US Navy names new aircraft carrier after mass murderers Bill Clinton And George W Bush

Only in liberal America will you see an Aircraft Carrier named for a draft dodger. God only knows what hanky panky might happen with a co-ed crew on an Aircraft Carrier named Bubba Bill Clinton.
The FBI should have known that on their own. There was a video documentary about that way back then, and the local Sheriff had told the feds that Koresh went to the Post Office every Saturday around noon.

The feds were just looking to shoot up a bunch of innocents. Delta Force shamefully went along with it.

The question is where did the buck stop?

Reno or Bill Clinton.

I kinda found Janet Reno to be "overtly in support of violence against people she hated," remembering what she did with Elian Gonzalez... good grief...
It seems like they are only naming them after each president so no one’s feelings get hurt.

I liked it better when they were named after battles.
We ran out of battle names in the middle of WWII because we wee building them within a year of the referenced battle or when the earlier carrier sunk (Wap, Hornet for example). The Brits really know how to name ships. We should use those too.

Next up, the USS Big Mamma
More insanity from our woke military. In 1993 bill Clinton deliberately burned alive 85 americans at waco texas. He sent in military tanks to flatten the buildings where he knew these people were. IT WAS ON TV!! Bush lied us into the iraq war.

Bush never lied. He was told what the CIA told him. Not that it should matter. Killing Saddam was pretty fucking awesome, and we killed tens of thousands of terrorists. Our only mistake in Iraq was rebuilding it. We should have cleaned house, built a permanent military base with airport in Kabul, and let the iraqis clean up the mess outside our base.
Bush never lied. He was told what the CIA told him. Not that it should matter. Killing Saddam was pretty fucking awesome, and we killed tens of thousands of terrorists. Our only mistake in Iraq was rebuilding it. We should have cleaned house, built a permanent military base with airport in Kabul, and let the iraqis clean up the mess outside our base.
Iraq was not involved in 9/11. That was an inside job. Iraq never did anything to us.
More insanity from our woke military. In 1993 bill Clinton deliberately burned alive 85 americans at waco texas. He sent in military tanks to flatten the buildings where he knew these people were. IT WAS ON TV!! Bush lied us into the iraq war.


"So where are you stationed?"

"I'm working on the Bush".......
The question is where did the buck stop?

Reno or Bill Clinton.

I kinda found Janet Reno to be "overtly in support of violence against people she hated," remembering what she did with Elian Gonzalez... good grief...
I'm no fan of either Reno or Clinton. As far as I'm concerned, Clinton's time in office demonstrated clearly that rapists are perfectly capable of being POTUS.

Where does the buck stop? Why does it matter? We live in times of universal deception and illegitimate governance.
More insanity from our woke military. In 1993 bill Clinton deliberately burned alive 85 americans at waco texas. He sent in military tanks to flatten the buildings where he knew these people were. IT WAS ON TV!! Bush lied us into the iraq war.

The Branch Davidians committed mass suicide. No great loss.

Bush lied us into a war, but we all went along with it and even re-elected him.

Now, all that said, naming Carriers after these guys is wrong. I've always had problem with naming carriers after living presidents (Reagan and Bush Sr. got carriers named after them when they were still around. Jimmy Carter got a submarine.

If you want to name carriers after Presidents, US Grant, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, and a few others are far more deserving.

Also because you already have a carrier named after Bush's father (CVN-77), which means you'll have Two George Bushes operating at the same time.
More insanity from our woke military. In 1993 bill Clinton deliberately burned alive 85 americans at waco texas. He sent in military tanks to flatten the buildings where he knew these people were. IT WAS ON TV!! Bush lied us into the iraq war.

Koresh messed around and found out just like you will.

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