US Savage Imperialism

The only people denying the class war are ignorant slaves.

Explain why returns to wealth have increased by a factor of 2 over the last generation for the richest 2% of Americans?

Hard work or campaign donations to Republicans AND Democrats?
"Class war" is used by people like you as an excuse for laziness.

Which The Man is keeping you down, George? Hint: Look in a mirror.

Well, maybe, but conjuring up something as fantastically ridiculous as "Class War" seems to be well beyond the ability of The Lazy.

The Lazy don't need excuses. By definition, The Lazy are too lazy.

Instead we need to examine the role of academia, well meaning, but unrealistic, they have fabricated the "Class War" Theory to inspire students' to consider an alternative universe instead of beer bongs and videos of "Girls Gone Wild."
The only people denying the class war are ignorant slaves.

Explain why returns to wealth have increased by a factor of 2 over the last generation for the richest 2% of Americans?

Hard work or campaign donations to Republicans AND Democrats?
"Class war" is used by people like you as an excuse for laziness.

Which The Man is keeping you down, George? Hint: Look in a mirror.

Well, maybe, but conjuring up something as fantastically ridiculous as "Class War" seems to be well beyond the ability of The Lazy.

The Lazy don't need excuses. By definition, The Lazy are too lazy.

Instead we need to examine the role of academia, well meaning, but unrealistic, they have fabricated the "Class War" Theory to inspire students' to consider an alternative universe instead of beer bongs and videos of "Girls Gone Wild."
Perhaps. But in George's case, it's accurate. He's an acknowledged failure in life. He wants the government to take stuff away from those who worked for it and give it to him.
"Class war" is used by people like you as an excuse for laziness.

Which The Man is keeping you down, George? Hint: Look in a mirror.

Well, maybe, but conjuring up something as fantastically ridiculous as "Class War" seems to be well beyond the ability of The Lazy.

The Lazy don't need excuses. By definition, The Lazy are too lazy.

Instead we need to examine the role of academia, well meaning, but unrealistic, they have fabricated the "Class War" Theory to inspire students' to consider an alternative universe instead of beer bongs and videos of "Girls Gone Wild."
Perhaps. But in George's case, it's accurate. He's an acknowledged failure in life. He wants the government to take stuff away from those who worked for it and give it to him.

Who wouldn't?
I'll tell you why you'll dance around anything remotely concrete regarding your, "Class War," George: Because it is an absurd abstraction designed only for the amusement of inhabitants of Ivory Towers.

you certainly didn't disappoint my prediction that you'd once again dance around the issue

Do you see anything remotely concrete about current levels of inequality?

Why do you think the richest 2% have made such spectacular gains in returns to wealth over the last generation?

WTF is a "spectacular gains in returns to wealth?" Isn't that the definition of being in the richest 2%??

I see a very definite "concreteness" in the "current levels of inequality [of wealth]." But I do NOT see a conflict between these levels.

Since you've dodged my questions, I'll go ahead and answer them for you: The "class war" is over.

The wealthy won.
Do you disagree with these numbers?

"...Thanks largely to the $13 trillion Wall Street bailout – while keeping the debt overhead in place for America’s 'bottom 98 per cent' – this happy 2 per cent of the population now receives an estimated three quarters (~75 per cent) of the returns to wealth (interest, dividends, rent and capital gains).

"This is nearly double what it received a generation ago..."

Michael Hudson
Do you see anything remotely concrete about current levels of inequality?

Why do you think the richest 2% have made such spectacular gains in returns to wealth over the last generation?

They worked for it. They saw opportunities and took risks.

You could have done the same thing, but you chose the lazy way out: Demand government take things away from the rich and give them to you.
Did they benefit from the $13 trillion Wall Street bail out while "keeping the debt overhead in place for America's bottom '98' percent?"

Did their campaign contributions to Republicans AND Democrats influence government's tax bias in favor of debt over equity financing?

Maybe you dispute the principle that wealth and economic inequality adversely affect job creation?

"This is because the wealthy soon reach a limit on how much they can consume.

