US Now Leads World in ChiCom Flu, Thanks Biden


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Everything has been dropped into the cesspit since January.

United States leads the world in the daily average number of new infections reported, accounting for one in every 9 infections reported worldwide each day​

Meanwhile in mask free, only 42% vaccinated, no business shutdowns Sweden, they haven’t had a ChiCom Flu death in weeks.
Biden let the Delta variant in. He did nothing to prevent it. No travel restrictions, open border with millions of infected illegals. Then he even ships the infected illegals all around the country. It’s an engineered disaster, and the architect is Joe Biden and his handlers.
Biden let the Delta variant in. He did nothing to prevent it. No travel restrictions, open border with millions of infected illegals. Then he even ships the infected illegals all around the country. It’s an engineered disaster, and the architect is Joe Biden and his handlers.
Biden let this happen to make his fascist plans work.
Everyone that wants a free vaccine is racing over here from all over the 3rd and 4th world.....and half of them already have covid....
Fauci says beta test vaxers are super spreaders and need a double diaper on your head to keep from giving your ChiCom Flu to others.

Dont worry, the center for disease creation has us covered with a zombie preparedness page. I am not kidding.

Plugs is quickly becoming our most prolific serial killer with his Joe-vid. If the stuttering fuck actually cared about the fatalities he would close the southern border. But the filthy fucking animals couldn't care less.

As their numbers thin they know Dominion will make up the difference. <wink>
Everything has been dropped into the cesspit since January.

United States leads the world in the daily average number of new infections reported, accounting for one in every 9 infections reported worldwide each day​

Meanwhile in mask free, only 42% vaccinated, no business shutdowns Sweden, they haven’t had a ChiCom Flu death in weeks.
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The lack of leadership in the US appears to be the worst in the entire world

Otherwise, why would the US lead the world in Covid deaths?

I just hope the US finds some leadership soon.

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