alt-left wanted him gone. In fact, it was for precisely these reasons they wanted him gone, if they can't have power well damn it NO citizens can, we will just ensure failure for all. Listen to GBW of late as a case in point, another of many who is oblivious and lacking self awareness.

Even today, the U.S hurts it's own sovereignty and sustainability by opening up our borders to illegal entrants, focusing on dividing domestically instead of targeting your global enemy. China silencing nations into submissions and to abide by their wishes is exactly that: submission.

Now we see a virus that kills millions while media and politicians call you names if you announce it's origins. We have an upcoming Olympics which will be leveraged by the CCP to grandstand that they are the premier power on the planet, and again, Western politicians nod and wave. You hear of any politicians in your lifetime being arrested for treason?

Kudos to the CCP, they did a hell of a job in a fairly short period of time. They actually ingrained Stockholm Syndrome into the very societies they conquer. A magnificant achievement, only made possible by the least impressive in positions of authority waving in the enemy.

I really don't think it was that hard for the Chinese. They understood how to create and propagate a message and which politicians to invest in to get the needed support. They weren't worried about creating debt in the building of their economy and couldn't care less what their citizens thought or wanted. They stole intellectual property and manipulated their currency to make it difficult for other nations to compete on the basis of price and where desirable used slave labor to deliver products cheaply.

There is no fair trade where China is concerned. Humane treatment of their citizens is non-existent, they are the world's biggest polluter and biggest global bully.

Sad how we can tolerate anything in return for a cheap product.


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