"They spend their money buying financial securities – mainly bonds, which end up indebting the economy.

"And the debt overhead is what is pushing today’s economy into deepening depression."

Michael Hudson
they are winning, that much is empirically provable. Neither capital nor labor can ever "win" ultimately because capitalism defines a symbiotic relationship between the haves and the have nots that self perpetuates infinitely.

It's a Taoist thing. You got yangholate in my yinbutter.
Any thoughts on how the have-nots would be affected if the dollar loses its reserve currency status?

Do you see any credible scenario for hyperinflation?

Have-nots, by definition (not having dollars), wouldn't be effected by hyperinflation or the loss of the dollar's reserve currency status.
Have-not, by definition not having as many dollars, would be affected if the Federal Reserve turned every $10bill in the Land into a $5 bill.
What were his contributions? I've never seen any other than his hatred of America.

1. He has figured out how to make an exceptional fortune while living as a self-described ‘anarchist-socialist’ dissident in a capitalist society he has described as a ‘police state.’

a. He claims to be constantly threatened with censorship, while publishing dozens of books.

b. He denounces the Pentagon as the epitome of evil, while making million from his work for the very same institution. As a tenured MIT professor he actually works for the Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT, and same is entirely funded by the Pentagon and a few multinational corporations.

c. His first book, “Syntactic Structures,” was written with grants from the US Army (Signal Corp), the Air Force (Office of Scientific Research, Air Research, and Development Command), and Office of Naval Research.

2. A Professor of Linguistics, Chomsky is vital to the air force and others to improve their “increasingly large investment in so-called ‘command and control’ computer systems” that were being used in Vietnam. Since the computer cannot ‘understand’ English, the commanders’ communications must be translated into a language that the computer can use. Noam Chomsky: Politics or Science?

Hey, George, looks like your hero is a war profiteer, making money off dead civilians all over the world.

Will you keep supporting him (silly question...of course you will), and how will you explain that support?
Chomsky is a Joo. It's what they do best.
Walk into a room full of hundreds of people and ask if anyone would like to be interviewed. You'll quickly find out who is Joo and who IsN't.
The assholes are 1.5% of the US population and far, far less worldwide.
Open a paper, a website, a movie, open the Yellow Pages to personal injury attorney and what is the first thing that pops up ?
Yep. Ukranians :lol::lol::lol:
The only people denying the class war are ignorant slaves.

Explain why returns to wealth have increased by a factor of 2 over the last generation for the richest 2% of Americans?

Hard work or campaign donations to Republicans AND Democrats?
"Class war" is used by people like you as an excuse for laziness.

Which The Man is keeping you down, George? Hint: Look in a mirror.

Well, maybe, but conjuring up something as fantastically ridiculous as "Class War" seems to be well beyond the ability of The Lazy.

The Lazy don't need excuses. By definition, The Lazy are too lazy.

Instead we need to examine the role of academia, well meaning, but unrealistic, they have fabricated the "Class War" Theory to inspire students' to consider an alternative universe instead of beer bongs and videos of "Girls Gone Wild."
Seen any good pitchfork videos lately?

"(t)he pitchfork-wielders of today are not rock-throwing Trotskyites; they are, largely, politically moderate (or conservative) people who believe in capitalism and in making money.

"And I also think that there has been a relative shift in economic fortunes away from the small business owning class that we like to think of as the bedrock of American society (the modern version of the yeoman farmer of the eighteenth century), and toward a new elite made up of corporate CEOs, investment bankers, and hedge fund managers.

"Where this will end up I do not know."

Do you?

Who's Got Those...
Do you see anything remotely concrete about current levels of inequality?

Why do you think the richest 2% have made such spectacular gains in returns to wealth over the last generation?

They worked for it. They saw opportunities and took risks.

You could have done the same thing, but you chose the lazy way out: Demand government take things away from the rich and give them to you.
Did they benefit from the $13 trillion Wall Street bail out while "keeping the debt overhead in place for America's bottom '98' percent?"

Did their campaign contributions to Republicans AND Democrats influence government's tax bias in favor of debt over equity financing?

Maybe you dispute the principle that wealth and economic inequality adversely affect job creation?

"This is because the wealthy soon reach a limit on how much they can consume.

"They spend their money buying financial securities – mainly bonds, which end up indebting the economy.

"And the debt overhead is what is pushing today’s economy into deepening depression."

Michael Hudson
Get off your lazy ass and get to work.
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1. He has figured out how to make an exceptional fortune while living as a self-described ‘anarchist-socialist’ dissident in a capitalist society he has described as a ‘police state.’

a. He claims to be constantly threatened with censorship, while publishing dozens of books.

b. He denounces the Pentagon as the epitome of evil, while making million from his work for the very same institution. As a tenured MIT professor he actually works for the Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT, and same is entirely funded by the Pentagon and a few multinational corporations.

c. His first book, “Syntactic Structures,” was written with grants from the US Army (Signal Corp), the Air Force (Office of Scientific Research, Air Research, and Development Command), and Office of Naval Research.

2. A Professor of Linguistics, Chomsky is vital to the air force and others to improve their “increasingly large investment in so-called ‘command and control’ computer systems” that were being used in Vietnam. Since the computer cannot ‘understand’ English, the commanders’ communications must be translated into a language that the computer can use. Noam Chomsky: Politics or Science?

Hey, George, looks like your hero is a war profiteer, making money off dead civilians all over the world.

Will you keep supporting him (silly question...of course you will), and how will you explain that support?
Chomsky is a Joo. It's what they do best.
Walk into a room full of hundreds of people and ask if anyone would like to be interviewed. You'll quickly find out who is Joo and who IsN't.
The assholes are 1.5% of the US population and far, far less worldwide.
Open a paper, a website, a movie, open the Yellow Pages to personal injury attorney and what is the first thing that pops up ?
Yep. Ukranians :lol::lol::lol:
Crap. Ignore that pos rep. Meant to neg you. I'll make up for it later.
They worked for it. They saw opportunities and took risks.

You could have done the same thing, but you chose the lazy way out: Demand government take things away from the rich and give them to you.
Did they benefit from the $13 trillion Wall Street bail out while "keeping the debt overhead in place for America's bottom '98' percent?"

Did their campaign contributions to Republicans AND Democrats influence government's tax bias in favor of debt over equity financing?

Maybe you dispute the principle that wealth and economic inequality adversely affect job creation?

"This is because the wealthy soon reach a limit on how much they can consume.

"They spend their money buying financial securities – mainly bonds, which end up indebting the economy.

"And the debt overhead is what is pushing today’s economy into deepening depression."

Michael Hudson
Get off your lazy ass and get to work.
Good idea.

How about starting with John Lewis Gaddis and his work linking the Bush doctrine with John Quincy Adam's grand strategy?

Do you think expansion is the path to security, and we'll never be "safe" until we control everything, not just within our hemisphere, but over the entire globe?

US Savage
Well, maybe, but conjuring up something as fantastically ridiculous as "Class War" seems to be well beyond the ability of The Lazy.

The Lazy don't need excuses. By definition, The Lazy are too lazy.

Instead we need to examine the role of academia, well meaning, but unrealistic, they have fabricated the "Class War" Theory to inspire students' to consider an alternative universe instead of beer bongs and videos of "Girls Gone Wild."

Oh blow me. The class war has been THE defining trait of politics since kings ruled city states and commandeered the masses into fighting their inter citystate wars.

Our constitution is as ripe an example of class warfare paradigm as any document ever drafted. Only WHITE, MEN who OWNED PROPERTY were allowed to be citizens.

How could any credible person read that and not see it as a 100% class war statement?

Slavery isn't a class war paradigm?
"Class War"
....what an extraordinary theory that has no doubt kept sociology professors employed for the past century.

I wonder, why hasn't the richest 2% of Americans "won?"....or lost? Why don't we know one way or the other? What will happen when they "win?"

I'll tell you why you'll dance around anything remotely concrete regarding your, "Class War," George: Because it is an absurd abstraction designed only for the amusement of inhabitants of Ivory Towers.

they are winning, that much is empirically provable. Neither capital nor labor can ever "win" ultimately because capitalism defines a symbiotic relationship between the haves and the have nots that self perpetuates infinitely.

It's a Taoist thing. You got yangholate in my yinbutter.
Any thoughts on how the have-nots would be affected if the dollar loses its reserve currency status?

Do you see any credible scenario for hyperinflation?

of course, but considering our current state I sort of welcome it. Hyperinflation is neither progressive or regressive and it allows us to pay down our debt.
they are winning, that much is empirically provable. Neither capital nor labor can ever "win" ultimately because capitalism defines a symbiotic relationship between the haves and the have nots that self perpetuates infinitely.

It's a Taoist thing. You got yangholate in my yinbutter.
Any thoughts on how the have-nots would be affected if the dollar loses its reserve currency status?

Do you see any credible scenario for hyperinflation?

Have-nots, by definition (not having dollars), wouldn't be effected by hyperinflation or the loss of the dollar's reserve currency status.

Of course they would be. Their wages are denominated in shrinking dollars.
Do you see anything remotely concrete about current levels of inequality?

Why do you think the richest 2% have made such spectacular gains in returns to wealth over the last generation?

They worked for it. They saw opportunities and took risks.

You could have done the same thing, but you chose the lazy way out: Demand government take things away from the rich and give them to you.

The rich never work, they scam. Get a clue.
Google is your friend.

He was only quoted fictionally. There is no Satan.

Satan was never quoted. There is no Satan.

I win, you haul the goal posts!
I've done the math. The answer is you will swallow anything Chomsky tells you. The Pentagon doesn't pay him for his political opinions, as I've shown.

Your little tin god tells you capitalism is he cashes his big checks. He tells you the American military is evil...and they're the ones signing those big checks.

You're a useful idiot for a hypocrite, a willing tool. As such, you have no business comparing IQs with anyone.

You have shown nothing except your willingness to stretch anything into reinforcement for your pre manufactured beliefs.
It makes a funny sound when leftist memes collide with reality. :lol:

The pentagon supports Chomsky. Literally. Case closed.
The Pentagon supports Chomsky's linguistics. Not his moonbat bullshit.

The Pentagon supports his dept at MIT without qualifications on what he does within it.

The Pentagon supports Chomsky's work. Proving you a mouth breathing know nothing.
Do you see anything remotely concrete about current levels of inequality?

Why do you think the richest 2% have made such spectacular gains in returns to wealth over the last generation?

They worked for it. They saw opportunities and took risks.

You could have done the same thing, but you chose the lazy way out: Demand government take things away from the rich and give them to you.

The rich never work, they scam. Get a clue.
Spoken like someone who think's he's owed what he hasn't earned. Envy much?
Amazing how he got elected then, isn't it?

Or maybe you're just full of crap. Yes, that's far more likely.

And how quickly that support declined. He got 54% of the vote among about 52% of Americans who voted. And he was the first and only half black dude who did so. And that support lasted less than one year.

Meanwhile good racist Americans still oppose the islamofascists who don't exist, Mexicans who do exist and socialism that is pale compared to the corporate variety. ACORN is a still a buzzword, as is Jeremiah Wright and folks still question his citizenship.

Face it, hombre, we were founded on racism and still cling to our racism and guns and religion. Two of the three you admit to openly in this thread.

And you don't understand Chomsky. But the pentagon does and they choose to support his dept because they want his insights.

That must burn the feathers off of your chickenhearted breasts.
My goodness, but you're stupid. :lol:

I have been trying to tell you for weeks: stupid people with IQs in the 100-115 range can't understand anything above the 130-140 IQ range.

IOW you would consider any extremely intelligent pov stupid if it didn't jive with your existing stupid prejudice.

It isn't that you are a bad guy, you just can't hang with real thinkers. That's a fact Jack.

You can post criticism of Chomsky all you want, but you can't understand anything he says. That's reality.

You have no clue what you are criticizing or why.

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